
This document lists the Adabas 8.4 enhancements.

Category Enhancements
Adabas 8.4 SP2 Enhancements ADARUN Parameter Enhancements
Operator Command Enhancements
Miscellaneous Changes and Enhancements
Adabas 8.4 SP1 Enhancements ADARUN Parameter Enhancements
Utility Enhancements
Operator Command Enhancements
Miscellaneous Changes and Enhancements

Adabas 8.4 SP2 ADARUN Parameter Enhancements

This section describes the ADARUN Parameter enhancements made in Adabas version 8.4 SP2.

For more information about any ADARUN parameter, read Adabas Initialization (ADARUN Statement) .

AUDITLOG Parameter

This parameter allows you capture AUDIT data for utility and AOS functions on the console including the time, USERID, and the type of function requested. The default for the parameter is NO. To activate the AUDIT logging feature, AUDITLOG=CONSOLE may be specified. Once AUDITLOG has been enabled, it is not possible to turn it off without cycling of the database for security reasons.

For more information about the AUDITLOG ADARUN parameter, read AUDITLOG Parameter: Audit of AOS and Utility Functions.

Adabas 8.4 SP2 Operator Command Enhancements

This section describes the operator command enhancements made in Adabas version 8.4.

Operator Command DPARM

Operator command DPARM lists the new ADARUN parameters added to Adabas Version 8.4 SP2 and the values they currently have in the Adabas session: AUDITLOG.

Operator Command Change Summary

The following table lists new and changed operator commands in Adabas 8.4 SP2.

Command New or Changed Enhancement Description
DPARM Changed Operator command DPARM lists the new ADARUN parameters added to Adabas Version 8.4 SP2 and the values they currently have in the Adabas session: AUDITLOG.

For more information about any Adabas operator command, read Operator Commands.

Adabas 8.4 SP2 Miscellaneous Changes and Enhancements

Adabas 8.4 SP2 provides the following miscellaneous changes and enhancements:

AUDIT Enhancement

Customers have requested a method to track and report on any activities real time that influence the behavior of software running in a production environment for auditing purposes. The focus in this release is on administration and DBA tasks executed via

  • AOS

  • Adabas utilities

  • CONNX SQL calls

Operator commands are already written to the console so in an effort to minimize console messages, an additional audit message will not be generated for operator commands.

The audit data captured will contain the time, user ID, originator, and product code and text describing the function executed for AOS and utility functions.

The new AUDITLOG parameter enables the auditing enhancement. The default setting is NO since a heavily used environment AUDIT can generate many AAUD01 messages. This enhancement enables customers to log audit data via an AAUD01 message for AOS or utility functions. Once activating the enhancement, it is not possible to turn it off by an operator or ADADBS command. The only method to disable it once it has been activated is by cycling the Adabas nucleus and specifying AUDITLOG=NO.

Each AOS or utility function will be tracked with an AAUD01 message that captures

  • The time the function was executed

  • USERID that initiated the function

  • Type of function and where it originated (AOS, utility, ConnX) and product code

  • Text describing the function or activity (e.g. RALOCKF release advanced lock fnr= 1)


12.48.29 JOB01234  AAUD01 00199 USAXXX  ADAUTI RALOCKF release advanced lock fnr=    1

This allows auditors and management to get an overview of changes or attempted changes and which users initiated the functions and when. Please keep in mind, that the parameters specified when running utilities affect the functions and type of calls issued to the Adabas nucleus and will affect the audit data written.

This release of AUDIT is intended to give an overview of what functions were executed by the users in AOS or by invoking a utility. AUDIT logs the audit data as the request executes on the nucleus side.

AUDIT can and should be used in conjunction with the checkpoint file to determine exact details. Further details may be provided in a later release to generate a finer granularity if deemed necessary.

Please also keep in mind, that having AUDITLOG=CONSOLE enabled can generate a lot of console output if there is heavy DBA type functions being executed such as ADARES REGENERATE. Also if a number of functions are executed at once, as in an ADADBS OPERCOM job for example, the AAUD01 messages will occur in the order they are processed by the nucleus, not necessarily in the order they were specified in the job.

