Version 7.7.3
 —  Installing Adabas Manager  —

Adabas Manager License Key

Only the Adabas Manager Enterprise Edition requires a license key file; the trial Standard Edition is free.

Whenever the Adabas Manager Enterprise Edition is started, the licence key file is read and its validity is checked.

The license key file is delivered as an XML document. The document can be viewed with a browsing tool or a text editor; it contains the licensing information and a digital signature. The license key file document displays the Software AG legal notices and copyright information etc. as well as the product license information. For detailed information see section License Key File Location and Use.

Any modification of the license key file will invalidate the digital signature and the license key check will fail. If the check fails, you will not be able to run the product. In the event of a check failure, please contact your Software AG Support representative. If you uninstall Adabas Manager, the license file will be deleted. Management of the license file is your responsibility. Make sure that you have a copy of the file before uninstalling Adabas Manager.

License Key File Location and Use

The Adabas Manager license key file is generally shipped via e-mail. The file name is in the following format, where vr is the version and release number of the product: AMAvr.xml. Copy the file to a directory on your hard drive.

The license file is not required during installation procedure. You can enter the license key file for your Enterprise Edition during your first Adabas Manager session; the Standard Edition of Adabas Manager requires no license key file.

Start of instruction setTo enter your Adabas Manager license key file:

  1. Select Software AG Adabas Manager 7.7.3 -> Web Interface from the programs in your Start Menu.

    The logon screen for the System Management Hub (SMH) appears.

  2. Logon to the System Management Adabas Manager Hub...

    The System Management Hub main panel appears.

  3. Select the name of the managed host on which Adabas Manager is installed.

  4. Expand the tree-view frame for the managed host by clicking the plus sign (+) to the left of its name.

  5. Use the Configuration agent to enter your Adabas Manager license key:

    Select Adabas Manager in tree-view and right-click it.

  6. Select Configuration in the menu.

    The current license file name is displayed. If the license key field is empty, no license file is active and Adabas Manager is running in Standard Edition mode.

  7. Click the Modify button to browse to the new license file and to activate it.

  8. After selecting the new license key file click OK to activate it or Cancel to return to the Configuration panel.

    Click Display in the Configuration panel to view the license file text.

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