
This document lists the Adabas 8.3 enhancements.

Category Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 SP4 Enhancements ADASVC Installation Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 SP4 Utility Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 SP3 Enhancements Adabas 8.3 SP3 Utility Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 SP2 Enhancements Adabas 8.3 SP2 Utility Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 SP2 Operator Command Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 SP1 Enhancements Performance Enhancements
Space Usage Enhancements
Security-Related Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 SP1 Miscellaneous Changes and Enhancements
ADARUN Parameter Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 SP1 Utility Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 SP1 Operator Command Enhancements
Direct Call Command Enhancements

ADASVC Installation Enhancements

ADASVC installation is simplified for Adabas Version 8.3.4. It is no longer necessary to relink ADASVC, ADASIP and ADASIR. Instead, sample jobs are provided that use z/OS utility IEBCOPY to copy and optionally rename load modules. This preserves all load module attributes.

Adabas 8.3 SP4 Utility Enhancements

This section describes the utility enhancements made in Adabas version 8.3 SP4. These include:

ADADBS Enhancements

The ADADBS ISNREUSE,MODE=ON,RESET option now allows a specific ISN to be specified. For customers knowing where their reusable ISNs (ISNs previously deleted) reside, they can now quickly set the rotating ISN pointer to the specific ISN. For more information, read about the ADADBS RESETISN utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

ADADBS Utility Functions DELETE and REFRESH Changes Available With Zap AN834010 Applied

  • Without zap AN834010 applied
    When the DELETE or REFRESH function completes successfully, any locks previously set automatically or with the operator commands LOCKU or LOCKF are reset.

  • With zap AN834010 applied
    When the DELETE or REFRESH function completes successfully, if the file was previously locked automatically by Adabas, the automatic lock is reset. Any locks previously set with the operator commands LOCKU or LOCKF remain set.

Adabas 8.3 SP3 Utility Enhancements

This section describes the utility enhancements made in Adabas version 8.3 SP3. These include:

ADAZIN Enhancements

Adabas 8.3 SP3 allows z/VSE users to print Adabas SVC information via utility ADAZIN. This functionality is similar to that already available for z/OS users. For more information, read about the ADAZIN utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

ADAMLF Enhancements

The multi fetch statistics have been enhanced to provide informative statistics that can be used to help tune the multi fetch parameters.

Multi fetch has also been enhanced to full support ACBX calls and buffers that exceed 32K. For more information please refer to the description of the multi fetch parameters.

ADASEL Enhancements to Recognize Split Updates on PLOGs

ADASEL has been enhanced to now recognize all updates.

ADASEL can now recognize deletes and inserts that resulted from a split update command and also reports these as "updates" instead of "delete" or "insert". This enhancement has been provided with new parameters, SPECUPD and RECSYNC, so that customers can choose whether to use this new behavior or the original one.

For more information, read about the ADASEL utility, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

RSP21 Subcodes

The RSP21 subcodes have been enhanced to provide unique subcodes in an effort to make debugging easier.

User Exit 11 Enhancements

User exit 11 now has the capability to set user-specified response codes in the user-defined range 231 - 239 in field ACBXRSP of the exit's ADACBX copy.

For more information, read about user exit 11, in the Adabas User, Hyperdescriptor, Collation Descriptor, and SMF Exits Manual.

SYSACF Messages

ADACSH in conjunction with SYSACF messages have been enhanced to provide more informative messages.

Adabas 8.3 SP2 Utility Enhancements

This section describes the utility enhancements made in Adabas version 8.3 SP2.

  • Adabas 8.3 SP2 introduces the ability to specify file number ranges in the ADADBS OPERCOM DXFILE command. A maximum of only five file numbers can be specified, but you can use file number ranges to see results for more than five files. This functionality is not available for the DXFILE console command. For more information, read about the ADADBS OPERCOM DXFILE command, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

  • Extended checkpoint information is now reported in ADAREP reports for ADARES CLCOPY and ADARES MERGE CLOG processing.

Adabas 8.3 SP2 Operator Command Enhancements

This section describes the operator command enhancements made in Adabas version 8.3 SP2.

With Adabas 8.3 SP2, the DLOCKF operator command now shows the lock type in its output. (This functionality is also supplied if you apply zaps AU831050 and AN831034 to your Adabas 8.3 SP1 code. Zaps are available via Empower.) This is true whether the DLOCKF command is issued from the console or in an ADADBS OPERCOM utility run. In addition, if a file is locked using the Adabas Online System, this information is also displayed in the AOSLOG message.

For more information, read DLOCKF Command or read about the DLOCKF command in the ADADBS OPERCOM section Operator Commands

Performance Enhancements

Adabas 8.3 SP1 provides several performance enhancements. These include:

WORK and PLOG I/O Efficiency Enhancements

In Adabas 8.3 SP1, WORK and PLOG write I/Os may be more efficient by writing more blocks with each I/O operation. This may reduce the number of write I/Os to WORK and PLOG (and the CPU time for issuing these I/Os), especially for update-intensive workloads. To exploit this improvement, the asynchronous buffer flush must be enabled (ADARUN LFIOP>0) and ADARUN parameters NWORK1BUFFERS and NPLOGBUFFERS must each be set to a number greater than 2.

ARNWORKBUFFERS: Autorestart Work Buffer Controls

Adabas 8.3 SP1 introduces the ability to specify the number of WORK I/O buffers allocated during autorestart processing after a failure, by using a new ADARUN parameter, ARNWORKBUFFERS. When multiple WORK I/O buffers are allocated and used during autorestart processing, multiple WORK blocks may be read in each I/O. The use of multiple WORK buffers during autorestart processing may reduce the elapsed time needed to complete autorestart processing.

For complete information about the ARNWORKBUFFERS parameter, read ARNWORKBUFFERS Parameter: Autorestart Work Buffer Controls.

Enhanced ADAFRM Utility Data Set Formatting

Effective with Adabas 8.3, data sets are formatted by the ADAFRM utility using an enhanced, quicker method. If you want to use the original (older) data set formatting technique, you can specify a new NOTENH (not enhanced) parameter. In addition, a new VOLIOCOUNT parameter has been introduced. Use the VOLIOCOUNT parameter to specify the number of concurrent I/Os per volume to process for a data set; the value of this parameter can also affect the processing speed of the ADAFRM utility.

For complete information, read ADAFRM Utility: Format Adabas Database Components and specifically the section Enhanced Formatting.

ADAREP Performance Enhancements

In Adabas 8.3 SP1, the ADAREP utility performance has been improved by reducing the number of I/Os used to count the number of records loaded for each file. For a database with large files, this enhancement can significantly reduce the run time of the ADAREP utility.

For more information about the ADAREP utility, read ADAREP Utility: Database Status Report.

ADACHK Utility: Database Consistency Check Utility

This release introduces the ADACHK, or Adabas common check, utility. ADACHK performs a variety of functions and is intended to replace the ADAACK, ADADCK, ADAICK, ADAVAL, and ADAPRI utilities. ADACHK provides the existing functionality provided by these utilities as well as additional features. It also includes the integrity checks that the ADAREP utility currently performs and checks all persistent data structures on disk with minimal impact to the production environment while database updates run concurrently. In addition, all ADACHK utility functions can be run online concurrently with normal database operations; consequently, it can be run 24x7, without the need to shut down the database.

Compared to the ADAACK ACCHECK, ADADCK DSCHECK, and ADAVAL VALIDATE functions, the corresponding ADACHK functions, and especially their combination in the CHECK function, perform significantly faster.

For more information about the ADACHK utility, read New ADACHK Utility: Database Consistency Check Utility that Runs Concurrently with Normal Database Operations, elsewhere in this guide and ADACHK Utility: Database Consistency Check Utility that Runs Concurrently with Normal Database Operations

CL Command Processing for Remote Users in Adabas Cluster Services

In Adabas Cluster Services 8.3 SP1, Adabas CL direct call commands by users from other systems in the parallel sysplex are now processed more efficiently, causing less intersystem message traffic and consuming less CPU time. A user is assigned to a cluster nucleus on another system if no nucleus is active and open for new users on the local system.

Space Usage Enhancements

Adabas 8.3 SP1 introduces a variety of enhancements directed at managing your Associator (ASSO) and Data Storage (DATA) space usage. These include the following updates:

Determining Defined Associator and Data Storage Space

Adabas 8.3 SP1 introduces the ability to determine how much space is defined for and used in the Associator (ASSO) and Data Storage (DATA) components of your databases. A new command, DSPACE, has been introduced. When you issue this command on the console, ADANS5 messages appear providing ASSO and DATA space information.

This command is also available for use in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function. For more information, read about the DSPACE command in the ADADBS OPERCOM documentation.

Receiving Associator and Data Storage Space Usage Notifications

Adabas 8.3 SP1 introduces the ability to receive space usage messages as Associator (ASSO) and Data Storage (DATA) space use exceeds or falls below set thresholds. With this information, you can adjust the use or size of your database as needed.

Two new ADARUN parameters are provided to specify ASSO and DATA space threshold levels. When free space becomes critically low, space usage messages can be useful triggers for operators to determine the cause of the limited space. If the cause is a rogue application, you can cancel the rogue application. If the cause is insufficient database space allocations, you can provide additional space while the database remains active (as described in this document).

