Version 8.1.1
 —  Adabas Statistics Facility (ASF) Version 8.1.1 User's Guide  —

ASF Services

This document covers the following topics:


The ASF Services are a set of functions which can be started from the ASF Utilities and Services Menu (Main Menu option "A"). The ASF Services are used for the maintenance of an ASF environment. They contain functions for displaying the ASF version and correction status. They provide services to maintain the ASF System files, the User Profiles and the User Exits. They offer functions for the diagnosis of ASF with the ASF internal trace facility or with the SYSRDC debugger.

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ASF Services Menu

18:59:42          *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility ***          2008-01-23
USERID              - ASF Utilities and Services Menu  -            MUM00001  
                 Code                 Service                                  
               -------  ---------------------------------------                
                  A     Condense records to average records                    
                  D     Condense records to delta records                      
                  S     Synchronize / regenerate store times                   
                  T     Transfer from foreign ASF system                       
                  V     ASF Version Information                                
                  F     ASF System File Maintenance                            
                  P     Profile Maintenance                                    
                  X     Userexit Maintenance                                   
                  I     ASF Application Program Interface                      
                 1/2    API Example 1/2                                        
                 R/M    SYSRDC Debugger / ASF Trace Maintenance                
                 ./?    Terminate / Help                                       
               -------  ---------------------------------------                
     Enter code:  _                                                            
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term                                                  Menu

Figure 5-1: Menu for ASF Utilities and Services


The menu lists the available ASF Services (and Utilities). You can select one of the listed services by typing the one-letter code for the utility in the "Enter code" field. When you have entered the input data, press ENTER to activate the corresponding service.

Screen selection

This menu is reached by selecting the service code "A" in the Main Menu.


The following table lists the services available. Note that the ASF Utilities are described in the section ASF Utilities.

Code Description
V Receive information about the current installed ASF version, the last correction applied, the ASF system file numbers, and more.
F Switch to another ASF environment by changing the ASF system file settings (ASF Data and ASF Profiles).
P Maintain the User, e-Mail and Con-nect Profiles.
X Maintain the ASF User Exits such as "Display delta values". The ASF User Exit menu is described in the section ASF User Exits and User-defined fields.
R Analyze ASF with the SYSRDC debugger.
M Maintain the ASF Trace Facility.

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ASF Version Information

Product ........: ADABAS Statistics Facility (ASF) 
 Version ........: 8.1.1                            
 Catalog Date ...: 2008-01-17                       
 Last Correction : ASF81101                         
 Last Corr. Date : 2008-01-21                       
 User ...........: USERID                              
 Library ........: SYSASF                         
 Natural Version : 04.02.04                         
 ASF Data .......: 1424   / 14                      
 ASF Profiles ...: 1424   / 15

Figure 5-2: ASF Version Information


This screen provides information about the current installed ASF version and environment.

Screen selection

This screen is reached


The following information is provided in the ASF Version Information screen:

Code Description
Product Product name and abbreviation.
Version Current used ASF version.
Catalog Date Catalog date of the current used version.
Last Correction Name of the last correction applied to ASF. See the section ASF Corrections in the ASF Installation documentation for more information on ASF corrections.
Last Corr. Date Catalog date of the last correction applied.
User Current user Id.
Library Current library.
Natural Version Natural version in use.
ASF Data DBID and file number of the ASF Data system file.
ASF Profiles DBID and file number of the ASF Profiles system file.

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ASF System File Maintenance

17:17:35          *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility ***          2008-01-25
USERID                      - System File Maintenance -                MLFILE    
 Current values ....:       ASF Data      1424 / 14                            
                            ASF Profiles  1424 / 15                            
 New values ........:       ASF Data     _1424 / 14___                         
                            ASF Profiles _1424 / 15___                         
 Enter the new DBID / FNR combinations.                                        

Figure 5-3: Menu for ASF System File Maintenance


During the installation of ASF, you have defined, in the Natural parameter module, which file numbers are used for the ASF system files (see the section Step 1: Customizing Natural in the ASF Installation documentation). This screen shows you the database ID and file number of the currently used ASF Data and ASF Profiles files. If there is more than one pair of ASF system files in your environment, you can access the other ASF system files by overwriting the corresponding "New values".

