Version 7.7.3
 —  Adabas Manager Documentation  —

Creating New Files

The New File functionality of the Adabas Manager allows the creation of simple Field Definition Tables (FDT). There is no limitation in the number of fields you can create or to their complexity; however, for the creation of extensive and complex FDTs, the use of the ADACMP utility is strongly recommended (for details see the section ADACMP: Compress-Decompress in the Adabas Utilities documentation).

For open systems databases you also have the option to import an FDT (Page 2 of the New File process).

Once you have started the creation of a new FDT, its status will be stored even after a cancellation or during inactivity of the user until a timeout occurs (for timeout settings, see Adabas Manager Session and Cache Administration). It is recommended though that you carry out the file creation process without interruption; once you click the Adabas Manager entry in the tree-view or leave your session, any incomplete file creation process is terminated.

Start of instruction setTo create a new file for a database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Database Files in tree-view and right-click it.

  3. Select New File on the drop-down menu.

    The New File panel appears in detail-view.

    During the following file creation procedure, clicking Back will return you to the previous page of the New File (i.e., for modifications or additional entries); Cancel will cancel the file creation and return to the file list display (after cancellation, the system will store the settings you have entered for the new file until you leave your session, a timeout occurs or you click the Adabas Manager entry in the tree-view).

  4. Enter the following parameter values for the new file:

    If you click Find next to the File Number text box, the next free file number will be displayed. If you enter a file number that already exists and click Find, the next free file number after the number you entered will be displayed.

  5. Click Next to continue with the file creation.

    Page 2 of the New File appears in detail-view.

  6. Define the File Descriptor Table for the new file. Note that for open systems databases you have the option to import an FDT by specifying the path to the file.

    If you are not importing an FDT, complete the following entries:

    Check the options you want to set; enter the position of the field if required.

    Date-Time Option DT

    Adabas versions 8.2 and 6.2 introduce a new DT field option which allows you to specify the edit mask for a field definition. This option DT assigns a date-time edit mask to a binary, fixed point, packed decimal, or unpacked decimal field. This option cannot be specified for fields of other formats.

    The timestamp function is set by checking the TZ box and selecting the required value from the list.

    Valid values are described in the following table. It also shows the required minimum field lengths for the different formats of fields that can specify the DT option; the length of the field must be large enough to store the date-time values.

    In the table, "YYYY" represents the 4-digit year (1-9999), "MM" represents the 2-digit month (1-12), "DD" represents the 2-digit day of the month (1-31), "HH" represents the 2-digit hour (0-23), "II" represents the 2-digit minute within the hour (0-59), "SS" represents the 2-digit second within the minute (0-59), and "XXXXXX" represents the 6-digit microsecond within the second.

      Description Minimum Field Length for Field Format
    B F P U
    DATE The date field is in the format Z'YYYYMMDD'. 4 4 5 8
    TIME The time field is in the format Z'HHIISS'. 3 4 4 6
    DATETIME The date and time field is in the format Z'YYYYMMDDHHIISS'. 6 8 8 14
    TIMESTAMP The date and time field is in the format Z'YYYYMMDDHHIISSXXXXXX', with microsecond precision. 9 - 11 20
    NATTIME The time field is in Natural T format (tenths of seconds since year zero). 6 8 7 13
    NATDATE The date field is in Natural D format (days since year zero). 3 4 4 7
    UNIXTIME The time field is in UNIX time_t type format (seconds since January 1, 1970). 4 4 6 10
    XTIMESTAMP The date and time field is in UNIX timestamp format, with microsecond precision, since January 1, 1970 (UNIXTIME * 60**6 + microseconds). 8 8 10 18

    Time zone Option TZ

    If this option is specified, the date-time field value is presented in the user's local time and stored in UTC time, allowing for differences in time zones.

    Option CR

    Use the CR option to indicate that the system field value should only be set when a record is inserted and not when it is updated. The CR field option can only be specified for fields defined with the SY field option, but cannot be specified for an MU field.

    For more information see Field Definition Statements in the Adabas Utilities documentation for mainframes and FDT Record Structure in the Adabas Administration documentation for open systems.

  7. Click Add Field to add the field to the Field Definition Table of the new file.

    Before the field is added to the FDT, Adabas Manager performs a check on all entries. Field names and their syntax and length are checked as well as any dependencies between fields and between field attributes. Existing Special Descriptors are checked, so that for example a field which is parent of a Special Descriptor cannot be deleted. Group fields are initially defined with all properties. During generation of the FDT, group fields are recognized and properties not required (format/length) are not used.
    In case of invalid values, the resulting error messages will show you how to modify your entries so that the field can be added to the FDT. For detailed information on the field definitions see the section ADACMP: Compress-Decompress in the Adabas Utilities documentation.

