ADARUN Parameters

Parameter Use to Values Default
ALOGDEV Specify the device type used for multiple audit log data sets.

This parameter must be specified with the ALOGSIZE parameter.

Valid device types are listed in Adabas Device Types and Block Sizes. value of the DEVICE parameter

Specify the number of blocks available for each audit log in multiple audit log data sets.

This parameter must be specified with the ALOGDEV parameter.

16 - 16777215 ---
AOslog Log to DDPRINT the commands issued by ADADBS OPERCOM or equivalent AOS functions that modify the active nucleus. YES | NO NO
ARExclude Exclude file(s) from autorestart. 1 - 5000 ---
ARMname Specify the automatic restart management (ARM) program name. arm-pgm-name ---
ARNworkbuffers Specify the number of WORK I/O buffers allocated during autorestart processing after a failure. 0 - 2147483647 varies based on ADARUN V64BIT parameter setting.
ASSOCache Activate or deactivate controller caching for the Associator component. YES | NO YES
ASSOSpacewarn Identify up to three pairs of threshold percentages and percentage change increments, expressed as percentages of the total ASSO portion of the database. When ASSO space use reaches a specified threshold percentage, a space usage message is issued. In addition, when the ASSO space use changes by the increment specified for that threshold, additional space usage messages are issued. 0-100,1-99 0,5
ASYtvs Flush buffers asynchronously based on volume serial number. YES | NO YES
AUDITING Enable auditing of Adabas nuclei. YES | NO NO
AUDITLOG Specify whether auditing data of utility and AOS functions should be activated.

The AUDITLOG parameter is independent and unrelated to the AUDITING ADARUN parameter.

AUTOCQEnv Identify the type of user affected by the AUTOCQTIME parameter setting. Only commands from users in the specified environment will be returned from the command queue if they meet the AUTOCQTIME criteria. ALL | CICS ALL
AUTOCQTime Specify the timeout period, in seconds, after which an eligible unprocessed command in the command queue during online recovery will be returned to the user with response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 55. 0 (zero) | 1 - 86400 0
AUTOINCASSOSize Specifies the size, in cylinders or blocks, by which the highest-numbered (last-defined) Associator (ASSO) data set will be increased by an automatic database increase process. 0 - 2147483647 (cylinders)

0B - 2147483647B (blocks)

AUTOINCASSOTHreshold Specifies the Associator space threshold at which Adabas automatically initiates a database increase process. This threshold is expressed as a percentage of used Associator space to total Associator space available in the database. 0, 50 - 100 0
AUTOINCASSOTOtal Specifies the maximum total size, in cylinders or blocks, of the entire Associator space of the database that is not to be exceeded by automatic database increase processes. 0 - 2147483647 (cylinders)

0B - 2147483647B (blocks)

AUTOINCDATASize Specifies the size, in cylinders or blocks, by which the highest-numbered (last-defined) Data Storage (DATA) data set will be increased by an automatic database increase process. 0 - 2147483647 (cylinders)

0B - 2147483647B (blocks)

AUTOINCDATATHreshold Specifies the Data Storage space threshold at which Adabas automatically initiates a database increase process. This threshold is expressed as a percentage of used Data Storage space to total Data Storage space available in the database. 0, 50 - 100 0
AUTOINCDATATOtal Specifies the maximum total size, in cylinders or blocks, of the entire Data Storage space of the database that is not to be exceeded by automatic database increase processes. 0 - 2147483647 (cylinders)

0B- 2147483647B (blocks)

CACHe Load ADACSH (Adabas Caching Facility control) during Adabas session initialization. YES | NO NO
CACTivate Control RABN activation. (Adabas Caching Facility) YES | NO NO
CASSODsp Cache an Associator RABN or RABN range in the data space cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters. (Adabas Caching Facility) rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CASSOExt Cache an Associator RABN or RABN range in the extended memory cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters. (Adabas Caching Facility) rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CASSOG64 Cache an Associator RABN or RABN range backed by 2G large pages in the virtual 64-bit storage cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

This parameter is available only in z/OS environments.

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CASSOHsp Cache an Associator RABN or RABN range in the hiperspace cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters. (Adabas Caching Facility) rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CASSOL64 Cache an Associator RABN or RABN range backed by 1M large pages in the virtual 64-bit storage cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

This parameter is available only in z/OS environments.

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CASSOP64 Cache an Associator RABN or RABN range backed by pageable 1M large pages in the virtual 64-bit storage cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

This parameter is available only in z/OS environments.

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CASSOV64 Cache an Associator RABN or RABN range in the virtual 64-bit storage cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CASSOMaxs Specify the unit size in which areas are allocated for Associator cache space. (Adabas Caching Facility) 80K - 2047M (extended memory, data spaces, or hiperspaces)

1M - your installation limit (virtual 64 memory)

1M (extended memory, data spaces, or hiperspaces)

1M (virtual 64 memory)

CBufno Specify the number of read-ahead buffers for concurrent I/O processing. (Adabas Caching Facility) 0 - the NT parameter value 0
CCtimeout Specify the cache space area inactivity time limit (in seconds) before it is released back to the system.

