Version 8.2.5
 —  DBA Tasks  —

Adabas Online System Demo Version

A demo version of Adabas Online System (AOS) and access to the online services for selected other Adabas products and facilities is included with Adabas as shown in the following diagram:


AOS Demo Version

This part of the DBA tasks documentation describes the operation and use of the AOS demo version. The use of the online services for the other Adabas products and facilities is described in the manuals for those products and facilities. The demo services available for Adabas Fastpath (AFPLOOK) and Adabas Vista (AVILOOK) are described in AFPLOOK and AVILOOK. AOS Security is described in the Adabas Security documentation.

This information is organized under the following headings:


The AOS demo version includes the following functions that are comparable to Adabas operator commands and utilities and are used for Adabas database analysis and control:


Overview of the AOS Demo Version

See the Adabas Installation documentation for information about installing the demo version of AOS.

The AOS add-on product includes services that correspond to additional utility functions and operator commands. Read the Adabas Online System documentation for information.

The DBA can use the AOS demo version to monitor aspects of an Adabas database while an Adabas session is active. Using menu options, the DBA can view resource and hold queue status; display space allocation; display file and database parameters; create new FDTs; and stop a current Adabas session.

For analyzing performance and monitoring database operation, the AOS demo version displays the system from the viewpoint of either a user or a particular system resource. For example, you can:

For controlling the overall Adabas session, the AOS demo version can be used to

Top of page

Main Menu Functions

To enter the AOS demo version, log on to the Natural application SYSAOS and enter MENU at the NEXT prompt, if one appears.

If the full version AOS is installed on your system, enter MENU instead. See the Adabas Online System documentation for more information.

15:08:13          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
                               -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
             Code  Basic Services              Code  Other Services           
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
              A    Session monitoring           1    Adabas Cache Facility    
              C    Checkpoint maintenance       2    Delta Save Facility      
              F    File maintenance             *    Trigger Maintenance      
              M    Database maintenance         4    AOS Security             
              O    Session opercoms             5    Transaction Manager      
              R    Database report              6    Adabas Statistics        
              *    Space calculation            7    Vista                    
              ?    Help                         8    Fastpath                 
              .    Exit                         9    SAF Security             
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
 Code ....... _                                                               
 Database ... 1955    (WIS1955)                                               
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                                       

The Main Menu displays the functions available with Adabas Online System. AOS functions that are not not available with the demo version are marked with an asterisk (*) on the screen.

From the Main Menu, you can access available "Basic Services" functions or one of the "Other Services" installed on your system. Other services installed at your site are highlighted.

The Main Menu indicates the main DBA tasks in the demo version:

Option Function
A Session monitoring allows you to display nucleus parameters, session and thread status information, ISNs in the hold queue, and maintenance levels for nucleus modules
C Checkpoint maintenance allows you to list checkpoint information
F File maintenance allows you to define a new FDT for a new file
M Database maintenance is not active for the demo version
O Session opercoms allows you to add or delete PIN modules used by the extended error recovery facilities; display currently loaded PIN routines and activate or deactivate them, display locked files, and terminate a session normally (ADAEND)
R Database report allows you to view general database layout information, tables of database files, and detailed information for any file

Subsequent sections in this chapter describe the major functions of the AOS demo version and menu/screen structures in the order that they appear on the Main Menu.

This section covers the following topics:

Specifying the AOS Demo Version Database

The database on which the AOS demo version is installed becomes the default database for demo version functions. However, you can specify the database of any active Adabas nucleus session. Subsequent AOS demo version functions refer to that database until you specify another database or exit the AOS demo version.

Using Program Function (PF) Keys

Available PF keys and their functions are listed at the bottom of each screen. The following program function (PF) keys appear on all screens within the AOS demo version; other navigation keys appear on some screens:

PF1 Help
PF3 Exit to previous screen
PF12 Return to the Main Menu

Selecting a Menu Option

To select a function or option, enter the option code in the Code field.

Selecting a Main Menu function displays a menu of choices for that function.

Getting Help

From any AOS demo version menu, you can use PF1 to display a brief comment about the current menu. See Using Program Function (PF) Keys .

AOS Demo Version Messages

The AOS demo version issues a message confirming each completed function. If an error occurs, a message appears containing a reference number and describing the error.

Before analyzing an error, try reviewing the help information (PF1) for the last step you performed to see if any requirements were overlooked; then retry the operation.

Response code 22 (ADARSP022) is returned if the Adabas session is terminated and restarted while the AOS demo version is active. In this case, the application should be stopped and restarted.

Top of page

Session Monitoring

Adabas session monitoring functions display major Adabas resources. These functions are most useful when analyzing system performance or seeking the cause of performance problems.