  • ASSOSPACEWARN can be used to specify the space usage thresholds and the increments above the thresholds at which warning messages should be triggered for Associator space.

  • DATASPACEWARN can be used to specify the space usage thresholds and the increments above the thresholds at which warning messages should be triggered for Data Storage space.

When space use exceeds the specified thresholds, space usage messages are issued. Thereafter, when space use increases or decreases by the specified increments, additional space usage messages are issued. When space use drops below the lowest threshold specification, a space usage message is issued when it first falls below the threshold, but incremental space usage messages are no longer issued unless space use increases above the lowest threshold again.

In addition, the following additional features are provided to support database space notifications:

  • Two new operator commands, ASSOSPACEWARN and DATASPACEWARN, can be used to alter the comparable ADARUN parameter settings while the nucleus is active. These commands can be entered on the console as well as with the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.

  • Several new console messages are provided that indicate when the threshold levels are exceeded.

Increasing Associator and Data Storage Space Dynamically (z/OS Only)

This version of Adabas introduces the ability to dynamically (manually) increase the size of your Associator (ASSO) or Data Storage (DATA) space on z/OS systems. This makes it possible to increase the size of the database without incurring a database outage, which can be critical if your database needs to run 24x7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). You can do this in one of two ways:

  1. You can have Adabas increase the size of the last existing ASSO or DATA data set for the database.

  2. You can add a new ASSO or DATA data set to the database by allocating the data set to the operating system, formatting the data set, and then allocating it to the database.

Both of these methods can be accomplished without restarting the Adabas nucleus or nucleus cluster.

To support this new functionality, the following Adabas utility enhancements are provided in this version:

  • The new ADADBS ONLINCREASE utility function allows you to dynamically increase the size of the last existing ASSO or DATA data set for the database. Running this utility function will trigger Adabas to extend the data set, format the appended space, and allocate the space to the database. For complete information about the ADADBS ONLINCREASE utility function, read ONLINCREASE: Allocating Appended ASSO or DATA Space Dynamically.

  • The new ADADBS ONLADD utility function allows you to dynamically allocate a new Associator or Data Storage data set to the database without restarting the Adabas nucleus. The new data set must have previously been allocated to the operating system and formatted for the Associator or Data Storage area using the ADAFRM ASSOFRM or ADAFRM DATAFRM utility functions. For complete information about the ADADBS ONLADD utility function, read ONLADD: Allocating New ASSO or DATA Space Dynamically.

For general information about dynamic increases to Associator and Data Storage spaces, read Increasing Associator and Data Storage Space.

Increasing Associator and Data Storage Space Automatically (z/OS Only)

This version of Adabas also introduces the ability to have Adabas automatically increase the size of your Associator (ASSO) or Data Storage (DATA) space. This makes it possible to increase the size of the database when necessary and without manual intervention. This support is implemented using the following new ADARUN parameters:

  • The AUTOINCASSOSIZE and AUTOINCDATASIZE parameters can be used to specify the size, in cylinders or blocks, by which the highest-numbered (last-defined) Associator (ASSO) and Data Storage (DATA) data sets (respectively) will be increased by an automatic database increase process.

  • The AUTOINCASSOTHRESHOLD and AUTOINCDATATHRESHOLD parameters can be used to specify the Associator or Data Storage (respectively) space thresholds at which Adabas automatically initiates a database increase process. These thresholds are expressed as the percentage of used Associator or Data Storage space to total Associator or Data Storage space available in the database.

  • The AUTOINCASSOTOTAL and AUTOINCDATATOTAL parameters can be used to specify the maximum total size, in cylinders or blocks, of the entire Associator or Data Storage space (respectively) of the database that is not to be exceeded by automatic database increase processes.

These parameters can also be altered dynamically by operator command, using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function, and using the Adabas Online System's Modify Parameters screen.

  • The AUTOINCASSOSIZE and AUTOINCDATASIZE commands can be used to specify the size, in cylinders or blocks, by which the highest-numbered (last-defined) Associator (ASSO) and Data Storage (DATA) data sets (respectively) will be increased by an automatic database increase process.

  • The AUTOINCASSOTHRESHOLD and AUTOINCDATATHRESHOLD commands can be used to specify the Associator or Data Storage (respectively) space thresholds at which Adabas automatically initiates a database increase process. These thresholds are expressed as the percentage of used Associator or Data Storage space to total Associator or Data Storage space available in the database.

  • The AUTOINCASSOTOTAL and AUTOINCDATATOTAL commands can be used to specify the maximum total size, in cylinders or blocks, of the entire Associator or Data Storage space (respectively) of the database that is not to be exceeded by automatic database increase processes.

For general information about automatic increases to Associator and Data Storage spaces, read Increasing Associator and Data Storage Space.

Security-Related Enhancements

Adabas 8.3 SP1 provides a wide variety of security enhancements. These include:

Security System User ID Support

This release introduces support for security system user IDs. Security system user IDs are the sign-on user IDs provided by security software such as RACF, ACF2, or Top Secret. Using security system user IDs, you can track user activity in Adabas databases based on how your users authenticated themselves to your security software. To support security system user IDs, the following specific enhancements have been made to Adabas:

Support for security system user IDs is available in z/OS and z/VSE environments only.

System Field Support for Security System User IDs

Security system user IDs (SSIDs) can now be stored in system fields in an Adabas file. A new value, SECUID, has been added for field definitions that include the SY field option. This SY=SECUID value indicates that the system field contains an SSID.

For complete information read System Fields and SY: System Field.

SECUID Field Included in Command and Protection Logs

The SECUID field is now included in Adabas command logs (CLOGs) and protection logs (PLOGs).

CICS Link Globals Table (LGBLSET Parameter) Security Requirements

In CICS environments only, if you want your security system user IDs to be stored in Adabas user queue elements (making them available for display and review as well as preventing response code 200, (ADARSP200), subcode 21 when ADARUN SECUID=REQUIRE is in effect for Adabas), you must code the SAF parameter as YES. This is only required in CICS environments; in other environments, the security system user IDs are automatically stored.

For more information, read Step 6. Prepare the CICS Link Globals Table -- CICSGBL and SAF: Adabas Security Interface Flag.


A new SECUID ADARUN parameter has been introduced. You can use this parameter to specify the requirement level of security system user IDs for a database. Using it you can indicate how Adabas handles calls from users without a security system user ID or with a security system user ID that changed during the Adabas session. Valid values are ALLOW, REQUIRE, and WARN. ALLOW indicates that a user can continue working with the database when they have no security system user ID or when their security system user ID changes during their Adabas session; REQUIRE indicates that a valid security system user ID is required for every user working with the database during their Adabas session and that security system user ID must remain unchanged during their Adabas session; WARN indicates that a warning message should be issued but that a user can continue working with the database when they have no security system user ID or when their security system user ID changes during their Adabas session.

For complete information about the SECUID ADARUN parameter, read SECUID Parameter: Security System User ID Requirement Level.

New SECUID Operator Command

A new SECUID operator command has been introduced. You can use this operator command to alter the setting of the ADARUN SECUID parameter while the nucleus is active. This operator command is valid for use both on the console and in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.

For more information about the SECUID operator command, read SECUID Command; for more information about use of the SECUID operator command in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function, read about the SECUID operator command. For complete information about the SECUID ADARUN parameter, read SECUID Parameter: Security System User ID Requirement Level.

New STOPSU and STOPSUR Operator Commands

Two new operator commands, STOPSU and STOPSUR, have been introduced.

  • You can use the STOPSU operator command to stop and delete a user with the specified security user ID. Any open transactions of the stopped user are backed out. No response code is issued; the next time the stopped user issues a command, a new user queue element (UQE) is created. For more information about the STOPSU operator command, read STOPSU Command; for more information about use of the STOPSU operator command in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function, read about the STOPSU operator command.

  • You can use the STOPSUR operator command to stop a user with a specified security user ID, but the stopped user is not immediately deleted. Any open transactions of the stopped user are backed out. The stopped user is only deleted after he or she has issued a subsequent command and response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 54 has been issued in response to that command. This response code-subcode combination is used to notify users that their Adabas activity has been halted and their user session resources have been freed. Only after the response code-subcode combination has been issued is the user queue element (UQE) of the stopped user deleted. For more information about the STOPSUR operator command, read STOPSUR Command; for more information about use of the STOPSUR operator command in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function, read about the STOPSUR operator command.

Operator Command Output Display Changes

Output reports from various operator commands (such as the DPARM, DCQ, DFILES, DUQ, or DHQA operator commands) have been significantly altered to include the current SECUID setting of the user's actual security system user ID.

PRILOG Display Changes

Because the SECUID is now included in Adabas command logs, this version of the PRILOG print program displays the SECUID when CLOGLAYOUT=8 is used. All of the reports produced by the PRILOG print program have been updated to include this new field. The PRILOG print program, as in past releases, is delivered in source as well as object form; if you have used and customized the source form at your site, you may need to recustomize it using the newer source form of PRILOG provided in this release.

There were no changes made to the PRILOG parameters.

Adabas Utility Changes

The following Adabas utilities have been altered to support the security system user ID:

  • The ADACDC utility has been updated to support the security system user ID. The security system user ID will appear in the extract file and the primary output file. If the security system user ID is not known, blanks are stored in the extract file. For more information, read ADACDC Utility: Changed-Data Capture.

