This section contains information which you should review prior to performing Adabas Fastpath installation.
Software AG recommends that you use a single location (file) for all Adabas Fastpath modules and that you make this file known to the various databases, TP systems, and batch jobs that are to use Adabas Fastpath.
The Adabas Fastpath Online Services service Special Services, Coordinated Newcopy option can be used to simplify the application maintenance. This function can be used to apply maintenance dynamically to all jobs that are using Adabas Fastpath. Again, if there is one location where Adabas Fastpath modules can be maintained, the advantages offered by Coordinated Newcopy are enhanced.
Adabas Fastpath uses a buffer area for storing and maintaining optimization information.
This buffer is managed by the Adabas Fastpath asynchronous buffer manager (ABM) which runs as an optional service within the Adabas System Coordinator daemon.
To enable the ABM for the Adabas System Coordinator daemon:
make the generated primary and alternate (if used) configuration module CORCFG available;
set the daemon service startup parameter
; and
make the Adabas Fastpath load library available.
For more information, refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation.
Adabas Fastpath supports global or connected/member buffers. A global buffer is the default and most commonly used type.
When the same buffer profile, including file optimization definitions, is repeated several times, you may find it useful to set up a structure that allows you to make buffer or file changes for these buffers just once.
In this case, you can define a single connected buffer (and the files that qualify for optimization) and define member buffers for each operational buffer instance. Any buffer or file parameter changes are made to the connected buffer and the changes are automatically rippled to all member buffers.
There is no operational difference between a global and a member buffer, each of which is
available to all jobs executing within the same operating system, provided you have granted the job permission to use it.
allocated and maintained by the Asynchronous Buffer Manager, which operates as a separate service within the Adabas System Coordinator daemon.
In a sysplex cluster, you may use global buffers, connected/member buffers, or some combination of these buffer types. For the buffers in a sysplex cluster that are identical, including the file parameters, connected and member buffers can be used; otherwise, global buffers are more appropriate.
Before you start to install Adabas Fastpath, you should identify the following resources which will be required for installation:
a unique Node ID that is to be used by the Adabas System Coordinator daemon which provides the service for the Adabas Fastpath Asynchronous Buffer Manager.
a DBID and FNR for the configuration file that is shared by the Adabas System Coordinator, Adabas Fastpath, and Adabas Vista.
TP system library names.
Adabas library names.
As in previous releases, there is a requirement to use an unmodified ADALNK in certain areas. With Version 8.1 this has been reduced to unmodified ADALNK being needed to run standalone Adabas utility jobs only.
If you are installing under CICS, the Fastpath modules can be loaded either from the DFHRPL or the STEPLIB libraries. Software AG recommends that you use DFHRPL. If you are not using the CICS program autoinstall feature, you will need to define the Fastpath Client modules (AFPKRN, AFPPXY) and the configuration module (CORCFG) to CICS. All of the modules should be defined with the following characteristics: Language: Assembler ; RELoad :No ; DAtalocation: Any ; EXECKey : User.
Please also refer to the Adabas System Coordinator Installation documentation for similar CICS requirements for that software component.