19:17:59          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                           -  Session Monitoring  -                 PAC0002   
 Code   Service                         Code   Service                        
 ----   --------------------------      ----   ----------------------------   
  *     Display cluster members          *     Refresh nucleus statistics     
  *     Maintain user profiles           *     Current resource statistics    
  D     Display parameters               *     Maintain TCP/IP URL            
  I     Display installed products       U     Display resource utilization   
  *     Display event log buffer         *     Replicator Management          
  *     Modify parameters                Z     Display maintenance levels     
  Q     Display queues                                                        
  ?     Help                             .     Exit                           
 ----   --------------------------      ----   ----------------------------   
        Code ......... _                                                      
        Database ID .. 1955    (WIS1955)                                      
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

You can use the Session Monitoring environment to monitor the Adabas nuclei in a multiprocessing ( Parallel Services or Cluster Services) environment. When the DBID of a Parallel or Cluster Services database is entered on the Session Monitoring menu, subsequent screens include a field to specify the ID of the nucleus in the cluster that you want to monitor.

Each of the functions on the Session Monitoring menu is discussed in the following sections:

Option Function
D Display Adabas nucleus (ADARUN) parameters
I Display a list of installed products
Q Display the contents of the hold queue
U Display session status and thread usage
Z Display Adabas nucleus modules: maintenance levels and ZAPs applied

This section covers the following topics:

Display ADARUN Parameters

You can view Adabas nucleus (ADARUN) parameters.

To view the parameters, select option D from the Session Monitoring menu.

Multiple screens are used for displaying parameters:

17:05:12          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
 -------------- Pools --------------  ------------- Queues ------------------ 
 Sort Area         (LS).. 19968       Command Queue          (NC) .. 20       
 Int. User Buffer  (LU).. 400000      Hold Queue             (NH) .. 400      
 Buffer Pool      (LBP).. 104192      User Queue             (NU) .. 200      
 Format Pool      (LFP).. 150000      ------------ Time Windows ------------- 
 ISN List Table    (LI).. 360000      Transaction Time       (TT) .. 4858     
 Seq. Cmd. Table   (LQ).. 20000       Max Transaction Time (MXTT) .. 3600     
 Work Pool        (LWP).. 1500000     Nonactivity ACC-User (TNAA) .. 4858     
 Attached Buffer  (NAB).. 100         Nonactivity ET-User  (TNAE) .. 4858     
 Security Pool    (LCP).. 10000       Nonactivity EXU-User (TNAX) .. 4858     
 UQ-DE Pool    (LDEUQP).. 50000       Max Nonactivity Time(MXTNA) .. 3600     
 Err. Recovery (MSGBUF).. 36          Time Limit Sx-Cmds (TLSCMD) .. 300      
                                      Max Time for Sx-Cmds(MXTSX) .. 3600     
                                      Command Time           (CT) .. 3858     
                                      SYNS60 Interval    (INTNAS) .. 3600     
                                                                   Page 1 of 5
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                  +        Menu        
17:05:12          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
 --------- Miscellaneous -----------   -------- User Specific Limits ---------
 Read only session(READONLY) .. NO     Hold Queue Limit  (NISNHQ) .. 100      
 UTI only session  (UTIONLY) .. NO     CIDs per User      (NQCID) .. 40       
 OPEN required      (OPENRQ) .. NO     ISN per TBI Element(NSISN) .. 100      
 Ignore DIB Entry   (IGNDIB) .. NO     ------------ Buffer Pool --------------
 Local nucleus       (LOCAL) .. NO     Bufferflush Dur.  (TFLUSH) .. 1        
 Number of Threads      (NT) .. 5      Parallel LFIOP I/O (FMXIO) .. 1        
 Non DE Search      (NONDES) .. YES    Async. by Vol-Ser (ASYTVS) .. YES      
 Log AOS/DBS Update (AOSLOG) .. NO                                            
 Batch Support       (BATCH) .. NO                                            
 Data Protection Area   (LP) .. 1000                                          
 Ignore Work Part 4 (IGNDTP) .. NO                                            
 WORK-Part-4 Area     (LDTP) .. 0                                             
 WORK-Part-2 Area    (LWKP2) .. 106                                           
 SVC                   (SVC) .. 249                                           
                                                                   Page 2 of 5
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
17:05:12          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
 ---- Command Logging ----      ------------ Command Logging? -------------   
 Command Logging .. YES         Log VOLSER info    (LOGVOLIO) .. NO           
 LOGCB ............ NO          Max buffer size/cmd (CLOGMAX) .. 16384        
 LOGFB ............ YES         Max buffer size/buf(CLOGBMAX) .. 4096         
 LOGRB ............ YES         Log ABDX            (LOGABDX) .. 7073         
 LOGSB ............ NO          Log multifetch buffer (LOGMB) .. NO           
 LOGVB ............ NO          Log users buffer      (LOGUB) .. NO           
 LOGIB ............ NO          Command log layout(CLOGLAYOUT).. 5            
 LOGIO ............ NO                                                        
 LOGUX ............ NO                                                        
 LOGSIZE .......... 5064        ---------- Protection Logging -----------     
 DUAL CLOG Size ... 675         PLOG required        (PLOGRQ) .. YES          
 DUAL CLOG Dev. ... 3390        DUAL PLOG Size      (DUALPLS) .. 240          
 NCLOG ............ 0           DUAL PLOG Device    (DUALPLD) .. 3390         
                                NPLOG .......................... 0            
                                                                   Page 3 of 5
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
17:05:12          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
------------ Large Pools ------------       --------- Other Services ---------
Flush I/O Pool (LFIOP) .. 80000             Triggers / Procedures (SPT) .. NO 
                                            Delta Save Facility   (DSF) .. YES
                                            Cache Facility      (CACHE) .. NO 
                                            Transaction Manager   (ATM) .. NO 
                                            TCP/IP Support      (TCPIP) .. NO 
                                            Ext. Error Recovery  (SMGT) .. YES
------ Additional Miscellaneous -----       2 Phase Commit Support(DTP) .. NO 
LARGEPAGE ................ NO                                                 
V64BIT ................... NO               Review:                           
Number plog buffers ...... 1                 Support  (REVIEW) .. NO          
Number work1 buffers ..... 1                                                  
Event log buffer size .... 1024              Filter ............. YES         
SRLOG .................... Upd               Max bufsize cmd .... 16384       
                                             Max bufsize buf .... 5120        
                                                                   Page 4 of 5
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
17:05:12          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
---- Replication Parameters -----                                             
Replication .......... YES                                                    
RPWARNPercent ........ 0                                                      
RPWARNINCrement ...... 10                                                     
RPWARNINTerval ....... 60                                                     
RPWARNMessagelimit ... 5                                                      
RPCONNECTCount ....... 0                                                      
RPCONNECTInterval .... 0                                                      
RPLSORT .............. YES                                                    
                                                                   Page 5 of 5
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                         -                 Menu        

