Enabling Direct TCP/IP Access (ADATCP) to Your Adabas Nucleus

TCP/IP access to the database is performed using Entire Net-Work components. The Entire Net-Work sublibraries must be made accessible in the LIBDEF PHASE,SEARCH declaration.

Connection Through a Direct TCP/IP Link

The database must be UES-enabled for TCP/IP access. For more information, see Enabling Universal Encoding Support (UES) for Your Adabas Nucleus.

A TCP/IP link uses Entire Net-Work modules. These modules communicate using the standard ADALNK module. Translation tables can be customized and reassembled and then made available in the Adabas LIBDEF search chain. The Adabas ADALNK module is supplied with the LNKUES module and the default translation tables ASC2EBC and EBC2ASC.

The Entire Net-Work WCPvrs and WTCvrs libraries must be defined in the LIBDEF concatenation. The sample startup job for a UES-enabled nucleus with TCP/IP support is provided in member ADANUCT. For more information, JCL Required for UES and TCP/IP Support (z/VSE).

UES-enabled databases are connected directly through TCP/IP using the Adabas standard batch link routine ADALNK. The sample job stream to link the ADALNK module with your modified translation tables is ALNKUES.

In addition, the ADALNK module must have the correct SVC set in the LNKGBLS module (see steps below).

Start of instruction setTo connect through a direct TCP/IP link:

  1. Update LNKGBLS with the correct SVC.

    The LNKGBLS is delivered in member LNKGBLS.A in the ADAvrs sublibrary. Customize LNKGBLS.A with the correct SVC.

  2. Assemble the two translation tables into the Adabas load library .

    Assemble the ASCII to EBCDIC and EBCDIC to ASCII translation tables, either default or customized. Use sample job members ASMA2E.X and ASME2A.X in the ADAvrs sublibrary as a guide for customizing site-specific JCL.

  3. Link the translation tables and LNKUES into ADALNK.

    It is now necessary to (re)link ADALNK with LNKUES and your customized and reassembled translation tables.

    Assemble LNKGBLS and link the ADALNK, ASC2EBC, EBC2ASC, LNKUES, and other user exit modules into a final ADALNK module that is UES-enabled. Sample job member ALNKLNK8.X in the ADAvrs sublibrary is provided as a guide.

  4. Make ADALNK available to the Adabas nucleus.

    The (re)linked ADALNK must be made available to the Adabas nucleus.

    If you are calling Adabas Version 8 directly through a TCP/IP link and the correct ADALNK is not available to the Adabas nucleus or the SVC has not been set correctly, Adabas produces unexpected results, such as response code 148 (ADARSP148) and empty buffers.

Activating the TCP/IP Link

Start of instruction setTo activate a direct TCP/IP link to the Adabas nucleus:

  1. Set the ADARUN parameter TCPIP=YES.

  2. Specify a universal resource locator (URL) in the ADARUN parameter TCPURL.

Specifying a URL

The URL is a 20-byte address that conforms to the RFC specification for URLs.

You can specify the URL required to activate the direct TCP/IP link in the ADARUN parameter TCPURL. For more information, see TCPURL Parameter: TCP/IP Universal Resource Locator, in the section Operations.

Managing URLs

Optionally, you can specify the first and additional URLs using the operator command TCPIP:


where url is the URL for the TCP/IP link you want to open or close and has the same format as the ADARUN TCPURL parameter. For more information, read TCPURL Parameter: TCP/IP Universal Resource Locator, in the Adabas Operations Manual.

The command allows you to open or close a TCP/IP link to the Adabas nucleus or to close all links. It can only be used when ADARUN TCPIP=YES and all conditions for that setting have been met. This command can be used to close the URL set in the ADARUN TCPURL parameter, or to open/close additional TCP/IP links.



To close all open URLs: