ADAML* -- ADAMLF System Messages

Overview of Messages


ADAML1 Percentage of PREFTBL used pct
Number of calls to ADAMLF callcount
Number of cmds to ADABAS cmdcount1
Number of cmds returned from ADAMLF cmdcount2
Number of over reads count

ADAML1 messages list statistics that are printed when a CL command is issued and the ADARUN PREFETCH and PREFSTDD parameters are set. The following table describes each message.

Message Description
Percentage of PREFTBL used pct The percentage of the ADARUN parameter PREFSTBL used for this execution.
Number of calls to ADAMLF callcount The number of times that ADAMLF was entered.
Number of cmds to ADABAS cmdcount1 The total number of commands that were passed to Adabas for this execution.
Number of cmds returned from ADAMLF cmdcount2 The number of commands that were returned from the ADAMLF buffers.
Number of over reads count The number of records that were prefetched that were not passed back to the caller.

No action is required for these informational messages.