Examples of output generated by AUDITLOG=CONSOLE:

An online save file will produce the following messages with timestamps and can be checked against the checkpoint file when noticing that a utility checkpoint was written:

AAUD01 61010 USAXXX   ADAUTI Write utility checkpoint                rsp000
AAUD01 61010 USAXXX   ADAUTI Finish online file save                 rsp000
AAUD01 61010 USAXXX   ADAUTI Write utility checkpoint                rsp000

If fnr= is displayed without a file number, the command pertains to all files:

AAUD01 00199 USAXXX   ADAUTI RALOCKF release advanced lock fnr=
AAUD01 00199 USAXXX   ADAUTI RALOCKF release advanced lock fnr=    1

Note that sometimes a command can result in multiple messages. For instance an ADADBS OPERCOM DSTAT will result in:

20:45:23 AAUD01 dbid   userid      ADAUTI Read System status
20:45:23 AAUD01 dbid   userid      ADAUTI Read Thread status

Also note that the displaying of queues will often result in multiple entries followed by a rsp3 when hitting the end of the queue:

AAUD01 00199 USAXXX   ADAUTI DAUQ - Display active users                rsp000
AAUD01 00199 USAXXX   ADAUTI DAUQ - Display active users                rsp003/000

Alternative Conversion System SAGICS

The Universal Encoding Support in Adabas Version 8.4.2 can use the alternative code page conversion subsystem SAGICS.

SAGICS is based on International Components for Unicode (ICU V58.2), an open source project initiated by IBM (see http://site.icu-project.org/). ICU is already being used with other Software AG products like Natural (on mainframes) or Adabas on Linux, UNIX and Windows.

For the time being, Software AG's Entire Conversion Services (ECS) is the default code page conversion subsystem for mainframe Adabas but will be retired and replaced by SAGICS in the next release.

ADAICS is delivered in the Adabas load library L001 in conjunction with codepage modules of SAGICS in a separate load library ICS221. If SAGICS is to be used, both load libraries need to be in the load library concatenation for the nucleus or utility job step.

Special zap AY842165 needs to be applied to switch to using SAGICS instead of Entire Conversion Subsytem. The zap is in the S001 source library member ZAPTOPT.

SAGICS does not require the SMARTS runtime system (APSxxx). SAGICS provides the same code pages as ECS does.

ADARUN Parameter Enhancements

This section describes the ADARUN Parameter enhancements made in Adabas version 8.4.

For more information about any ADARUN parameter, read Adabas Initialization (ADARUN Statement) .


This enhancement allows you to control how Adabas performs certain types of index updates that affect the structure of the index tree. For each file in the database, the file's index stores the descriptor values from the file's data storage records in a tree structure. The original structure defined for index trees in Adabas has been modified into an advanced structure such that certain index updates can be performed more efficiently. Furthermore, less protection data related to those index updates is written to the WORK dataset.

The advanced index structure is more general and flexible than the original structure. An index tree conforming to the original structure always conforms to the advanced structure as well; no conversion is needed.

The new ADARUN parameter INDEXUPDATE may be used to control whether or not the Adabas nucleus performs index updates according to the rules for the advanced index structure. The index update rules previously used by Adabas are set by INDEXUPDATE=ORIGINAL. This is the default value. With this setting, the nucleus performs all index updates according to the same rules as before.

The new, advanced index update rules may be specified by setting INDEXUPDATE=ADVANCED. With this setting, the nucleus performs certain index updates according to modified rules that are less strict than the original ones. The processing of these types of index updates is more efficient than before. For more information about the INDEXUPDATE parameter, read INDEXUPDATE Parameter: Index Update Processing Control.


An additional new option SESS can be specified with the SMFDETAIL parameter. With this option nucleus session statistics data will be recorded with SMF. For more information about the SMFDETAIL parameter, read SMFDETAIL Parameter: Selecting Detail SMF Record Sections.


The new ADARUN parameter UPDATECONTROL may be used to set the scheduling policy for update commands at the end of buffer flushes.

The scheduling policy previously used by Adabas is set by UPDATECONTROL=DELAY. This is the default value. With this setting, the nucleus shortly delays the scheduling of new update commands at the end of every buffer flush, to help the session autorestart recover the database in the case of a nucleus failure.

A new scheduling policy may be specified by setting UPDATECONTROL=NODELAY. With this setting, the nucleus continues update command processing without delay at the end of buffer flushes. New techniques in the session autorestart recover the database even if updates were in progress all the time. This setting avoids the short update command processing delays at the end of buffer flushes and, in a cluster, reduces the need for collaboration between the nuclei in the cluster.


For more information about the UPDATECONTROL parameter, read UPDATECONTROL Parameter: Control Scheduling of Update Commands During Buffer Flush.

ADARUN Parameter Change Summary

The following table summarizes the ADARUN parameter changes in Adabas 8.4.

