Adabas for zIIP provides the following messages generated by module ADAZIP. They appear only in the JESLOG listing of the Adabas nucleus, the SYSLOG, and the operator console; they do not appear in the DDPRINT output of the nucleus.
ADAZ01 | ADAZ02 | ADAZ07 | ADAZ08 | ADAZ09 | ADAZ99
ADAZ01 | dbid ADAZIP initialization complete |
Explanation |
The zIIP-related services of Adabas have been successfully initialized. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAZ02 | dbid ADAZIP termination complete |
Explanation |
The zIIP-related services of Adabas have been successfully terminated. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAZ07 | Unable to obtain ADAZIP WorkArea Storage |
Explanation |
Insufficient memory was available for the zIIP-related services of Adabas. The nucleus will abort its session start with PARM-ERROR 129, "zIIP initialization failed". A utility will terminate with error-082, "Error occurred invoking the ADAZIP initialization". |
Action |
Increase the amount of memory available for Adabas (region size) or decrease the amount of memory that Adabas allocates for other purposes (one of the parameters associated with memory pools, e.g., LBP, LFIOP, LWP, NU, etc.). |
ADAZ08 | dbid serv-name Ret/Rsn ret-code/rsn-code |
Explanation |
An invocation of z/OS service serv-name incurred return code ret-code with reason code rsn-code. The z/OS services used by ADAZIP and their possible return codes and reason codes are described in the following IBM manuals:
For z/OS service errors that occur during initialization or termination, ADAZIP returns to its caller with an error indicator. For z/OS service errors that occur during normal processing, ADAZIP terminates abnormally with user abend code 109. |
Action |
If this message indicates an error that cannot be resolved by other means, save the JES log, DDPRINT output and any dump of the Adabas nucleus or utility and contact your Software AG technical support for assistance. |
ADAZ09 | dbid ABEND in SRB
Mode dbid ABEND Ssss Uuuuu Reason rsn-code dbid xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy_yyyyyyyy (PSW, EC Info) dbid xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy_yyyyyyyy (R0-R1) dbid ... dbid xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy_yyyyyyyy (R14-R15) dbid xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy zzzzzzzz vvvvvvvv (AR0-AR3) dbid ... dbid xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy zzzzzzzz vvvvvvvv (AR12-AR15) |
Explanation |
The nucleus ended abnormally while executing in SRB mode. This is the result of an error condition detected either by Adabas (user abend code uuuu, in decimal notation) or by z/OS (system abend code sss, in hexadecimal notation). The message shows the program status word (PSW), extended control (EC) information, 8 byte general registers, and 4 byte access registers as of the time of the abnormal end. In the case of a user abend 109, reason code 10 ( |
Action |
Refer to your Adabas documentation for a description of a nucleus user abend, or to the appropriate z/OS documentation for a description of the system abend. If this message indicates an error that cannot be resolved by other means, save the JES log, DDPRINT output and dump of the Adabas nucleus and call your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAZ99 | Invalid PSW key - Notify Support |
Explanation |
Unexpected PSW key 0 was encountered. An SDUMP is created. The incorrect PSW key was reset to the nucleus initialization key. |
Action |
Notify your Software AG technical support representative. Forward the SDUMP created just before the message appeared. |