If demand caching is in effect, use this parameter to specify the inactivity time limit (in seconds) of a RABN range, file or file range, before it is disabled.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

60 - 2147483647 7200 seconds (2 hours)
CDATADsp Cache a Data Storage RABN or RABN range in the data space cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters. (Adabas Caching Facility) rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CDATAExt Cache a Data Storage RABN or RABN range in the extended memory cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CDATAG64 Cache a Data Storage RABN or RABN range backed by 2G large pages in the virtual 64-bit storage cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CDATAHsp Cache a Data Storage RABN or RABN range in the hiperspace cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CDATAL64 Cache a Data Storage RABN or RABN range backed by 1M large pages in the virtual 64-bit storage cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CDATAP64 Cache a Data Storage RABN or RABN range backed by pageable 1M large pages in the virtual 64-bit storage cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

This parameter is available only in z/OS environments.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CDATAV64 Cache a Data Storage RABN or RABN range in the virtual 64-bit storage cache. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

rabn | rabn1 - rabnx ---
CDATAMaxs Specify the unit size in which areas are allocated for Data Storage cache space.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

80K - 2047M (extended memory, data spaces, or hiperspaces)

1M - your installation limit (virtual 64 memory)

1M (extended memory, data spaces, or hiperspaces)

1M (virtual 64 memory)

CDEmand Set the lowest Adabas buffer efficiency level accepted before caching is activated. A value of "0" indicates that no demand-level caching occurs.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

0 - 2147483647 0
CDIspstat Control whether RABN range statistics display on both the operator console and DDPRINT, or only on DDPRINT.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

YES (display on both) | NO (display only on DDPRINT) YES
CDXnn Specify the user routine of collation descriptor user exits. The nn in the parameter name can range from 01 through 08, so up to eight collation descriptor exits may be specified (in any order). user routine name (up to 8 characters) ---
CExclude Identify command types that should be excluded from read-ahead caching. More than one command type may be specified by separating values with forward slashes (/).

(Adabas Caching Facility)

CFile Select a file or range of files to be cached. This parameter is also used to indicate the class of caching service, the caching scope, and the cache storage type that should be implemented for the file or file range. Specify this parameter using the following syntax:
CFILE=({fnr | fnr1-fnrx}[,class][,scope][,cachetype])


  • fnr, fnr1, fnrx: valid file numbers. When a range is specified, the lower file number must be specified first (fnr1).

  • class: The percentage of cache space that can be used, which effectively assigns a priority to the files, with lower priority RABNs being purged first. A value of 1 indicates the highest priority, 5 indicates the lowest priority.

  • scope: Identifies the type of caching used: Associator (A), Data Storage (D), or both (B).

  • cachetype: Identifies the cache storage type used: data space (D), extended (E), 2G large pages in virtual 64-bit storage (G), hiperspace (H), 1M fixed large pages in virtual 64-bit storage (L), 1M pageable large pages in virtual 64-bit storage (P), or virtual 64-bit storage (V). Virtual 64-bit storage cache is only available in z/OS and z/VSE environments. Large page storage cache (L, P, or G) is only available in z/OS environments.

This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CASSOxxx, CDATAxxx and CSTORAGE parameters.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

fnr, fnr1, fnrx: 0 - n

class: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

scope: A | D | B

cachetype: D | E | G | H | L | P | V

fnr, fnr1, fnrx: ---

class: 3

scope: B

cachetype: D

CLOGBmax Specify the maximum size (bytes) of a logged buffer. 368 - 2147483647 4096
CLOGDev Specify the device type used for multiple command log data sets. This parameter must be specified with the CLOGSIZE parameter. Valid device types are listed in Adabas Device Types and Block Sizes. value of the DEVICE parameter
CLOGLayout Specify the format of the Adabas command log. 8 8
CLOGMAx Specify the maximum size (bytes) of all of the logged buffers allowed for an Adabas command. 368 - 2147483647 16384
CLOGMRg Indicate whether the Adabas cluster should run with an automatic CLOG merge.

(Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services)

CLOGSize Specify the number of blocks available for each command log in multiple command log data sets. This parameter must be specified with the CLOGDEV parameter. 16 - 16777215 ---
CLUCACHEExtra Specify the additional vector size, in blocks, required to allow Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services to track the blocks held by Adabas Caching Facility in the different cluster nuclei.

(Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services)

0 - 2147483647 1000
CLUCACHEName Identifies the name of the Adabas cluster cache structure/area in which the current nucleus participates.

(Adabas Cluster Services)

cluster-name ---
CLUCACHESize Specify the amount of storage to allocate for the global cache area that services the Adabas Parallel Services cluster in which the current nucleus participates.

(Adabas Parallel Services)

128K - varies (depending on the cache type specified by the CLUCACHETYPE parameter) ---
CLUCACHEType Identify the virtual storage type for the global cache area: shared dataspace (DSP), virtual 64-bit storage (V64), virtual 64-bit cache backed by page-fixed two-gigabyte (2G) large pages (G64), virtual 64-bit cache backed by page-fixed one-megabyte (1M) large pages (L64), or virtual 64-bit cache backed by pageable one-megabyte (1M) large pages (P64).

The G64, L64, and P64 values for this parameter are available in z/OS environments only. The V64 value for this parameter is available in z/OS and z/VSE environments only.

(Adabas Parallel Services)

DSP | G64 | L64 | P64 | V64 DSP
CLUCACHEUnchanged Indicate whether unchanged blocks are written to global cache during Adabas Parallel Services processing.

(Adabas Parallel Services)

CLUGroupname Specify the XCF messaging group name in Adabas Cluster Services or the name of the messaging group in Adabas Parallel Services.

(Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services)

groupname none in Adabas Cluster Services; the router name in Adabas Parallel Services
CLULOCKName Specify the lock structure name defined in the CFRM policy or the global lock area in which the current nucleus participates.

(Adabas Cluster Services)

lockstructurename ---
CLULOCKSize Specify the amount of storage allocated for the global lock area. Specify values for this parameter using the following syntax:
nnn[K | M | G]

where nnn: the number of bytes (no unit specification), kilobyte (K), megabytes (M), or gigabytes (G).

(Adabas Parallel Services)

131072 - 2147483147 (bytes)

128K - 2097152K

128K - 2048M

128K - 2G

CLUPublprot Specify whether or not cluster nuclei make their protection data available within the cluster before they make the related updates available to the other nuclei.

(Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services)

CLUSter Indicate whether the Adabas nucleus will participate in a cluster of nuclei working on the same database, and, if so, the type of cluster in which it will participate. Valid values are "NO" (nucleus not participating in a cluster), "LOCAL" (nucleus participating in a cluster on the same operating system image), and "SYSPLEX" (nucleus participating in a cluster on different systems in a parallel sysplex).

(Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services)


Specify the maximum number of WORK blocks that the cluster nucleus should keep in the global cache at a time.

