Version 8.2.2
 —  Adabas Transaction Manager Configuration  —

Configuration Examples

This section provides example configurations of Adabas Transaction Manager with the Adabas System Coordinator. It guides you through typical configurations using the SYSATM and SYSCOR administration tools. It is best to read through all the examples in turn because the configuration issues become increasingly complex with each successive example.

The Role of the Adabas System Coordinator

The Adabas System Coordinator is a prerequisite technology for Adabas Transaction Manager, Adabas Fastpath, Adabas Vista and Adabas SAF Security. Traditionally these products have focused their functionality and benefit on Adabas client sessions rather than explicitly on Adabas servers. The type of Adabas session that has been required in the past can be described as "static". Static Adabas client sessions are not able to move from one job to another within the system for load balancing purposes (this is called dynamic transaction routing). However, an increasing requirement is emerging for Adabas clients to be able to support dynamic transaction routing (DTR). One of the main purposes of the Adabas System Coordinator is to provide transparent DTR support for Adabas Transaction Manager, Adabas Fastpath, Adabas Vista and Adabas SAF Security.

These products always use Adabas System Coordinator services to support their clients. Traditional (static) clients only need to use the default (local) mode of Adabas System Coordinator services. In local mode, the Adabas System Coordinator software is embedded in the application job and provides local support for client sessions. However, DTR clients must use the Adabas System Coordinator daemon services to move client sessions around the system. In daemon mode, the local Adabas System Coordinator software works in conjunction with counterparts in the daemon to make sure the client sessions can be dynamically moved around the system. You must control these options by configuration.

You may also configure static clients to use daemon services if you wish. This is achieved by using SYSCOR to set the “Statistics externally viewed using group:” client control. This will make it possible to monitor users in these jobs and TP systems from SYSCOR or SYSATM running in any environment which has access to the System Coordinator daemon. Note that this option increases the use of shared memory in the system.

The Adabas System Coordinator daemon also provides services to ATM transaction managers. In particular, it provides transaction managers with details of resource managers and other ATM managers in the network. The following examples are provided for running Adabas Transaction Manager with the Adabas System Coordinator.

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Single System with Static Clients

A single system is one in which only one operating system image is used, perhaps in isolation within a larger complex site. In this type of environment, you will need to do the following:

You can perform the required configuration by taking the following steps:

  1. In this SYSCOR example the Adabas System Coordinator group name is TESTSING, the SVC is 253, and the system type is Standard (Single-system image). It is not necessary to specify a cluster facility name in this case because this is only required for running in SYSPLEX mode.

    16:22:19                Modify                  2006-05-29
                 System Coordinator Group Member     C11230M1
    Group Name: TESTSING      SVC ID: 253 
    System Type: X  Standard (Single-system image)
    (Mark one)   _  Standard (Multi-system images)
                 _  Sysplex (IBM Parallel Sysplex)
    Cluster Facility Name  : ________________
    Automatic Pool Recovery: Y
     Command ==> 
               PF1 Help        PF3 Exit         PF5 Upd
  2. Now you must define the daemon member of the Adabas System Coordinator group in SYSCOR. There is usually one daemon running in each system image. In a single system there is only one member required. The name of the member must be the same as the name of the job to be run, otherwise the controls will not be located at runtime. In addition to the name, you must also specify the (database or) node number in the Software AG network to be used by the daemon member. This node number must not be currently used for any other purpose. In our example the member name will be SYSCO1. The Node ID allocated in this example is 9001. It is entered in the member definition, as shown below in the expanded group:

    The daemon job (SYSCO1) must specify DDCARD input for PRODUCT=CAS. This defines the services that will operate in the daemon job.

    16:29:29 ***** A D A B A S  SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 (I004) ***** 2006-05-29
                   -  System Coordinator Group Members  -              C11260M1
    Runmode: Local                                               Session: Local 
    Group Name: TESTSING               Cluster Facility Name: 
        SVC ID: 253                    Operating System     : Single 
          Purge(P)     Job Name        Node ID    
            _           SYSCO10           9010    <== End of List 
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr  Upd                           Add         Menu
  3. Next, use SYSCOR to set the System Coordinator runtime controls for the application jobs and TP systems that are to use Adabas Transaction Manager in your system. Refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation for details. In this case you can set the control Managedbydaemon to N.