Parameter New or Changed Enhancement Description
INDEXUPDATE New This enhancement allows you to control how Adabas performs certain types of index updates that affect the structure of the index tree.
SMFDETAIL Changed The new option SESS can be specified. With this option nucleus session statistics data will be recorded with SMF.
UPDATECONTROL New This new parameter allows you to set the scheduling policy for update commands at the end of buffer flushes.

Utility Enhancements

This section describes the utility enhancements made in Adabas version 8.4.

ADADBS Enhancements

The ADADBS ISNREUSE,MODE=ON,RESET option now allows a specific ISN to be specified. For customers knowing where their reusable ISNs (ISNs previously deleted) reside, they can now quickly set the rotating ISN pointer to the specific ISN.

For more information, read about the ADADBS RESETISN utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

The TYPE=4E, SYNS checkpoint for RESETISN was also enhanced to capture the specific ISN as needed for ADARES REGENERATE. ADAREP CPEXLIST also displays the ISN if it was specified.

The ADADBS OPERCOM function DUQE now displays the time zone information a user is associated with. For more information, read about the ADADBS OPERCOM utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

ADADBS Utility Functions DELETE and REFRESH Changes

Prior to this release, when the DELETE or REFRESH function (whether issued via ADADBS or AOS) completed successfully, any file lock previously set automatically or with the operator command LOCKU was reset.

With Adabas Version 8.4, when the DELETE or REFRESH function completes successfully, if the file was previously locked automatically by Adabas, the automatic lock is reset. Any file lock previously set with the operator command LOCKU remains set.

Not releasing a lock that was set explicitly (via LOCKU) keeps the file protected against interference by users in a multi-step sequence of utility operations; for example, in a sequence such as ADADBS OPERCOM LOCKU - ADAULD UNLOAD - ADADBS REFRESH - ADALOD UPDATE - ADADBS OPERCOM UNLOCKU, which may be used to reorder a file within its current extents.

If you have sequences of job steps where ADADBS OPERCOM LOCKU is followed by ADADBS DELETE or REFRESH and no ADADBS OPERCOM UNLOCKU follows, you may need to add an ADADBS OPERCOM UNLOCKU step after the last utility function in such a sequence. The need to do that would become apparent through a response code 17, subcode 9, when users attempt to access the file in question.

This change is also available on request in Adabas Version 8.3 SP4 via zap AN834010.


A new function has been added to ADACHK to scan the address converter and print ranges of reusable ISNs with the option to RESET the rotating AC pointer. For further information see here: ADACHK Utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual


ADACHK CHECK LAYOUT=LONG has now been enhanced to give more output including the full ICHECK output when the file contains records. ADACHK was designed with performance being one of the number one goals and to limit reading structures more than once prior to calling the sorter for optimal performance. Due to the way ADACHK works, the output may differ slightly between running



The same checks are indeed done for both but in slightly different order for performance reasons and therefore the output differs slightly. ADACHK CHECK LAYOUT=MEDIUM provides the same output with Adabas Version 8.4 as ADACHK LAYOUT=LONG did at Adabas Version 8.3 for compatibility reasons. For further information see here: ADACHK Utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual


The utilization of the SORT dataset has been optimized to use less space based on the number of descriptors in use.

ADADEF Enhancements

The ADADEF DEFINE option now allows to specify a default time zone for a database. The ADADEF MODIFY option allows to modify and remove the default time zone for a database. For more information, read about the ADADEF Utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

ADAREP Enhancements

The ADAREP "General Database Information" now informs when a default time zone is active for a database and if the Adabas database server is declared as "Replicator". For more information, read about the ADAREP utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

The ADAREP checkpoint report may be restricted to a certain class or classes of checkpoints. For more information, read about the CP parameter of the ADAREP utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

ADAZIN Enhancements

Some delivered load modules do not have the standard module header needed to report on maintenance. These modules may be, for example, non-executable data modules, CICS modules with a CICS-mandated prefix, non-assembly language programs, subroutines and sample programs, and are excluded from the report. All excluded modules cannot have maintenance applied using standard fixes and were previously reported as warnings. These excluded modules are no longer mentioned in the ADAZIN report.

Utility Change Summary

Adabas 8.4 SP1 introduces the following utility enhancements:

Utility Function New or Changed? Enhancement Description
ADADBS RESETISN Changed The ADADBS ISNREUSE,MODE=ON,RESET option now allows a specific ISN to be specified.