Screen selection

This screen is reached


There are two Natural system files for ASF, namely the ASF Data file and the ASF Profiles file. The line "Current values" displays the currently used database ID and file numbers of the ASF system files. In the line "New values", you can specify another DBID/FNR combination for the ASF system files.

This function may also be used as temporary solution if ASF has been started and the ASF system files are not yet defined in the Natural parameter module.

You save the modifications by pressing the PF6 key. You leave the screen with PF3 (back to where you came from) or with PF12 (display the ASF Main Menu). If you have modified the ASF system file values and you leave the screen without pressing PF6 before, ASF will ask you whether you want to save your modifications.

The new values for the ASF system files are only valid for your current Natural session. If you open a new Natural session, the values specified in the Natural parameter module will be taken. Other Natural users are not affected by your modifications.

The new values for the ASF system files are only valid for your current Natural session. If you open a new Natural session, the values specified in the Natural parameter module will be taken. Other Natural users are not affected by your modifications.

Top of page

User Profile Maintenance


The User Profile defines a set of defaults which affect the behavior of ASF. Three screens are available for defining the User Profile:

You can scroll from one screen to the other by using the scroll keys PF7and PF8. In the first screen (Figure 3-30) you specify general default parameters, and in the second screen (Figure 5-3) you specify information which ASF requires for sending Critical Reports as memos to Con-nect cabinets (if you are using Con-nect).

Screen selection

The General User Profile is reached

The PROFILE command selects the profile which contains your own defaults. The PROFILE STANDARD command selects the profile which contains the defaults for new users. The PROFILE username command selects the profile for the user username.

The e-Mail Profile is reached

The Con-nect Profile is reached

General User Profile

18:26:26          *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility ***          2008-01-25
USERID              - ASF Utilities and Services Menu  -            MUM00001  
        +----------< Define user-profile for user STANDARD >------------+      
        !                                                               !      
        ! Date format        : 2           (1=YYYY-MM-DD,2=DD.MM.YYYY)  !      
        ! Decimal character  : .           Separating sign   : ,        !      
        ! Kilo if > 1000     : N (Y/N)     Mega if > 1000 k  : N (Y/N)  !      
        ! Stay after save    : Y (Y/N)     Keep environment  : Y (Y/N)  !      
        !                                                               !      
        ! Printer name       : PDEFAULT    Char. per line    : 80_      !      
        ! Left margin        : 3__         Print one document: Y (Y/N)  !      
        ! Batch output       : 2           (1=seqfile,2=sysout)         !      
        !                                                               !      
        ! Limit CPU-units    : 1800___     Limit ADA-calls   : 1800___  !      
        ! Get Num.rec.loaded : Y (Y/N)     Accuracy level    : 10       !      
        ! Not used           : N (Y/N)     Start with menu   : Y (Y/N)  !      
        !                                                               !      
     En +---------------------------------------------------------------+      
     Direct command ==> ______________________________________________________ 
      Help  More  Term              User  eMail CONNE                   Menu

Figure 5-4: Menu for General User Profile Maintenance

Screen selection

The General User Profile is reached

The PROFILE command selects the profile which contains your own defaults. The PROFILE STANDARD command selects the profile which contains the defaults for new users. The PROFILE username command selects the profile for the user username.

Input field description

Date Format:

Type 1 to get the format YYYY-MM-DD (US format), or type 2 to get the format DD.MM.YYYY (European format).

Decimal character:

You can choose a period "." or a comma "," as the decimal character to be used when floating point numbers are printed in the Evaluation Reports.

Separating sign:

You can specify a comma or a period to separate groups of three digits which are displayed to the left of the decimal character.

Kilo if > 1000

If this is set to "Y", then certain numerical values greater than 1000 will be displayed using the K notation. Thus 25000 will be replaced by 25 K. Values less than 1000 will be rounded off, so that 25800 gives 26 K, whereas 25499 gives 25 K.

Mega if > 1000 K

If this is set to "Y", then certain values greater than 1 000 000 will be displayed using the M notation. Thus 2 000 000 will be replaced by 2 M. Values less than 1 million will be rounded, so that 2 600 000 gives 3 M, whereas 2 499 000 gives 2 M.