  • The ADASEL utility has been updated to support the security system user ID. This support is provided in three places in the SELECT parameter of the ADASEL utility:

    1. A new SECUID parameter can now be used to specify a security system user ID or range of security system user IDs in the value-criterion of the WITH clause or the IF statement.

    2. A new SECUID [HEX] parameter can now be used in the DISPLAY instruction to indicate that the security system user ID of the user who added, updated, or deleted the record should be displayed.

    3. The security system user ID will appear in the output log data set if the new EXTRACT keyword is specified in the output instruction of the ADASEL utility. If the security system user ID is not known, "UNKNOWN" displays.

    For more information, read ADASEL Utility: Select Protection Data.

  • The ADAWRK utility has been updated to include a new SECUID parameter. You can use this parameter to specify up to 24 security system user IDs (SECUIDs) in character format. Each SECUID must be one to eight bytes long. When SECUIDs are specified, only Work part 1 autorestart area records for those SECUIDs are processed by the ADAWRK utility and printed on its reports. For more information, read ADAWRK Utility: Work Area Recovery Reports.

Adabas Session Statistic Changes

The high usage session statistics produced for a nucleus session have been altered to include the user's security system user ID, if it is known. For more information, read High Usage Session Statistics.

LORECX DSECT Security Updates

In Adabas 8.3 SP1, an eight-byte field called LOX1SAFU, used to store the security user ID, was added in the LORECX DSECT after the LOX1RSV field. In addition, 24 bytes of reserved space was added for future use. To determine whether you are looking at the new layout, review the contents of the field LOX1OFF.

ADASCR Enhancements

Adabas 8.3 SP1 includes Adabas Security support for more than 191 files defined in one password. In addition, more security-by-value information than before may be defined for one password.

Adabas Security is described in Adabas Security and ADASCR. For complete information about Adabas Security, contact your Software AG representative.

Adabas 8.3 SP1 Miscellaneous Changes and Enhancements

Adabas 8.3 SP1 provides the following miscellaneous changes and enhancements:


In Adabas 8.3 SP1, the following updates have been made to the LOREC and LORECX DSECTs:

  • The fields LOX1STYP and LORSTYPE in the LOREC and LORECX DSECTs (distributed in the Adabas source library) have been altered so that the CLOGs reflect accurate information describing which search algorithm was used.

  • The search algorithms in LOREC and LORECX have been updated.

  • In the LORECX DSECT, an eight-byte field LOX1SAFU, used to store the security user ID, was added after the LOX1RSV field. In addition, 24 bytes of reserved space was added for future use. To determine whether you are looking at the new layout, review the contents of the field LOX1OFF.

ADASVC Loaded Into 31-Bit Storage

This enhancement applies to z/OS environments only.

Effective with Adabas 8.3 SP1, the Adabas router module, ADASVC, can now be loaded into 31-bit storage. This provides virtual storage constraint relief for the 24-bit common service area (CSA) and the link pack area (LPA). The ADASVC module is now delivered with the RMODE(ANY) attribute; in previous versions of Adabas, it was delivered with the RMODE(24) attribute. The RMODE(ANY) attribute causes z/OS to place the ADASVC module in the extended link pack area at IPL.

Module ADASIP has also been enhanced to support the RMODE(ANY) attribute and acquire storage in either CSA or extended CSA (ECSA). In addition, the ADASIR module will now initialize the ADASVC loaded either above or below the 16 MB line. The Adabas version 8.3 ADASIP and ADASIR modules can also be used to load and initialize older versions of ADASVC.

These changes should be transparent to programs invoking ADALNK to issue commands to the Adabas database. One exception is AMODE(24) applications that use an Adabas version 7 or earlier ADALNK module. Such applications will likely incur a S0C4 or S0C1 abend. You will need to adjust these programs to use a version 8 ADALNK module. Alternatively, you can relink the ADASVC module to use the RMODE(24) attribute. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

Statistic Enhancements

Adabas 8.3 introduces enhancements to Adabas nucleus statistics. These enhancements include:

  • Size increases for some statistic counters to prevent possible overflows of Adabas nucleus statistic values (for example, commands by file or commands by thread);

  • Changes in the display of the statistics produced by some operator commands (such as DSTAT and DPARM);

  • Changes in the layout of lock statistics in cluster nucleus session end statistics;

  • Changes in the display of the statistics shown on some Adabas Online System screens; and

  • The introduction of some new statistics-producing commands (such as DVOLIO, DCMDSTAT, and DFILESTAT).

Universal Encoding Support (UES) changes for APS 3.3 Support on z/OS and z/VSE

Effective with Adabas Version 8.3, only APS version 3.3.1 fix pack 12 and above is supported on z/OS and only APS version 3.3.1 fix pack 19 and above is supported on z/VSE.

In z/OS and z/VSE environments, Universal Encoding Support (UES) has been upgraded to use APS version 3.3.1. APS version 2.7.2 is no longer supported on these platforms with Adabas version 8.3. UES users therefore need to replace all JCL references for APS version 2.7.2 libraries to APS version 3.3.1 libraries. Any attempt to use APS version 2.7.2 libraries with Adabas version 8.3 in z/OS and z/VSE environments will result in an abend during nucleus initialization.

z/VSE users should note that, with APS version 3.3.1 fix pack 19, a new system parameter TCPIP has been introduced. Users should add parameter TCPIP=NO to the APS reader files in use for all UES-enabled Adabas nucleus and utility jobs. The following z/VSE members contain sample jobs which set the TCPIP=NO parameter:







In BS2000 environments, UES continues to use APS version 2.7.2.

ADARUN Parameter Enhancements

This section describes the ADARUN Parameter enhancements made in Adabas version 8.3.

For more information about any ADARUN parameter, read Adabas Initialization (ADARUN Statement) .

ALLOW8F: BS2000 8F Device Control

This release introduces a new ADARUN parameter called ALLOW8F. This parameter allows you to specify whether 8F devices can be used with devices other than as UNIX shared disks. This parameter allows you to control the use of 8F devices in your BS2000 Adabas session. Valid values are Y or N; N is the default.

For complete information about the ALLOW8F parameter, read ALLOW8F Parameter: BS2000 8F Device Control.

ARNWORKBUFFERS: Autorestart Work Buffer Controls

Adabas 8.3 SP1 introduces the ability to specify the number of WORK I/O buffers allocated during autorestart processing after a failure, by using a new ADARUN parameter, ARNWORKBUFFERS. When multiple WORK I/O buffers are allocated and used during autorestart processing, multiple WORK blocks may be read in each I/O. The use of multiple WORK buffers during autorestart processing may reduce the elapsed time needed to complete autorestart processing.

For complete information about the ARNWORKBUFFERS parameter, read ARNWORKBUFFERS Parameter: Autorestart Work Buffer Controls.

AUTOCQENV and AUTOCQTIME: Monitoring the Command Queue

Two new ADARUN parameters, AUTOCQENV and AUTOCQTIME, have been added to Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services to allow you to request special command queue monitoring during an online recovery process after the failure of a nucleus in the cluster. Adabas will then regularly review the command queue for unprocessed commands that meet the AUTOCQENV and AUTOCQTIME parameter criteria. Eligible unprocessed commands will be automatically returned (after a period of elapsed time) with response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 55.

During an online recovery process, the surviving Adabas cluster nuclei stop selecting user commands from the command queue. During this time, new commands issued by users accumulate in the command queue and wait to be processed. The AUTOCQENV and AUTOCQTIME parameters can be used to avoid that too many commands wait for too long.

The AUTOCQENV parameter can be used to identify the type of user affected by the AUTOCQTIME parameter setting. Only commands from users in the specified environment (e.g., CICS) will be returned from the command queue if they meet the AUTOCQTIME criteria. The AUTOCQTIME parameter can be used to specify the timeout period, in seconds, after which an eligible unprocessed command in the command queue during online recovery will be returned to the user with response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 55.

For more information, read AUTOCQENV Parameter: Environment Affected by Command Return from the Command Queue and AUTOCQTIME Parameter: Wait Time Threshold for Commands in Command Queue during Online Recovery.

INDEXCROSSCHECK: Data Storage Record Validation

This release introduces a new ADARUN parameter and a new operator command called INDEXCROSSCHECK. These allow you to turn index cross-checking on and off. Index cross-checking is a process Adabas uses to ensure that a data storage record it is reading actually matches the descriptor value in the index by which the record was found. When index cross-checking is turned on, Adabas extracts the descriptor value from the record being read and compares it to the value used for positioning in the index. If there is a mismatch, Adabas returns response code 175 (ADARSP175).

Attempts to change the INDEXCROSSCHECK setting (via the INDEXCROSSCHECK command) in a cluster environment will be rejected. In a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL), Adabas sets INDEXCROSSCHECK to "YES", overriding any user-specified INDEXCROSSCHECK value, and validates the descriptor value from the index against the corresponding value from the data storage.

For complete information about the INDEXCROSSCHECK parameter, read INDEXCROSSCHECK Parameter: Data Storage Record Validation. For complete information about the INDEXCROSSCHECK command, read INDEXCROSSCHECK Command.

