z/OS Installation Medium

The Adabas Bridge for DL/I installation medium is a standard-label medium. The Software AG Product Delivery Report that accompanies the installation medium lists the volume serial number, medium density, media type, data sets and sequence numbers. The medium is compatible with Software AG's System Maintenance Aid (SMA). Refer to the SMA documentation for more details.

The ADL installation medium for systems operating under the IBM z/OS Operating System contains the data sets as described in the table below. The "LOAD", "LC23" and "SOURCE" data sets have been unloaded to medium using the IBM IEBCOPY utility, and the other data sets have been copied by the IBM IEBGENER utility.

In this table, vrs indicates the current version, release and system maintenance (SM) level as indicated on the Software AG Product Delivery Report, for example 123 for Version 1, Release 2 and SM 3.

Library Description
ADLvrs.LOAD This data set contains the ADL Load Library, which comprises the load modules used to link edit executable ADL modules.
ADLvrs.LC23 This data set contains the executable ADL modules required for CICS TS 2.3 and below.
ADLvrs.SRCE The ADL Source Library. This data set contains JCL examples for installing the ADL and converting DL/I data bases, as well as macros for reassembling DBDs and PSBs, and source code for sample data base unload programs.
ADLvrs.SYSF An unloaded Adabas file for use as the ADL directory file.
ADLvrs.INPL An unloaded Natural library containing the ADL Online Services and the ADL Installation Verification Package.

The following sections describe the libraries in more detail.

This document covers the following topics:

ADL Load Library

When loaded from the installation medium, the ADL Load Library contains executable ADL load modules and load modules used in the installation process to create executable load modules. The precise contents of the library are listed in the following table.

Module Description
ADLEXITB Adabas User Exit for the ADL Consistence Interface under CICS/ESA.
DAZAXES ADL nucleus module containing the logic for generating and issuing Adabas calls.
DAZBDOKE Batch doorkeeper for the ADL Consistency Interface.
DAZBENT Batch entry point module.
DAZBIFP Batch interface program (object module).
DAZBRQH Batch request handler.
DAZCAPRI CICS application program interface.
DAZCCGEN ADL nucleus module for the CBC utility.
DAZCCOUT ADL nucleus module for the CBC utility.
DAZCCSUB ADL nucleus module for the CBC utility.
DAZCDOKE CICS doorkeeper for the ADL Consistency Interface.
DAZCDPOS ADL nucleus module containing the logic for retrieval calls and for maintaining positional information.
DAZCDUMP CICS — Write ADL tables on dump file.
DAZCEND CICS — ADL shut-down program (PLT).
DAZCICS CICS control program.
DAZCIFP CICS interface program.
DAZCINF CICS — Return status of ADL.
DAZCINIT CICS — ADL start-up program (PLT).
DAZCLUB CICS – Allocate local user blocks.
DAZCONSI Environment independent routines of the ADL Consistency Interface.
DAZCRQH CICS request handler.
DAZCTOFF CICS — Switch off ADL trace.
DAZCTON CICS — Switch on ADL trace.
DAZDEBUG ADL nucleus module containing tracing and debugging routines.
DAZDREIN ADL nucleus module containing the logic for DELETE, REPLACE and INSERT calls.
DAZELORE Establish Logical Relationships utility.
DAZENTRY Entry program for IMS/TP application programs.
DAZEXEC ADL nucleus module containing the logic for the EXEC command precompiler.
DAZIFP Batch interface program - executable module (AMODE=24).
DAZINICB ADL nucleus module containing the logic for initializing internal control blocks.
DAZLANP ADL nucleus module containing the logic for the language processor.
DAZLIBAT Language Interface for batch mode.
DAZLICI3 Language interface for CICS.
DAZMIX Batch mixed mode module.
DAZMPL Pre-load program for IMS/TP.
DAZREFOR Reformat utility.
DAZSERV ADL nucleus module containing general purpose service routines.
DAZSTUB CICS — Stub for the ADL task-related user exit.
DAZSYNC CICS — ADL task-related user exit.
DAZSYXTB ADL nucleus module containing the EXEC command syntax.
DAZUEX06 Adabas User Exit 6.
DAZUEXMI Adabas User Exit 6 for migration to ADL 2.3.
DAZUNDLI Data Base Unload utility (automated procedure).
DAZZAP ADL nucleus module containing zaps for nucleus routines.
DAZZLER Program to test DL/I calls in batch.