0 - 32767 0
CMAXcsps Specify the number of storage areas that can be allocated for ADACSH cache space in data spaces, hiperspaces, or virtual 64-bit storage. This parameter has no affect on a cache space in extended memory, where only one Associator and one Data Storage area are allowed.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

1 - 16 8
CRetry Specify the number of seconds between Adabas Caching Facility attempts to acquire an area of cache space if the previous GETMAIN or space allocation failed.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

60 - 2147483647 900 (15 minutes)
CStorage Identify the type of cache space to which all RABNs for the database are cached (using system defaults). This parameter overrides the use of the CASSOxxx and CDATAxxx ADARUN parameters. Valid values are "DATASPACE" (dataspace), "EXTENDED" (extended memory), "HIPERSPACE" (hiperspace), "G64" (2G large pages in virtual 64-bit storage), "L64" (fixed 1M large pages in virtual 64-bit storage), "P64" (pageable 1M large pages in virtual 64-bit storage), or "VIRTUAL64" (virtual 64-bit storage). "EXTENDED" is the only option available on BS2000 RISC machines; "HIPERSPACE", "G64", "L64", and "P64" are only valid in z/OS environments; "VIRTUAL64" is only valid in z/OS and z/VSE environments.

This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CFILE and CXFILE parameters.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

CT Specify the maximum time limit (in seconds) for interregion communication of results from Adabas to the user. 1 - 2147483647 60
CWORKStorage Identify the type of cache space used for Adabas Caching Facility work areas CWORK2FAC and CWORK3FAC. Valid values are "DATASPACE" (dataspace), "EXTENDED" (extended memory), "G64" (2G large pages in virtual 64-bit storage), "HIPERSPACE" (hiperspace), "L64" (fixed 1M large pages in virtual 64-bit storage), "P64" (pageable 1M large pages in virtual 64-bit storage), or "VIRTUAL64" (virtual 64-bit storage). "EXTENDED" is the only option available on BS2000 RISC machines; "HIPERSPACE", "G64", "L64", and "P64" are only valid in z/OS environments; "VIRTUAL64" is only valid in z/OS and z/VSE environments.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

CWORK2fac Specify the percentage of Work part 2 to be cached. If "0" is specified, Work part 2 is not cached.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

0 - 100 0
CWORK3fac Specify the percentage of Work part 3 to be cached. If "0" is specified, Work part 3 is not cached.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

0 - 100 0
CXfile Select a file or range of files to be excluded from caching. Specify this parameter using the following syntax:
CXFILE=({fnr | fnr1-fnrx}[,,scope])


  • fnr, fnr1, fnrx: valid file numbers to be excluded. When a range is specified, the lower file number must be specified first (fnr1).

  • scope: Identifies the scope of exclusion: Associator RABNs only excluded (A), Data Storage RABNs only excluded (D), or both types of RABNs excluded (B). If a scope is specified, you must specify two commas before it.

This parameter is mutually exclusive with the CASSOxxx, CDATAxxx, and CSTORAGE ADARUN parameters.

(Adabas Caching Facility)

fnr, fnr1, fnrx: 0 - n

scope: A | D | B

fnr, fnr1, fnrx: ---

scope: B

DATACache Control whether caching control is enabled (YES) or disabled (NO) for the Data Storage data set. YES | NO YES
DATASpacewarn Identify up to three pairs of threshold percentages and percentage change increments, expressed as percentages of the total Data Storage portion of the database. When Data Storage space use reaches a specified threshold percentage, a space usage message is issued. In addition, when the Data Storage space use changes by the increment specified for that threshold, additional space usage messages are issued. 0-100,1-99 0,5
DBid Specify the physical database ID of the database.

If you specify the DBID parameter, you must also specify the ADARUN SVC parameter.

1 - 65535 1
DEVIce Specify the device type on which the first block of the Associator is stored. Valid device types for each platform are listed in Adabas Device Types and Blocks Sizes. devtype


DIrratio Together with the ELEMENTRATIO ADARUN parameter, define the ratio of directory entries to data elements in Adabas cluster environments.

(Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services)

1 - 32767 1
DSF Enable Adabas Delta Save support.

(Adabas Delta Save)

DSFEx1 Specify the user routine to be given control by Adabas Delta Save.

(Adabas Delta Save)

exitname ---
DTp Indicate whether to enable distributed transaction processing, and, if so, whether the nucleus should be a resource or transaction manager. Valid values are NO (distributed transaction processing is not enabled), RM (the nucleus participates in distributed transaction processing as a resource manager), and TM (the nucleus participates in distributed transaction processing as a transaction manager).

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

DUALALD Specify the device type to be used for dual audit logging. devtype value of the DEVICE parameter
DUALALS Specify the number of blocks available for each dual audit log. 16 - 16777215 ---
DUALCLD Specify the device type to be used for dual command logging. Valid device types for each platform are listed in Adabas Device Types and Blocks Sizes. devtype value of the DEVICE parameter
DUALCLS Specify the number of blocks available for each dual command log. 16 - 16777215 ---
DUALPLD Specify the device type to be used for dual protection logging. Valid device types for each platform are listed in Adabas Device Types and Blocks Sizes. devtype value of the DEVICE parameter
DUALPLS Specify the number of blocks available for each dual protection log. 16 - 16777215 ---
ELementratio Together with DIRRATIO ADARUN parameter, define the ratio of directory entries to data elements in Adabas cluster environments.

Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services

1 - 32767 1
EXcpvr Indicate whether EXCP or EXCPVR should be used when running APF-authorized. YES | NO YES
FAstpath Enable Adabas Fastpath support.

(Adabas Fastpath)

FMxio Set a limit on the number of I/O operations that can be started in parallel by LFIOP flush processing. The full meaning of this parameter varies, depending on the setting of the ASYTVS ADARUN parameter. If ASYTVS=YES, you can use FMXIO to set the limit on the number of I/O
  • If ASYTVS=YES, you can use FMXIO to set a limit on the number of I/O operations to be started in parallel on each volume.