Display Installed Products

Choose option I on the Session Monitoring menu and press ENTER to display a list of installed products.

10:32:36          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-12
DBid  1955             - Display Installed Products -               PACII02   
   -------------------------- -----    ------------------------------- ----   
   Cache Facility ........... NO       Extended Error Recovery ....... YES    
   Delta Save Facility ...... YES      Recovery Aid .................. YES    
   Cluster Services ......... NO       Stored Procedures & Triggers .. NO     
   Parallel Services ........ NO       Two Phase Commit .............. NO     
   Fastpath ................. NO       TCPIP support ................. NO     
   Vista .................... NO       Event Replicator .............. YES    
   Transaction Manager ...... NO                                              
   SAF Security Interface ... NO                                              
   Review ................... NO                                              
   Adabas Online System ..... YES                                             
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

This screen displays what is installed on the current selected Adabas

Display Hold Queue

Selecting Queue displays (option Q) from the Session Monitoring menu displays the following menu:

19:23:16          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                             -  Queue Displays  -                   PACQ002   
                       Code    Service                                        
                       ----    ---------------------------                    
                        *      Display User Queue Elements                    
                        *      Display Command Queue                          
                        H      Display Hold Queue                             
                        ?      Help                                           
                        .      Exit                                           
                       ----    ---------------------------                    
   Code ............... _                                                     
   Max No. Elements ... 100                                                   
   Last Activity ...... 0         (elapsed time in seconds)                   
   Selection Criteria                                                         
     ET-ID (User-ID) .. ________  User Type ... ___                           
     Job Name ......... ________                                              
     Terminal ID ...... ________                                              
   Database ID ........ 1955      (WIS1955)                      0            
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Clear UID                            Menu        

Option H displays a list of the ISNs currently in hold status.

If the queue is currently empty, an appropriate message appears.

Display System Status and Thread Usage

Selecting Resource utilization (option U) from the Session Monitoring menu invokes the Resource Utilization menu:

19:24:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                          -  Resource Utilization  -                PACU002   
Code  Service                           Code  Service                         
----  -------------------------------   ----  ------------------------------- 
 *    Command usage                      S    System status                   
 *    File usage                         T    Thread usage                    
 *    High water marks (pools/queues)    *    WORK status                     
 *    Workpool (LWP) usage               *    Cluster usage                   
 *    Nucleus File Status                *    Display PPT table               
 *    PLOG status                                                             
 ?    Help                                                                    
 .    Exit                                                                    
----  -------------------------------   ----  ------------------------------- 
        Code ......... _                                                      
        File Number .. 0                                                      
        Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                       
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Each option allows you to refresh ( PF4 ) the displayed values, a convenience for long-term monitoring of Adabas system functions.

System Status

System status (option S) displays I/O counts for the ASSO, DATA, WORK, and PLOG data sets; remote and local call distribution; and other current session status information.

16:44:13         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-01-28
   DBID 105                     -  System Status   -                  PACUS02

               Reads          Writes                Call Distribution
             -------------------------   ---------------------------------------
   ASSO             132             29   Remote Logical .............          0
   DATA               3              9   Remote Physical ............          0
   WORK               4             29   Local  Logical .............        145
   PLOG                              0   Local  Physical ............          0
   Logical Reads ........          194   Logical Reads (binary) .....   000000C2
   Buffer Efficiency ....          1.4   No. of HQEs active .........          0
                                         No. of UQEs in User Queue ..          2
   Format Translations ..            0   No. of CQEs waiting in CQ ..          0
   Format Overwrites ....            0
                                         Total intern. Autorestarts .          0
   Throw Backs for ISN ..            0   No. of PLOG switches .......          0
   Throw Backs for Space.            0   No. of Bufferflushes .......          8

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu

Thread Usage

Thread usage (option T) displays a table of all defined Adabas threads, the status of each, the command type currently in process in each active thread, and the number of commands processed by each thread in the current session.

