Upgrade to ADL 2.3

The tape delivered for ADL 2.3 may be considered as a normal installation tape as described in the ADL Installation documentation.

However, if ADL is already installed, follow the steps outlined in Upgrading to New ADL Releases in section Miscellaneous of the ADL Installation documentation. Additionally to the general procedure, all data which have been converted with ADL 2.2 or below must be migrated to the new ADL 2.3 layout. See Migration to ADL 2.3 and Backward Migration in the ADL Installation documentation.

The following ADL procedures have been changed with ADL 2.3:

  • The SEQ parameter in the DBD conversion has become obsolete. A new parameter LOGID is defined for the DBD conversion. It is only required if the data has been migrated from ADL 2.2 or if the database is involved in logical relationships. See ADL Conversion Utilities for DBDs and PSBs in the ADL Conversion documentation.

  • The Consistency table of non-converted Adabas files DAZNCF must be replaced by the table of converted Adabas file DAZTCF. See Consistency Interface in the section Batch Installation and Operation of the ADL Interfaces documentation for further information.

  • The ADL substitute for the Adabas link module in batch, ADALNK must be linked with the Adabas link-globals-table LNKGBLS when running with Adabas version 8 or above. See the section z/OS Installation or z/VSE Installation in the ADL Installation documentation for details.

  • The activation of ADL under z/OS CICS requires the installation of an SVC. See CICS Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for further information.

  • z/OS CICS application programs which have been linked with the ADL language interface DAZLICI2, must be re-linked with the new language interface DAZLICI3. This is especially true for all precompiled EXEC DLI programs. See CICS Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for further information.