  • If ASYTVS=NO, you can use FMXIO to set a limit on the number of I/O operations to be started in parallel overall.

1 - 100 (ASYTVS=NO) 60 (ASYTVS=NO)
FOrce Indicate whether the nucleus or Adabas Review hub can overwrite an existing ID table entry. YES | NO NO
HEXnn Specify the hyperdescriptor exit(s) and associated user routine to be used by the nucleus. Specify this parameter using the following syntax:


  • nn: the number of the hyperdescriptor exit

  • user-routine-name: the name (up to eight characters) of the user routine that gets control for the associated hyperdescriptor exit.

  • nn: 01 - 31

  • user-routine-name: text (up to eight characters)

  • nn: ---

  • user-routine-name: ---

IGNDIb Indicate whether an active nucleus entry in the data integrity block (DIB) should be ignored and deleted. YES | NO NO
IGNDTp Indicate whether the two-phase commit area (Work part 4) should be ignored. YES | NO NO
INDEXCrosscheck Indicate whether index cross-checking is turned on or off. Index cross-checking is a process Adabas uses to ensure that a data storage record it is reading actually matches the descriptor value in the index by which the record was found. YES | NO YES
INDEXUpdate Indicate whether to use the original or advanced index update processing rules. ORIGINAL | ADVANCED ORIGINAL
INFobuffersize Specify the size of the information buffer pool, in bytes. The information buffer pool is also known as the Adabas event log. 0 or 1024 - 2147483647 0 (buffer will not be allocated)
INTAuto Specify the time interval (in seconds) between autorestart progress messages, which will be printed in addition to the standard messages at the end of each autorestart phase, if the phase takes longer than the interval specified. The default (0 seconds) indicates that autorestart progress messages should only be printed at the completion of each autorestart phase. 0 - 2147483647 0
INTNas Specify the time interval (in units of 1.048576 seconds) between SYNS 60 checkpoints. 1 - 2147483647 3600 (approximately one hour)
LAP Specify the size of the Auditing Pool. minimum 20000 100000 (if AUDITING=YES) or 0 (if AUDITING=NO)
LARgepage Indicate whether the Adabas nucleus should use page-fixed one-megabyte (1M) large pages above the two-gigabyte (2G) bar (L64), page-fixed 2G large pages above the 2G bar (G64), or pageable one-megabyte (1M) large pages (P64). A value of "YES" is equivalent to specifying "L64". A value of "NO" indicates that virtual storage above the 2G bar will be backed by four-kilobyte (4K) pages.

Values of "G64", "L64", and "YES" can only be specified if the ADARUN V64BIT parameter is also set to "YES". In addition, the operating system must support large pages of the required type.

At this time, this parameter is applicable only to z/OS systems.

G64 | L64 | P64 | NO | YES NO
LBP Specify the maximum number of bytes to be used for the Adabas buffer pool during a session. 80000 - 2147483647 350000
LCP Specify the maximum number of bytes to be used for the Adabas security pool during a session. 2000 - 2147483647 10000
LDEuqp Specify the number of bytes to be used for the unique (UQ) descriptor pool during a session. 5000 - 2147483647 5000
LDTp Define the length of the distributed transaction processing area (Work part 4) or the index of Work part 4:

If you have Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.4 or earlier installed, this parameter defines the length of the distributed transaction processing area (Work part 4) for use with DTP=RM.

If you have Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.5 or later installed, this parameter defines the size (in blocks) of the Work part 4 index which is used to administer the data on Work part 4 (DDWORKR4).

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

Adabas Transaction Manager 7.4 or earlier: 0 - 65535

Adabas Transaction Manager 7.5 or later: 8 - one eighth of the WORK4 size

Adabas Transaction Manager 7.4 or earlier: 0

Adabas Transaction Manager 7.5 or later: 8

LFIop Enable asynchronous buffer flush operations and define the length of the related buffer flush pool. A value of "0" disables asynchronous buffer flush operations; only synchronous flushing occurs. A value of "1" enables asynchronous buffer flush operations, and defines the buffer pool size as 25% of the buffer pool (LBP parameter) size. Any other value (with a minimum of 80000 allowed) enables asynchronous buffer flush operations and defines the size of the pool directly (in bytes). 0 | 1 | 80000 - 18446744073709551615 (although this is really limited by the available amount of virtual and real memory) 0
LFP Specify the size (in bytes) of the Adabas internal format buffer pool. 6000 - 2147483647 12000
LI Specify the size (in bytes) allocated for the table of ISNs (TBI) used to store ISN lists (overflow ISNs or saved ISN lists). 2000 - 2147483647 10000
LNKGNAME The name of the link globals table to be employed by an Adabas 8 batch/TSO link routine.

If you specify the LNKGNAME parameter, you must also specify the ADARUN DBID and SVC parameters.

valid module name for an IBM z/OS operating system LNKGBLS
LOCal Indicate whether an Adabas nucleus or Adabas Review hub is isolated and available for local use only. The isolated nucleus or hub will be unknown to the network. YES | NO YES
LOGAbdx Indicate whether Adabas buffer descriptions (ABDs) should be logged during this session. For the dependencies of the various logging parameters, please review the detailed description. YES | NO NO
LOGCB Indicate whether Adabas extended control blocks (ACBX) should be logged during this Adabas session. For the dependencies of the various logging parameters, please review the detailed description. YES | NO NO
LOGCLex Indicate whether the Adabas command log extension (CLEX) should be logged. For the dependencies of the various logging parameters, please review the detailed description. YES | NO NO
LOGFb Indicate whether Adabas format buffers (FB) should be logged. YES | NO NO
LOGGing Indicate whether command logging should be used for the Adabas session. If this is set to "NO", all other LOGxxxx parameters are ignored. YES | NO NO
LOGIB Indicate whether Adabas ISN buffers (IB) should be logged. YES | NO NO
LOGIO Indicate whether Adabas I/O activity should be logged. YES | NO NO
LOGMb Indicate whether Adabas multifetch buffers (MB) should be logged. For the dependencies of the various logging parameters, please review the detailed description. YES | NO NO
LOGRb Indicate whether Adabas record buffers (RB) should be logged. YES | NO NO
LOGSB Indicate whether Adabas search buffers (SB) should be logged. YES | NO NO
LOGSIze Specify the maximum block size for the sequential command log. 100 - 32760 value of the QBLKSIZE ADARUN parameter
LOGUX Indicate whether Adabas user exit B data should be logged. For the dependencies of the various logging parameters, please review the detailed description. YES | NO NO
LOGVB Indicate whether Adabas value buffers (VB) should be logged. YES | NO NO
LOGVOlio Indicate whether the extended I/O list should be written to the command log for CLOGLAYOUT=8. YES | NO NO
LOGWarn Specify the frequency, in seconds, at which the PLOG and CLOG status is checked and resulting alert messages are produced.

