Version 4.5.2
 —  Installation and Operations for z/VSE  —


This document describes operational procedures and processes for Adabas Review after it has been installed and initialized.

It covers the following topics:

Assigning Logical Units

Adabas Review uses the following logical units (SYS numbers):

SYSnnn File Name Explanation
SYS005 RVUPARM Parameter file (primarily used in batch mode)
SYS006 RVUEXI Parameter file
SYS006 RVUSEQ Command log input (batch mode only)
SYS007 RVUAUT1 Autostart parameter file 1
SYS007 RVUAUT2 Autostart parameter file 2
SYS007 RVUFLD User-defined fields
SYS008 RVUALT Alternate history sequential data set
SYS019 RVUEXP Printer for RVUEXI parameters
SYS020 RVUPRT0 Printer 0 (Adabas Review statistics)
SYS021 RVUPRT1 Printer 1 (Adabas Review reports)
SYS022-SYS029 RVUPRTn Printers 2-9 (Adabas Review reports)
SYS031 RVUCOP1 Copy file 1 output
SYS032-SYS039 RVUCOPn Copy files 2-9 output

Any of these logical units may be changed if they conflict with logical units already in use.

Start of instruction setTo change logical unit numbers used by Adabas Review

  1. Edit the supplied source member RAOSLUBS.A in the Adabas Review library.

    This member is self-documenting.

  2. Make the necessary changes.

  3. Adapt the LNKLUBS.X JCS and use it to assemble and link RAOSLUBS.A.

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Processing ABENDs

This section applies only to Adabas Review in local mode.

If Adabas Review processing terminates abnormally (ABENDs) in RAOSLOCL, the Adabas Review STXIT routine is given control.

This routine traps the ABEND, and prints diagnostic information and a dump to expedite the analysis and resolution of the ABEND to ADASNAP.

The routine also disables Adabas Review processing for the remainder of the Adabas nucleus session.

If you need help resolving the ABEND, contact your Software AG technical support representative with the printed information.

ABEND Protection for Adabas

Adabas is protected from termination if Adabas Review ABENDs. Adabas processing will continue without interruption.

Although Adabas will be temporarily unavailable during dump processing, it will continue processing as usual once the dump has completed.

Message to Adabas Review Users

Users attempting to access Adabas Review following a trapped ABEND will receive the following message:

Adabas Review not installed on database

Messages to the Console

The progress of the error handling routine is reported by messages written to the console. The example sequences of console messages provided in this section are sent during ABEND processing:

REVESTAE - ABEND 000C1000 PSW 078D2000 80129E98
REVESTAE - R0  00000002 - R1  0D652DD0 - R2  000FD240 - R3  000FBCC0
REVESTAE - R4  00129C48 - R5  0D50AFA8 - R6  0D6E8000 - R7  001331F8
REVESTAE - R8  0D50B0E8 - R9  800E93E0 - R10 00042000 - R11 0D5007E0
REVESTAE - R12 80128C48 - R13 00128D68 - R14 001294BA - R15 8000DD10

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Adding Adabas Startup Statements at Installation

This section applies only to Adabas Review in local mode.

Statements must be added to the Adabas startup job to accommodate Adabas Review. These statements are added during the installation of Adabas Review.

The added statements control many of the operating features of Adabas Review. Some identify parameter files that may be edited by the Adabas Review administrator.

The startup statements may be edited, or additional statements may be needed, depending upon the needs of your site. However, deleting any of these statements will affect the functioning of Adabas Review and is, therefore, not recommended.

Adabas Startup Statements

For z/VSE, the following statements are added to the Adabas startup job stream during Adabas Review installation:

The logical units shown in the example below may be reassigned if there are conflicts with your site-specific logical units. Refer to the section Assigning Logical Units for more information.

//  ASSGN SYS005,IGN                    RVUPARM - batch parameters
//  ASSGN SYS008,DISK,VOL=vvvvvv,SHR    RVUALT - alt history file
//  ASSGN SYS020,SYSLST             RVUPRT0 - printer
//  ASSGN SYS021,SYSLST             RVUPRT1 - printer
//  ASSGN SYS022,SYSLST             RVUPRT2 - printer
//  ASSGN SYS023,SYSLST             RVUPRT3 - printer
//  ASSGN SYS006, DISK,VOL=vvvvvv,SHR   RVUEXI - operating env parameters
//  ASSGN SYS019,SYSLST             RVUEXP - EXI parameters printer
//  EXTENT SYS007,vvvvvv,1,0,nnnn,5
//  EXTENT SYS007,vvvvvv,1,0,nnnn,5
//  EXTENT SYS007,vvvvvv
//  EXTENT SYS041,vvvvvv,1,0,nnnn,5
//  EXTENT SYS008,vvvvvv,1,0,nnnn,30
//  EXTENT SYS006,vvvvvv,1,0,nnnn,5

where vvvvvv is the volume serial number of the target disk, nnnn is the relative track number, and vrs is the version, revision, and system maintenance level of Adabas Review.