  4. Now you must use SYSATM to define runtime controls for all the client applications that are to use Adabas Transaction Manager in your system - in this example, a standard CICS job with started task name CICTSING. At runtime, this CICS system produces static Adabas clients managed by the local Adabas System Coordinator (without help from the daemon). Default parameter settings are often sufficient (and can be modified later if necessary), but there are certain runtime controls that need to be entered to ensure that Adabas Transaction Manager will be active for the named job. Where ATM’s transaction management is to be activated for a job for the first time, you are asked to add a new set of runtime controls in SYSATM. Here you must first identify the job name and the type. The job type allows Adabas Transaction Manager to assume suitable defaults for most runtime controls and be ready to use the correct operating system or TP system interfaces at runtime. In our example, the job name is CICTSING and the type is CICS (not CICS Cluster), as follows:

    16:32:41          Add                      2006-05-29 
                 Client Runtime Controls        F11310MC 
               Name: CICTSING
               (D = Default for Type)          
                   _     Batch
                   _     COM-PLETE
                   _     CICS Cluster
                   X     CICS
                   _     IMS/DC
                   _     UTM
                   _     TSO
                   _     CMS
                   _     TIAM
                   _     None above
                Mark to Select a Type
               Command ==>
                 PF1 Help      PF3 Exit
  5. Refer to the section Client Runtime Controls for details of runtime controls and how to set them. Default values will suffice for some of the controls, but you must specify appropriate values for the following:

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Multi System with Static Clients

A multi-system is one in which multiple operating system images are used in conjunction with each other. These system images must be connected by Software AG's Entire Net-Work product and each connected system image must run its own instance of an ATM transaction manager executing as a service within an Adabas System Coordinator daemon. In these cases, it is likely that an application running on one system will change Adabas databases executing on more than one of the system images. The ATM transaction managers communicate with each other in managing the Adabas changes that are made around the network.

The example will use IMAGE1 and IMAGE2. Only static clients are used, so the local Adabas System Coordinator does not need the help of the daemon to manage its client sessions.

Here are the steps that you take:

  1. Below is the SYSCOR definition of Adabas System Coordinator Group TESTMULT using SVC number 253; the system type is Standard (Multi-system images). Cluster Facility name is not required since this is only required for running in SYSPLEX mode.

    All members of an Adabas System Coordinator group must use the same SVC number at runtime.

    16:38:44             Modify                     2006-05-29 
                 System Coordinator Group Member     C11230M1 
    Group Name: TESTMULT      SVC ID: 253 
    System Type: -  Standard (Single-system image)
    (Mark one)   X  Standard (Multi-system images)
                 _  Sysplex (IBM Parallel Sysplex)
    Cluster Facility Name  : ________________
    Automatic Pool Recovery: Y
    Command ==> 
               PF1 Help        PF3 Exit         PF5 Upd 
  2. The following shows the member definitions of the group when it has been expanded in SYSCOR.

    The member names must exactly match the job names of the Adabas System Coordinator daemons.

    16:39:23     ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 (O004) ***** 2006-05-29
                         -  System Coordinator Group Members  -           C11260M1
     Runmode: Local                                                Session: Local
     Group Name: TESTMULT                    Cluster Facility Name:                 
         SVC ID: 253                              Operating System: Multi 
          Purge(P)      Job Name          Node ID                                   
             _           SYSCO10             9010          <== Top of List           
             _           SYSCO11             9011          <== End of List           
                        ________            _____                                    
                        ________            _____                                    
      Command ==>                                                                  
           Help        Exit  Refr  Upd                           Add         Menu
  3. As in the single system example, use SYSCOR to set the System Coordinator runtime controls for the application jobs and TP systems that are to use Adabas Transaction Manager in your system. In this case you can set the control Managedbydaemon to N.

