Administration Version 6.2.2
 —  SMH Administration  —

About the System Management Hub

The System Management Hub is a Web-based graphical user interface (GUI) you can use to perform administrative tasks for Entire Net-Work and the Software AG Directory Server.

Before you start using the System Management Hub, you must set up an administrative user for the product. To do so, consult the Add Administrator section of the System Management Hub documentation. The System Management Hub (SMH) is the standard, GUI-based, central point of administration for Software AG's products. It runs in a standard Web browser. Please refer to the System Management Hub documentation for further information.

This document provides an overview of the System Management Hub and describes its interface elements as they pertain to Entire Net-Work and Software AG Directory Server administration tasks. It covers the following topics:

Accessing the System Management Hub

Start of instruction setTo access the System Management Hub:

  1. Type the following URL into your Web browser:


    where smh-mil-node is the name of the machine where the System Management Hub (SMH) is running (normally this is "localhost") and smh-mil-http-port is the port number (the default is 9991) for the SMH MIL (Management Independent Layer) server.

    If SMH has been installed on an Apache Web server, replace smh-mil-http-port with the port number of the Apache Web server (the default is 80) rather than the SMH MIL server.

    Select System Management Hub on the Software AG Base Technology Start Programs submenu (Windows only) and then select Web Interface on the resulting submenu.

    The login screen for the System Management Hub (SMH) appears.

  2. Login to the System Management Hub, as described in the section entitled Internal HTTP Server under System Management Hub Web Interface in the System Management Hub documentation.

    The System Management Hub main panel appears.


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Leaving the System Management Hub

Start of instruction setTo leave the System Management Hub:

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Using the Refresh Button in the System Management Hub

Refresh buttons appear in the command frame of the System Management Hub for many panels. Use the Refresh button to update the values of items listed in the detail-view frame.

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Getting Help

You can get help for any area in the System Management Hub.

Start of instruction setTo get help on an area:

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