DELETE: Delete File

The DELETE function deletes an Adabas file from the database.


When an Adabas file is deleted from the database, all logical extents assigned to the file are deallocated. The released space may be used for a new file or for a new extent of an existing file.

The file to be deleted may not be coupled. If an Adabas expanded file is specified, the complete expanded file (the anchor and all component files) is deleted.

When the DELETE function completes successfully, any locks previously set with the operator commands LOCKU or LOCKF are reset.

This document covers the following topics:

Essential Parameter

FILE: File to Be Deleted

FILE specifies the number of the Adabas file to be deleted. Checkpoint, security, trigger, and any other files loaded with the ADALOD utility's SYSFILE option may be specified only if ADADBS DELETE is the only Adabas user; deleting any these files automatically causes Adabas to terminate when finished. To delete an Adabas expanded file, specify the file number (also the anchor file).

Optional Parameters

KEEPFDT: Retain the Field Definition Table

The KEEPFDT parameter, if specified, instructs ADADBS DELETE to keep the deleted file's field definition table (FDT) for later use by ADACMP. If this parameter is specified, a file with the same number as the one now being deleted can only be later loaded if either the new file's FDT is the same as that of the deleted file, or the load operation specifies the IGNFDT parameter to accept the new file's FDT.

NOUSERABEND: Termination without Abend

When a parameter error or a functional error occurs while this utility function is running, the utility ordinarily prints an error message and terminates with user abend 34 (with a dump) or user abend 35 (without a dump). If NOUSERABEND is specified, the utility will not abend after printing the error message. Instead, the message "utility TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR CONDITION" is displayed and the utility terminates with condition code 20.

When NOUSERABEND is specified, we recommend that it be specified as the first parameter of the utility function (before all other parameters). This is necessary to ensure that its parameter error processing occurs properly.

PASSWORD: File Password

PASSWORD specifies the password of the file to be deleted. This parameter is required if the file is password-protected.

TEST: Test Syntax

The TEST parameter tests the operation syntax without actually performing the operation. Only the syntax of the specified parameters can be tested; not the validity of values and variables. See Syntax Checking with the TEST Parameter for more information on using the TEST parameter in ADADBS functions.


File 6 is to be deleted.


Password-protected file 10 is to be deleted. The field definition table is to be retained. File number 10 cannot be used again until another ADALOD LOAD command is issued with the IGNFDT option.