ADACHK Utility CRV* Decompression Messages

CRV errors generally indicate an inconsistence within the Data Storage record that needs further investigation. The errors are intended to help pinpoint what is incorrect.

Overview of Messages

CRV001E | CRV002E | CRV003E | CRV004E | CRV005E | CRV006E | CRV007E | CRV008E | CRV009E | CRV010E | CRV012E | CRV013E | CRV014E | CRV015E | CRV016E | CRV017E | CRV018E | CRV019E | CRV020E | CRV021E | CRV022E | CRV023E | CRV024E | CRV025E | CRV026E | CRV028E | CRV029E | CRV030E | CRV031E | CRV032E | CRV033E | CRV034E | CRV035E | CRV036E | CRV037E | CRV038E | CRV039E | CRV040E

All CRV* errors for spanned Data Storage files can display additional messages if the nucleus is up prior to the CRV* message. If an error occurs in the decompression routines that is for a spanned Data Storage record, a call is first made to the nucleus to ensure that the error was not due to a faulty assembled spanned data storage record prior to reporting the CRV* error.

CRV001E ERROR: Invalid length for non null suppressed field fld.

A compressed field that is not null-suppressed has a length indicator of x'00', x'01', x'8000', x'8001', or x'8002'.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV002E ERROR: Insufficient record length for field fld.

A field with FI option has a length that exceeds the remaining record length.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV003E ERROR: Field length exceeds 253 bytes for field fld.

A field whose exclusive length exceeds 253 and is not defined with LA option.

Embedded LOB values for fields defined with LB option should not exceed 253 bytes.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV004E ERROR: End of FDT encountered before end of record.

The end of the FDT has been reached but not the end of the record (an MU or PE at the end of the FDT can repeat).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV005E ERROR: LOB indicator exists for field fld but field does not have LB option.

A LOB reference indicator exists for a field not defined with LB option.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV006E ERROR: LOB reference is not properly formatted for field fld.

A LOB reference is not properly formatted (e.g. x'C0' is not followed by x'80').


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV007E ERROR: Insufficient length remaining for LOB reference for field fld.

A LOB reference exceeds the remaining record length.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV008E ERROR: Field fld defined with FI option but flagged as empty.

The field identified in the message (fld) is defined with the FI (fixed format) option but appears to be empty.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV009E ERROR: Field fld defined with NN option but flagged as empty.

The field identified in the message (fld) is defined with the NN (not null) option but appears to be empty.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV010E ERROR: Field fld defined without NU and NC option but flagged as empty.

The field identified in the message (fld) is empty but is defined without either the NU (null suppression) or NC (not counted) options.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV012E ERROR: Alpha field fld has last byte of blank with inconsistent options.

An alphanumeric field without the NB option and with the NU option has a last byte of x'40'. This is not possible unless the field has a one-byte length of x'02' or is defined with the FI option.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV013E ERROR: Value for packed field fld exceeds 15 bytes.

A packed/unpacked field with (exclusive) length exceeding 15


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV014E ERROR: Packed field fld not correctly compressed.

A packed/unpacked field has a leading x'00' as its first byte, indicating it might not be correctly compressed. This is not possible unless the field has the FI option.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV015E ERROR: Packed field fld not null-suppressed.

A packed/unpacked field defined with NU option and with x'02' as its length where the data byte is x'0D' or x'0F' (e.g. the field should have been null-suppressed).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV016E ERROR: Packed field fld contains invalid data.

A packed/unpacked field is not a properly packed value (e.g. any numbers ending with x'nA', x'nB'’, x'nC', or x'nE' are invalid).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV017E ERROR: Value for binary field fld exceeds 126 bytes.

A binary field has a (exclusive) length exceeding 126 bytes.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV018E ERROR: Binary field fld not correctly compressed.

A binary field with leading x'00' as its first byte has a one-byte length that exceeds x'02' (e.g. the field is not properly compressed). This is not applicable if the field is defined with the FI option.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV019E ERROR: Binary field fld not null-suppressed.

A binary field defined with NU option and with x'02' as its length, but the data byte is x'00' (indicating the field should have been null-suppressed).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV020E ERROR: Value for float field fld exceeds 8 bytes.

A floating point field cannot exceed eight bytes.

in second record at offset x1B6 zapped float field length from x04 to x0A


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV021E ERROR: Float field fld not correctly compressed.

A floating point field with a trailing x'00' as its last byte has a one-byte length that exceeds x'02' (e.g. the field is not properly compressed). This is not applicable if the field is defined with the FI option.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV022E ERROR: Float field fld not null-suppressed.

A floating point field is defined with the NU option, but the data bytes are all x'00's (e.g. the field should have been null-suppressed).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV023E ERROR: length for wchar field fld exceeds 252 or is less than wchar length.

A wide field is defined with a length that is less than the length of the defined wide space length (e.g. 2-byte wide space length + 1).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV024E ERROR: wchar field fld not correctly compressed.

A wide field is defined without the NB option and with the NU option, but ends with the defined wide space.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV025E ERROR: wchar field fld not null-suppressed.

A wide field is defined without the NB option and with the NU option, but ends with the defined wide space. This is not an error if the entire field contains only one wide space.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV026E ERROR: Value for fixed field fld exceeds 8 bytes.

A fixed point field has a (exclusive) length that exceeds 8 bytes.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV028E ERROR: Fixed field fld not null-suppressed.

A fixed point field is defined with the NU option, but the data bytes are all x'00's (e.g. the field should have been null-suppressed).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV029E ERROR: MU Field fld has an invalid count.

A field is defined as an MU field, but has an MU count of zero.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV030E ERROR: MU Field fld has two byte value. File not defined with two byte MUs.

A two-byte MU count is indicated (x'C0') for a field, but the field is not defined with a two-byte MU/PE option.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV031E ERROR: MU Field fld has invalid two byte value.

A two-byte MU count is indicated (x'C0') for a field, but the next byte is not x'02'.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV032E ERROR: MU Field fld at end of record.

The record ends with an MU count (one-byte or two-byte field).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV033E ERROR: PE Field fld has an invalid count.

A field is defined as a PE field, but has a PE count of zero or a count greater than 191.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV034E ERROR: PE Field fld has two byte value. File not defined with two byte PEs.

The record ends with a PE count (a one-byte or two-byte field).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV035E ERROR: PE Field fld has invalid two byte value.

A two-byte PE count is indicated (x'C0'), but the file is not defined with a two-byte MU/PE option.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV036E ERROR: PE Field fld at end of record.

The record cannot end with a PE count. This is invalid.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV037E ERROR: Remaining MU occurrences for fld but insufficient data in record.

Remaining MU occurrences are indicated in the MU count, but the end of the record has been reached.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV038E ERROR: Remaining PE occurrences for fld but insufficient data in record.

Remaining PE occurrences are indicated in the PE count, but the end of the record has been reached.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV039E ERROR: Wchar field fld encountered for file without UES support.

A wide character field was encountered in a file without universal encoding support (UES).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CRV040E ERROR: Wchar field fld length is invalid.

The Wchar length is invalid.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.