This parameter is optional, but a valid user exit 2 or user exit 12 must also be specified when this parameter is set to any value other than zero (0). A value of zero (0), the default, indicates that no CLOG and PLOG status checks should occur and that no alert messages should be produced. Any other valid LOGWARN value represents the interval (in seconds) at which the PLOG and CLOG status is checked and resulting alert messages are produced.

0 - 2147483647 0
LP Specify the number of blocks to allocate to the data protection area (Work part 1). The highest value you can set for this parameter is limited by the size of the Work data set and the sizes of Work parts 2, 3, and 4. 200 - * 1000
LQ Specify the size (in bytes) of the table of sequential commands, which contains entries required during the processing of Adabas read sequential (L2/L5, L3/L6, and L9) commands. 2000 - 2147483647 10000
LRDp Specify the size (in bytes) of the redo pool, which allows for deferred publishing. If the value of this parameter is set to 0, updated database blocks are always written to global cache at the time the update is made; no deferred publishing occurs.

(Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services)

0 | 80000 - 2137483647 For Adabas Parallel Services 8.2 or later, the default is 0 (zero).

For Adabas Cluster Services 8.2 or later, the default is either the value of the ADARUN LFIOP parameter or 10 megabytes, whichever is smaller.

For earlier releases of Adabas Parallel Services and Adabas Cluster Services, the default is the value of the ADARUN LFIOP parameter.

LRPl Specify the size of the Adabas or Event Replicator replication pools, in bytes. This parameter should be specified for only:
  • an Adabas nucleus that also has REPLICATION=YES set.

  • an Event Replicator database

The values for the Adabas nucleus and the Event Replicator database may be different.

20000 - *



LS Specify the maximum number of bytes for internal sort processing.

To ensure that a single search command does not use too much of the work pool space, the maximum LS value must be less than or equal to the LWP (work pool length) divided by two minus the minimum LS value (19968) (LS = LWP/2 - 19968).

19968 - * 49920
LSF Indicate whether Logical Save Facility should be enabled (YES) or disabled (NO) for the nucleus. YES | NO NO
LTZ Specify the size of the time zone pool used by a user session, in bytes. 0, 12288 - 2147483647 32768
LU Specify the length (in bytes) of the intermediate user buffer area. The range of values varies based on the operating system on which Adabas is installed..

On z/OS systems, LU cannot exceed a value greater than that produced by this calculation:

(NABvalue x 4096)

a positive integer, minimum and maximum governed by the operating system. 65535
LWKP2 Specify the number of Work blocks to use for intermediate ISN lists Work part 2). 0 - 16777215 0
LWP Specify the size (in bytes) of the Adabas work pool. This value must be equal to or greater than twice the sum of the specified internal sort area length (LS parameter) plus the minimum LS value (19968). In other words, the LWP value must be greater than or equal to a value calculated as follows:

(LS-value + 19968)x 2

The minimum value you can specify is 80000 or a value not less than the value of the NT parameter multiplied by 25000.

80000-2147483647 150000
MLwto Specify whether multi-line messages that are normally written to the operator console as a series of single-line write-to-operator (WTO) messages should instead appear as multi-line WTO messages.

(Event Replicator for Adabas only)

MODe Identify the Adabas operating mode. Valid operating modes include running in single-user mode (SINGLE) or running in multiuser mode (MULTI). SINGLE | MULTI MULTI
MSGBuf Specify the size (in kilobytes) of the message buffer area, which is used to buffer messages for use for performance and tuning and problem analysis. 0 - 128 0
MSGConsl Specify the case of Adabas messages sent to the console. Upper | Mixed Mixed
MSGDruck Specify the case of Adabas messages sent to the DD/DRUCK data set. Upper | Mixed Mixed
MSGPrint Specify the case of Adabas messages sent to the DD/PRINT data set. Upper | Mixed Mixed
MXCANCEL Specify the timeout threshold, in seconds, in which processing of an intracluster cancellation request must occur.

Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services

15 - 2147483647 The value of the MXMSG parameter.
MXCANCELWarn Specify the timeout threshold, in seconds, for an intracluster cancellation request to occur before issuing an early warning about the failure of the cancellation request.

The value of this parameter must be less than the value of the MXCANCEL parameter. A value of "0" indicates that no warnings should be issued.

Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services

0 | 4 - (MXCANCEL_value - 1) The value of the MXCANCEL parameter divided by 4.
MXMSG Specify the timeout threshold, in seconds, in which the processing of an intracluster command must occur.

Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services

15 - 32767 300
MXMSGWarn Specify the timeout threshold, in seconds, for a response to an intracluster command to occur before issuing an early warning about the failure of the request.

The value of this parameter must be less than the value of the MXMSG parameter. A value of "0" indicates that no warnings should be issued.

Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services

0 | 4 - (MXMSG_value - 1) The value of the MXMSG parameter divided by 4.
MXStatus Specify the interval, in seconds, at which the member-level XCF status monitoring heartbeat should occur.

A value of "0" indicates that no member-level status monitoring should occur.