The Adabas startup statements listed above identify files that are used by Adabas Review. Each of these files is described in the following section Files Used by Adabas Review.

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Files Used by Adabas Review

RVLOG01 and RVLOG02 Command Logging Files

RVLOG01 and RVLOG02 are the default names for the sequential command logging files. Each report performing command logging must reference a unique file name prefix and a number of command log files associated with that file name prefix.

All command log data sets for a particular report must be the same size.

Adabas Review allows each report to have up to 99 command log files and writes to these files in sequential order. DLBL, EXTENT, and ASSGN statements must be added to the JCS for each command log file. The names of these command log files are made up of the file name prefix and a sequential number. The data sets for these command log files are created when they are opened.

Refer to the section Command Logging Considerations for more information.

RVSUM01 and RVSUM02 Summary Logging Files

RVSUM01 and RVSUM02 are the default names for the sequential summary logging files. Each report performing summary logging must reference a unique file name prefix and a number of summary log files associated with that file name prefix.

All summary log data sets for a particular report must be the same size.

Adabas Review allows each report to have up to 99 summary log files and writes to these files in sequential order. DLBL, EXTENT, and ASSGN statements must be added to the JCS for each summary log file. The names of these summary log files are made up of the file name prefix and a sequential number. The data sets for these command log files are created when they are opened.

Refer to the section Summary Logging Considerations for more information.

RVUALT History File

Adabas Review reports may specify whether the data accumulated by the report will also be written to the Adabas Review repository. Historical data is useful for monitoring database performance and for performing trend analysis.

The parameters that determine whether Adabas Review writes historical data are set when a user creates or edits a report definition. These history parameters appear on the Report Options screen of the Edit Report (ER) function.

If historical data is to be written by a report running in batch mode, the history parameters make up the COPY statement.

A RVUALT job control statement can identify an alternate sequential file to which historical data may be written when it cannot be written to the Adabas Review repository.

RVUALT data sets must be allocated:

The RVUALT history file is allocated using the job DBFILES.

Adabas Review receives a response code 148 (Adabas not active) and writes the data to the file specified by the RVUALT job control statement (if it has been assigned in the job stream) in situations where the Adabas Review repository is

The next time the Adabas Review hub is started (in local mode, the next time Adabas is started), another subtask is started to copy the historical data from the RVUALT file to the Adabas Review repository.

RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 Report Definition Data Sets

RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 are data sets that contain the report definition control statements for autostarted reports. Adabas Review generates the statements and writes them to these files. When Adabas is initialized, the reports are started automatically.

Under z/VSE, this file is created by the installation job DBFILES.X.

In a future release of Adabas Review, RVUAUT2 will no longer be supported. RVUAUT1 only will be used for autostarted reports.

RVUCARD Data Set for the GENCARD Command

RVUCARD is a data set used by the GENCARD command. The GENCARD command creates batch parameter statements from report definitions created online.

The command requires the user to supply DLBL, EXTENT, and ASSGN statements, and the generated statements are written to the corresponding file.

RVUEXI Parameter File

RVUEXI is a parameter file that contains parameters to control the Adabas Review operating environment. The Adabas Review administrator may edit the RVUEXI parameters according to the specific needs of the site.

Refer to the section Editing the RVUEXI Parameter File for more information.

RVUEXP Companion Output File

RVUEXP is a companion file to RVUEXI and if specified, any parameter processing errors encountered in RVUEXI will be written to the RVUEXP output file.

RVUFLD User Field Parameter Data Set

The RVUFLD data set contains parameter control statements for creating user-defined fields. Parameters in this data set define the length, type, and location of reporting fields to be determined by the user.

RVUPARM Dummy Data Set

The recommended procedure is to set RVUPARM as a dummy data set by assigning SYS005 to IGN. In previous releases, batch parameter statements were read from this file. Because these statements may now be generated using the GENCARD command, you no longer need to code batch parameters manually. Parameters may be coded in this data set if desired, and Adabas Review will access this data set prior to accessing data sets specified by RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2.

When RVUPARM has been "dummied", the message REV20164 - Open failed for RVUPARM is displayed. In this case, the message is normal and should be ignored. The message does not occur if instead you create a RVUPARM data set that contains only an asterisk.

RVUPRTnn Logical Printer Files

RVUPRT00 for Adabas Review Statistics

RVUPRT00 is the Adabas Review logical printer for statistics about Adabas Review operations, such as number of reports, number of records processed, etc.

