Version 4.6.2
 —  Administration  —

Managing Client Reporting

The Adabas Review client engine must be on if you want to run any client reporting reports. However, you can define client reports when the client engine is off. You can determine the status of the Adabas Review client reporting as well as turn it on and off. You can do this online (in SYSREVDB) and in batch environments. This document describes both.

For more information about client reporting and its requirements, read About Adabas Review Client Reporting.

Managing Client Reporting Online

Use the Client Management screen in SYSREVDB to turn the Adabas Review client engine on and off and to determine its current status.

Start of instruction setTo manage client reporting, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Client Management screen by entering the CM command on any Adabas Review screen.

    The Client Management screen appears, displaying the current state of the Adabas Review client engine. For example:

    15:29:01                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2011-03-01
                                   Client Management                     LOCL=00559
                       The Review Client engine is currently off                   
                       Press PF6 to turn the Review Client engine on               
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit               On                                 Menu   
  2. If the client engine is off, you can turn it on by pressing the PF6 key. If the client engine is on, you can turn it off by pressing the PF6 key.

    To verify if client reporting is turned on correctly please review any LNKRVX* messages appearing on the console log.

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Managing Client Reporting in Batch

In batch environments you can manage client reporting using the ADARUN RVCLIENT parameter or using the REVCLRP batch module.

You can set the ADARUN RVCLIENT parameter to "ACTIVE" to activate client monitoring when you want to run client reports in batch environments; to deactivate client monitoring, either remove the parameter or set it to "INACTIVE". For more information, read RVCLIENT Parameter: Adabas Review Client Reporting Activation.

You can call the batch module REVCLRP within your own application program to control Adabas Review client reporting. Using this module, you can turn client reporting on or off, or to determine its status. REVCLRP can be linked or loaded by your own user program; when linked or loaded, REVCLRP will communicate with the ADALNK link routine. Additional information about using the REVCLRP module is provided in the remainder of this section:


The REVCLRP module must be available if you intend to load it; otherwise it must be linked. Before you attempt to call REVCLRP from your own program, make sure you have:

Start of instruction setTo call REVCLRP, complete the following steps:

  1. Set up the parameter work area. Provide the following information in the parameter work area using the following parameters:

    Input Parameter Provide this Information
    RVCLADA The address of the Adabas link routine.
    RVCLFUNC The function code for the REVCLRP processing. Valid values are ("ON", "OFF", or "STATUS"). Specify "ON" to have REVCLRP turn the client engine on; specify "OFF" to have REVCLRP turn the client engine off; and specify "STATUS" to have REVCLRP return the status of the client engine..
    RVCLHUB The Adabas Review hub ID you are querying.

    Sample parameter work areas are mapped by the DSECT RVCLPARM for assembler programs and by copybook RVCLCOBC for Cobol programs. These are provided in the Adabas Review source (SRC or SXnn) library. Here is a sample of the assembler DSECT :

    RVCLPARM DSECT                                                         
    RVCL     DS    0XL1024                                                 
    RVCLVERS DS    CL4   RVCLPARM VERSION                                  
    RVCLADA  DS    AL4   Input  (Address of Adabas)                        
    RVCLFUNC DS    CL8   Input  (STATUS, ON, OFF)                          
    RVCLRSV1 DS    XL4   Internal use, do not modify                       
    RVCLHUB  DS    XL2   Input  (Review hubid)                             
    RVCLSTAT DS    CL8   Output (ON, OFF, NOTAVAIL)                        
    RVCLMSG  DS    CL72  Output (Message returned from module)             
    RVCLRSP  DS    F     Output (Possible response codes to be determined) 
    RVCLRESN DS    F     Output (Possible reason codes to be determined'   
    RVCLRSV2 DS    XL20  RESERVED         
  2. Make the following modifications to your program.

    Branch to the address in register 15 (usually BASR 14,15).

    When you run your program, REVCLRP will be called.

Supplied Samples

Member RVCLCOB is provided in the Adabas Review source library. This copy book can be used in a COBOL program to invoke the REVCLRP assembler subprogram and manually activate or deactivate client reporting in a batch job step.


After the REVCLRP call is completed, the following information is available for you to use in your application in the following output fields:

Output Field Provides this Information
RVCLSTAT The current status of client reporting ("ON", "OFF", or "NOTAVAIL"). "ON" indicates that the client engine is currently on; "OFF" indicates that the client engine is currently off; and "NOTAVAIL" indicates that client reporting is not activated for this hub.
RVCLMSG A 72-byte message describing the details of the call transaction. If an error occurs in an REVCLRP call, a message is provided in this field.
RVCLRSP The response code from REVCLRP processing. If an error occurs in an REVCLRP call, the Adabas response code is provided in this field; if all went well, this should be zero (hex).
RVCLRESN The reason code from REVCLRP processing. If an error occurs in an REVCLRP call, the Adabas reason code is provided in this field; if RVCLRSP is not zero, this will be zero (hex).


Errors that occur during REVCLRP processing are identified in the RVCLMSG, RVCLRSP, and RVCLRESN fields.

In most cases, register 15 will be zero even if errors are indicated in RVCLRSP. There are two exceptions to this.

  1. When ADALNK itself returns a nonzero response code in register 15. In this case, REVCLRP will return with 16 (X’10’) in register 15 and the RVCLRSP and RVCLRESN fields will contain the Adabas response and reason code from ADALNK.

  2. When REVCLRP processing encounters an unexpected error, REVCLRP will return "8" in register 15 and the RVCLRSP and RVCLRESN fields will contain appropriate response and reason code information.

When errors occur but register 15 is zero, RVCLMSG will provide a meaningful message and RVCLRSP and RVCLRESN fields will contain appropriate Adabas response and reason code information.

All error information will be useful to Software AG's technical support.

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