  8. Specify all required fields and add them to the FDT.

    Your entries are displayed in the table below the entry fields; to remove a field you created, click its check box and then click Remove.

    To modify a field, select the field by clicking in the appropriate check box until a check mark appears and click Edit.

  9. After defining all fields, click Next to continue with the file creation.

    Clicking Finish if the definition of special descriptors is not required will create the new file.

    Page 3 of the New File appears in detail-view.

  10. Define the Special Descriptor Table for the new file. Select the descriptor type in the selection box and complete the following entries:

    Check the options you want to set; enter the position of the field if required.

  11. Click Add Descriptor to add the descriptor to the Special Descriptor Table.

    Before the field is added to the Special Descriptor Table, Adabas Manager performs a check on all entries. In case of invalid values, the resulting error messages will show you how to modify your entries so that the field can be added to the FDT. For detailed information on the field definitions see the section ADACMP: Compress-Decompress in the Adabas Utilities documentation.

  12. Repeat the action for each descriptor you want to create.

    The result of your modifications is shown in a table below the entry fields; to remove a descriptor you created, click its check box and then click Remove.

    To modify a descriptor, select the field by clicking in the appropriate check box until a check mark appears and click Edit.

  13. After defining all required descriptors, click Next to continue with the file creation.

    Clicking Finish if the setting of optional parameters is not required will create the new file.

    Page 4 of the New File appears in detail-view.

  14. The following optional parameters can be set:

    Property Description
    ACRABN The address converter RABN space.
    DSRABN The data storage RABN space.
    NIRABN The normal index RABN space.
    UIRABN The upper index RABN space.
    ASSO Padding The padding factor (percentage of each block) set for the ASSO dataset (the default is 10).
    DATA Padding The padding factor (percentage of each block) set for the DATA dataset (the default is 10).
    Max. Blocks of DS Extents The number of blocks allowed per secondary Data Storage extent ("0" indicates that the parameter is not set; the default then is no limit).
    Max. Blocks of NI Extents The number of blocks allowed per secondary Associator normal index extent ("0" indicates that the parameter is not set; the default then is no limit).
    Max. Blocks of UI Extents The number of blocks allowed per secondary Associator upper index extent ("0" indicates that the parameter is not set; the default then is no limit).
    Maximal Compressed Record Length The maximum compressed record length (in bytes) allowed for the file (the default is the maximum possible size). You can also set
    Index Compression if the index for the file can be loaded in compressed form (the default depends on the input file).
    No AC Extension if the MAXISN value for the file can be increased ("YES" is required for expanded files).
    Program Refresh if a user program is allowed to refresh the file using an E1 call to Adabas when the file is loaded (the default is "NO").
    Alpha Code Current file encoding set for alphanumeric fields in the file.
    Wide Code Current file encoding set for wide-character fields in the file.
    User Wide Code Current user encoding set for wide-character fields in the file.
    MINISN The lowest ISN that can be assigned to a record in the file ("0" indicates that the parameter is not set; the default then is "1"). MINISN is required for expanded files.
    ISN Size Whether 3- or 4-byte ISNs are used for the file (the default is 3). You can also set
    ISN Reuse if a freed ISN can be reused for a new record (the default is "NO").
    DS Reuse if Data Storage space can be reused (the default is "YES").
    Data Device The device containing the Associator, Data Storage, or Work component. You can also set
    MIXDSDEV if secondary Data Storage extents may be allocated on different device types and therefore with different block lengths.
    Anchor Fnr Whether the file is part of an expanded file. You can also set
    Ciphering if the file is to be encrypted.
    Multi Client Owner-ID Length The length of the internal owner ID for multiclient files (if Multi Client Support has been set).
    ADAMDE (Field/ISN) Specifies the field to be used as the ADAM key (if the ADAM option has been selected for the file).
    ADAPARM The number of bits to be truncated from the ADAM descriptor value before it is used as input to the ADAM randomizing algorithm (if the ADAM option has been selected for the file). A value in the range 1-255 may be specified. If this parameter is omitted, a value of 0 bits (no truncation) will be used.
    ADAM Overflow The size of the Data Storage area to be used for ADAM file overflow (if the ADAM option has been selected for the file).
  15. Specify any parameters you may wish to set and click Finish to create the new file.

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