  4. As in the single system example, you must now use SYSATM to define runtime controls for all the client applications that are to use Adabas Transaction Manager in your system. Be sure that the runtime controls for each job are stored in a system file which is accessible from the system image in which the job executes.

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Single System with Dynamic Transaction Routing Clients

The following are examples of technologies that offer dynamic transaction routing (DTR) in a single system image:

The activation and use of DTR in the technologies listed above is under the control of the system administrator. You may be able to use these technologies without necessarily using DTR. Please be sure to check.

DTR is the most flexible implementation of load balancing and fault tolerance for these technologies. This is where multiple jobs run together to provide a single service. We refer to DTR-enabled technologies as clustered applications. Clustered applications allow client sessions to move from running in one job to another (within the same service) at any time a message pair completes. Consequently, Adabas Transaction Manager, Adabas Vista, Adabas Fastpath and Adabas SAF Security must all be ready to react to this event, on demand. The Adabas System Coordinator provides an internal service to enable DTR support for these products.

Here are the steps that you take if you wish to use Adabas Transaction Manager’s transaction coordination in DTR jobs within a single system:

  1. Below is the definition of Adabas System Coordinator Group TESTDTR using SVC number 253. The System Type is Standard (Single-system image). Cluster Facility name is not required since this is only required for running in SYSPLEX mode:

    17:39:46             Modify                      2006-05-29 
                 System Coordinator Group Member      C11230M1 
    Group Name: TESTDTR      SVC ID: 253 
    System Type: X  Standard (Single-system image)
    (Mark one)   -  Standard (Multi-system images)
                 _  Sysplex (IBM Parallel Sysplex)
    Cluster Facility Name  : ________________
    Automatic Pool Recovery: Y
    Command ==> 
               PF1 Help        PF3 Exit         PF5 Upd 
  2. The following shows the example member definition for the group expanded in SYSCOR:

    17:42:08  ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 (I004)  *****   2006-05-29
                       -  System Coordinator Group Members  -               C11260M1 
    Runmode: Local                                                 Session: Local 
    Group Name: TESTDTR                     Cluster Facility Name:
        SVC ID: 253                              Operating System: Single 
          Purge(P)      Job Name          Node ID 
             _           SYSCO20             9020          <== End of List
                        ________            _____ 
                        ________            _____                                     
      Command ==>                                                                  
           Help        Exit  Refr  Upd                           Add         Menu
  3. Next, use SYSCOR to set the System Coordinator runtime controls for the application jobs and TP systems that are to use Adabas Transaction Manager in your system. Refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation for details. The control Managedbydaemon must be set to Y for any TP system that will use dynamic transaction routing, such as CICS/MRO.

  4. As in the above examples, you must now use SYSATM to define runtime controls for all the client applications that are to use Adabas Transaction Manager in your system. Select the correct job type for your clustered application environment, in this example, CICS Cluster. The wildcard (*) is used to reduce the number of job definitions required. You must also supply the name of the Adabas System Coordinator group which controls this cluster, and a service name for the cluster. The group must already have been defined using SYSCOR. In this example, the name CICSDTR has been chosen for the cluster service. Set ATM runtime controls, as described for the case of a single system with static clients.

    It is important that all jobs of the same service have an identical setting for Clustered Application Service Name, especially when the wildcard option is not used. This is the only thing that relates jobs together as a single service. In this example, the cluster that we identify by service name CICSDTR consists of a number of CICS jobs, each of which executes with a job name CICSDTR with a single-character suffix.

    07:57:12            Add                     2006-05-29 
                    Client Runtime Controls      T11100M3 
                Type: CICS Cluster
                Name: CICSDTR* 
                (D = Default for Type)
                     ATM ON/OFF for Job: ON
                ----------- Daemon Mode ------------  
                (Usually for Clustered Applications)
                          Service Name: CICSDTR 
                Coordinator Group Name: TESTDTR 
                *  PF5 to Confirm Add * 
               Command ==> 
               PF1 Help    PF3 Exit

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SYSPLEX with Dynamic Transaction Routing Clients

CICS in a Parallel Sysplex is an example of a technology that offers dynamic transaction routing (DTR) in a Clustered Operating System running in multiple images.

