This document describes Adabas Parallel Services termination.
This section covers the following topics:
ADACOM must stay in operation in an active Adabas Parallel Services cluster environment. ADACOM will not terminate normally if any nucleus that it manages is still active.
When all nuclei that it manages have terminated, you can terminate ADACOM using an ADAEND command. See the section Cluster Operator Commands.
If the Adabas operator command ADAEND or HALT is issued, the nucleus stops with no pending autorestart. The other active nuclei in the cluster continue processing normally.
ADAN51 00006 2002-06-25 18:03:29 Operator type-in: ADAEND ADAN42 00006 2002-06-25 18:03:29 Function accepted ADAX2B 00006 TT-1, SMM terminating PLX087 00006 Attempting to delete dataspaces PLX092 00006 Dataspaces deleted ADAM97 06001 This ASCB/Initiator will be terminated by MVS at EOJ
If the ADARUN parameter CLUCACHETYPE=V64 was specified, this message also appears:
ADAX5B 00006 Disconnecting from S64 cache
This section covers the following topics:
If ADACOM terminates abnormally, a PLInnn error message is produced to explain the problem. All active Parallel Services nuclei in clusters managed by this instance of ADACOM will also abend. ADACOM is the owner of the cache and lock data spaces used by the cluster nuclei. If ADACOM goes away, the data spaces also go away, and the nuclei will abend when they attempt to continue accessing the data spaces.
This is not true of Adabas Cluster Services, where the cache and
lock structures exist until all connectors (Adabas nuclei) terminate.
When an Adabas Parallel Services cluster nucleus terminates abnormally, each surviving peer nucleus performs online recovery. Read Restart/Recovery for more information.