Administration Version 6.2.2
 —  SMH Administration  —

Adding a Managed Node

Using the System Management Hub (SMH), add appropriate managed nodes for your installation. You can only add managed nodes for Entire Net-Work 7 Kernels or for Entire Net-Work 5 nodes with the Simple Connection Line Driver installed. Managing classic Entire Net-Work installations (Entire Net-Work Versions 2 and 3, or mainframe Version 5 without the Simple Connection Line Driver) is not possible using the System Management Hub.

Only limited functionality is provided in SMH for Entire Net-Work 5 managed nodes. You can only display information about such nodes at this time.

Start of instruction setTo add a managed node:

Make sure you have accessed the System Management Hub.

  1. Select Entire Net-Work from the list of managed hosts.

    The list of currently managed nodes appears.

  2. Click on the Add Managed Net-Work Node command in the command frame of SMH.

    The Add Managed Net-Work Node panel appears in the detail-view frame.


  3. Select the type of Entire Net-Work node you want to add. Click either the Version 5 mainframe node or the Version 7 node selections.

  4. Specify the Entire Net-Work node name, as described in the following table.

    Entire Net-Work Node Version Description
    Version 5 This is the node name specified on the Entire Net-Work NODE statement.
    Version 7 By default, this is the host name of the Windows workstation machine. Remember that node names for Entire Net-Work Version 7 nodes are case-sensitive.
  5. Specify the Entire Net-Work host name or TCP/IP address. This is the host name or TCP/IP address of the machine where Entire Net-Work runs. (For Entire Net-Work 7, the host name and the node name should be the same.)

    If you specify a host name, the machine on which SMH is running must be able to resolve the host name to a TCP/IP address. The name may also include a fully qualified domain name.

  6. Enter the port number of the port where the Entire Net-Work node listens for SMH requests,. This value must be an unused port number between 1 and 65535; it defaults to 8010.

    Entire Net-Work Node Version Description
    Version 5 This is the same as the value of the SERVERID parameter on the SMH DRIVER statement.
    Version 7 This is the same as the Central Administration port specified during the Entire Net-Work installation procedure.
  7. Click OK.

    The new managed node is added to the list of Entire Net-Work nodes.

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