Administration Version 6.2.2
 —  Administration  —

How the Entire Net-Work Simple Connection Line Driver Operates

The Entire Net-Work Simple Connection Line Driver uses TCP/IP as its transport mechanism. The Simple Connection Line Driver establishes a TCP/IP listen on the port specified in the driver SERVERID parameter. This port matches the port specified in the access URL in the Directory Server used by the ADI-enabled client. (For complete information about Software AG Directory Server, read Software AG Directory Server Documentation.)

When a mainframe client makes an Adabas call to an open systems database, mainframe Entire Net-Work determines that the call needs to be delivered to the Entire Net-Work 7 node that serves the database. The Simple Connection Line Driver then sends the Adabas call to the Entire Net-Work 7 node.

Mainframe Entire Net-Work does not use the Directory Server directly. Instead, open systems Entire Net-Work (version 7 and later) notifies the mainframe node of the databases that Entire Net-Work 7 serves and the mainframe node then broadcasts this information throughout the network.

The ADI-enabled client needs to know only the database ID. No client-side configuration or application changes are required. Client applications do not need to be modified; however, the Directory Server must be configured with the URL information for each target database.

The Directory Server does not participate in the data flow. It participates only in client-server session creation, by providing the client the correct network address of the target database server.

URLs contained in the Directory Server have the following format:


For example:


In this example:

Entry Description
XTSaccess Identifies this as a Directory Server Access entry, read by the client.
68 The target database ID.
TCPIP The communications protocol to be used for database 68.
ahost The name of the host computer on which the server (Entire Net-Work with the Simple Connection Line Driver runs.
3001 The port where the server (the Simple Connection Line Driver) will listen. This value matches the SERVERID parameter of the TCPX DRIVER statement.
retry=3 One of multiple optional parameters that may be used. The first parameter is preceded by a question mark (?) and subsequent parameters, if any, are preceded by an ampersand (&).

Because all Software AG ADI-enabled products use the Software AG Directory Server, one may already be in place and configured for your network environment. Contact Software AG if you require additional assistance.

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