IOMAX32K: BS2000 PAM I/O Error Control

This release introduces a new ADARUN parameter called IOMAX32K. This parameter allows you to specify whether sporadic PAM I/O ADAI51 and ADAI52 error messages with DMS error code 00 should be removed on old disk devices. This parameter is for BS2000 environments only. Valid values are Y or N; N is the default.

For complete information about the IOMAX32K parameter, read IOMAX32K Parameter: BS2000 PAM I/O Error Control.

LTZ: Time Zone Pool Size

This release introduces a new ADARUN parameter called LTZ. This parameter allows you to specify the size of the time zone pool (in bytes) where time zone information is kept for each time zone used in a user session. Valid values are "0" (no time zone pool is allocated, disabling the use of time zones for user sessions) or range from 12288 bytes (12K) to 2147483647 bytes, although only 491520 bytes (480K) is required to load all available time zones. The default is 32768 (32K).

The default of 32K is the same value that was defined for the time zone pool in Adabas time zone logic in earlier Adabas releases, when you could only adjust this setting via a zap. With the introduction of this new LTZ parameter, the zap is no longer necessary.

For complete information about the LTZ parameter, read LTZ Parameter: Time Zone Pool Size.

NISNHQ ADARUN Parameter Maximum Changed

The maximum value that can be specified for the NISNHQ ADARUN parameter has been changed in Adabas 8.3 SP1. This parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of records that can be placed in hold status (hold queues) at the same time by a single user.

The new maximum value that can be specified is the value set for the NH ADARUN parameter (which has a maximum value of 16777215).

For complete information about the NISNHQ parameter, read NISNHQ Parameter: Number of ISNs in Hold Queue per User.

REFSTPRT: Print Statistics before Refresh Statistics

This release introduces a new ADARUN parameter and a new operator command called REFSTPRT. These allow you to indicate whether statistics should be printed before they are refreshed. Valid values are YES or NO; YES is the default.

When set to "YES", Adabas prints statistics before an ADADBS REFRESHSTATS utility function run or before interval statistics have been refreshed using Adabas Online System (option R in Session Monitoring).

The REFSTPRT operator command can be issued on the console as well as via the ADADBS OPERCOM function.

For complete information about the REFSTPRT parameter, read REFSTPRT Parameter: Print Statistics before Refresh Statistics. For complete information about the REFSTPRT command, read REFSTPRT Command.

REVLOGMAX Maximum Setting Changed

The maximum value that can be specified for the ADARUN parameter REVLOGMAX has been changed from 32768 (32K) to 32764 (32K - 4). Be sure to correct this parameter setting accordingly in any of your nuclei before you attempt to start them.

For more information about the REVLOGMAX parameter, read REVLOGMAX Parameter: Total Logged Buffer Size Limit for a Review Command.

RIAFTERUPDATE: Allow RI Command after Update

This release introduces a new ADARUN parameter called RIAFTERUPDATE. This parameter allows you to indicate whether Adabas should suppress the response code 113 (ADARSP113) subcode 5 and response code 2 (ADARSP002) subcode 5 that are returned when an application issues an RI command for a record that has been updated in the current transaction. The RI command returns response code 0 instead, but does not release any updated records from hold.

Normally, the RI command releases ISNs for records being held by the issuing user. The selected ISN for a single database file, or all ISNs held by the issuing user in all files can be released. However, the records are not released unconditionally. If your application issues an RI command for a record that has been updated in the current transaction, Adabas normally returns response code 113 (ADARSP113), or if ISN=0 was specified, response code 2 (ADARSP002). With the RIAFTERUPDATE parameter set to "YES", these response codes are suppressed. Instead, a response code of zero (0) is returned, and only records that have not been updated in the current transaction are released from hold. Updated records continue to be protected from concurrent updates by other users that might otherwise introduce inconsistencies.

This logic is made configurable for customers with old COBOL applications that are exposed to response code 113 (subcode 5) responses.

For complete information about the RIAFTERUPDATE parameter, read RIAFTERUPDATE Parameter: Controlling RI Command Behavior .

TCPURL: Logging Activation and IPv6 Support

The ADARUN TCPURL parameter now allows you to indicate whether logging should be turned on and whether IPv6 addresses can be used. This update was made to the option to access your Adabas databases directly through TCP/IP, which runs as a subtask and uses the TCP/IP line driver logic provided by Entire Net-Work, which includes support of IPv6 addressing. For more information, read TCPURL Parameter: TCP/IP Universal Resource Locator.

UTCTIMEL: BS2000 Local Time Control

This release introduces a new ADARUN parameter called UTCTIMEL. This parameter allows you to specify whether this machine has been started in local time or not. This parameter is valid only in BS2000 environments and allows time derived from the store clock (STCK) to be output correctly when the machine has been started on local time.Valid values are Y or N; N is the default.

For complete information about the UTCTIMEL parameter, read UTCTIMEL Parameter: BS2000 Local Time Control.

ADARUN Parameter Change Summary

The following table summarizes the ADARUN parameter changes in Adabas 8.3.

Parameter New or Changed Enhancement Description

This parameter new allows you to specify whether 8F devices can be used with devices other than as UNIX shared disks. This parameter allows you to control the use of 8F devices in your BS2000 Adabas session. Valid values are Y or N; N is the default.

ARNWORKBUFFERS New This new parameter allows you to specify the number of WORK I/O buffers allocated during autorestart processing after a failure. When multiple WORK I/O buffers are allocated and used during autorestart processing, multiple WORK blocks may be read in each I/O. The use of multiple WORK buffers during autorestart processing may reduce the elapsed time needed to complete autorestart processing.
ASSOCACHE Changed With the introduction of the ASSOSPACEWARN parameter, this ADARUN parameter can no longer be specified in the shortened form "ASSO". Its shortened form must now be specified as "ASSOC".
ASSOSPACEWARN New This new parameter can be used to specify the space usage thresholds and the increment above the thresholds at which warning messages should be triggered for Associator space.
AUTOCQENV New This new parameter can be used to identify the type of user affected by the AUTOCQTIME parameter setting during an online recovery process. Only commands from users in the specified environment will be returned from the command queue if they meet the AUTOCQTIME criteria.
AUTOCQTIME New This new parameter can be used to specify the timeout period, in seconds, after which an eligible unprocessed command in the command queue during online recovery will be returned to the user with response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 55.
AUTOINCASSOSIZE New This new parameter can be used to specify the size, in cylinders or blocks, by which the highest-numbered (last-defined) Associator (ASSO) data set will be increased by an automatic database increase process.
AUTOINCASSOTHRESHOLD New This new parameter can be used to specify the threshold, as a percentage of the used Associator space in the database, at which Adabas automatically initiates a database increase process.
AUTOINCASSOTOTAL New This new parameter can be used to specify the maximum total size, in cylinders or blocks, of the entire Associator space of the database that is not to be exceeded by automatic database increase processes.
AUTOINCDATASIZE New This new parameter can be used to specify the size, in cylinders or blocks, by which the highest-numbered (last-defined) Data Storage (DATA) data set will be increased by an automatic database increase process.
AUTOINCDATATHRESHOLD New This new parameter can be used to specify the threshold, as a percentage of the used Data Storage space in the database, at which Adabas automatically initiates a database increase process.
AUTOINCDATATOTAL New This new parameter can be used to specify the maximum total size, in cylinders or blocks, of the entire Data Storage space of the database that is not to be exceeded by automatic database increase processes.
DATACACHE Changed With the introduction of the DATASPACEWARN parameter, this ADARUN parameter can no longer be specified in the shortened form "DA". Its shortened form must now be specified as "DATAC".
DATASPACEWARN New This new parameter can be used to specify the space usage thresholds and the increment above the thresholds at which warning messages should be triggered for Data Storage space.
INDEXCROSSCHECK New This new parameter can be used to specify whether index cross-checking should be turned on or off. Index cross-checking is a process Adabas uses to ensure that a data storage record it is reading actually matches the descriptor value in the index by which the record was found. When index cross-checking is turned on, Adabas extracts the descriptor value from the record being read and compares it to the value used for positioning in the index. If there is a mismatch, Adabas returns response code 175 (ADARSP175).
IOMAX32K New This new parameter can be used to specify whether sporadic PAM I/O ADAI51 and ADAI52 error messages with DMS error code 00 should be removed on old disk devices. This parameter is for BS2000 environments only.
LTZ New This new parameter can be used to specify the size of the time zone pool (in bytes) where time zone information is kept for each time zone used in a user session.
NISNHQ Changed The maximum value allowed for this parameter has been changed to the value set for the NH ADARUN parameter (which has a maximum value of 16777215).
REFSTPRT New This new parameter can be used to indicate whether statistics should be printed after a REFRESH STATISTICS command is issued.
REVLOGMAX Changed The maximum value allowed for this parameter has been changed to 32764 (32K - 4).
RIAFTERUPDATE New This new parameter can be used to indicate whether Adabas should suppress the response code 113 (ADARSP113) subcode 5 and response code 2 (ADARSP002) subcode 5 that are returned when an application issues an RI command for a record that has been updated in the current transaction and should not release the record.
SECUID New This new parameter can be used to specify the requirement level of security system user IDs for a database. Using it you can indicate how Adabas handles calls from a user without a security system user ID or with a security system user ID that changed during the Adabas session.
TCPURL Changed You can now indicate whether logging should be turned on and whether IPv6 addresses can be used in this parameter.
UTCTIMEL New This new parameter can be used to specify whether this machine has been started in local time or not. This allows time derived from the store clock (STCK) to be output correctly when the machine has been started on local time. This parameter is valid only in BS2000 environments.

