Version 8.2.5
 —  Operations  —

ADARUN Parameters Pertinent to Adabas Add-on Products

This document describes the ADARUN parameters related to specific Adabas add-on products.

Adabas Caching Facility ADARUN Parameters

The following table lists the ADARUN parameters pertinent to Adabas Caching Facility:

Parameter Usage
CACHE Adabas Caching Facility control
CASSODSP Associator RABNs or RABN range for data space cache
CASSOEXT Associator RABNs or RABN range for extended memory cache
CASSOHSP Associator RABNs or RABN range for hiperspace cache
CASSOL64 Associator RABNs or RABN range for virtual 64 backed by large pages
CASSOV64 Associator RABNs or RABN range for virtual 64 storage cache
CASSOMAXS Associator cache space unit size
CBUFNO Number of read-ahead buffers for concurrent I/O processing.
CCTIMEOUT Cache space area or RABN inactivity time
CDATADSP Data Storage RABNs or RABN range for data space cache
CDATAEXT Data Storage RABNs or RABN range for extended memory cache
CDATAHSP Data Storage RABNs or RABN range for hiperspace cache
CDATAL64 Data Storage RABNs or RABN range for hiperspace backed by large pages
CDATAV64 Data Storage RABNs or RABN range for virtual 64 storage cache
CDATAMAXS Data Storage cache space unit size
CDEMAND Lowest Adabas buffer efficiency for caching
CDISPSTAT RABN range statistics display control
CEXCLUDE Excluded command types
CFILE File range
CMAXCSPS Storage area quantities
CRETRY Retry time
CSTORAGE Override cache type
CWORKSTORAGE Work area cache type
CWORK2FAC Work part 2 percentage cached
CWORK3FAC Work part 3 percentage cached
CXFILE Excluded files

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Adabas Fastpath ADARUN Parameters

The FASTPATH parameter provides Adabas Fastpath control.

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Adabas Cluster Services ADARUN Parameters

The following table lists the ADARUN parameters pertinent to Adabas Cluster Services:

Parameter Usage
CLOGMRG Merge cluster command logs automatically
CLUCACHEEXTRA The additional vector size, in blocks, required to allow Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services to track the blocks held by Adabas Caching Facility in the different cluster nuclei.
CLUCACHENAME Adabas cluster cache structure/area name
CLUGROUPNAME Adabas cluster group name
CLULOCKNAME Adabas cluster lock structure/area name
CLUSTER Adabas cluster nucleus session control
DIRRATIO Together with ELEMENTRATIO defines the ratio of directory entries to data elements in Adabas cluster environments
ELEMENTRATIO Together with DIRRATIO defines the ratio of directory entries to data elements in Adabas cluster environments
LDEUQP The number of bytes to be used for the unique (UQ) descriptor pool during a session.
LRDP Length of the cluster redo pool
MLWTO Whether multi-line messages that are normally written to the operator console as a series of single-line write-to-operator (WTO) messages should instead appear as multi-line WTO messages.
MXCANCEL Time limit for a canceled peer nucleus to terminate
MXCANCELWARN Cluster nucleus timeout threshold for canceled peer nucleus warning
MXMSG Time limit for an inter-nucleus command to be processed
MXMSGWARN Cluster nucleus timeout threshold for internucleus command
MXSTATUS Member-level XCF status monitoring heartbeat
MXWTOR Cluster nucleus self-termination operator query interval
NUCID Adabas cluster nucleus ID
PROGRAM Program to run
SMFDETAIL The type of detail sections in SMF Interval and Termination records (subtypes 2 and 3) that should be included in Adabas SMF records.
V64BIT Whether the Adabas nucleus should use virtual storage above the 2 gigabyte bar. In order for the nucleus to use 64-bit virtual storage, the operating system must also support 64-bit virtual storage.

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Adabas Delta Save Facility ADARUN Parameters

The following table lists the ADARUN parameters pertinent to Adabas Delta Save Facility:

Parameter Usage
DSF Delta Save Facility control
DSFEX1 Delta Save Facility user exit

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Adabas Parallel Services ADARUN Parameters

The following table lists the ADARUN parameters pertinent to Adabas Parallel Services:

Parameter Usage
CLOGMRG Merge cluster command logs automatically
CLUCACHEEXTRA The additional vector size, in blocks, required to allow Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services to track the blocks held by Adabas Caching Facility in the different cluster nuclei.
CLUCACHESIZE Adabas cluster global cache area size
CLUCACHETYPE Adabas cluster global cache area storage type
CLUCACHEUNCHANGED Adabas cluster global cache unchanged block option
CLUGROUPNAME Adabas cluster group name
CLULOCKSIZE Adabas cluster global lock area size
CLUSTER Adabas cluster nucleus session control
DIRRATIO Together with ELEMENTRATIO defines the ratio of directory entries to data elements in Adabas cluster environments
ELEMENTRATIO Together with DIRRATIO defines the ratio of directory entries to data elements in Adabas cluster environments
LDEUQP The number of bytes to be used for the unique (UQ) descriptor pool during a session.
LRDP Length of the cluster redo pool
MLWTO Whether multi-line messages that are normally written to the operator console as a series of single-line write-to-operator (WTO) messages should instead appear as multi-line WTO messages.
MXCANCEL Time limit for a canceled peer nucleus to terminate
MXCANCELWARN Cluster nucleus timeout threshold for canceled peer nucleus warning
MXMSG Time limit for an inter-nucleus command to be processed
MXMSGWARN Cluster nucleus timeout threshold for internucleus command
MXWTOR Cluster nucleus self-termination operator query interval
NUCID Adabas cluster nucleus ID
PROGRAM Program to run
SMFDETAIL The type of detail sections in SMF Interval and Termination records (subtypes 2 and 3) that should be included in Adabas SMF records.
V64BIT Whether the Adabas nucleus should use virtual storage above the 2 gigabyte bar. In order for the nucleus to use 64-bit virtual storage, the operating system must also support 64-bit virtual storage.

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Adabas Review ADARUN Parameters

The following table lists the ADARUN parameters pertinent to Adabas Review:

Parameter Usage
CMDQMODE Command queue memory pool location (BS2000 only)
CT Command time limit (seconds)
FORCE Overwrite database ID
LOCAL Nucleus for local use only; unknown to network
NAB Number of attached buffers
NC Number of command queue elements
PROGRAM Program to run
REVFILTER Allow Adabas Review record filtering during the session
REVIEW Adabas Review control
REVLOGBMAX The maximum allowable number of bytes of a logged buffer for Adabas Review
REVLOGMAX The maximum size of all of the logged buffers allowed for a Adabas Review command
RVCLIENT Whether Adabas Review client reporting should be activated when you want to run client reports in batch environments.
SUBMPSZ GETMAIN memory pool for subtasks (BS2000 only)
SVC SVC number

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Adabas Transaction Manager ADARUN Parameters

The following table lists the ADARUN parameters pertinent to Adabas Transaction Manager:

Parameter Usage
DTP Distributed transaction processing control
IGNDTP Ignore distributed transaction processing area (Work part 4)

If you have Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.4 or earlier installed, this parameter defines the length of the distributed transaction processing area (Work part 4) for use with DTP=RM.

If you have Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.5 or later installed, this parameter defines the size (in blocks) of the WORK4 index which is used to administer the data on DDWORKR4.

TMDRQ Size of ATM request queue
TMETDATA ATM ET data control
TMGTT Adabas Transaction Manager global transaction time limit
TMLOG ATM manager logging control
TMMSGSEV Adabas Transaction Manager severity threshold for warning messages
TMRESTART ATM manager restart control
TMSYNCMGR ATM manager external transaction coordinator
TMTCIDPREF Adabas Transaction Manager dynamic client ID (TCID) prefix

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Adabas Vista ADARUN Parameters

The VISTA parameter provides Adabas Vista control.

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Event Replicator for Adabas ADARUN Parameters

The following table lists the ADARUN parameters pertinent to Event Replicator for Adabas:

Parameter Usage
ASYTVS Asynchronous buffer flush based on volume serial number
FMXIO Limit parallel I/O operations by LFIOP flush processing
LBP Length of buffer pool
LDEUQP Length of unique (UQ) descriptor pool
LFIOP Length of asynchronous flush pool
LFP The size (in bytes) of the Adabas internal format buffer pool.
LP Length of data protection area (Work part 1)
LRPL Adabas or Event Replicator replication pool size
LU Length of intermediate user buffer
LWP The size (in bytes) of the Adabas work pool.
MLWTO Whether multi-line messages that are normally written to the operator console as a series of single-line write-to-operator (WTO) messages should instead appear as multi-line WTO messages.
NAB Number of attached buffers
NC The maximum number of command log data sets to be opened and logged in the PPT for the session.
NH Number of hold queue elements
NISNHQ Number of ISNs in hold queue for user
NT Number of threads
NU The maximum number of user queue elements for the Adabas session.
REPLICATION Activate replication for the Adabas nucleus (Event Replicator for Adabas)
RPLCONNECTCOUNT The number of connection attempts made for the Adabas or Event Replicator Server nucleus after an attempt fails
RPLCONNECTINTERVAL The interval (in seconds) between connection attempts made for the Adabas or Event Replicator Server nucleus after an attempt fails
RPLPARMS Location where your replication definitions (initialization parameters) should be read from (Event Replicator for Adabas)
RPLSORT Event Replicator for Adabas transaction data sorting
RPWARNINCREMENT Replication pool usage threshold problem warning message interval
RPWARNINTERVAL Replication pool usage warning messages suppression interval
RPWARNMESSAGELIMIT Replication pool usage warning message count before message suppression begins
RPWARNPERCENT Replication pool usage threshold

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