11:47:18         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1997-01-30
   DBID 105                     -  Thread Status   -                  PACUT02

        Nr. I Thread Status             I Command Type    I Nr. CMDs  I
         1  I Active                    I Simple Cmd.     I 18992     I
         2  I Not active                I                 I 109       I
         3  I Not active                I                 I 0         I
         4  I Not active                I                 I 0         I
         5  I Not active                I                 I 0         I
            I                           I                 I           I

Display Maintenance Levels

Selecting Display maintenance levels (option Z) from the Session Monitoring menu displays information about the Adabas nucleus modules:

18:34:02          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID 1955             -  Display Maintenance Levels  -              PACZ002   
NucID .. 1021                                                                 
 Select Module Name:  ________                                                
   ADARUN   RUNMVS   Date 2009-07-30, Version 8.2, SM 8, Base AO828008        
            RUNIND   Date 2009-07-30, Version 8.2, SM 8, Base AI828000        
   ADANCX            Date 2009-07-23, Version 8.2, SM 8, Base AN828000        
   ADAXCF            Date 2007-06-15, Version 8.1, SM 8, Base AP818000        
   ADAXEC            Date 2008-02-20, Version 8.1, SM 8, Base AP818000        
   ADAXEL            Date 2009-05-25, Version 8.2, SM 8, Base AP828000        
   ADACLU            Date 2009-07-23, Version 8.2, SM 8, Base AN828000        
   ADAMXI            Date 2009-07-20, Version 8.2, SM 8, Base AN828000        
   ADAMIM            Date 2009-01-26, Version 8.2, SM 8, Base AN828000        
   ADARVU            Date 2009-07-12, Version 8.2, SM 0, Base AN820000        
   ADACLX            Date 2009-07-09, Version 8.2, SM 0, Base AN820000        
   ADARMT            Date 2009-06-03, Version 8.1, SM 0, Base AN810000        
Command ===>                                                                  
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                --       -        +        Menu        

Maintenance levels for each module are displayed. Any ZAPs that are applied to the module are also listed.

The list of modules can be limited by entering a specific module name in the Select Module Name field at the top of the screen. A starting value may also be used. For example, specifying ADANC3 displays information for the ADANC3 module only. Specifying ADANC* lists all modules with names that begin with ADANC.

Top of page

List Checkpoints

Selecting Checkpoint maintenance (option C) from the Main Menu invokes the Checkpoint Maintenance menu:

19:26:42          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                         -  Checkpoint Maintenance  -               PCP0002   
                        Code    Service                                       
                        ----    -----------------------                       
                         C      List checkpoints                              
                         *      Delete checkpoints                            
                         ?      Help                                          
                         .      Exit                                          
                        ----    -----------------------                       
      Code ............. _                                                    
      Date(YYYY-MM-DD) . 0000-00-00                                           
      Ext. CP-list ..... N                                                    
      Checkpoint Name .. ALL                                                  
      Database ID ...... 1955   (WIS1955)                                     
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Option C lists checkpoints currently in the checkpoint file.

The result can be either a basic or an extended list, depending on the setting of the External CP-list field, which can be used to override the CPEXLIST operating control parameter.

You can start the list of checkpoints on a particular day by entering the date in the Date field in exactly the format shown.

You can specify the database for which the checkpoint list is to be written.

You can restrict the list to a particular type of checkpoint by changing the ALL designation in the Checkpoint Type field to one of the following:

Type Description
SYNC nucleus initialization
SYNF user open EXF
SYNP utility, without nucleus
SYNV volume ID change
SYNX utility
SYN4 ADASAV file begin
SYN5 ADASAV file begin

For more information about checkpoint types, see ADAREP in the Adabas Utilities documentation .

The following screen displays a normal checkpoint list:

18:56:29          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2009-08-13   
DBID 1955                     - List Checkpoints -                  PCPC012   
  CP   CP     Date      Time      PLOG     Block      Vol/Ser   User Job Name 
 Name Type                       Number    Number      Number   Type          
 ---- ---- ---------- --------   ------  ----------   --------  ---- -------- 
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:07:59                                       USAWISN0 
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:07:59                                       USAWISN0 
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:08:00                                       USAWISN0 
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:08:01                                       USAWISN0 
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:08:01                                       USAWISN0 
 SYNC  01  2009-02-17 19:08:02                                       USAWISN0 
 SYNS  5B  2009-02-17 19:08:02                                  EXU  ADAEND   
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:17:04        2           1   DUAL           USAWISTA 
 SYNC  01  2009-02-17 19:27:58        2           2   DUAL           USAWISRP 
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:42:40        2         365   DUAL      UTI  USAWISTA 
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:42:40        2         366   DUAL      UTI  USAWISTA 
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:42:40        2         367   DUAL      UTI  USAWISTA 
 SYNS  60  2009-02-17 21:17:58        2       21370   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  60  2009-02-18 16:41:30        2       21371   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  60  2009-02-19 09:25:33        2       21372   DUAL           ADABAS   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7 ----- PF8----- PF12-----  
Help               Exit                Top      -        +        Menu        