Adabas 8.3 SP1 Utility Enhancements

This section describes the utility enhancements made in Adabas version 8.3 SP1.

New ADACHK Utility: Database Consistency Check Utility that Runs Concurrently with Normal Database Operations

This release introduces the ADACHK, or Adabas common check, utility. ADACHK performs a variety of functions and is intended to replace the ADAACK, ADADCK, ADAICK, ADAVAL, and ADAPRI utilities. ADACHK provides the existing functionality provided by these utilities as well as additional features. It also includes the integrity checks that the ADAREP utility currently performs and checks all persistent data structures on disk with minimal impact to the production environment while database updates run concurrently. In addition, all ADACHK utility functions can be run online concurrently with normal database operations; consequently, it can be run 24x7, without the need to shut down the database.

You can use the ADACHK utility to:

  • Perform all integrity checks and print functions that ADAPRI, ADAACK, ADAICK, ADADCK, ADAVAL, and ADAREP currently perform;

  • Check the address converter against data storage (ADACHK ACCHECK utility function);

  • Check Data Storage and the Data Storage space table (DSST) (ADACHK DSCHECK utility function);

  • Check the physical structure of the index (ADACHK ICHECK utility function).

  • Validate any or all files within an Adabas database, except the checkpoint and security files (VALIDATE utility function).

  • Print or dump Associator blocks, command log blocks, Data Storage blocks, the File Control Block, the field definition table, the free space table, the general control block, the normal index, the upper index, protection log blocks, recovery log blocks, sort data set blocks, temporary data set blocks, and work data set blocks.

In addition, the ADACHK CHECK utility function performs a combination of the ACCHECK, DSCHECK, ICHECK, and VALIDATE utility functions as well as the gap and overlap checks provided in the ADAREP utility. Note that the physical layout check of the entire database, including checks for overlaps, gaps, and the integrity of expanded file chains, is only performed once per ADACHK execution to reduce overhead.

It is possible to run ADACHK against the entire database, just one file, or a range of files. Processing occurs on a file by file basis rather than trying to process multiple files in parallel. Processing multiple files at once may hinder performance, particularly during the sort functions.

Anytime ADACHK reads a block it verifies the consistency of the block on its own and reports any inconsistencies that it detects. ADACHK has been designed in such a manner that each record (Data Storage, address converter, index) is only read once. This is a substantial performance improvement from the existing check utilities. A further performance enhancement is that ADACHK functions (including ADACHK VALIDATE) can check the entire database on their own, without making nucleus calls (the ADAVAL utility must make nucleus calls when it runs). It only makes nucleus calls if it encounters an error that may be transient (caused by a concurrent update), in which case ADACHK must confirm whether the block in question is currently being updated.

In addition, the ADACHK utility allows you to indicate the level of data produced for the report or dump using a new parameter called LAYOUT, with valid values of SHORT, MEDIUM, or LONG. For example, a table showing the expanded file chains is provided by the ADACHK CHECK utility function when LAYOUT=LONG.

The ADACHK utility does not require that its SORT data set be preformatted and in z/OS and BS2000 environments, it can dynamically increase the size of the SORT data set. If a single SORT data set (DDSORTR1) is in use, ADACHK can dynamically extend it if it fills up. If two SORT data sets are in use (DDSORTR1 and DDSORTR2), ADACHK can dynamically extend the DDSORTR2 data set if it fills up. Finally, instead of using its own, internal sorter, ADACHK can also be configured to use an external sorter -- that is, the sorter (if any) provided by your installation -- by specifying SORTTYPE=EXTERNAL. In this configuration, DDSORTR1 and/or DDSORTR2 need not be specified and any sorter-related specifications must be done for the external sorter.

The following table matches ADACHK utility functions with existing equivalent utility functions. All ADACHK utility functions can be run online with concurrent updates running. Support for the ADAACK, ADADCK, ADAICK, ADAPRI, and ADAVAL utilities will be dropped in a future release of Adabas, so we encourage you to start using the ADACHK utility now.

The LAYOUT=SHORT (the default) parameter setting is used for each of these ADACHK functions to minimize output when all structures are correct. LAYOUT=LONG can be used if the additional output is desired.

ADACHK Utility Function Equivalent Other Utility Function Comments
ACCHECK can also be run online while concurrent updates are running. This utility function includes expanded file chain and gap/overlap checks similar to those provided by the ADAREP utility.
The results from the ADACHK ASSOPRINT LAYOUT=LONG setting are what you get when you run the equivalent ADAICK or ADAPRI utility function.
CHECK none The CHECK utility function performs a combination of the ACCHECK, DSCHECK, ICHECK, and a VALIDATE utility functions as well as the gap and overlap checks provided in the ADAREP utility. CHECK can also be run online while concurrent updates are running.
The results from the ADACHK DATAPRINT LAYOUT=LONG setting are what you get when you run the equivalent ADAICK or ADAPRI utility function.
DSCHECK can also be run online while concurrent updates are running. This utility function includes expanded file chain and gap/overlap checks similar to those provided by the ADAREP utility.
DSSTPRINT none ---
The results from the ADACHK FCBPRINT LAYOUT=LONG setting are what you get when you run the equivalent ADAICK or ADAPRI utility function.
The results from the ADACHK FDTPRINT LAYOUT=LONG setting are what you get when you run the equivalent ADAICK or ADAPRI utility function.
FSTPRINT none ---
The results from the ADACHK GCBPRINT LAYOUT=LONG setting are what you get when you run the equivalent ADAICK or ADAPRI utility function.
ICHECK ADAICK ICHECK ICHECK can also be run online while concurrent updates are running. This utility function includes expanded file chain and gap/overlap checks similar to those provided by the ADAREP utility.
The results from the ADACHK NIPRINT LAYOUT=LONG setting are what you get when you run the equivalent ADAICK or ADAPRI utility function.
The results from the ADACHK PPTPRINT LAYOUT=LONG setting are what you get when you run the equivalent ADAICK or ADAPRI utility function.
The results from the ADACHK UIPRINT LAYOUT=LONG setting are what you get when you run the equivalent ADAICK or ADAPRI utility function.
VALIDATE ADAVAL VALIDATE VALIDATE can also be run online while concurrent updates are running. This utility function includes expanded file chain and gap/overlap checks similar to those provided by the ADAREP utility.

For complete information about the ADACHK utility, read ADACHK Utility: Database Consistency Check Utility that Runs Concurrently with Normal Database Operations.

ADACMP Utility Enhancements

In Adabas 8.3 SP1, the ADACMP utility has been updated to include limited support for LB (LOB) field specification in the FORMAT parameter if the LOBVALUES parameter is set to NO. This functionality is most useful for changing the FDT of a base file in a LOB file group. For complete information, read about the FORMAT parameter in COMPRESS: Compress an Adabas File and DECOMPRESS: Decompress an Adabas File.

Care must be taken when specifying LB fields in a FORMAT parameter if the LOBVALUES parameter is set to NO. Failure to specify all LB fields could lead to LB values existing in the LOB file without a corresponding LB value reference in the base file.

ADADBS Utility Enhancements

The following changes have been made to ADADBS utility functions in Adabas 8.3:

  1. Effective as of Adabas 8.3 SP1, the ADADBS REFRESHSTATS utility function no longer completely forgets statistical values maintained by the Adabas nucleus for its current session, although it does reset them. All operator commands, ADADBS OPERCOM commands, and AOS commands issued during the session will display nucleus statistics since the last reset. However, the nucleus shutdown statistics now show nucleus statistics for the entire nucleus session.

    In addition, two new categories of statistics can now be reset.

    • Use ADADBS REFRESHSTATS IOS to reset all I/O statistics, including all read/write I/O statistics for the Associator, Data Storage, Work data sets, PLOG, and CLOG, as well as all I/O distribution statistics by volume serial number (VOLSER).

    • Use ADADBS REFRESHSTATS TIMES to reset time statistics, including duration, wait time, and CPU time statistics.

    For more information, read REFRESHSTATS: Reset Statistical Values.

  2. Adabas 8.3 SP1 introduces support for the RPLCHECK operator command in ADADBS OPERCOM utility runs. This operator command performs the replication cross-check function for all active databases known (defined in one or more subscriptions) to the Event Replicator Server.

    This operator command is not valid for use with an Adabas nucleus; it is only valid for use against an Event Replicator Server.

    For more information, read OPERCOM: Issue Adabas Operator Commands.

  3. The following Adabas cluster operator commands can now be issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL) using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function: DXCACHE, DXFILE, DXLOCK, DXMSG, DXSTAT, MXCANCEL, MXCANCELWARN, MXMSG, MXMSGWARN, MXSTATUS and MXWTOR.

