ERROR-121 | ERROR-122 | ERROR-123 | ERROR-124
ERROR-121 | Missing function |
Explanation |
At least one valid function must be supplied: ASSOPRI, DATAPRI, WORKPRI, TEMPPRI, SORTPRI, CLOGPRI, PLOGPRI, and RLOGPRI, or DSIMPRI. |
Action |
Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the ADAPRI job. |
ERROR-122 | Missing ASSO data sets |
Explanation |
The Associator data set(s) is required for the following functions: ASSOPRI, DATAPRI, WORKPRI. |
Action |
Add the appropriate data set to the job control JCL/JCS, and rerun the ADAPRI job. |
ERROR-123 | Invalid RABN range |
Explanation |
The TORABN value cannot be less than the FROMRABN value. |
Action |
Provide the correct parameter values and rerun the ADAPRI job. |
ERROR-124 | Invalid 'NUMBER' parameter |
Explanation |
NUMBER must be 1 through 8. The parameter is valid only for the CLOGPRI and PLOGPRI functions. |
Action |
Provide the correct parameter value, and rerun the ADAPRI job. |