This screen illustrates an extended checkpoint list providing additional information about each checkpoint:

18:58:21          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2009-08-13   
DBID 1955                     - List Checkpoints -                  PCPC012   
  CP   CP     Date      Time      PLOG     Block      Vol/Ser   User Job Name 
 Name Type                       Number    Number      Number   Type          
 ---- ---- ---------- --------   ------  ----------   --------  ---- -------- 
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:07:59                                       USAWISN0 
      LOAD                FNR= 1                                              
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:07:59                                       USAWISN0 
      LOAD                FNR= 2                                              
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:08:00                                       USAWISN0 
      LOAD                FNR= 3                                              
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:08:01                                       USAWISN0 
      LOAD                FNR= 6                                              
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:08:01                                       USAWISN0 
      LOAD                FNR= 7                                              
 SYNC  01  2009-02-17 19:08:02                                       USAWISN0 
      SESSION OPEN        IGNDIB = N , FORCE = N                              
 SYNS  5B  2009-02-17 19:08:02                                  EXU  ADAEND   
      REFRESH STATS                                                           
 SYNP  30  2009-02-17 19:17:04        2           1   DUAL           USAWISTA 
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7 ----- PF8----- PF12-----  
Help               Exit                Top      -        +        Menu        

Top of page

File Maintenance

Selecting option F from the Main Menu invokes the File Maintenance menu:

13:16:44          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                         -  File Maintenance  -                     PFL0004

Code    Service
----    ------------------------------
 C      Define/modify FDT
 *      Release descriptor
 *      Delete existing file
 *      Define new file
 *      Modify file parameters
 *      Reorder file online
 *      Refresh file to empty status
 *      Allocate/deallocate file space
 *      Maintain expanded files
 ?      Help
 .      Exit
----    ------------------------------

Code ......... _
File No ...... 0      Descriptor Name .. __
Database ID .. 1954   (WIS1954)
Command ==>

PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
Help               Exit                                           Menu

From the File Maintenance menu, option C displays the FDT/SDT Definition / Modification menu:

19:29:54          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                   -  FDT/SDT Definition / Modification  -          PFLC004   
                      Code    Service                                         
                      ----    -----------------------                         
                       *      Add new field(s)                                
                       *      Change field parameters                         
                       D      Define new FDT                                  
                       *      Delete field from FDT                           
                       *      Undelete field from FDT                         
                       *      Online invert                                   
                       *      Define/add SDT                                  
                       ?      Help                                            
                       .      Exit                                            
                      ----    -----------------------                         
        Code ......... _                                                      
        File No. .....                                                        
        Field Name ... __                                                     
        Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                       
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Def. File Exit                                           Menu        

From the FDT/SDT Definition / Modification menu, option D displays the Define FDT screen, which can be used to define a new FDT for a new file:

21:09:04          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-21
DBID 1955                       -  Define FDT  -                    PFLCD12   
File Number .... 55                            New FDT ... Y                  
Enter Field Description(s) ::                                                 
I Levl I Name I Length I Format I Options        I Date/time stamp            
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
I  __  I  __  I  ___   I   _    I __ __ __ __ __ I ________________           
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Def SDT   Exit      Def File  Disp FDT                   Menu        

FDTs for existing files cannot be redefined with this option.

This function corresponds to the Adabas utility function ADACMP COMPRESS.

Top of page

Database Maintenance

Selecting option M from the Main Menu invokes the Database Maintenance menu:

19:31:45          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                          -  Database Maintenance  -                PDM0002   
                      Code    Service                                         
                      ----    ----------------------------                    
                       *      Add new dataset to ASSO/DATA                    
                       *      Increase/decrease ASSO/DATA                     
                       *      List/reset DIB block entries                    
                       *      Recover unused space                            
                       *      Uncouple two ADABAS files                       
                       ?      Help                                            
                       .      Exit                                            
                      ----    ----------------------------                    
       Code .......... _                                                      
       File No. ...... 0                                                      
       Coupled File .. 0                                                      
       Database ID ... 1955   (WIS1955)                                       
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

None of the Database Maintenance functions are active for the demo version.

