Adabas Cluster 7.1.1 | From Project to Production | How to Set Up the Adabas Cluster | Specific Use Cases | MS Azure - DBaaS Use Case
MS Azure - DBaaS Use Case
The following use case takes a deeper dive into a production environment that runs Adabas Cluster on Azure as a "Trusted MS Azure Network".
In such a scenario, a host may have two IP addresses: An internal private IP and an external public IP. Clients accessing the cluster require the nodes to share this external IP information, possibly involving an application server on the internet.
In a distributed architecture like this, and to ensure security, network segmentation is mandatory, as it is not best-practice to run all components in a single network segment. The following Database-as-a-Service example shows how to address this security requirement using the parameter CLUSTER_PUBLIC_HOST.
The following graphic shows the configuration of a three node Adabas Cluster in a trusted MS Azure network environment as well as the Adabas Client (Application Server) located on the internet.
MS Azure Trusted Network Configuration
Step-by-step Instructions
1. Set up three nodes with Adabas version 7.1.1 or higher with the latest hotfix installed on a Linux 9 system in an MS Azure cloud environment. Configure the Azure host using a static public IP address.
A public IP address allows Internet resources to communicate inbound to Azure resources. Either use the Azure Portal to determine the public IP address, or execute the following command in the local shell environment:
[sag@ADACLU-1 ~]$ curl
2. Set up your application server with Adabas Client version 7.1.1 or higher with the latest hotfix installed in an external environment.
3. Create the database on every node, e.g. crdemodb 81, and define all cluster related parameter.

adaini dbid=81 add topic=nucparms item=ADATCP
adaini dbid=81 add topic=nucparms item=portnumber=56081
adaini dbid=81 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_port=55081
adaini dbid=81 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_ist_port=55998
adaini dbid=81 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_sst_port=55999
adaini dbid=81 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_public_host=
adaini dbid=81 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_public_port=56081
adaini dbid=81 mod topic=nucparms item=OPTIONS=AUTO_EXPAND
adaini dbid=82 add topic=nucparms item=ADATCP
adaini dbid=82 add topic=nucparms item=portnumber=56082
adaini dbid=82 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_port=55082
adaini dbid=82 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_ist_port=55998
adaini dbid=82 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_sst_port=55999
adaini dbid=82 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_url=gcomm://adaclu-1:55081,adaclu-3:55083
adaini dbid=82 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_public_host=
adaini dbid=82 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_public_port=56082
adaini dbid=82 mod topic=nucparms item=OPTIONS=AUTO_EXPAND
adaini dbid=83 add topic=nucparms item=ADATCP
adaini dbid=83 add topic=nucparms item=portnumber=56083
adaini dbid=83 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_port=55083
adaini dbid=83 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_ist_port=55998
adaini dbid=83 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_sst_port=55999
adaini dbid=83 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_url=gcomm://adaclu-1:55081,adaclu-2:55082
adaini dbid=83 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_public_host=
adaini dbid=83 add topic=nucparms item=cluster_public_port=56083
adaini dbid=83 mod topic=nucparms item=OPTIONS=AUTO_EXPAND
4. Create firewall rules for the trusted network.
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=56081/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55081/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55081/udp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55998/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55999/tcp

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=56082/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55082/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55082/udp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55998/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55999/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=56083/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55083/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55083/udp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55998/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55999/tcp
Use the same call with and without the --permanent option if you want to make a change in runtime and permanent configuration.
5. Create an Inbound Port Rule on every Azure host for given CLUSTER_PUBLIC_PORT parameter value, see example:
Network Security Group ... attached to Network Interface ...

Priority Name Port Protocol Source Destination Action
310 AllowAnyCustom56081Inbound 56081 Any Any Any Allow
65500 DenyAllInBound Any Any Any Any Deny
6. Start the database in the following order: DBID 81 on ADACLU-1, 82 on ADACLU-2, and 83 on ADACLU-3 (adastart <dbid>).
7. Add Adabas Client configuration settings for the cluster in the dbmapping file (see $ACLDIR/config/dbmapping.txt).
Adabas Client
# <cluster-id> = adatcp://<public-ip-1>:<public-port-1>?cluster=adatcp://<public-ip-2>:<public-port-2>; adatcp://<public-ip-3>:<public-port-3>
... e.g.
66 = adatcp://;adatcp://
8. Verify connection to cluster.
Adabas Client
[sag@ADABAS-CLIENT]$ getdbinfo 66

get platform and version info of database 66

Database 66 is active, V7.1.1.3, Platform = 21, opsys=UNIX/Windows, ADATCP access to ''
Sample Output
This graphic shows the ADAOPR utility output of DISPLAY=CLUSTER as well as the cluster related database INI entries of one node.
Sample Output of Display Cluster and Database INI Entries