Software AG Products 2.4.1 | Reference Guide | Default Statements | Detailed Syntax | @MODE
The @MODE statement determines the running environment to which Adabas Pre-Compiler must adapt the program.
The syntax for the statement is as follows:
Syntax of the mode statement
If used, this statement has to appear at the beginning of the program. The EXU, UPD, and ACC parameters define the Adabas run mode. They are required either when no @OPEN command is issued, or when the @OPEN command is not the first execution command in the procedure division. For additional information about the run modes, see the @OPEN command.
The TRACE option indicates that the @TRACE command is used. If the @TRACE command appears and the TRACE option does not appear in the @MODE command, Adabas Pre-Compiler does not activate the trace.
The NOUPD option causes Adabas Pre-Compiler to ignore all update (@ADD, @DELETE, @UPDATE) commands. Adabas Pre-Compiler generates the usual update statements, excluding the Adabas call, so that the TRACE options might show the contents of the buffers for update commands.
The FLOW option causes Adabas Pre-Compiler to generate code for printing a flow of Adabas Pre-Compiler commands during execution time. This debug aid is important for following the execution process.
The NOFLOW keyword causes Adabas Pre-Compiler to skip the generation of the moves to the variables CLN1, CLN2 and CSEQ. In this case, the FLOW and the TRACE options are not available, and Adabas Pre-Compiler cannot print out the source statement if a runtime error is detected.
The FORMAT option is for users who require the format buffer to be generated containing the length and format of all the fields, in all the @ADADCL statements. It also causes groups to be separated into their elements in the format buffer. This option is useful if there is a difference between the definition of the file and fields in Predict and the physical file layout. For example:
This statement nvokes the no update option.
This statement invokes the no update option and the flow option.