Top of page

System Operator Command Functions

Selecting Session opercoms (option O) from the Main Menu displays the following menu:

19:36:22          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                             -  Session Opercoms  -                 PACI002   
 Code  Service                           Code  Service                        
 ----  ------------------------------    ----  ------------------------------ 
  *    Allocate/Deallocate CLOG/PLOG      S    Stop user(s)                   
  *    Issue reactivate CLOG command      T    Termination Commands           
  E    Extended Error Recovery            *    Manage Online Utilities        
  *    Force CLOG or PLOG switch          *    User Table Maintenance         
  L    Lock or unlock files               *    Replicator Management          
  *    Reset ONLINE-DUMP-Status                                               
  .    Exit                               ?    Help                           
 ----  ------------------------------    ----  ------------------------------ 
       Code ........... _                                                     
       Userid(ETID) ... ________                                              
       CLOG/PLOG Ind .. _                                                     
       Database ID .... 1955   (WIS1955)                                      
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

The following functions are available to the AOS demo version:

Code Function
E Add or delete PIN modules used by the extended error recovery facilities; display, activate or deactivate current PIN routines
L Display locked files
S Stop a specific user, all users of a specific file or job, or all inactive users
T Terminate a session normally (ADAEND)

This section covers the following topics:

Extended Error Recovery

Selecting option E (extended error recovery) from the Session Opercoms menu displays the Extended Error Recovery menu:

19:41:23          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                          -  Extended Error Recovery  -             PACIE02   
                   Code    Service                                            
                   ----    ----------------------------------                 
                    *      Display message buffer                             
                    *      Display/modify environment                         
                    *      Display/modify Exit routines                       
                    M      Add/Delete PIN modules                             
                    P      Display/modify PIN routines                        
                    *      Refresh threshold and alert exits                  
                    *      SNAP a nucleus dump                                
                    ?      Help                                               
                    .      Exit                                               
                   ----    ----------------------------------                 
   Code ........... _                                                         
   Start Address .. ________   End Address ... ________                       
   Database ID .... 1955   (WIS1955)                                          
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

From this menu you can

Add / Delete PIN Modules

Selecting option M (add/delete PIN modules) from the Extended Error Recovery menu displays a list of currently available PIN modules:

16:09:48          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-24
DBID 1955                -  Add/Delete PIN Modules  -               PACIEM2   
NUCID .. 1021                                                                 
Mark entries with 'A' to Add or 'D' to Delete:                                
          M   Module    Description                      Message              
          -   --------  ------------------------------   -------              
          _   ADAMXY    Standard Nucleus PIN Routines                         
              PINAAF    SAF Security                                          
              PINAFP    Adabas Fastpath                                       
              PINATM    Adabas Transaction Manager                            
              PINAVI    Adabas Vista                                          
          _   PINRSP    Adabas Response Code Handler                          
          _   PINUES    Universal Encoding Support                            
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

To load a PIN module into memory, enter `A' in the M column next to the module name.

This command is successful only if the exit module exists in a library accessible to the Adabas nucleus.

To remove a PIN module from memory, enter a `D' in the M column next to the module name.

When deleting a PIN module from memory, all related PIN routines are also removed.

These functions are the same as the extended error recovery operator commands

SMGT,{ADDPIN | DELPIN}=module-name

Display/Modify PIN Routines

Selecting option P (display/modify PIN routines) from the Extended Error Recovery menu displays a list of PINs currently loaded in memory:

16:10:12          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-24
DBID 1955               -  List/Modify PIN Routines  -              PACIEP2   
NUCID .. 1021                                                                 
Mark entries with 'A' Activate, or 'D' Deactivate:         Total Pins: 012    
 M  Condition        Error Location        Status  Uses  Module     Message   
 -  --------- ---------------------------- ------- ---- --------  ----------- 
 _  000C1000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000C2000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000C3000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000C4000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000C5000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000C6000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000C7000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000C8000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000C9000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000CB000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  000CF000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
 _  00047000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY              
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refr       --       -        +       Menu        

For all PIN routines on the list, the screen indicates the conditions that cause them to be executed, the current status, the number of times they have been used, and the module in which they are located.

To change the status of the PINs from this screen, enter in the M column next to the PIN number

A to activate a PIN
D to deactivate a PIN

After changes have been made, use PF4 to refresh the screen.

These functions are the same as the extended error recovery operator commands

  SMGT,{ACTPIN | DEACTPIN}=pin-number

Display Locked Files

Selecting option L from the Session Opercoms menu displays the following:

19:43:48          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                          -  Lock / Unlock Files  -                 PACIL02   
                  Code    Service                                             
                  ----    ----------------------------------                  
                   D      Display locked files                                
                   *      Lock file for all users                             
                   *      Advance lock file                                   
                   *      Lock file except for UTI/EXF users                  
                   *      Unlock file from general lock                       
                   *      Release an advance lock                             
                   *      Unlock file from UTI/EXF lock                       
                   ?      Help                                                
                   .      Exit                                                
                  ----    -----------------------------------                 
    Code .........                                                            
    File Number ..                                                            
    UTI/EXF Ind .. U                                                          
    Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                           
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   

Option D from this menu displays the Display Locked Files screen:

16:28:56          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-24
DBID 1955                 -  Display Locked Files  -                PACID02   
 Mark entries with 'U' to unlock:                                             
 M  Fnr.   Lock Status                  M  Fnr.   Lock Status
 -  -----  -------------------------    -  -----  -------------------------
 _  1      Locked for ALL users
 _  35     Locked except for UTI
 _  50     Locked except for EXU/EXF
 _  55     Locked for ALL users
 _  60     Locked for ALL users

PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
Help               Exit                 --       -        +       Menu

Stop User(s)

Selecting option S (stop users) from the Session Opercoms menu displays the Stop Users menu:

19:46:31          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                               -  Stop Users  -                     PACIS02   
                      Code  Service                                           
                      ----  -----------------------                           
                       *    Stop users using file                             
                       *    Stop inactive users                               
                       *    Stop users by jobname                             
                       *    Stop a selected user                              
                       ?    Help                                              
                       .    Exit                                              
                      ----  -----------------------                           
    Code ............. _                                                      
    File Number ...... _____                                                  
    Last Activity .... ________ (elapsed time in seconds)                     
    Job Name ......... ________                                               
    Purge UQE(s) ..... N                                                      
    Selected Userid ..          ( USASASW                                     
    Database ID ...... 1955     (WIS1955)                                     
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Disp UQ   Exit      Clear UID                            Menu        

None of the Stop Users functions are active for the demo version.

Terminate a Session Normally (ADAEND)

Selecting option T from the Session Opercoms menu invokes the Session Termination menu from which you can terminate a session normally (ADAEND).

19:47:44          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                           -  Session Termination  -                PACT002   
                    Code    Service                                           
                    ----    -----------------------------------               
                     A      Normal session termination (ADAEND)               
                     *      Cancel session immediately (CANCEL)               
                     *      Stop session               (HALT)                 
                     ?      Help                                              
                     .      Exit                                              
                    ----    -----------------------------------               
      Code ......... _                                                        
      Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                         
       Current nr. of users in User Queue ... 1                               
       Nr. of users with open transactions .. 0                               
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

You are prompted to confirm your termination request before the action is taken.

Top of page

Database Report

Database Report functions, which correspond to selected functions of the Adabas ADAREP utility, provide both general and specific information in either table or report format.

19:50:37          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                             -  Database Report  -                  PDR0002   
                  Code    Service                                             
                  ----    -------------------------------------               
                   *      List files with crit. no. of extents                
                   *      Display field description table (FDT)               
                   F      Display file(s)                                     
                   G      General database layout                             
                   *      List VOLSER distribution of database                
                   *      Display ASSO/DATA block (RABN)                      
                   *      Display unused storage                              
                   ?      Help                                                
                   .      Exit                                                
                  ----    -------------------------------------               
    Code ......... _                                                          
    File No ...... 0_____ Password ..                                         
    Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                           
    VOLSER ....... ______                                                     
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Options available to the AOS demo version allow you to view database-level general information and tables of database files, and file-specific information for any file:

Option Function
F Display file(s), either a list of all files in the specified database or detailed information about a specific file.
G Display the general layout of the specified database.

This section covers the following topics:

Display Files

If no particular file is specified, option F lists all files in the specified database. If a file is specified, option F provides detailed layout information for the file. Physical device and file layout information is available only for a specific file.

Display a List of Files in the Specified Database

When no file number or "0" (zero) is specified in the File No field on the Database Report menu, a list of the files in the specified database is displayed:

 18:31:39          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-24
 DBID 1955                      - Display Files -                    PDRF032   
Fnr   File Name        Loaded   Top-ISN    Max-ISN    Extents     Ind.    %Used
                       YY-MM-DD                       NI UI AC DA ACISEXU  A  D
----- ---------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -- -- -- -- ------- -----
    1 EMPLOYEES        09-02-17       1107       1695  2  1  1  1 NNISNNN 77 92
    2 VEHICLES         09-02-17        773       1695  1  1  1  1 NNISNNN 86 12
    3 MISCELLANEOUS    09-02-17       1779       2543  2  1  2  1 NNISNNN 86 53
    6 EXPANDED         09-02-17       1107       1600  1  1  1  1 NNISNXN 74 46
    7 EXPANDED         09-02-17       3107       3600  1  1  1  1 NNISNXN 74 46
   10 TRIGGER-FILE     09-02-17          0       1695  1  1  1  1 NNISNNN  8  0
   11 NAT-SYSTEM       09-02-17      62118      80559  1  1  1  1 NNISNNU 96 97
   12 NAT-USER         09-02-17        366      30527  1  1  1  1 NNISNNN 45 50
   13 NAT-FDIC         09-02-17          6       5087  1  1  1  1 NNISNNN 33  1
   19 CHECKPOINT       09-02-17       1821       2543  1  1  2  1 NNNSNNN  2  9
   20 FILE-1955-20     09-03-04         16       1695  1  1  1  1 NNNSNNN  5 20
   21 FILE-1955-21     09-03-04          7       1695  1  1  1  1 NNNSNNN  0 10
   22 22-SPAN          09-08-03         35      57663  1  2  2  2 NNNSNNN  0 19
   23 REPL BRO         09-07-22       1000      20351  1  1  1  1 NNNSNNN  0  1
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
 Help     Repos     Exit      Extents   --       -        +        Menu        
AÛ                                                                 02,001      

The PF2 (Reposition) key displays a window in which you can enter a new starting value for the file list. When you enter a file number, the Display Files list begins with that file.

