Client Version 1.4.1
 —  Entire Net-Work Client Installation and Administration  —

Entire Net-Work Service Function Utility (wcpadmin)

The Entire Net-Work Service Function Utility allows you to perform some of the Entire Net-Work service functions in batch mode.


The syntax of the wcpadmin function is:

wcpadmin {kernel-name| *} [function]

Specify one of the service functions (function) using the syntax listed in the following table.

Please review the information on special character use with the wcpadmin function on Windows and UNIX systems. This is described in Special Character Use.

Function Name Syntax This function...
* wcpadmin * Displays the Entire Net-Work configuration on the machine.
add wcpadmin kernel-name add node-name url Allows you to add a connection to the kernel. The name of the Kernel, the node and the node's associated URL must be specified for this function.
connect wcpadmin kernel-name connect node-name Allows you to connect a node to the kernel. The name of the Kernel and the node name must be specified for this function.
disconnect wcpadmin kernel-name disconnect node-name Allows you to disconnect a node from the kernel. The name of the Kernel and the node name must be specified for this function.
showclients wcpadmin kernel-name showclients [D|R|A [id]] Allows you to view the clients on associated with the Kernel. The name of the Kernel must be supplied for this function. Optionally, supply one of the following:
  • D: Specify "D" to view the direct clients of the Kernel.

  • R: Specify "R"to view the relay clients of the Kernel.

  • A: Specify "A" to view the Adabas clients of the Kernel. When you specify "A", you can also specify a client ID (id) to view the details of a specific Adabas client.

showconnections wcpadmin kernel-name showconnections Allows you to view the existing connections of the Kernel and the connection status. The name of the Kernel must be specified for this function.
showdb wcpadmin kernel-name showdb {*|dbid} Allows you to view all the databases on the Kernel or details about a specific database on the Kernel. The name of the Kernel must be supplied for this function. In addition, either an asterisk (*) or a specific database ID (dbid) must be specified.
showhosts wcpadmin kernel-name showhosts [hostname] Allows you to view the host names of known to the Kernel or statistics about a specific host. The name of the Kernel must be supplied for this function. Optionally, you can specify a specific host name (hostname) to view statistics about a specific host.
showlistens wcpadmin kernel-name showlistens Allows you to view the listen ports for the Kernel. The name of the Kernel must be supplied for this function.
shownodes wcpadmin kernel-name shownodes [I|O] Allows you to view the Kernel's connections to nodes. The name of the Kernel must be supplied for this function. Optionally, specify "I" to view only incoming connections or "O" to view only outgoing connections. If you specify neither "I" nor "O", all connections are shown.
shownodestats wcpadmin kernel-name shownodestats node-name {I|O} Allows you to view the Kernel connection statistics for a specific node. The name of the Kernel and the name of the node must be supplied for this function. In addition, you must specify "I" to view the statistics for the incoming connections of a node or "O" to view the statistics for the outgoing connections of a node.
showstats wcpadmin kernel-name showstats Allows you to view statistics for the Kernel. The name of the Kernel must be supplied for this function.
showstatus wcpadmin {kernel-name|*} showstatus Allows you to view the status of a specific Kernel or of all Kernels. Specify either:
  • The name of a specific Kernel to review the status of that specific Kernel.

  • An asterisk (*) to review the status of all Kernels.

shutdown wcpadmin {kernel-name|*} shutdown Shuts down (stops) a specific Kernel or all Kernels. Specify either:
  • The name of a specific Kernel to shut down.

  • An asterisk (*) to shut down all Kernels.

start wcpadmin {kernel-name|*} start Starts a specific Kernel or all Kernels. Specify either:
  • The name of a specific Kernel to start.

  • An asterisk (*) to start all Kernels.

stopclients wcpadmin kernel-name stopclients {D|R|A [id]} Stops the clients of a Kernel based on type (direct clients, relay clients or Adabas clients). The name of the Kernel must be supplied for this function. In addition, supply one of the following:
  • D: Specify "D" to stop the direct clients of the Kernel.

  • R: Specify "R"to stop the relay clients of the Kernel.

  • A: Specify "A" to stop the Adabas clients of the Kernel. When you specify "A", you can optionally specify a client ID (id) to stop a specific Adabas client.

stophosts wcpadmin kernel-name stophosts hostname Stops all clients of a Kernel coming from a specific host. The name of the Kernel and the name of the host must be supplied for this function.

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Special Character Use

In Windows environments, the ampersand [&], pipe [|] and parentheses [()] are special characters that must be preceded by the escape character [^] or passed within quotation marks ["] when they are used in arguments of the wcpadmin function.

In UNIX environments, characters that have special meaning to the shell (such as the greater than [>], less than [<], asterisk [*], question mark [?], pipe [|], and ampersand [&] symbols) are called metacharacters. The list of metacharacters varies depending on the UNIX shell in use. When used in arguments of the wcpadmin function, metacharacters should be passed within single quotes or preceded by a forward slash [/]. For example, wcpadmin '*' start or wcpadmin /* start are examples of the correct use of metacharacters in wcpadmin UNIX environment processing.

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Examples for each of the wcpadmin functions are given in the following table.