    For more information about the console operator commands read Nucleus Commands. For more information about the operator commands you can issue using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function, read Operator Commands, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

Enhanced ADAFRM Utility Data Set Formatting

Effective with Adabas 8.3, data sets are formatted by the ADAFRM utility using an enhanced, quicker method. If you want to use the original (older) data set formatting technique, you can specify a new NOTENH (not enhanced) parameter. In addition, a new VOLIOCOUNT parameter has been introduced. Use the VOLIOCOUNT parameter to specify the number of concurrent I/Os per volume to process for a data set; the value of this parameter can also affect the processing speed of the ADAFRM utility.

For complete information, read ADAFRM Utility: Format Adabas Database Components and specifically the section Enhanced Formatting.

New ADADRU Utility: the Database Storage Usage Utility

This release introduces the ADADRU utility, or the Adabas database storage usage utility. This utility can be used to produce summary and detail reports about database storage usage. At this time it includes a single utility function, ADADRU SPACEUSAGE, that you can use to produce summarized and detailed reports about database file space usage.

For complete information about the ADADRU utility, read ADADRU Utility: Database Storage Usage Reports.

ADARES Utility Enhancement

When the ADARES utility detects that more CLOG or PLOG data sets need to be copied at the end of an ADARES CLCOPY or ADARES PLCOPY function, it invokes user exit 12. Effective with Adabas 8.3 SP1, a new flag "F" has been introduced to identify this type of call and is processed as a new EX12TYPE value, "F", in user exit 12. For more information about user exit 12, read User Exit 12 (Multiple Data Set Log Processing).

For more information about the ADARES CLCOPY and ADARES PLCOPY utility functions, read ADARES Utility: Database Recovery.

ADASAV Utility Enhancement

When a ADAU85 REPLICATION FOR FILE file-number IS SWITCHED OFF BECAUSE REPLICATION IS NOT ACTIVE is returned, a CC=4 will now be returned to alert the customer that the Replication status has changed.

ADASEL Utility Enhancements

The ADASEL utility has been updated significantly in Adabas 8.3. Its storage and selection capabilities have been expanded. This support is provided in many places in the SELECT parameter of the ADASEL utility:

  1. A new SECUID parameter can now be used to specify a security system user ID or range of security system user IDs in the value-criterion of the WITH clause or the IF statement.

  2. A new SECUID [HEX] parameter can now be used in the DISPLAY instruction to indicate that the security system user ID of the user who added, updated, or deleted the record should be displayed.

  3. A new ETCMD keyword has been added to the syntax that allows you to select end transaction (ET) information from the PLOG.

  4. A new CMDCOUNT keyword has been added to the syntax that allows you to select data by command sequence number. This keyword can be used in the WITH clause or the IF statement as well as in DISPLAY statements.

  5. A new SESSNUM keyword has been added to the syntax that allows you to select data by Adabas session number. This keyword can be used in the WITH clause or the IF statement as well as in DISPLAY statements.

  6. You can now select fields from the PLOG for the EXPAn data set and you can obtain counts for the MU, PE, and MU/PE fields written to the EXPAn data set.

  7. The EXTENDED output format has changed.

  8. A new EXTRACT output format can be requested using a new EXTRACT keyword on the output instruction. The EXTRACT format stores the same data as the EXTENDED output, in a slightly different format, but is larger, more flexible, and allows for future expansion by Software AG with minimal impact to the customer.

  9. The security system user ID will appear in the output log data set if the EXTRACT keyword is specified in the output instruction of the ADASEL utility.

  10. With both LOGINFO and EXTENDED output, the ID of the user (ETID) who added, deleted, or updated the record will now always be displayed. In prior versions if the ID started with a blank, all blanks were displayed.

For more information, read ADASEL Utility: Select Protection Data.

ADAREP Performance Enhancements

In Adabas 8.3 SP1, the ADAREP utility performance has been improved by reducing the number of I/Os used to count the number of records loaded for each file. For a database with large files, this enhancement can significantly reduce the run time of the ADAREP utility.

For more information about the ADAREP utility, read ADAREP Utility: Database Status Report.

Utility Change Summary

Adabas 8.3 SP1 introduces the following utility enhancements:

Utility Function New or Changed? Enhancement Description
ADACDC Changed The ADACDC utility has been updated to support the security system user ID. The security system user ID will appear in the extract file and the primary output file. For more information, read ADACDC Utility: Changed-Data Capture.
ADACHK ACCHECK New This new utility function allows you to check the address converter against Data Storage while concurrent updates are running. For complete information about the ADACHK ACCHECK utility function, read ACCHECK: Check Address Converter against Data Storage
ADACHK ASSOPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of any Associator (ASSO) block in the database. For complete information about the ADACHK ASSOPRINT utility function, read ASSOPRINT: Print/Dump Associator Blocks.
ADACHK CHECK New This new utility function allows you to perform all of the ADACHK utility check functions, which includes the ACCHECK, DSCHECK, ICHECK, and VALIDATE functions. It can be run while concurrent updates are running. For complete information about the ADACHK CHECK utility function, read CHECK: Perform all ADACHK Checks.
ADACHK CLOGPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of any block or range of blocks in the command log (CLOG) data set. For complete information about the ADACHK CLOGPRINT utility function, read CLOGPRINT: Print/Dump Command Log Blocks.
ADACHK DATAPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of any block or range of blocks in Data Storage. For complete information about the ADACHK DATAPRINT utility function, read DATAPRINT: Print/Dump Data Storage Blocks.
ADACHK DSCHECK New This new utility function allows you to check Data Storage and the Data Storage space table (DSST) of a specific file (or files) in the database. It can be run while concurrent updates are running. For complete information about the ADACHK DSCHECK utility function, read DSCHECK: Check Data Storage.
ADACHK DSIMPRINT New This new utility function allows you to print the contents of any block or range of blocks in the Delta Save image (DSIM) data set. For complete information about the ADACHK DSIMPRINT utility function, read DSIMPRINT: Print Delta Save Image Data Set Blocks.
ADACHK DSSTPRINT New This new utility function allows you to print the contents of the Data Storage Space Table (DSST). For complete information about the ADACHK DSSTPRINT utility function, read DSSTPRINT: Print Data Storage Space Table.
ADACHK FCBPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of the File Control Block (FCB) for any file in the database. For complete information about the ADACHK FCBPRINT utility function, read FCBPRINT: Print/Dump File Control Block (FCB).
ADACHK FDTPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of the File Definition Table (FDT) for any file in the database. For complete information about the ADACHK FDTPRINT utility function, read FDTPRINT: Print/Dump Field Definition Table (FDT).
ADACHK FSTPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of the free space table (FST) for the database. For complete information about the ADACHK FSTPRINT utility function, read FSTPRINT: Print/Dump Free Space Table (FST).
ADACHK GCBPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of the general control blocks (GCBs) for the database. For complete information about the ADACHK GCBPRINT utility function, read GCBPRINT: Print/Dump General Control Blocks (GCBs).
ADACHK ICHECK New This new utility function allows you to check the physical structure of the index. For complete information about the ADACHK ICHECK utility function, read ICHECK: Check Index Physical Structure.
ADACHK NIPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of the normal index of files or ranges of files in the database. For complete information about the ADACHK NIPRINT utility function, read NIPRINT: Print/Dump Normal Index.
ADACHK PLOGPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of any block or range of blocks in the protection log (PLOG) data set. For complete information about the ADACHK PLOGPRINT utility function, read PLOGPRINT: Print/Dump Protection Log Blocks.
ADACHK PPTPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of the parallel participant table (PPT) for the database. For complete information about the ADACHK PPTPRINT utility function, read PPTPRINT: Print/Dump Parallel Participant Table (PPT).
ADACHK RLOGPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of any block or range of blocks in the recovery log (RLOG) data set. For complete information about the ADACHK RLOGPRINT utility function, read RLOGPRINT: Print/Dump Recovery Log.
ADACHK SORTPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of any block or range of blocks in the sort (SORT) data set. For complete information about the ADACHK SORTPRINT utility function, read SORTPRINT: Print/Dump Sort Data Set.
ADACHK TEMPPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of any block or range of blocks in the temporary (TEMP) data set. For complete information about the ADACHK TEMPPRINT utility function, read TEMPPRINT: Print/Dump Temporary Data Set.
ADACHK UIPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of the upper index of files or ranges of files in the database. For complete information about the ADACHK UIPRINT utility function, read UIPRINT: Print/Dump Upper Index.
ADACHK VALIDATE New This new utility function allows you to validate any or all files within an Adabas database, except the checkpoint and security files. It can be run while concurrent updates are running. For complete information about the ADACHK VALIDATE utility function, read VALIDATE: Validate All Database Files.
ADACHK WORKPRINT New This new utility function allows you to dump or print the contents of any block or range of blocks in the work (WORK) data set. For complete information about the ADACHK WORKPRINT utility function, read WORKPRINT: Print/Dump Work Data Set.

The ADACMP COMPRESS utility function has been updated to include limited support for LB (LOB) field specification in the FORMAT parameter if the LOBVALUES parameter is set to NO. This functionality is most useful for changing the FDT of a base file in a LOB file group. For complete information, read about the FORMAT parameter in COMPRESS: Compress an Adabas File .

Care must be taken when specifying LB fields in a FORMAT parameter if the LOBVALUES parameter is set to NO. Failure to specify all LB fields could lead to LB values existing in the LOB file without a corresponding LB value reference in the base file.