Adabas Cluster Services

0 | 15 - 21474836 15
MXTNa Set the maximum non-activity time, in seconds, that can be specified in the OP command for an individual user. 1 - 65535 3600
MXTSx Set the maximum execution time (in seconds) that can be specified for the ADARUN TLSCMD parameter and for any override execution time setting that might be specified in the Adabas control block of an OP command. 1 - 65535 3600
MXTT Set the maximum transaction time limit, in seconds, that can be specified in the OP command for an individual user. 1 - 65535 3600
MXWtor Specify the timeout interval, in seconds, in which an operator response to a self-termination operator query must occur before issuing a warning.

A value of "0" indicates that no warning message should be issued.

Adabas Cluster Services

0 | 15 - 64800 0
NAb Specify the number of attached buffers to be used during the session. The maximum value you can specify for this parameter varies, depending on the amount of available virtual storage. 1 -varies 16
NALOG Specify the maximum number of audit log data sets to be opened and logged in the PPT for the session. 0 | 2 - 8 0
NC Specify the maximum number of command queue elements (CQEs) for the session. The number of CQEs established for the session determines the maximum number of Adabas commands that may be queued or be in process at any one time during the session. 20 - 32767 200
NCLog Specify the maximum number of command log data sets to be opened and logged in the PPT for the session. A value of "0" disables this parameter. 0 | 2 - 8 0
NH Specify the maximum number of hold queue elements for the session. 20 - 16777215 500
NIsnhq Specify the maximum number of records that can be placed in hold status (hold queues) at the same time by a single user. The maximum value that can be specified for this parameter is the value set for the NH ADARUN parameter (which has a maximum value of 16777215). The default is the larger of 20 or the value of the NH parameter divided by the value of the NU parameter with the result multiplied by two ((NH/NU) * 2). 1 - 16777215 (NH parameter maximum) 20 | (NH/NU) * 2 (whichever is larger)
NOndes Indicate whether to allow (YES) searches using nondescriptors in search buffers. YES | NO YES
NPLOG Specify the maximum number of protection log data sets to be opened and logged in the PPT. A value of "0" disables this parameter. 0 | 2 - 8 0
NPLOGBuffers Specify the number of PLOG protection I/O buffers allocated in the Adabas nucleus session. PLOG protection I/O buffers are only allocated when ADARUN parameter LFIOP is set to a nonzero value. 1 - 2,147,483,687 1
NQcid Specify the maximum number of active command IDs per user. 1 - 65535 20
NSisn Specify the maximum number of ISNs per ISN table (TBI) element. The maximum value that can be specified varies based on the device type of the Work data set or, in the case where user-defined Work block sizes are used, the maximum value is based on a formula. For more information, refer to the more detailed NSISN documentation. 7 - * 51
NT Specify the number of threads to be used during the Adabas session. 4 - 250 5
NU Specify the maximum number of user queue elements for the Adabas session. 20 - 16777215 200
NUCid Specify the ID of an Adabas nucleus in an Adabas cluster.

Adabas Cluster Services, Adabas Parallel Services

0 - 65000 0
NWork1buffers Specify the number of Work part 1 protection I/O buffers allocated in the Adabas nucleus session. Work part 1 protection I/O buffers are only allocated when ADARUN parameter LFIOP is set to a nonzero value. 1 - 2,147,483,687 1
OPenrq Indicate whether an open command (OP) must be issued (is required) as the first command of a user session. YES | NO YES
PAmreqs BS2000 only. Set the maximum number of PAM blocks that can be transferred in one PAM macro request. The default can be reduced to avaoid the recipt of I/O errors DMS09AC -- too many simultaneous I/O requests on some machines. 1 - 1024 80
PGfix Indicate whether pages containing I/O control blocks are released after I/O processing is completed or after the job has ended when using EXCPVR on z/OS systems. When this parameter is set to YES, pages containing the I/O control blocks are fixed for the duration of the job. When set to "NO", pages are fixed only for the duration of I/O processing. YES | NO NO
PLOGDev Specify the device type used for multiple protection log data sets. This parameter must be specified with the PLOGSIZE parameter. Valid device types are listed in Adabas Device Types and Block Sizes value of the DEVICE parameter
PLOGRq Indicate whether a protection log is required for the Adabas session. For details on the meanings of the different values for this parameter, refer to the detailed PLOGRQ documentation. YES | NO | SEL | FORCE YES
PLOGSIze Specify the number of blocks available for each protection log in multiple protection log data sets. This parameter must be specified with the PLOGDEV parameter. 16 - 16777215 ---
PREFEtch Indicate whether the Adabas command-level prefetch or multifetch features should be automatically enabled. YES enables the multifetch (M) option; OLD enables the prefetch (P) option; NO disables the prefetch feature. YES | OLD | NO NO
PREFICmd Identify the commands that should be included in prefetch or multifetch processing.

To specify multiple values for this parameter, list the values separated by forward slashes (/). For example: PREFICMD=L3/L9. The maximum number of entries is 50. The same number of list items must be specified for this parameter as are specified for the PREFIFIL parameter. If you want several commands to be prefetched or multifetched for a single file, repeat the same file number in the PREFIFIL parameter.

The values for this parameter are used in conjunction with the value of the PREFIFIL parameter to customize prefetch and multifetch processing during the session. You cannot specify this parameter in the same session as the PREFXCMD parameter; if you do, the values of the PREFXCMD parameter are used and the values for this parameter are ignored.

L1 - L9 ---
PREFIFil Identify the files that should be included in prefetch or multifetch processing. To specify multiple values for this parameter, list the values separated by commas. The maximum number of entries is 50. The same number of list items must be specified for this parameter as are specified for the PREFICMD parameter. If you want several commands to be prefetched or multifetched for a single file, repeat the same file number in the PREFIFIL parameter.

The values for this parameter are used in conjunction with the value of the PREFICMD parameter to customize prefetch and multifetch processing during the session. You cannot specify this parameter in the same session as the PREFXFIL parameter; if you do, the values of the PREFXFIL parameter are used and the values for this parameter are ignored.

