Version 8.2.2
 —  Adabas Transaction Manager Operations Guide  —

Startup and Termination

Startup Processing

In a production environment, the various Adabas and Adabas Transaction Manager components should normally be started and allowed to initialize, one after the other, in the following order:

As each Adabas RM starts, recovery is negotiated with the local TM for any transactions that may have been incomplete when the Adabas RM last terminated (normally or abnormally).

Whether the TM starts before an Adabas RM or after, each incomplete transaction is finally committed or backed out at the earliest opportunity; that is, when all the necessary information is available to the TM at the root of the transaction and all the Adabas RMs, peer TMs and any other vendor transaction frameworks that were involved in the transaction are available.

When an Adabas RM starts before the TM, and it has prepared transactions that have not completed, full use of that database is possible only when the TM has initialized and carried out restart processing for the incomplete transactions. Until this occurs, the resources of the incomplete transactions are held, and the owner of the transaction is not permitted to work on that database.

If the TM encounters a serious error while trying to resolve an incomplete transaction during restart, details are reported to the operator and to DDPRINT for up to 100 problematic transactions. Thereafter, errors are reported in the DDPRINT dataset only.

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Termination Processing

Adabas RM closedown procedure

The following procedure should be followed when closing down an Adabas RM:

  1. Make sure that any TM to which the Adabas RM is connected to is active (connection messages are written to the Adabas RM output file).

  2. Issue an ADAEND command to the Adabas RM.

    If the Adabas RM is not currently taking part in distributed transactions, Adabas will action the ADAEND request without further intervention from Adabas Transaction Manager.

    If the Adabas RM is currently taking part in distributed transactions, the following process will occur:

TM closedown procedure

The following procedure should be followed when closing down a TM:

  1. Issue an ATM END command to the Adabas System Coordinator daemon in which the TM is running.

    If there are no incomplete distributed transactions, the TM will close down immediately.

    If there are incomplete distributed transactions, the following process will occur:

Once a TM service closes down within a System Coordinator daemon it can only be restarted by stopping and starting the System Coordinator daemon.

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