Function Name Example Sample Output
* wcpadmin *
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Kernels Available
WCPadmin exiting ...
add wcpadmin XXXXX add FRIED TCPIP://localhost:8000
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Add Connection to FRIED on Kernel=XXXXX
WCPadmin exiting ...
connect wcpadmin XXXXX connect SECOND
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Connect Node=SECOND on Kernel=XXXXX
WCP0628I Connect procedure has been initiated
WCPadmin exiting ...
disconnect wcpadmin XXXXX disconnect SECOND
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Disconnect Node=SECOND on Kernel=XXXXX
WCP0629I Disconnect procedure has been initiated
WCPadmin exiting ...
showclients wcpadmin XXXXX showclients
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Show number of clients on Kernel=XXXXX
Direct Clients          2
Adabas Contexts    2
Relay Clients          0
WCPadmin exiting ...
wcpadmin XXXXX showclients D
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Direct Clients
ClientId  Host                         Port       Dbid  Elapsed Time
21        usaxxx2.YYY.ww.zzz           49155      1     0h:1m:3s
WCPadmin exiting ...
wcpadmin XXXXX showclients A
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Adabas Contexts
ContextId  Dbid Host                           Port      Elapsed Time
7          1    usaxxx2.YYY.WW.ZZZ             49155     0h:1m:15s
WCPadmin exiting ...
wcpadmin XXXXX showclients A 7
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Adabas context
Dbid           1
ClientId       21
NodeName       usaxxx2
User           usaxxx
Pid            0x86868cc4
Host           usaxxx2.YYY.WW.ZZZ
Port           49155
Requests       16
Replies        15
Bytes In       1468
Bytes Out      1380
Elapsed Time   0h:2m:17s
WCPadmin exiting ...
showconnections wcpadmin XXXXX showconnections
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Show connections for Kernel=XXXXX
TargNode       Type            Protocol  Port        A/M        Status
FRIED          E-business      TCPIP     8000        Auto       Connection defined
TEST           E-business      TCPIP     7000        Manual     Connection defined
SECOND         E-business      TCPIP     9000        Manual     Disconnected
RDHP1          Classic         RDA       0           Manual     Connected
WCPadmin exiting ...

showdb wcpadmin XXXXX showdb *
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Show DBIDs for Kernel=XXXXX
DBID  Node      Type      Status
168   RDHP1     Classic   Active
159   RDHP1     Classic   Active
158   RDHP1     Classic   Active
140   RDHP1     Classic   Active
86    RDHP1     Classic   Active
59    RDHP1     Classic   Active
1     XXXXX     Local     Active
WCPadmin exiting ...
wcpadmin XXXXX showdb 168
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Show DBID=168 on Kernel=XXXXX
XXXXX                         Current         Since startup
Bytes in Requests             0               0
Bytes in Replies              0               0
Number of Requests            0               0
Number of Replies             0               0
Connections                   1
WCPadmin exiting ...
showhosts wcpadmin XXXXX showhosts
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Host                     Connections     Disconnections  Elapsed Time
usamih2.YYY.WW.ZZZ       10              10              0h:46m:1s
WCPadmin exiting ...
wcpadmin XXXXX showhosts usaxxx2.YYY.WW.ZZZ
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Host            usamih2.YYY.WW.ZZZ
Count           0
Connections     10
Disconnections  10
Requests        122
Replies         102
Bytes In        11225
Bytes Out       9384
Elapsed Time    0h:46m:20s
WCPadmin exiting ...
showlistens wcpadmin XXXXX showlistens
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Show listens for Kernel=XXXXX
Name                   Protocol   Port      Status
Client Access          TCPIP      49155     Running
E-Business Access      TCPIP      8000      Running
SMH Server             TCPIP      49154     Running
WCPadmin exiting ...
shownodes wcpadmin XXXXX shownodes
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Show nodes on Kernel=XXXXX
Target    Type              O/I    Status
SECOND    E-Business        I      Active
FRIED     E-Business        O      Inactive
TEST      E-Business        O      Inactive
SECOND    E-Business        O      Inactive
RDHP1     Classic           O      Inactive
WCPadmin exiting ...

shownodestats wcpadmin XXXXX shownodestats RDHP1 O
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
XXXXX                              Current          Since Startup
Bytes received                     128              0
Bytes sent                         128              0
Requests received                  3                0
Requests sent                      2                0
Incoming connections               N/A              0
Outgoing connections               N/A              1
Admin msgs received                3                0
Admin msgs sent                    2                0
Errors                             0                0
WCPadmin exiting ...
showstats wcpadmin XXXXX showstats
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Get statistics for Kernel=XXXXX
Statistics for Kernel      XXXXX
Accumulated Node Count     4
Databases                  1
Adabas Calls Processed     102
Classic Nodes              1
Classic Messages           0
e-Business Messages        122
e-Business Contexts        10
Active Clients             0
Relay Messages             0
Memory Allocations         64
Memory Frees               20
WCPadmin exiting ...
showstatus wcpadmin XXXXX showstatus
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
XXXXX            Active
WCPadmin exiting ...
wcpadmin * showstatus
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2010 by Software AG
Kernels Status
FRIED          Inactive
XXXXX          Active
SECOND         Inactive
V733VIS        Inactive
WCPadmin exiting ...
shutdown wcpadmin SECOND shutdown
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Shutdown Kernel=SECOND for WCP Service=USAXXX2
Shutdown Kernel=SECOND Service=USAXXX2 has been submitted
WCPadmin exiting ...
start wcpadmin SECOND start
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Start Kernel=SECOND for WCP Service=USAXXX2
WCPadmin exiting ...
stopclients wcpadmin XXXXX showclients D
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Direct Clients
ClientId  Host                           Port    Dbid  Elapsed Time
47         usamih2.XXX.ww.zzz  49155    1     0h:0m:46s
WCPadmin exiting ...
wcpadmin XXXXX stopclients D 47
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
Stop direct client=47
WCPadmin exiting ...
stophosts wcpadmin XXXXX stophosts usaxxx2.XXX.WW.ZZZ
Software AG Entire Net-Work Server, Copyright ©) 1997-2011 by Software AG
WCPadmin exiting ...

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