Version 8.2.2

How to maintain TM controls

TM controls are set using the daemon maintenance (within group) function in System Coordinator administration.

For more information refer to the maintain a daemon group daemon definition option in the Maintain Daemon Groups function of the Maintenance section in Adabas System Coordinator Online Services.

Start of instruction setTo maintain TM controls

  1. Use "L" on the row for the appropriate System Coordinator group name to see the list of daemon members in which your transaction manager service is running.

  2. Use "PF11" to maintain Adabas Transaction Manager daemon parameters (TM controls).

  3. Use "M" on the row for the daemon member in which your transaction manager service is running and for which you wish to maintain TM controls.

12:50:36     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.2 *****     2012-02-27
             -  Adabas Transaction Manager Daemon Parameters  -     C11261M1  
 Run-mode: Pulsing (node 2650)                                                
Group Name: WORKSHOP   Daemon: ICFDCOR5              Operating System: Multi  
    SVC ID: 254        Node..: 2650                                           
    Distributed transaction timeout(secs)..: 720_____  (1 to 16777215)        
    Transaction recovery...................: NORMAL__  (Normal/Force/ForceALL)
    Enforce ADARUN DTP=RM..................: No_       (Yes/No)
    ET data storage location...............: RM        (TM/RM

    Open distributed transaction (system)..: NO        (Yes/No)               
                              Concurrency..: 100       (10 to 32767)             

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For information on each of these parameters refer to TM Controls.

Start of instruction setTo purge TM controls

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