Version 4.6
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ACLX* - Adabas Review Interface Messages

These are messages produced by Adabas Review processing.

Overview of Messages

ACLX01 | ACLX02 | ACLX03

Some of the ACLX* messages are preceded by the Adabas database ID. These database IDs are not shown in the message texts in this documentation.

ACLX01 Old RUBX arrived

A RUBX for Adabas Review 4.4 or earlier has been received by the Adabas 8.2 nucleus. The older RUBX has been translated into a new format. This causes some performance degradation. New fields which do not exist in Adabas Review 4.4 are not translated.


Determine which ADALNK contains an old Adabas Review module.

ACLX02 REV45 RUBX arrived and ignored

A RUBX for Adabas Review 4.5 or later has been received by an Adabas 8.1 nucleus. The newer RUBX is ignored. The RUBX fields in Adabas Review are empty.


Use the Adabas LX library for Adabas Review 4.5 or use Adabas 8.2.

ACLX03 dbid Client Report requires CLOGL=8

Adabas Review client reports run only if ADARUN CLOGLAYOUT=8 is specified in the Adabas nucleus. An attempt was made to run a client report when CLOGLAYOUT=8 was not specified. The client reports will not run at all or some fields in the report will be empty.


Specify ADARUN CLOGLAYOUT=8 in the concerning ADABAS nucleus and start the nucleus again.

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