Future Plans

The following plans are in place for a future release of Adabas.

  • Support for the ADAACK, ADADCK, ADAICK, ADAPRI, and ADAVAL utilities will be dropped. You will be required to use the new ADACHK utility instead. To determine which ADACHK utility function to use for one of these utilities, read ADACHK Function Equivalences with Other Utility Functions.

  • The Adabas 8 LGBLSET macro parameter REVREL= is now redundant and will be dropped in a future version. Please remove any use of this parameter in order to avoid future assembly errors. Refer to the current z/OS parameter description REVREL: Adabas Review Release for more information on this parameter.

  • For future releases of Adabas when formatting new datasets with ADAFRM, users should always supply a non-zero primary space allocation in the SPACE parameter of the JCL DD statement. This is necessary for compatibility with Adabas container datasets requiring encryption.