The ADACMP DECOMPRESS utility function has been updated to include limited support for LB (LOB) field specification in the FORMAT parameter if the LOBVALUES parameter is set to NO. This functionality is most useful for changing the FDT of a base file in a LOB file group. For complete information, read about the FORMAT parameter in DECOMPRESS: Decompress an Adabas File.

Care must be taken when specifying LB fields in a FORMAT parameter if the LOBVALUES parameter is set to NO. Failure to specify all LB fields could lead to LB values existing in the LOB file without a corresponding LB value reference in the base file.
ADADBS ONLADD New This utility function allows you to dynamically allocate a new Associator or Data Storage data set to the database without restarting the Adabas nucleus. The new data set must have previously been allocated to the operating system and formatted for the Associator or Data Storage area using the ADAFRM ASSOFRM or ADAFRM DATAFRM utility functions. For complete information about the ADADBS ONLADD utility function, read ONLADD: Allocating New ASSO or DATA Space Dynamically.
ADADBS ONLINCREASE New This utility function allows you to dynamically allocate appended Associator or Data Storage space to the database without restarting the Adabas nucleus. For complete information about the ADADBS ONLINCREASE utility function, read ONLINCREASE: Allocating Appended ASSO or DATA Space Dynamically.
ADADBS OPERCOM New This utility function now supports the use of the :
  • RPLCHECK operator command against an Event Replicator Server; it is not valid when used against an Adabas nucleus.

  • DCMDSTAT, DFILESTAT, DSPACE, DVOLIO, STOPSU, STOPSUR, and STOPUR operator commands against an Adabas nucleus.

  • Cluster operator commands DXMSG, MXCANCEL, MXCANCELWARN, MXMSG, MXMSGWARN, MXSTATUS and MXWTOR issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL).

For more information, read OPERCOM: Issue Adabas Operator Commands.

ADADBS REFRESHSTATS New Effective as of Adabas 8.3 SP1, the ADADBS REFRESHSTATS utility function no longer completely forgets statistical values maintained by the Adabas nucleus for its current session, although it does reset them. In addition, two new categories of statistics can now be reset.
  • Use ADADBS REFRESHSTATS IOS to reset all I/O statistics, including all read/write I/O statistics for the Associator, Data Storage, Work data sets, PLOG, and CLOG, as well as all I/O distribution statistics by volume serial number (VOLSER).

  • Use ADADBS REFRESHSTATS TIMES to reset time statistics, including duration, wait time, and CPU time statistics.

For more information, read REFRESHSTATS: Reset Statistical Values.

ADADRU SPACEUSAGE New This utility function allows you to produce summarized and detailed reports about database file space usage. For complete information about the ADADBS ONLINCREASE utility function, read SPACEUSAGE: Database File Space Usage.
ADAFRM (all functions) Changed Data sets are now formatted using an enhanced, quicker method. If you want to use the original (older) data set formatting technique, you can specify a new NOTENH parameter. In addition, a new VOLIOCOUNT parameter has been introduced. Use the VOLIOCOUNT parameter to specify the number of concurrent I/Os per volume to process for a data set; the value of this parameter can also affect the processing speed of the ADAFRM utility.For complete information, read ADAFRM Utility: Format Adabas Database Components.
ADAREP Changed ADAREP utility performance has been enhanced to reduce the amount of I/O activity required to read the address converter. This was done to determine the number of records loaded for a file. For a database with large files, this enhancement can significantly reduce the run time of the ADAREP utility.
ADARES CLCOPY and ADARES PLCOPY Changed When the ADARES utility detects that more CLOG or PLOG data sets need to be copied at the end of an ADARES CLCOPY or ADARES PLCOPY function, it invokes user exit 12. Effective with Adabas 8.3 SP1, a new flag "F" has been introduced to identify this type of call and is processed as a new EX12TYPE value in user exit 12. For more information about user exit 12, read User Exit 12 (Multiple Data Set Log Processing).

For more information about the ADARES CLCOPY and ADARES PLCOPY utility functions, read ADARES Utility: Database Recovery.

ADASEL Changed The ADASEL utility has been updated significantly. Its storage and selection capabilities have been expanded. This support is provided in many places in the SELECT parameter of the ADASEL utility:
  1. A new SECUID parameter can now be used to specify a security system user ID or range of security system user IDs in the value-criterion of the WITH clause or the IF statement.

  2. A new SECUID [HEX] parameter can now be used in the DISPLAY instruction to indicate that the security system user ID of the user who added, updated, or deleted the record should be displayed.

  3. A new ETCMD keyword has been added to the syntax that allows you to select end transaction (ET) information from the PLOG.

  4. A new CMDCOUNT keyword has been added to the syntax that allows you to select data by command sequence number. This keyword can be used in the WITH clause or the IF statement as well as in DISPLAY statements.

  5. A new SESSNUM keyword has been added to the syntax that allows you to select data by Adabas session number. This keyword can be used in the WITH clause or the IF statement as well as in DISPLAY statements.

  6. You can now select fields from the PLOG for the EXPAn data set and you can obtain counts for the MU, PE, and MU/PE fields written to the EXPAn data set.

  7. The EXTENDED output format has changed.

  8. A new EXTRACT output format can be requested using a new EXTRACT keyword on the output instruction. The EXTRACT format stores the same data as the EXTENDED output, in a slightly different format, but is larger, more flexible, and allows for future expansion by Software AG with minimal impact to the customer.

  9. The security system user ID will appear in the output log data set if the EXTRACT keyword is specified in the output instruction of the ADASEL utility.

For more information, read ADASEL Utility: Select Protection Data.

ADAWRK Changed A new SECUID parameter allows you to specify up to 24 security system user IDs (SECUIDs) in character format. Each SECUIDs must be one to eight bytes long. When SECUIDs are specified, only Work part 1 autorestart area records for those SECUIDs are processed by the ADAWRK utility and printed on its reports. For more information, read ADAWRK Utility: Work Area Recovery Reports.

Adabas 8.3 SP1 Operator Command Enhancements

This section describes the operator command enhancements made in Adabas version 8.3 SP1.

Comments Allowed in Operator Commands

Adabas version 8.3 SP1 introduces the ability to add comments to operator commands issued in z/OS environments. They can be added using either of the following methods.

  • After the command, specify the comment within a slash-asterisk (/*) and asterisk-slash (*/) pair. For example: F jobname,DUQ /*comment*/

  • After the command, specify a blank, then a comma, then another blank and then the comment. For example: F jobname,DUQ , comment

The comment is included when the operator command is written to DDPRINT in message ADAI29.

For more information about operator commands, read Operator Commands.

Command Output Changes Due to ADADBS REFRESHSTATS Utility Changes

Effective as of Adabas 8.3 SP1, the ADADBS REFRESHSTATS utility function no longer completely forgets statistical values maintained by the Adabas nucleus for its current session, although it does reset them. All operator commands, ADADBS OPERCOM commands, and AOS commands issued during the session will display nucleus statistics since the last reset. However, the nucleus shutdown statistics now show nucleus statistics for the entire nucleus session.

Cluster Operator Commands Added to ADADBS OPERCOM Utility Function

The following Adabas cluster operator commands can now be issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL) using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function: DXCACHE, DXFILE, DXLOCK, DXMSG, DXSTAT, MXCANCEL, MXCANCELWARN, MXMSG, MXMSGWARN, MXSTATUS and MXWTOR.

For more information about these operator commands read Nucleus Commands. For more information about the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function, read OPERCOM: Issue Adabas Operator Commands, in the Adabas Utilities Manual.

DELCQ: Reviewing Command Queue for Unprocessed Commands

A new DELCQ operator command has been added to Adabas 8.3 SP1 that allows you to explicitly request that the command queue be reviewed for unprocessed commands that have been waiting in the command queue for a specified period of time (or longer). The DELCQ command can be issued any time during a nucleus session; it is not limited to instances when an online recovery process is ongoing. A one-time pass is made through the command queue once the DELCQ command is issued. When unprocessed commands in the Adabas command queue are found, they are returned to the issuing user.

For more information, read DELCQ Command.

DFILESTAT: Displaying Command Count Statistics by File

A new operator command, DFILESTAT, is introduced in Adabas 8.3 SP1 to provide you with a method of displaying statistics about the number of commands by file. Message ADAN1B is issued to display the statistics. For more information, read DFILESTAT Command.

This command can also be issued using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function. For more information, read about the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.

New DCMDSTAT Command to Display Command Distribution Statistics

Using Adabas 8.3 SP1, a new operator command, DCMDSTAT, has been added to display statistics about the distribution of command usage by command type. It can be used on the console and in an ADADBS OPERCOM utility function run. When run on the console, messages ADAN1C is used to display the statistics; when using the ADABAS OPERCOM utility function, a short report is produced. For more information about the DCMDSTAT console command, read DCMDSTAT Command; for more information about the ADADBS OPERCOM DCMDSTAT command, read DCMDSTAT Command

Enhanced DPARM Command Output

Adabas 8.3 SP1 provides enhanced output for the DPARM command, whether it is run as an operator command from the command line or run as part of an ADADBS OPERCOM utility function process. The parameter settings listed in the DPARM output are now listed alphabetically by parameter name. If the ADADBS OPERCOM DPARM utility function is run against a cluster database, the parameters are listed alphabetically by name and grouped by nucleus ID (NUCID).