ADL Load Library for CICS TS 2.3 and below

The standard ADL load library contains the modules for CICS TS 3.1 and CICS TS 3.2. For CICS releases with changes relevant to ADL, an additional library is delivered containing the ADL modules affected. This library is not a complete ADL load library; it contains only the CICS release dependent ADL modules.

When loaded from the installation medium, the ADL Load Library for CICS TS 2.3 and below contains executable ADL load modules required to operate the ADL under CICS TS 2.3 or below (until CICS 3.2). When you run under any of these CICS releases, concatenate this library in front of the ADL load library when you link the ADL CICS nucleus DAZNUCC, and in the concatenation list of the CICS steplibs.

If your current CICS version is not compatible to the ADL modules, ADL will issue a message ADL0906 at start-up.

The precise contents of the library are listed in the following table.

Module Description
DAZCICS CICS control program.
DAZCIFP CICS interface program.
DAZCLUB CICS – Allocate local user blocks.
DAZCRQH CICS request handler.

ADL Source Library

When loaded from the installation medium, the ADL Source Library contains:

  • Macros for creating an ADL parameter module;

  • Macros for creating Adabas User Exit 6 extensions;

  • Macros for creating the CICS runtime control tables;

  • Macros for assembling DBDs and PSBs (substitutes for the original DL/IDBDGEN and PSBGEN macros);

  • Source code for sample unload programs;

  • Source code for performing ADL functions under CICS;

  • Source code for the ADL supplied Adabas link module substitutes;

  • Sample JCL.

The following table lists the other macros contained in this library.

Member Description
DAZLDT Macro used to create entries for logical DBID/FNR assignments in the ADL parameter module. This macro is provided for compatibility with ADL 2.2 only.
DAZTCF Macro used to create the table of converted files for the ADL Consistency Interface (batch or CICS).
DAZPARM Macro used to create the ADL parameter module.
ZFNR Macro used to create Adabas User Exit 6 extensions.
ZPCK Macro used to create Adabas User Exit 6 extensions.
ZREC Macro used to create Adabas User Exit 6 extensions.
ZSEG Macro used to create Adabas User Exit 6 extensions.
ZSEX Macro used to create Adabas User Exit 6 extensions.
ZVCK Macro used to create Adabas User Exit 6 extensions.
MGPSTIN Macro used to create the DAZPSB table.
MGPSTEN Macro used to create the DAZPSB table.
MGPSTFI Macro used to create the DAZPSB table.
DFHDLPSB Macro used to create a DAZPSB table from a CICS PDIR.
BUFMAC Macro used to create the DAZBUF table.
DBDMAC Macro used to create the DAZDBD table.
MEXRENDS DSECT describing an entry in the exit routine table for index maintenance.

The following table lists the source members used during the assembly of the ADL supplied Adabas link module substitute:

Member Description
DAZLNKO Source member to be assembled as the ADL supplied Adabas link module substitute in batch.
DAZLNK Operating system independent part of the ADL supplied Adabas link module substitute in batch.
LNKOS Operating system dependent part of the ADL supplied Adabas link module substitute in batch.

The following table lists the sample JCL streams for the installation and conversion processes:

Member Description
ADLINS1 JCL for loading the ADL source and load library from medium.
ADLINS2 JCL for loading the ADL directory file from medium.
ADLINS2A JCL for updating an existing ADL directory file.
ADLINS3 JCL for an initial program load of the ADL Online Services, the ADL supplied Natural subprograms ADLERROR and ADLACTIV and an initial program load of the Natural programs for the ADL Installation Verification Package.
ADLINS4 JCL for creating the ADL parameter module.
ADLINS5U JCL for creating an executable ADL CBC utility module.
ADLINS6P JCL for creating an executable ADL precompiler module.
ADLINS7B JCL for creating an executable ADL batch module.
ADLINS8A JCL for creating an executable ADL Consistency Interface module for batch.
ADLINS9C JCL for creating an executable ADL CICS module.
ADLINS10 JCL for creating an executable ADL Batch Region Controller.
ADLINS11 JCL for assembly and link-edit of the ADL substitute for the Adabas link module in batch.
ADLINS12 JCL for assembly and link-edit of the ADL substitute for the Adabas link module under CICS.
ADLDPC JCL for running a physical DBD through the DBD conversion process.
ADLDPC1 JCL for assembling and link editing a DBD/PSB.
ADLDPC2 JCL for converting PSBs and logical DBDs.
ADLDPC23 JCL for converting physical DBDs.
ADLDPC4 JCL for assembling the User Exit 6 extension.
ADLDBC4 JCL for unloading a DL/I data base with the DAZUNDLI utility
ADLDBC6 JCL for loading a DL/I data base into Adabas (initial load).
ADLDBC7 JCL for loading a DL/I data base to Adabas (mass update).
ADLDBC9 JCL for establishing a logical relationship.
ADLCSD Sample CICS system definition file.
ADLCTG1 JCL for assembling the DAZPSB table.
ADLCTG2 JCL for running the "DAZSHINE" utility.
ADLCTG3 JCL for assembling the DAZBUF table.
ADLCTG4 JCL for assembling the DAZDBD table.
ADLCFCT JCL for precompile, assembly and link-edit of DAZCFCT.
ADLTCF JCL for assembly of the DAZTCF table.
ADLBATCH JCL for running the DAZZLER CALLDLI test program with the trace facility.

Note the naming conventions for the JCL examples:

ADLxxxnn  General sample JCL
IVPxxxnn  JCL for the Installation Verification package

where xxx is

INS for the installation steps (refer to the z/OS Installation documentation;
DPC for the DBD/PSB conversion steps (section ADL Conversion Utilities for DBDs and PSBs in the ADL Conversion documentation);
DBC for the data base conversion steps (section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation);
CTG for the CICS table generation (section Generating the Runtime Control Tables), in the ADL Interfaces documentation;
TCF for the generation of the table of converted Adabas files. (see the section Batch Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation);

and nn is the number of the step.

The other members in the Source Library are as follows:

Member Description
$INFO$ Information about the current ADL release.
DAZUNLOD Source of the sample unload program.
DAZREFOR Source of the sample reformatting program.
DAZCFCT Source of the sample program to perform ADL functions under CICS.
ADLEX06 ADACMP User Exit 6 skeleton, for changing the layout of an ADL file.
ADLIMEX Sample user exit routine for index maintenance.
IVPINFO Abbreviations used by the ADL Installation Verification Package (IVP).
IVPCOB Execute a COBOL batch program of the ADL IVP.
ADLXPCn COBOL sources for the ADL IVP.
ADLXPIn Input streams for the COBOL programs for the ADL IVP.
ADLXPAn Assembler sources for the ADL IVP to run under CICS.
ADLXPDn DAZZLER input streams for the ADL IVP.
COURSEDB Physical DBD definitions for the ADL IVP.
COURSEL Logical DBD definitions for the ADL IVP.
INSTDB Physical DBD definitions for the ADL IVP.
INSTL Logical DBD definitions for the ADL IVP.
MAINIDX Primary Index DBD definition for the ADL IVP.
INSTIDX Primary Index DBD definition for the ADL IVP.
STUDIDX Secondary Index DBD definitions for the ADL IVP.
SCHOOL PSB definitions for the ADL IVP.
COURSUNL PSB definitions for the ADL IVP (DAZUNDLI utility).
INSTUNL PSB definitions for the ADL IVP (DAZUNDLI utility).
INSTELO PSB definitions for the ADL IVP (DAZELORE utility).

ADL Directory File

The unloaded Adabas Directory file on the installation medium was created by the Adabas Unload utility, ADAULD. At installation, the file contains the texts of the ADL error messages. Later, it will also be used as the directory file for storing the DBDs and PSBs for ADL and any checkpoint information.

ADL Natural Programs

This file contains the unloaded Natural programs comprising the ADL Online Services, together with the ADL supplied Natural subprograms ADLERROR and ADLACTIV and the ADL Installation Verification Package. The ADLERROR subprogram may be used by Natural applications to retrieve the comprehensive error messages of the ADL Consistency Interface. The ADLACTIV subprogram may be used by Natural applications to verify whether the ADL Consistency Interface is active or not.

The files were created with the Natural SYSOBJH utility.