
This manual describes the conversion process "DL/I database to one or more Adabas files" as supported by the Adabas Bridge for DL/I (ADL) conversion utilities. The ADL conversion utilities provide a powerful tool for an automated migration from DL/I to Adabas. The stages comprised by the conversion utilities are:

  • analyses and conversion of DL/I database definitions (DBDs) and program specification blocks (PSBs) into entries in the ADL directory for later use by the ADL Interfaces;

  • conversion of DL/I database definitions (DBDs) into Adabas file descriptions;

  • conversion of the actual data from its DL/I format into one or more Adabas files;

Please note that throughout the entire ADL documentation the term "ADL file" is used to designate an Adabas file originating from the conversion of a DL/I database. This is to point out the particular properties of such a file.

Besides the conversion utilities, the further functional units of ADL are the CALLDLI Interface and the Consistency Interface. The CALLDLI Interface allows DL/I applications to access ADL files in the same way as original DL/I databases. The Consistency Interface provides access to ADL files from Natural programs or with Adabas direct calls. This interface preserves the hierarchical structure of the data, which is of importance for ongoing DL/I applications. The installation and operation of the interfaces is covered by the ADL Interfaces documentation.

The current manual primarily addresses the system programmer in charge of the database conversion process. However, certain decisions to be taken in preparation of or during the conversion process will need coordination with the Adabas database administrator and Natural/Adabas application programmers.

A familiarity with the operating system in use is presumed in this manual. Also, a certain degree of familiarity with both database systems is required. This manual makes frequent use of terms, synonyms, abbreviations and facts related to these systems. For clarity, a glossary is provided with the ADL Messages and Codes documentation.

The current manual applies to both z/OS and z/VSE type operating systems. References valid for only one operating system are clearly marked as such. The term "DL/I" is used as a generic term for IMS/VS and DL/I DOS/VS.


Figure 1: Functional units of ADL and their interrelation

Figure 1 shows the individual functional units of ADL and their interrelation with DL/I, SQL and Natural applications.

This document covers the following topics:

Other Documentation You May Need

The following publications may be useful when installing and operating the ADL Interface:

  • Adabas Utilities Manual

  • Adabas Operations Manual

  • Adabas Messages and Codes

  • Adabas Reference Data and Adabas DBA Reference Data documentation.

For a complete list of manuals, prices and ordering information, refer to the Software AG Documentation Overview or contact your support representative.

Documentation Related to non-SAG Products

The documentation mentioned below might be of interest and helpful during the ADL conversion process.

For z/OS users:

  • IMS/VS Application Programming

  • IMS/VS Application Programming for CICS/VS Users

  • IMS/VS Utilities Reference Manual

  • CICS TS Installation Guide

  • CICS TS Operations and Utilities Guide

  • CICS Resource Definition Guide

For z/VSE users:

  • DL/I DOS/VS Guide for New Users

  • DL/I DOS/VS Application Programming: CALL and RQDLI Interface

  • DL/I DOS/VS Application Programming: High Level Programming Interface

  • DL/I DOS/VS Utilities and Guide for the System Programmer

  • DL/I DOS/VS Resource Definition and Utilities

  • CICS TS Installation Guide

  • CICS TS Operations and Utilities Guide

  • CICS Resource Definition Guide