For more information about the DPARM command, read about the DPARM operator command or about the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function DPARM command.

DSTAT Command Update to Display Buffer Flush Statistics

Using Adabas 8.3 SP1, you can now use the DSTAT operator command to display buffer flush statistics on the console and in an ADADBS OPERCOM utility function run. For more information about the DSTAT command, read about the DSTAT operator command or about the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function DSTAT command.

You can also enter the DSTAT operator command against the ADACHK utility to display the current operating status of the ADACHK run. For more information, read Adabas Utility Operator Command DSTAT.

DVOLIO: Displaying ASSO and DATA I/O Statistics by VOLSER

A new operator command, DVOLIO, is introduced in Adabas 8.3 SP1 to provide you with a method of displaying statistics about ASSO and DATA I/Os by volume serial (VOLSER) number. The number of reads and writes to each volume is displayed. Message ADAN1A is issued with these statistics. For more information, read DVOLIO Command.

This command can also be issued using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function. For more information, read about the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.

RPLCHECK: Support for Replication Cross-Checking using the ADADBS OPERCOM Utility

Adabas 8.3 supports use of the RPLCHECK operator command in ADADBS OPERCOM utility runs. This operator command performs the replication cross-check function for all active databases known (defined in one or more subscriptions) to the Event Replicator Server.

This operator command is not valid for use with an Adabas nucleus; it is only valid for use against an Event Replicator Server.

For more information, read OPERCOM: Issue Adabas Operator Commands.

STOPSU, STOPSUR, and STOPUR: Stopping, Notifying, and Deleting Users by Adabas-Assigned User ID, Job Name, or Security User ID

Three new operator commands have been introduced in Adabas 8.3 to stop, notify, and delete users by Adabas-assigned user ID, job name, or security user ID.

  • The STOPSU operator command can be used to stop a user with a specified security user ID. It is similar to the STOPU operator command, but the security user ID must be specified instead of a user ID or job name. Any open transactions of the stopped user are backed out. No response code is issued; the next time the stopped user issues a command, a new user queue element (UQE) is created. For more information about the STOPSU operator command, read STOPSU Command; for more information about use of the STOPSU operator command in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function, read about the STOPSU operator command.

  • The STOPSUR operator command can be used to stop a user with a specified security user ID. This command stops users, but does not delete their user queue elements (UQEs) until response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 54 has been issued. This response code-subcode combination is used to notify users that their Adabas activity has been halted and their user session resources have been freed. Stopped users are only deleted after they have issued a subsequent command and response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 54 has been issued in response to that command.

    For more information about the STOPSUR operator command, read STOPSUR Command; for more information about use of the STOPSUR operator command in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function, read about the STOPSUR operator command.

  • The STOPUR operator command can be used to stop a user with the Adabas-assigned user ID (in the form shown in the display command) or to stop a user with the specified job name. This command stops users, but does not delete their user queue elements (UQEs) until response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 54 has been issued. This response code-subcode combination is used to notify users that their Adabas activity has been halted and their user session resources have been freed. Stopped users are only deleted after they have issued a subsequent command and response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 54 has been issued in response to that command.

    For more information about the STOPUR operator command, read STOPUR Command; for more information about use of the STOPUR operator command in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function, read about the STOPUR operator command.

TCPIP Command Allows Specification of Any Entire Net-Work Command

You can now specify any Entire Net-Work command using the TCPIP command. This update was made to the option to access your Adabas databases directly through TCP/IP, which runs as a subtask and uses the TCP/IP line driver logic provided by Entire Net-Work, which includes support of IPv6 addressing. For more information, read TCPIP Command.

Operator Command Change Summary

The following table lists new and changed operator commands in Adabas 8.3.

Command New or Changed Enhancement Description
ASSOSPACEWARN New This new command can be used to alter the setting of the ADARUN ASSOSPACEWARN parameter while the nucleus is active, allowing you to dynamically specify the space usage thresholds and the increment above the thresholds at which notification warning messages should be triggered for Associator space.
DATASPACEWARN New This new command can be used to alter the setting of the ADARUN DATASPACEWARN parameter while the nucleus is active, allowing you to dynamically specify the space usage thresholds and the increment above the thresholds at which notification warning messages should be triggered for Data Storage space.
DCMDSTAT New This new command can be used to display statistics about the usage distribution of commands, by type.
DELCQ New This new command can be used to explicitly request that the command queue be reviewed for unprocessed commands that have been waiting in the command queue for a specified period of time (or longer). This command can be issued any time during a nucleus session; it is not limited to instances when an online recovery process is ongoing. A one-time pass is made through the command queue once the DELCQ command is issued.
DFILESTAT New This new command can be used to display statistics for the number of commands by file. Message ADAN1B is issued to display the statistics.
DLOCKF Changed In Adabas 8.3 SP2 or if you apply zaps AU831050 and AN831034 (available via Empower) to your Adabas 8.3 SP1 code, the DLOCKF operator command now shows the lock type in its output. This is true whether the DLOCKF command is issued from the console or in an ADADBS OPERCOM utility run.
DPARM Changed The parameter settings listed in the output of this command have now been alphabetized when DPARM is run as an operator command as well as when it is run in an ADADBS OPERCOM function. If the ADADBS OPERCOM DPARM utility function is run against a cluster database, the parameters are listed alphabetically by name and grouped by nucleus ID (NUCID).
DSPACE New This new command can be used to determine how much space is defined and used for the Associator (ASSO) and Data Storage (DATA) areas of your databases.
DSTAT Changed This command can now be used to display buffer flush statistics on the console and in an ADADBS OPERCOM utility function run.

You can also enter the DSTAT operator command against the ADACHK utility to display the current operating status of the ADACHK run.

DVOLIO New This new command can be used to display ASSO and DATA I/Os by volume serial (VOLSER) number. The number of reads and writes to each volume is displayed. Message ADAN1A is issued with these statistics.
DXMSG Changed This cluster command can now be issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL) using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.
INDEXCROSSCHECK New This new command can be used to alter the setting of the ADARUN INDEXCROSSCHECK parameter while the nucleus is active, allowing you to dynamically turn index cross-checking on and off.
MXCANCEL Changed This cluster command can now be issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL) using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.
MXCANCELWARN Changed This cluster command can now be issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL) using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.
MXMSG Changed This cluster command can now be issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL) using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.
MXMSGWARN Changed This cluster command can now be issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL) using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.
MXSTATUS Changed This cluster command can now be issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL) using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.
MXWTOR Changed This cluster command can now be issued to a cluster nucleus (CLUSTER=SYSPLEX or CLUSTER=LOCAL) using the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.
REFSTPRT New This new command can be used to indicate whether statistics should be printed after an ADADBS REFRESHSTATS utility function run or after interval statistics have been refreshed using Adabas Online System (option R in Session Monitoring).
RPLCHECK Changed This command can now be used in ADADBS OPERCOM utility runs against the Event Replicator Server. This operator command performs the replication cross-check function for all active databases known (defined in one or more subscriptions) to the Event Replicator Server.
SECUID New This new command can be used to alter the setting of the ADARUN SECUID parameter while the nucleus is active. This operator command is valid for use both on the console and in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function.
STOPSU New This new command can be used to stop and delete a user with the specified security user ID. Any open transactions of the stopped user are backed out. No response code is issued; the next time the stopped user issues a command, a new user queue element (UQE) is created.
STOPSUR New This new command can be used to stop a user with a specified security user ID. Any open transactions of the stopped user are backed out. The stopped user is only deleted after they have issued their next command and response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 54 has been issued. This response code-subcode combination is used to notify users that their Adabas activity has been halted. Only after the response code-subcode combination has been issued is the user queue element (UQE) of the stopped user deleted.
STOPUR New This new command can be used to stop a user with the Adabas-assigned user ID (in the form shown in the display command) or to stop a user with the specified job name. Any open transactions of the stopped user are backed out. The stopped user is only deleted after they have issued their next command and response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 54 has been issued. This response code-subcode combination is used to notify users that their Adabas activity has been halted. Only after the response code-subcode combination has been issued is the user queue element (UQE) of the stopped user deleted.
TCPIP Changed You can now specify any Entire Net-Work command using the TCPIP command.

For more information about any Adabas operator command, read Operator Commands.

Direct Call Command Enhancements

The following changes have been made in Adabas 8.3 SP1 to the functionality of direct calls or to other Adabas parameters and commands in support of direct call commands:

  1. The maximum number of records that a user may have in hold status at the same time can be specified in the Additions 4 control block field of the OP command. With this release, the maximum value you can specify for this in the OP command has been changed. It is now the value set by the ADARUN NH parameter (which has a maximum value of 16777215). For more information, read about the Additions 4 control block field in either ACB Control Block Field Descriptions or ACBX Control Block Field Descriptions.

  2. In prior versions of Adabas 8, the Adabas buffer description (ABD) field ABDXSEND (the length of the data sent to Adabas, in bytes) was required to be the same as was specified for the ABDXSIZE field (the maximum buffer size). With Adabas 8.3, this restriction has been lifted. The ABDXSEND value no longer needs to match the ABDXSIZE value. For more information, read about ABD fields in ABD Field Descriptions.

For more information about direct call commands, read Commands.