Stay after save:

This allows you to control the behavior of the SAVE function (PF6 key) in all subsequent screens. If you specify "N", then pressing PF6 in subsequent screens to perform the SAVE function performs not only the SAVE function but also automatically deselects the screen. If you specify "Y", then subsequent screens are not automatically deselected when you press PF6 to perform the SAVE function.

Keep environment:

This feature allows you to retain dialogue data from one run of the ASF Menu System to the next. Dialogue data are the values which you enter in the input fields of the ASF menus, for example Evaluation Profiles, Store Profiles, Time Intervals, Store Types. Normally when you terminate ASF, the values in these fields are lost. However, if you specify "Y" in the Keep Environment field of the User Profile, these values are retained and inserted automatically into the appropriate input fields at the start of the next run of ASF. Specify "N" to switch off this option.

Printer name:

The name of the printer to be used for all printer output.

Char per line

The number of characters per line to be used on the printer. The only valid values are 80 and 132. This value is required by ASF to determine the number of data columns which can be displayed in a printed report.

Left margin:

The size of the left margin to be used in printer reports, expressed as a number of characters.

Print one document

If this is set to "Y" (the default value), then printer output is generated without information pages being printed between each two pages of the generated report.

Batch output:

If you specify "1", all printed output is directed to your specified or default output channel. If you specify "2", output is directed to the system spool queue.

Limit CPU-units

A value restricting the amount of CPU time to be allowed during an evaluation.

Limit ADA-calls

A value restricting the number of Adabas calls to be allowed during an evaluation.

Get Num rec loaded

If "Y" is specified, the ASF data field "Number of records loaded" is activated and can be displayed in the Evaluations.

Accuracy level

Critical Trend Reports will not display any ASF fields whose computed accuracy lies below the given figure. The default value is 0.

(Not used)

(This field is reserved for future use)

Start with menu

Specify "Y" if you want the ASF Main Menu to be displayed when ASF Menu System is started or "N" if you want the Workplan to be selected automatically instead.

E-Mail Profile

18:32:23          *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility ***          2008-01-25
USERID              - ASF Utilities and Services Menu  -            MUM00001  
        +----------< Define e-Mail Profile for user STANDARD >--------- +      
        !                                                               !      
        ! Critical reports are written in SMTP format to Workfile 1     !      
        ! (if output medium 'PC-File' is marked with 'E').              !      
        !                                                               !      
        ! Sending Domain Name:                                          !      
        ! From :                                                        !      
        ! To(1):                                                        !      
        ! To(2):                                                        !      
        ! To(3):                                                        !      
        ! Only if the critical report contains fields:                  !      
        ! Standard text in the mail:                                    !      
        !                                                               !      
        !                                                               !      
        !                                                               !      
     En !                                                               !      
     Direct command ==> ______________________________________________________ 
      Help  More  Term              User  eMail CONNE                   Menu

Figure 5-5: Menu for Define e-Mail Profile

Input field description:


When you run a Critical Report with the input field "printer" marked (see the section Critical Report) ASF sends the output as a memo into the CON-NECT cabinets which you specify here in addition to printing the output on the specified output device.

You can specify up to 3 CON-NECT cabinets. If a cabinet does not exist, the memo is still sent to the other cabinets.

When the Critical Report is sent to a CON-NECT cabinet, it is created firstly as a temporary document in SYSASF and sent from there as a memo to the CON-NECT cabinet. The temporary document in SYSASF is subsequently deleted.

Only if the critical report contains fields

If you mark this field, the output of a Critical Report is sent to the named CON-NECT cabinets only if at least one critical field is reported in the Critical Report.

Standard text in the memos

When a Critical Report is sent as a memo to a CON-NECT cabinet, the text specified for this field is sent as an accompanying note with the memo. When a Critical Report is sent as a memo to a CON-NECT cabinet, the text specified for this field is sent as an accompanying note with the memo.

