The second phase installs the components that are specific to the particular TP monitor in use at your site. Separate procedures are used to install Adabas Review under each of the supported TP monitors:
TSO or TSS (batch)
This document covers the following topics:
To install the Com-plete components of Adabas Review, follow the steps in the appropriate section below.
For the Adabas Version 8 Com-plete link routine:
Edit the LCOGBL link globals member found in the ADAvrs.MVSSRCE library, setting the LGBLSET keyword:
Assemble and link the modified LCOGBL member into a load library and make it available for the next step.
Re-link the Adabas Version 8 Com-plete link routine using sample job LREVLCO in the Review JOBS data set, replacing the LCOGBL module with the one prepared in steps 1 and 2 and including the RDBLXCOM Review module for Com-plete.
Restart Adabas and Com-plete.
Initialize and test Adabas Review.
See Starting Adabas Review for information about initializing and verifying the installation of the online portion of Adabas Review.
This section provides instructions for installing the CICS components of Adabas Review with the Adabas 8 CICS link routine.
To install the CICS components of Adabas Review for use with the Adabas Version 8 CICS link routine:
Create a CICS-dependent load library.
If you have installed Review NM, you may use the CICS-dependent
load library created for the Review NM installation.
This library is used for the output of the link. The library you create will be used exclusively by Review.
Modify the member CICSGBL found in the ACIvrs.MVSSRCE library, and set the following keywords:
Assemble and link-edit the CICSGBL member into the Review library defined in step 1 above. Be sure to include the Adabas Review exits in the link-edit with CICSGBL. In addition, be sure to include CICS module DFHEAI. A sample job, LREVLCIC, is provided in the Review JOBS data set to assist you.
Follow the instructions in the “Installing the Version 8 CICS Link Routines”in the Adabas Installation Manual if this is the first time the CICS link routines are being installed in this CICS system.
Restart Adabas and CICS.
Initialize and test Adabas and Review.
Read Starting Adabas Review for information about initializing and verifying the installation of the online portion of Adabas Review.
This section provides instructions for installing the TSO components of Adabas Review with the Adabas 8 TSO/batch link routine.
To install the TSO components of Adabas Review for the Adabas 8 TSO/batch link routine:
Edit the LNKGBLS globals member found in the ADAvrs.MVSSRCE library, setting the LGBLSET keyword:
Assemble and link-edit the modified LNKGBLS member into a load library and make it available for the next step.
Re-link the Adabas Version 8 TSO/batch link routine using sample job LREVLNK in the Review JOBS data set, replacing the LNKGBLS module with the one prepared in steps 1 and 2 and including the RDBLXMVS Review module for TSO.
If you elect to use the link routine ADALNKR, link the batch
Review routine RDBLXMVS to ADALNKR using sample job LREVLNKR in the Review JOBS
data set.
Restart Adabas and TSO.
Initialize and test Adabas Review.
Read Starting Adabas Review for information about initializing and verifying the installation of the online portion of Adabas Review.
This section provides instructions for installing the IMS/DC components of Adabas Review for the Adabas 8 IMS/DC link routine.
To install the IMS/DC components of Adabas Review for the Adabas 8 IMS/DC link routine:
Modify the LNIGBL member found in AIIvrs.MVSSRCE to include the keyword:
Assemble and link-edit the modified LNIGBL member into a load library and make it available for the next step.
Modify and link the Natural IMS/DC interface using sample job LREVLNI in the Review JOBS data set. Include the following in the link of the Natural IMS interface module:
Do not link any Adabas Review link routine exits to ADALNI and
ADALNK prior to this step. Also, do not code REVIEW=YES in the LNKGBLS table
linked with ADALNK for the Natural IMS module.
RDBLXIMS, the Adabas Review IMS/DC link routine exit.
Read Starting Adabas Review for information about initializing and verifying the installation of the online portion of Adabas Review.