Software AG Products 2.4.1 | Reference Guide | Programming Considerations | Response Code Analysis
Response Code Analysis
Adabas Pre-Compiler includes the RESPINT module. RESPINT interprets irregular response codes according to the text stored in the Natural system file FNAT. The module gets the control block, the number of the FNAT file and a string of 8 characters. The string represents the line sequence number of the Adabas Pre-Compiler command that caused the invalid response code along with the format, record, search, and value buffers. It also contains the database id of the FNAT file and the CLN1, CLN2, TRCE, and CLNNUM fields.
Adabas Pre-Compiler generates calls to this module automatically. The RESPINT module prints out a message containing the response code interpretation and the content of the control block. It also prints the line number, calls the PRTRACE module, and abends the run.
It is possible to substitute this module with a user-written one. For more information about how to modify the regular response code analysis procedure, see @ABORT. ET mode users must check the response code for response=9 (auto-backout for ET). Adabas Pre-Compiler ignores this response code. In this case, the Adabas Pre-Compiler command is not performed and has to be repeated.
Check response code 145 when using the RETURN option with HOLD, and response code 198 when adding or updating a unique descriptor.