Con-nect Profile

18:32:23          *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility ***          2008-01-25
USERID              - ASF Utilities and Services Menu  -            MUM00001  
        +----------< Define CONNECT Profile for user  STANDARD >------- +      
        !                                                               !      
        ! Critical reports are to be sent as memos to the following     !      
        ! CONNECT cabinets (if output medium 'Printer' is marked)       !      
        !                                                               !      
        ! Cabinets........: ________  ________  ________                !      
        ! Only if the critical report contains fields: _                !      
        !                                                               !      
        ! Standard text in the memos:                                   !      
        !                                                               !      
        ! _____________________________________________________________ !      
        ! _____________________________________________________________ !      
        ! _____________________________________________________________ !      
        ! _____________________________________________________________ !      
        !                                                               !      
     En +---------------------------------------------------------------+      
     Direct command ==> ______________________________________________________ 
      Help  More  Term              User  eMail CONNE                   Menu

Figure 5-6: Menu for Define Con-nect Profile

Input field description:


When you run a Critical Report with the input field "printer" marked (see the section Critical Report) ASF sends the output as a memo into the CON-NECT cabinets which you specify here in addition to printing the output on the specified output device.

You can specify up to 3 CON-NECT cabinets. If a cabinet does not exist, the memo is still sent to the other cabinets.

When the Critical Report is sent to a Con-nect cabinet, it is created firstly as a temporary document in SYSASF and sent from there as a memo to the Con-nect cabinet. The temporary document in SYSASF is subsequently deleted.

Only if the critical report contains fields

If you mark this field, the output of a Critical Report is sent to the named Con-nect cabinets only if at least one critical field is reported in the Critical Report.

Standard text in the memos

When a Critical Report is sent as a memo to a Con-nect cabinet, the text specified for this field is sent as an accompanying note with the memo.

Top of page

Tracing ASF

18:34:53          *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility ***          2008-01-25
USERID                     - Trace Maintenance -                    MTRACE01  
 Mk  Nr Description                       Mk  Nr Description                   
 --- -- ------------------------------    --- -- ------------------------------
  _   1 Program trace                      _   9 N/A                           
  _   2 General trace information          _  10 N/A                           
  _   3 Overflow and error situations      _  11 N/A                           
  _   4 Formatted trace information        _  12 N/A                           
  _   5 Special Debugging                  _  13 N/A                           
  _   6 Full store trace                   _  14 N/A                           
  _   7 User exit trace                    _  15 N/A                           
  _   8 N/A                                _  16 N/A                           
  Program to be traced : ALL                                                   
  Program counter......: 0000000                                               
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term  Off   On    Selct                               Menu 

Figure 5-7: Menu for Define Con-nect Profile

The Menu System is the interactive component of ASF, and allows you to Direct commands for tracing ASF

Direct Command Purpose
TRACE Display the Trace Maintenance Menu.
TRACE ? Display the current status of the trace mode.
TRACE COUNT Reset the trace program counter.
TRACE NAME prog Restrict the tracing to the program prog. If prog is omitted or set to ALL, all programs will be traced.
TRACE OFF Stop the trace mode. All trace levels (1 to 16) are deactivated. The trace counter is reset.
TRACE ON Start the trace mode. All trace levels (1 to 16) are activated.
TRACE PROG Start the "Program" trace level. ASF writes the name of each NATURAL program, subprogram, subroutine etc. that it executes. TRACE PROG is equivalent to TRACE 1.
TRACE n Start trace level n, where n is a number from 1 to 16. The meaning of the various trace levels is displayed in the Trace Maintenance Menu.
TRACE OFF Stop the trace mode. All trace levels (1 to 16) are deactivated.

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Interface to SYSRDC

18:35:26              ***** NATURAL SYSRDC UTILITY *****             2008-01-25
User USERID                      - Main Menu -                         XRDCMAIM
Trace started                                                                  
                       Code   Function                                          
                        R     Restart trace                                     
                        S     Stop trace                                        
                        I     Show record information                           
                        L     List trace records                                
                        E     Select trace events                               
                        D     Download trace records                            
                        P     Print trace records                               
                        ?     Help                                              
                        .     Exit                                              
         Code ......... _                                                       
         From record .. 1_____ to record .. 999999                              
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help        Exit  Start Stop  Flip  Info  List  EvSel Down  Print Canc

Figure 5-8: Menu for Trace


This screen is used to ...

Screen selection

This screen is reached by selecting the service code "*" in the ASF Utilities and Services menu.

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