The Display Files screen provides the following information for each file:

Display Information for a Specific File

When a valid system file number is specified on the Database Report menu, the following Display File Layout information is displayed for that file:

18:29:22          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2009-08-24   
DBID 1955                   - Display File Layout -                 PDRF043   
 *  File 11     *   NAT-SYSTEM                                                
 Records loaded ..... 60754         Date loaded .......... 2009-02-17 19:17:04
 TOP ISN ............ 60841         Date of last update .. 2009-06-08 03:34:25
 Max ISN expected ... 80559         Max Compr Rec Lngth .. 5060               
 Minimum ISN ........ 1             Asso/Data Padding .... 10%/10%            
 Size of ISN ........ 3 Bytes       Highest Index Level .. 3                  
 Number of Updates .. 82862         RPLUPDATEONLY. No   Indx Comp ...... Yes                      
 ISN Reusage ........ Yes           USERISN ...... Yes  PGMREFRESH ..... No   
 Space Reusage ...... Yes           MIXDSDEV ..... No   NOACEXTENSION .. No   
 ADAM File .......... No            Spanned rec .. No   MU/PE indices .. 1    
 Ciphered File ...... No            Replication .. No   Privileged Use . No   
 Coupled Files ...... None          Universal Encoding ... Yes                                          
 Blk per DS Extent .. 0             Logged DSF Changes ... DS AC Index                                         
 Blk per UI Extent .. 0             Total Changed Blks ... 28756              
 Blk per NI Extent .. 0             Multi Client File .... 0                  
 Free space available for file extents: At least 134  Extents                 
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu         

The information for the file can be refreshed by pressing PF4 .

You can display additional information about space allocations by pressing ENTER .

The Display File Layout screen displays the following information for the file:

Pressing ENTER from the initial Display File Layout screen displays the following space allocation and usage information:

18:33:41         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-01-28
   DBID 105                  - Display File Layout -                  PDRF022
   File 75

        IDeviceIListI  Space allocated  I     From     To     I  Unused        I
        I Type ITypeI  Blocks   / Cyls. I     RABN    RABN    I  Blocks / Cyls.I
   -----I------I----I-------------------I --------------------I----------------I
        I      I    I                   I                     I                I
   ASSO I 3380 I AC I         3       0 I      724 -      726 I        0     0 I
        I 3380 I UI I        15       0 I      747 -      761 I        0     0 I
        I 3380 I NI I        20       0 I      727 -      746 I        0     0 I
        I 3380 I NI I        56       0 I      762 -      817 I        2     0 I
        I      I    I                   I                     I                I
   DATA I 3380 I DS I       116       0 I      216 -      331 I       29     0 I

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu

Display General Database Layout

Option G displays general database information on the Display General DB-Layout screen:

02:11:11          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2009-08-25   
DBID 1955                - Display General DB-Layout -              PDRG012   
 Database Name ............ WIS1955                                           
 Database Number .......... 1955                                              
 Database Version ......... 8.2                                               
 Database Load Date ....... 2009-02-17 19:07:58                               
 System Files ............. 19 , 0 , 10 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0                       
 Maximum Number of Files .. 1000                                              
 Number of Files Loaded ... 18                                                
 Highest File Loaded ...... 66                                                
 Trigger File Number ...... 10                                                
 Size of RABN ............. 3 Bytes                                           
 Current Log Tape Number .. 77                                                
 Delta Save Facility ...... Inactive     Replication Facility ..... Yes       
 Recovery Aid Facility .... Inactive                                          
 Universal Encoding Sup. .. Inactive                                          
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

You can display additional information about UES codes, coupling, and space allocations by pressing ENTER.

The Display General DB Layout screen displays the following information for the file:

When universal encoding support (UES) is being used, pressing ENTER from the initial Display General DB-Layout screen lists the current code values:

 15:51:22         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-20
   DBID 105                - Display General DB-Layout -              PDRG002

   Universal Encoding Support Enabled

   UES Encoding Keys:
   Alpha File Encoding ......... 37
   Wide File Encoding .......... 4095
   Alpha ASCII Encoding ........ 437
   Wide User Encoding .......... 4095

In any case, pressing ENTER from the initial Display File Layout screen displays the following space allocation and usage information:

 02:15:32          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2009-08-25 
 DBID 1955                - Display General DB-Layout -              PDRG012 
       IDeviceI    Total Number of   I      Extents  in Block   I DD-Names I 
       I Type I    Blocks  /   Cyls. I       From        To     I          I 
 ------I------I----------------------I -------------------------I----------I 
       I      I                      I                          I          I 
  ASSO I 3390 I      16182        60 I          1        16182  I DDASSOR1 I 
       I      I                      I                          I          I 
  DATA I 3390 I      59990       400 I          1        59990  I DDDATAR1 I 
       I      I                      I                          I          I 
  WORK I 3390 I       8091        60 I          1         8091  I DDWORKR1 I 
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12----- 
 Help               Exit                                           Menu      

Top of page