1 - 5000 ---
PREFNrec Specify the number records that can be prefetched or multifetched. The maximum number of records that can be multifetched depends on the maximum that can be held by the record and ISN buffers. 0 - * 0
PREFSBl Specify the size, in bytes, of the internal buffer used by multifetch/prefetch processes, which determines how much record data is prefetched. 1024 - <PREFTBL value> 3000
PREFSTdd Specify the job statement label (DD name) in the nucleus startup job that defines the location to which multifetch statistics should be written. ddname ---
PREFTbl Specify the size, in bytes, of the total prefetch buffer area. 6144 - 2147483647 30000
PREFXCmd Identify the commands that should be excluded in prefetch or multifetch processing.

To specify multiple values for this parameter, list the values separated by forward slashes (/). For example: PREFXCMD=L3/L9. The maximum number of entries is 50. The same number of list items must be specified for this parameter as are specified for the PREFXFIL parameter. If you want several commands to be prefetched or multifetched for a single file, repeat the same file number in the PREFXFIL parameter.

The values for this parameter are used in conjunction with the value of the PREFXFIL parameter to customize prefetch and multifetch processing during the session. You cannot specify this parameter in the same session as the PREFICMD parameter; if you do, the values of this parameter are used and the values for the PREFICMD parameter are ignored.

L1 - L9 ---
PREFXFil Identify the files that should be excluded in prefetch or multifetch processing. To specify multiple values for this parameter, list the values separated by commas. The maximum number of entries is 50. The same number of list items must be specified for this parameter as are specified for the PREFXCMD parameter. If you want several commands to be prefetched or multifetched for a single file, repeat the same file number in the PREFXFIL parameter.

The values for this parameter are used in conjunction with the value of the PREFICMD parameter to customize prefetch and multifetch processing during the session. You cannot specify this parameter in the same session as the PREFXFIL parameter; if you do, the values of the PREFXFIL parameter are used and the values for this parameter are ignored.

1 - 5000 ---
PROGram Identify the program to be run. ADACOM | ADANUC | ADAREV | NETWRK | RENTUSER | USER | utility-name USER
QBlksize Specify the block size, in bytes, for sequential data sets used by ADAIOR, the Adabas I/O component. A value of "0" does not indicate that 0-byte block sizes should be used, but that the block size should be determined by the media type. For more information, read the detailed QBLKSIZE documentation. 0 - 262144 0
REAdonly Indicate whether the Adabas session is a read-only session or it should permit database updates. YES | NO NO
REFstprt Indicate whether statistics should be printed after they are refreshed after an ADADBS REFRESHSTATS utility function run or after interval statistics have been refreshed using Adabas Online System (option R in Session Monitoring). YES | NO YES
REPlication Indicate whether replication should be activated for the Adabas nucleus.

(Event Replicator for Adabas)


Specify the size of the Review Buffer Pool used as temporary storage when sending the CLOG records via Network (ADALNK) to the Review Hub.

(Adabas Review)

1 - 1024 10
REVFilter Indicate whether Adabas Review record filtering should be allowed during the session.

(Adabas Review)

REVIew Indicate whether Adabas Review should be run in local mode, hub mode (specifying the hub ID), or not at all.

(Adabas Review)

NO | LOCAl | hubid NO
REVLOGBmax Specify the maximum allowable number of bytes of a logged buffer for Adabas Review.

(Adabas Review)

0 - 30000 5120
REVLOGMax Specify the maximum size of all of the logged buffers allowed for an Adabas Review command.

(Adabas Review)

2000 - 32764 (32K - 4) 16384

Hub mode:

Specify whether the CLOG records are sent as buffered records or as single records via Network (ADALNK) to the Review Hub.

Local mode:

Specify the CLOG record after which the REVIEW subtask is posted for processing.

0 - 64

Hub mode:0

Local mode: 16

REVSTHMV Specify whether the ADARMT/ADRST interface or the ADARMX/ADARSX interface is used to send data via Network (ADALNK) to the Review Hub.




Hub mode:

Specify the largest delay for sending buffered CLOG records via Network (ADALNK) in case of low database activity.

Local mode:

Send the CLOG records to the Review hub after no later than N seconds.

1 - 60 1
RIafterupdate Indicate whether Adabas should suppress the response code 113 (ADARSP113) subcode 5 and response code 2 (ADARSP002) subcode 5 that are returned when an application issues an RI command for a record that has been updated in the current transaction. The RI command returns response code 0 instead, but does not release any updated records from hold. YES | NO NO
RPLCONNECTCount Specify the number of connection attempts made for the Adabas or Event Replicator Server nucleus after an attempt fails. 0 - 2147483647 0
RPLCONNECTInterval Specify the interval (in seconds) between connection attempts made for the Adabas or Event Replicator Server nucleus after an attempt fails. 0 - 2147483647 0
RPLParms Identify the location where your replication definitions (initialization parameters) should be read from. Replication definitions can be read from the Replicator system file (FILE), from DDKARTE (PARMS), both the Replicator system file and from DDKARTE (where the DDKARTE specifications override any duplicates with the Replicator system file), or not at all (NONE).

(Event Replicator for Adabas)

BOTH | FILE | NONE | PARMS If the Replicator system file resides on the Event Replicator database, definitions are read first from the Replicator system file and then from DDKARTE. If the Replicator system file does not reside on the Event Replicator database, the definitions are read from DDKARTE.
RPLSort Indicate whether Event Replicator for Adabas transaction data sorting should occur.

(Event Replicator for Adabas)

RPWARNINCrement Specify the interval (in percentage of LRPL usage) at which warning messages should be sent indicating that the replication pool usage has exceeded the threshold set by the RPWARNPERCENT parameter.

(Event Replicator for Adabas)

1 - 99 10
RPWARNINTerval Specify the interval, in seconds, during which replication pool usage warning messages are suppressed on the console.

(Event Replicator for Adabas)

1 - 2147483647 60
RPWARNMessagelimit Specify the number of replication pool usage warning messages that can be issued to the console before message suppression begins.

