ARXM* - Event Replicator for Adabas Messages for Event Replicator Target Adapter

Overview of Messages


ARXML001I XML TA Exit Startup for dest-name - Version n.n.n.n Built: yyyymmdd

Event Replicator Target Adapter initialization processing for destination dest-name has been started. The Event Replicator Target Adapter version (n.n.n.n) and the date (yyyymmdd) the Event Replicator Target Adapter code was built are also given in the message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ARXML002I XML TA Exit dest-name Terminating

Event Replicator Target Adapter termination processing for destination dest-name has been started.


No action is required for this informational message.

ARXML003I Destination dest-name now active for jobname

Event Replicator Target Adapter processing for destination dest-name has been activated. The job name (jobname) of the Event Replicator Server is also given in the message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ARXML004I Received code event for dest-name

Event Replicator Target Adapter processing received the internal event code (code) listed in the message for destination dest-name.


No action is required for this informational message.

ARXML005S Required field table information missing for subscription subs-name

Required field table information was missing for subscription subs-name during Event Replicator Target Adapter processing. This information is required for building the XML messages used in Event Replicator Target Adapter processing.


Verify that you have generated a global format buffer (GFB) for the subscription. If you do not generate a global format buffer using the tools provided in the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem or if you elect to code a GFB by hand, the required field table information is not constructed for use by the Event Replicator Target Adapter. For more information, read Generating a GFB using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem.

For more information about correctly activating Event Replicator Target Adapter processing, read Activating Event Replicator Target Adapter Processing.

If the problem persists, contact your Software AG support representative.

ARXML006I Schema generation for subs-name triggered

An internal schema is being generated by Event Replicator Target Adapter, based on the field information provided in subscription subs-name. This internal schema maps the replicated data that the Event Replicator Target Adapter then transforms and applies to your relational database.


No action is required for this informational message.

ARXML008S Unsupported code page=acode, default to CP037
Subscription=subname, DBID=dbid, FNR=fnr

The code page (acode) listed in the message for the subscription (subname), DBID (dbid), and FNR (fnr) is not supported.

Code page Cp037 will be used for the XML tags and as the code page identifier sent to Event Replicator Target Adapter. Event Replicator Target Adapter will process the data as if it were code page 37, so the data loaded into the RDBMS table(s) may be corrupted. This message is displayed once per combination of incompatible subscription, DBID, file, and code page values.


If use of code page Cp037 is valid, no action is required for this message.

However, if use of code page Cp037 is invalid, you will also want to verify that the data in your RDBMS table is not corrupted and correct it if it is. Then specify the correct code page in the SACODE parameter and try again.

ARXML020I No Subscription Prefix Set for destination xxxxxxxx

The DCLASSPARM NOSPRE was specified for destination xxxxxxxx. This indicates you do not want the subscription name to prefix the names of the tables produced by the Event Replicator Target Adapter.


No action is required for this informational message.

ARXML021I Subscription Prefix = xxxxxxxx for destination xxxxxxxx

The DCLASSPARM SPRE=xxxxxxxx was specified for destination xxxxxxxx. This indicates you wish to use xxxxxxxx, (xxxxxxxx is 1 to 8 characters), as the subscription name to prefix the names of the tables produced by the Event Replicator Target Adapter.


No action is required for this informational message.

ARXML022I NOSPRE and SPRE are mutually exclusive
SPRE ( subscription prefix ) will be used for destination xxxxxxxx

The NOSPRE and SPRE=xxxxxxxx parameters were both specified and are mutually exclusive. The SPRE=xxxxxxxx takes precedence and will be used for the destination xxxxxxxx.


No action is required for this informational message, unless you wish to change the option that is in effect.

ARXML023I OPTIONS 32 and 128 are mutually exclusive
OPTIONS 32, full image on update will be used for destination xxxxxxxx

OPTIONS 32 and 128 were both specified and are mutually exclusive. OPTIONS=32 full image on update takes precedence and will be used for the destination xxxxxxxx.


No action is required for this informational message, unless you wish to change the option that is in effect.

ARXML024W Subscription xxxxxxxx optimized GFB xxxxxxx
PE group xx field count > PE occurrence range count
MU field xx requests occurrences equal to range count
All occurrences beyond range count are unavailable

The Subscription xxxxxxxx uses optimized GFB xxxxxxx. This GFB contains PE group xx for which the PE group field count exceeds the to range value for the MU field xx contained within it. When the GFB/GFFT is generated any MU's contained within a PE use the to range count value to specfiy the MU occurrences within the PE.

E.g. if PE range count was 5 and the MU field was AB, then the GFB would request AB1C,AB1(1-N),AB2C,AB2(1-N),AB3C,AB3(1-N),AB4C,AB4(1-N), AB5C,AB5(1-N).

If the PE count field was 7 AB6C,AB6(1-N),AB7C,AB7(1-N) fields will not be in the record buffer, so if they contain values, these values will not be sent to the Event Replicator Target Adapter destination.


This is a warning message. The GFB should be regenerated using a PE to range value large enough to generate the MU xx fields for the largest possible number of PE occurrences.