Version 8.2.5
 —  User Guide  —

Troubleshooting Options

This document describes Adabas Online System troubleshooting options you can use to display diagnostic information.

Displaying Database Status Information

To display database status information for a specific database, select option I on the Main Menu (with the database ID specified) or enter the following direct command:


The Database Status Info drop-down report appears:

11:57:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-25
Cluster                        -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
                +------------------------------------+ther Services           
                |   --- Database Status Info ---     |--------------------    
                |                                    |dabas Cache Facility    
                | DBID ........ 1955   1021          |elta Save Facility      
                | DB Name ..... WIS1955              |rigger Maintenance      
                | Version ..... 8.2.1                |OS Security             
                | Start Date .. 2009-08-24           |ransaction Manager      
                | Start Time .. 07:13:21             |dabas Statistics        
                | DSF Status .. Active               |ista                    
                | SPT Status .. Inactive             |astpath                 
                | CSH Status .. Inactive             |AF Security             
                |                                    |--------------------    
                |                                    |                         
 Code ....... i +------------------------------------+                        
 Database ... 1955    (WIS1955)                                               
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                                       

Status information includes:

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Displaying Active Targets

From the main menu, the following direct command displays active targets for a specified database.


The Display Active Targets screen appears.

12:04:42          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-25
                         -  Display Active Targets  -                         
 CPU ......... 0009A10E20980000                Entries for SVC No. .. 249     
 Default-DB .. 1955   (WIS1955)                Max. No. Of Entries .. 10      
                                               Max. Active Entries .. 3       
  M I Tgt-ID I Target Flag     I Target Mode     I CQH Flag I                 
    I  1954  I Isolated-DB     I                 I     10   I                 
    I  1021  I Isolated-DB     I Local service   I     11   I                 
    I  1958  I Isolated-DB     I                 I     10   I                 
    I        I                 I                 I          I                 
    I        I                 I                 I          I                 
    I        I                 I                 I          I                 
    I        I                 I                 I          I                 
    I        I                 I                 I          I                 
    I        I                 I                 I          I                 
    I        I                 I                 I          I                 
    I        I                 I                 I          I                 
 Mark a DB-entry with 'X' to Select for processing                            
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

The Target Flag column may have the following values:

Target Flag Value Description
Communicator Entire Net-Work node
Non-DB target Entire System Server, XDCOM, or Entire Net-Work node
Isolated-DB ADARUN parameter ISO=YES is used for the database

The Target Mode column may have the following values:

Target Mode Value Description
AB required attached buffers are required
IDTE forced ADARUN parameter FORCE=YES is used during initialization
Anchor service no command queue; anchor target only; e.g., buffer pool manager
Local service ADARUN parameter LOCAL=YES; no remote calls

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Forcing a Database Abend

The direct command, CATCH RSP-CODE forces an abend of the specified database. The syntax of the command is:


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Stopping a Utility

Option Q on the Main Menu displays a window for stopping a batch utility job and resetting the DIB.

The equivalent direct command is:

12:10:07          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-25
Cluster                        -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
             Code  Basic Services              Code  Other Services           
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
              A    Session monitoring           1    Adabas Cache Facility    
              C    Checkpoint maintenance       2    Delta Save Facility      
              F    File maintenance                                           
              M    Database maintenance   +----------------------------------+                                    
              O    Session opercoms       | Enter JOBNAME of Utility to      |  
              R    Database report        | reset DIB and to Stop the user.  |  
              S    Space calculation      |                                  |  
              ?    Help                   |     Jobname ... ________         |  
              .    Exit                   |     Confirm ... _  (Y or N)      |  
             ----  ---------------------  |                                  |  
                                          | -PF1-------PF3-------PF12------  |  
 Code ....... q                           |            Exit      Menu        |  
 Database ... 1955    (WIS1955)           +----------------------------------+                                    
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                                       

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