The activation and use of DTR in these technologies is under the control of the system administrator. You may be able to use these technologies without necessarily using DTR. Please be sure to check.

DTR is the most flexible implementation of load balancing and fault tolerance for these technologies. This is where multiple jobs run together to provide a single service. We refer to DTR-enabled technologies as clustered applications. Clustered applications allow client sessions to move from running in one job to another (within the same application service) at any time a message pair completes. Consequently, Adabas Transaction Manager, Adabas Vista, Adabas Fastpath and Adabas SAF Security must all be ready to react to this event, on demand. The Adabas System Coordinator provides an internal service to enable DTR support for these products.

In a SYSPLEX configuration it is possible for a client session to be routed from one system image to another within the SYSPLEX. In order to facilitate this DTR, the Clustered Application Service running in the Adabas System Coordinator daemons must communicate in order to negotiate the transfer of the client session context from one system image to the other. This system level communication is assisted by use of the IBM Coupling Facility.

Here are the steps that you take if you wish to use Adabas Transaction Manager in DTR jobs within a SYSPLEX:

  1. Below is the SYSCOR definition of Adabas System Coordinator Group TESTMDTR using SVC number 253; the System Type is SYSPLEX (IBM Parallel Sysplex). The IBM Coupling Facility is used in this configuration. In the example, this is a cache structure called TESTMDTR-CFN which must have been defined by your system administrator.

    07:58:54             Modify                     2006-05-29 
                System Coordinator Group Member      C11230M1 
    Group Name: TESTMDTR      SVC ID: 253 
    System Type: -  Standard (Single-system image)
    (Mark one)   -  Standard (Multi-system images)
                 X  Sysplex (IBM Parallel Sysplex)
    Cluster Facility Name  : ________________
    Automatic Pool Recovery: Y
    Command ==> 
               PF1 Help        PF3 Exit         PF5 Upd 
  2. The following shows the member definitions of the expanded group in SYSCOR.

    The member names must exactly match the job names of the Adabas System Coordinator daemons.

    07:59:58  ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 (I004)  *****  2006-05-29
                       -  System Coordinator Group Members  -              C11260M1
     Runmode: Daemon / 9020                                Session: Daemon / 9020
     Group Name: TESTMDTR                Cluster Facility Name: TESTMDTR-CFN
         SVC ID: 253                          Operating System: Multi
          Purge(P)      Job Name          Node ID                                   
             _           SYSCO30             9030          <== Top of List
             _           SYSCO31             9031          <== End of List
                        ________            _____ 
                        ________            _____ 
      Command ==>  
           Help        Exit  Refr  Upd                           Add         Menu
  3. Next, use SYSCOR to set the System Coordinator job runtime controls for the application jobs and TP systems that are to use Adabas Transaction Manager in your system. Refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation for details. The control Managedbydaemon must be set to Y for any CICS/PLEX system that will use dynamic transaction routing.

  4. Next, use SYSATM to define runtime controls for all the CICS/PLEX jobs that are to run together as a clustered service. Select the correct job type for your clustered application environment, in this example, CICS Cluster. The wildcard (*) is used to reduce the number of job definitions required. You must also supply the name of the Adabas System Coordinator group which controls this cluster, and a service name for the cluster. The group, TESTMDTR in this example, must already have been defined using SYSCOR. In this example, the name CICSMDTR has been chosen for the cluster service. Set ATM runtime controls, as described for the case of a single system with static clients.

    It is important that all jobs of the same service have an identical setting for Clustered Application Service Name, especially when the wildcard option is not used. This is the only setting that relates jobs together as a single service.

    08:05:17              Add                      2006-05-29
                      Client Runtime Controls       T11100M3
                Type: CICS Cluster                        
                Name: CICSDTR* 
                (D = Default for Type)
                     ATM ON/OFF for Job: ON  
               ----------- Daemon Mode ------------
               (Usually for Clustered Applications)
                          Service Name: CICSDTR 
                Coordinator Group Name: TESTDTR 
                   *  PF5 to Confirm Add * 
                Command ==>                         
                     PF1 Help    PF3 Exit

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