Version 8.2.5
 —  Messages and Codes  —

RTP* - Adabas Review Trans-port Messages

Overview of Messages

RTP001 | RTP002 | RTP003 | RTP004

RTP001 Review Abend in RTPSSPC
Abend Ssyscode Uusrcode Reason rsncode
Hub ID hubid PASN pasn SASN sasn
PSW psw extended-information

A program check or system abend was intercepted by the Adabas Review Trans-port ARR routine. This message appears in the Trans-port caller's listings and the system console.

The caller does not abend, but the data being sent to the Adabas Review hub may be discarded. A system dump is attempted.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

RTP002 Review Abend in RTPSSPC
Abend Ssyscode Uusrcode
SDWA Not Available

A program check or system abend was intercepted by the Adabas Review Trans-port ARR routine. This message appears in the Trans-port caller's listings and the system console.

z/OS did not provide a System Diagnostic Work Area (SDWA), which reduces the amount of information available.

The caller does not abend, but the data being sent to the Adabas Review hub may be discarded. A system dump is attempted.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

RTP003 System Dump Accepted

The error described in preceding messages RTP001 or RTP002 is recorded in a system dump. Additional dump details are in the system log and the hub's listing.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

RTP004 SDUMPX failed Reason rsncode

A system dump was attempted after the error described in the preceding messages RTP001 or RTP002. z/OS was unable to schedule the dump.


Check the IBM documentation for the SDUMPX service to determine the meaning of the reason code given in the message. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

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