Select Internal Global Index Records


The options offered under Option 3 - UTILITIES of the selection menu serve to select and display the internal global index records (IGL).

Time selection

The following options are offered:

The selection and display of the data records under these two options is the same. The only difference between these two options is to which timestamp of the IGL the specified time selection refers:

Select Internal Global Index Records panel

PE97IL00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> _________________________________________________________________

 Select Internal Global Index Records Selection : READER

 Select from Last ===> 99 Days... 01-99 (H)ours,(D)ays,(M)inutes
 or blanks to define Start/End

 Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY) ===> .......... Start Time ===> ________
 End Date (MM/DD/YYYY) ===> __________ End Time ===> ________

 Optional Selection Criteria:

 Form ===> ________ Status ===> ERROR (O)kay,(E)rror,M(D)el
 Extension ===> ________________ RC ===> ____ M(I)ns
 Report ===> ________________ IC ===> ____
 Index Name ===> ________________
 Folder ===> ________________________________
 Owner ===> CUST001_

 Press the ENTER key to display the selected records.
 Press the END key to return to the previous menu.

Selection according to status

Enter a value in the Status field, if you would only like to display internal global index records with a specific status:


Requests, which were processed by B97GLOBL error-free (when being inserted into, as well as being deleted from the global index)


Requests, which ended with an error (when being inserted into, as well as being deleted from the global index) when being processed by B97GLOBL


Requests for deleting from the global index, which were not yet processed by B97GLOBL


Requests for inserting into the global index, which were not yet processed by B97GLOBL