Changed When the DELETE or REFRESH function completes successfully, if the file was previously locked automatically by Adabas, the automatic lock is reset. Any file lock previously set with the operator command LOCKU remains set.
ADADBS OPERCOM DUQE Changed The ADADBS OPERCOM DUQE function now displays the time zone information a user is associated with.
ADACHK ACSCAN New Scan the address converter and print ranges of reusable ISNs with the option to RESET the rotating AC pointer.
ADACHK CHECK Changed ADACHK CHECK LAYOUT=LONG has now been enhanced to give more output including the full ICHECK output when the file contains records.


Changed The utilization of the SORT dataset has been optimized to use less space based on the number of descriptors in use.
ADADEF New Specify, modify or remove default time zone.
ADAREP New Display default time zone and inform when database server is of type "Replicator".
ADAREP CP New Restrict list of checkpoints to a certain class or classes.
ADAZIN Changed Excluded modules are no longer mentioned in the ADAZIN report.

Operator Command Enhancements

This section describes the operator command enhancements made in Adabas version 8.4.

Operator Command DPARM

Operator command DPARM lists the new ADARUN parameters added to Adabas Version 8.4 and the values they currently have in the Adabas session: INDEXUPDATE and UPDATECONTROL. In cluster nuclei (Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services), it also lists new cluster-related ADARUN parameters and their current values.

Operator Command DSTAT

Operator command DSTAT lists additional I/O statistics for the writes to WORK Part 1 (the protection data area) and to the protection log (PLOG):

  • "WORK1 protection blocks" (abbreviated to "WORK1 prot. blks") shows the total number of blocks written to WORK Part 1. Some blocks may have been written more than once (with increasing amounts of data).

  • The new "WORK1 different blocks" (abbreviated to "WORK1 diff. blks") shows the number of different blocks written to WORK Part 1 - that is, counting each block once if it was written multiple times in a row. This number correlates with the actual amount of protection data written to WORK.

  • "WORK1 protection I/Os" (abbreviated to "WORK1 prot. I/Os") shows the number of I/Os performed to write the protection data to WORK Part 1. Where possible, Adabas writes multiple consecutive blocks in a single I/O operation, if sufficient I/O buffers are available (based on the NWORK1BUFFERS parameter).

  • The "PLOG protection blocks", the new "PLOG different blocks" and the "PLOG protection I/Os" statistics are similar.

The "WORK1 different blocks" and "PLOG different blocks" numbers have also been added to the Adabas session end statistics.

Operator Command DUQE

Operator command DUQE now displays the time zone information a user is associated with.

Operator Command Change Summary

The following table lists new and changed operator commands in Adabas 8.4.

Command New or Changed Enhancement Description
DPARM Changed Operator command DPARM lists the new ADARUN parameters added to Adabas Version 8.4 and the values they currently have in the Adabas session: INDEXUPDATE and UPDATECONTROL.
DSTAT Changed Operator command DSTAT lists additional I/O statistics for the writes to WORK Part 1 (the protection data area) and to the protection log (PLOG).
DUQE Changed Operator command DUQE displays the time zone information a user is associated with.

For more information about any Adabas operator command, read Operator Commands.

Miscellaneous Changes and Enhancements

Adabas 8.4 SP1 provides the following miscellaneous changes and enhancements:

Field Definitions

It is now possible to define subdescriptors and subfields as well as superdescriptors and superfields with parents that have the LA option. Still, the relative byte positions for begin and end must be in the range of 1 to 253. For further details refer to the descriptions of subdescriptors, subfields, superdescriptors and superfields in the section Field Definition Statements. Also read about the LA: Long Alpha Field Option in section FNDEF: Field and Group Definition


The ASMFREC macro has been changed:

  • In the Product ID section in the field ASSMFVC it reports the interface version 1.4 (ASSMFV14).

  • The parameter section was reordered and expanded with new ADARUN parameters.

  • A new section SESS describes the nucleus session statistics information.

ADASMF output data has changed:

  • Additional storage pool elements are reported. For details, refer to Storage Pool Section: STG .

  • Additional parameters are returned in the parameter section.

  • A new optional SESS section reports nucleus session statistics.


  • When running with ADARUN LFIOP>0, Adabas session statistics now include new WORK1 and PLOG write I/O counts.

  • The ISNREUSE algorithm in the nucleus has been enhanced to minimize increases of TOPISN, which also reduces the chances of a Response 78.

  • The Adabas 8 LGBLSET macro parameter REVREL= is now redundant. Refer to the z/OS parameter description REVREL: Adabas Review Release and the z/VSE parameter description REVREL: Adabas Review Release for more information. This change is not applicable to BS2000.