(Event Replicator for Adabas)

1 - 2147483647 5
RPWARNPercent Specify the threshold for replication pool usage (expressed as a percentage of LRPL) at which replication pool usage warning messages should be sent. A value of 0 for this parameter indicates that no warning messages are issued.

(Event Replicator for Adabas)

0 - 99 0
RVclient Specify whether Adabas Review client reporting should be activated in batch environments.

This ADARUN parameter is valid only in z/OS environments and only when ADARUN PROGRAM=USER.

(Adabas Review)

SEcuid Specify the requirement level of security system user IDs for a database. Using it you can indicate how Adabas handles calls from users without a security system user ID or with a security system user ID that changed during the Adabas session. ALLOW | REQUIRE | WARN ALLOW
SMF Specify whether or not Adabas SMF recording should be enabled. YES | NO NO
SMF89 Specify whether or not the Adabas nucleus should register with z/OS for type 89 SMF records. YES | NO NO
SMFDETAIL Specify the type of detail sections in SMF Interval and Termination records (subtypes 2 and 3) that should be included in Adabas SMF records. All specifications (regardless of how many) for this parameter should be enclosed in parentheses.

When NONE or ALL are specified for this parameter, they should be specified alone; no other values can be combined with NONE or ALL.

Valid detail section names are ALL, CMD, FILE, IODD, NONE, PARM, SESS, STG, THRD, ZIIP and USER. List of section names must be separated by commas.

In cluster environments (Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services), additional detail section names can be specified: CSHB, CSHF, CSHG, CSHP, LOCK, MSGB, MSGC, and MSGH.

(NONE | ALL | section-name-list) (NONE)
SMFINTERVAL Specify whether SMF interval records should be generated and the interval at which they should be generated. NONE | GLOBAL | SUBSYS | minutes NONE
SMFRECNO Specify the Adabas SMF record number used for user-defined SMF records. 128 - 255 255
SMFSUBSYS Specify the name of the IBM or user-defined SMF subsystem from PARMLIB member SMFPRMxx. CURRENT | subsystem-name CURRENT
SMGt Indicate whether the error handling and message buffering facility should be enabled for the session. YES | NO NO
SOrtcache Indicate whether to enable (YES) or disable (NO) controller caching for the Adabas Sort data set. YES | NO YES
SPt Indicate whether use of Adabas triggers and stored procedures should be enabled for the session. YES | NO NO
SRlog Indicate how spanned records should be logged to the protection logs. ALL | UPD | PART UPD
SVc Specify the Adabas SVC number or Adabas Review hub SVC number to be used for the session. 200 - 255 249
TARgetid Specify the unique Entire Net-Work target ID for this node. 1 - 65535 1
TCPIp Indicate whether a direct TCP/IP link to the Adabas nucleus should be activated for this session. YES | NO NO
TCPUrl Identify the universal resource locator (URL) for the direct TCP/IP link to the Adabas nucleus (when TCPIP is set to "YES"). url ---
TEmpcache Indicate whether to enable (YES) or disable (NO) controller caching for the Adabas Temp data set. This parameter is valid only in z/OS environments. YES | NO YES
TFlush Specify the time, in seconds, to allow for a synchronous buffer flush. 1 - 30 1
TLscmd Specify the maximum time, in seconds, to be used to process a single Adabas S1, S2, or S4 command with complex search criteria. 1 - the setting of the ADARUN MXTSX parameter 300
TMDrq Set the number of entries allowed in the Adabas Transaction Manager's internal request queue.

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

10 - 32767 10
TMEtdata Identify the database or databases that will store Adabas Transaction Manager's ET data.

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

TMGtt Set the time limit, in seconds, during which a global transaction can be open without being prepared.

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

1 - 16777215 720
TMLog Identify the logging option for the current execution of the Adabas Transaction Manager.

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

TMMsgsev Set the severity threshold for the suppression of Adabas Transaction Manager warning messages. If this parameter is set to "0", no messages are suppressed.

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

0 | 4 | 8 0
TMRestart Identify how restart processing of problematic transactions should be handled.

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

TMSyncmgr Indicate whether the Adabas Transaction Manager is to interact with an external transaction coordinator.

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

TMTcidpref Define the first one or two characters (the prefix) of dynamically allocated client IDs. Up to two alphanumeric characters can be specified.

(Adabas Transaction Manager)

prefix TM
TNAA Specify the maximum elapsed time, in seconds, that an access-only user may be considered active without issuing an Adabas command. 1 - 2147483647 900
TNAE Specify the maximum elapsed time, in seconds, that an ET logic user may be considered active without issuing an Adabas command. 1 - 2147483647 900
TNAX Specify the maximum elapsed time, in seconds, that an exclusive control user may be considered active without issuing an Adabas command. 1 - 2147483647 900
TT Specify the maximum elapsed time, in seconds, permitted for a logical transaction issued by an ET logic user. 1 - 2147483647 900
UEXnn Activate a user exit and specify the name of the user routine for the exit. The value of nn in the parameter name must be an integer in the range from 1 through 12, inclusive that identifies the number of the user exit. The value assigned the parameter must be a one to eight-character name of the corresponding user routine that gets control.

User exit 2 (UEX2) and user exit 12 (UEX12) are mutually exclusive.

user-routine-name ---
UEXSMF Specify the name of the SMF user exit module. module-name ---
UPdatecontrol Specify whether or not to shortly delay the scheduling of update commands at the end of buffer flushes. DELAY | NODELAY DELAY
UTIonly Indicate whether the session should be restricted to Adabas utilities only. YES | NO NO
V64bit Indicate whether the Adabas nucleus should use virtual storage above the 2 gigabyte bar. In order for the nucleus to use 64-bit virtual storage, the operating system must also support 64-bit virtual storage. YES | NO NO
VIsta Indicate whether support for Adabas Vista should be enabled.

(Adabas Vista)

WOrkcache Indicate whether to enable (YES) or disable (NO) controller caching for the Adabas Work data set. This parameter is valid only in z/OS environments. YES | NO YES
ZIIP Indicate whether or not to activate Adabas for zIIP. YES | NO NO