Enabling Universal Encoding Support (UES) for Your Adabas Nucleus

Adabas is delivered with its own data conversion capability called universal encoding support (UES). Entire Net-Work detects when it is connected to a target database that converts data and passes the data through to Adabas without converting it.

To ensure UES processing is handled properly, perform the following steps.

  1. The Adabas database must include the correct libraries and have appropriate zaps applied.

    A sample startup job for a UES-enabled nucleus is provided in member ADANUCU of the ADAvrs.JOBS data set. For more information, read JCL Required for UES and TCP/IP Support (z/OS).

    In addition, read Universal Encoding Support (UES) as well as ADADEF Utility: Define a Database and ADACMP Utility: Compress-Decompress Data for more information.

  2. Verify that the load modules for all Adabas 8 link routines have been linked with the default (or updated) translation tables and that the LGBLSET SVCNO parameter has been set. For information on altering UES enablement in the link routines read appropriate sections of Installing Adabas With TP Monitors, starting with the section UES-Enabled Link Routines.

    UES-enabled databases can be connected to machines with different architectures through Com-plete, Entire Net-Work (WCP), and optionally in a z/OS environment through a direct TCP/IP link to the Adabas nucleus from web-based applications or from PC-based applications such as Software AG's Jadabas. Connections through Com-plete use the Adabas Com-plete link routines; connections through Entire Net-Work use the Adabas batch link routines. Connections through a direct TCP/IP link are described in the remainder of this document.

The use of UES-enabled link routines and a UES-enabled nucleus is transparent to applications, including applications that do not require universal encoding translation support. Therefore, it is not necessary to disable UES if it is already enabled.