Client Version 1.4
 —  Entire Net-Work Client Installation and Administration  —

Installing Entire Net-Work on UNIX in Batch Mode

When Entire Net-Work is installed, the log file (WCPvnnnInst.log, where nnn is the version, release, and maintenance level, is written, and another file,, which contains the batch installation settings of this particular installation, is written to $SAG/wcp/vnnn/INSTALL. This file can then subsequently be executed as a shell script. An example is shown elsewhere in this document.

WCB (including Software AG's System Management Hub) must already be installed before you can install Entire Net-Work in batch mode.

If you install the product in character mode, the option -batch can be used to execute the installation program without further user interaction. If user input is required, the default values are used; if these values are not appropriate, the correct values have to be set using the corresponding options in the command line. The available command line options can be displayed by calling the installation program with the -help option.

Since the value of $SAG cannot be set using an option, it must already have the correct value in the calling shell.

All prerequisites and parameters are checked for correctness: missing or invalid values will cause the batch installation to terminate.

This document covers the following topics:

Root Authentication

Installation programs that require post-installation actions executed as a superuser usually have the following three options:

Variable/Flag Name Type Value Explanation
-user string ( ) User account of SAG user
-password string ( ) Root password (usage not recommended)
-authcmd choice (su sudo "") Command used for authentication

It is possible to specify the superuser password (or the user's password in connection with -authcmd sudo), as the value of the -password option, but this should not be done, because the password would appear as readable plain text on the screen or, even worse, be stored in the calling shell script, as shown below:

# Unsafe method
sh /cdrom/setupux -batch -password secret

Instead, we recommend that you start the installation program using su or sudo, specifying the name of the SAG user (i.e. its own account) as the value of the -user option as shown below:

# Recommended method
su root -c "sh /cdrom/setup.ux -batch -user sag"

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Here is an example of a generated batch script for Entire Net-Work that was created during a custom installation. The user is "sag", the sudo command was used, and a password was supplied.

# ----------- <Start of generated batch script> ----------
# -- <Adapt the following lines until end of generated> --
# ------------ < batch script to your needs > ------------
# Make sure that the following Internal Products are installed
# below the same $SAG, before the batch is actually started.
# - arg v361 "System Management Hub"
# You will find the batch scripts for the other installations
# in the respective INSTALL/ directories of the products.
# You should replace SECRET by the actual password
# or (even better) call this script with superuser privileges.
  SAG="/FS/fs0863/sag/products/final_wcp732"; export SAG
  /usr/xpg4/bin/sh /FS/fs0863/sag/product_cd/wcp732_final/setup.ux wcp v732 -batch -directory a64b \
	-user sag \
	-authcmd sudo \
	-password SECRET \
	-sagenv /FS/fs0863/sag/products/final_wcp732/ \
	-installtype customized \
	-license /FS/fs0863/sag/InstDir/wcp73.xml \
	-rcname cp732 \
	-rcsnum 65 \
	-rcknum 35 \
	-rcdaemon /FS/fs0863/sag/products/final_wcp732/wcp/v732/wcpservice \
	-rctitle "Entire Net-Work Server Service" \
	-rcexecute 1 \
	-rcdir /etc/init.d \
	-rcrunlevels 3 \
	-packages "
		Entire Net-Work Server  : on
		System Management Hub Agents : on" \
	-products "
		acl v6114 : on
		wcp v732 : on
		wcl v122 : on"
# ----------- <End of generated batch script> ----------

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