RVUPRTnn Files for Reports

RVUPRT01, 02,...nn

RVUPRT01 and above are Adabas Review logical printers used for reports. One logical printer is shared by all summary reports; each detail report requires its own logical printer. A job control statement corresponding to each logical printer must be added to the Adabas Review hub (in local mode, to the Adabas) startup job control (JCS).

Assignment of logical printers to reports depends on the order in which the reports are started:

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Editing the RVUEXI Parameter File

The RVUEXI file contains parameters to control the Adabas Review operating environment. The Adabas Review administrator may edit the following RVUEXI parameters according to the specific needs of the site:

Default values are underlined in the following tables.

RVUEXI User-Specified Parameter

Parameter Possible Values Default
UIDT-CELLS 100-10000 1000

The user ID table is managed using a hashing algorithm. This value is numeric and specifies the number of 8-byte cells that should be allocated to the user ID table manager.

RVUEXI Timeout Parameters

Parameter Possible Values Default

A small reentrant storage area is allocated for each active user of the Adabas Review online system (LIST, VIEW, START, PURGE reports functions). This area is deallocated when the user finishes each online request.

However, if the user's Natural session terminates abnormally during an Adabas Review operation, the Adabas Review nucleus may not have the opportunity to deallocate the reentrant area.

Specifying the UCMD-TIMEOUT parameter gives the Adabas Review nucleus a timeout value after which these inactive areas are deallocated. The timeout value is numeric and is specified in minutes.

Parameter Possible Values Default

To report on the field TPTRANCT, Adabas Review must maintain a work area for each user that accesses Adabas. This area is called the user ID table.

If this field is specified in a report, the facility is activated and an area is allocated when Adabas Review receives the first call from each user. The area is deallocated when Adabas Review receives an Adabas CLOSE (CL) command for that user.

However, if the user's application does not issue a CL during termination, Adabas Review is unaware that the session has terminated.

The UIDT-TIMEOUT parameter is used to expire inactive user ID table elements. If the field TPTRANCT is not specified in any active reports, Adabas Review will not maintain user ID table elements for each user. This value is numeric and specifies the timeout value in minutes.

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Command Logging Considerations

This section discusses administrative considerations when performing Adabas Review command logging.

Setting Up Command Logging

Adabas Review provides you with options for determining how command logging is processed for reports. However, the Adabas Review administrator must complete the following tasks to set up the Adabas Review environment so that command logging can take place:

  1. Allocate command log data sets. Command log data sets must be allocated for reports.

  2. Add job control statements to the Adabas Review hub startup JCS (hub mode) or the Adabas nucleus startup JCS (local mode).

    Each report that performs command logging must have a command log file assigned to it. For each command log file, there must be a corresponding job control statement in the startup JCS.

    The name must be a five-character name followed by a sequential number (01, 02, etc.) corresponding to the number of command logs. For example, if the name is "CMLOG" and there are two data sets to be defined, two statements are required with names as follows: CMLOG01 and CMLOG02. The five-character name is referenced by the report in the File command logging report option. The total number of data sets is referenced by the report in the Num of Logs command logging report option. For more information about these logging options, read Logging Options.

    Refer to the section RVLOG01 and RVLOG02 Command Logging Files for more information.

Using the Command Logging User Exit

Adabas Review writes to command log files in sequential order. When a command log file is filled, Adabas Review closes the file, switches to the next sequential file, and continues logging. When all files have been filled, Adabas Review switches back to the oldest file to log data. If a command logging user exit is not specified, Adabas Review will write over the log data in the file containing the oldest data.

A command logging user exit can be specified so that the data contained in the command log file can be copied to a new file before the command log file is overwritten with new command log data. This user exit will be called each time a command log file is closed or opened, but it is only called if you reference it in the User Exit report logging option. For more information about this logging option, read Logging Options.

For complete information about the command logging user exit, read REVUXLOG: Command or Summary Logging User Exit

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Summary Logging Considerations

This section discusses administrative considerations when performing Adabas Review summary logging.

Setting Up Summary Logging

Adabas Review provides you with options for determining how summary logging is processed for reports. However, the Adabas Review administrator must complete the following tasks to set up the Adabas Review environment so that summary logging can take place:

  1. Allocate summary log data sets. Summary log data sets must be allocated for reports.

  2. Add job control statements to the Adabas Review hub startup JCS or the Adabas nucleus startup JCS (local mode).

    Each report that performs summary logging must have a summary log file assigned to it. For each summary log file, there must be a corresponding job control statement in the startup JCS.

    The name must be a five-character name followed by a sequential number (01, 02, etc.) corresponding to the number of summary logs. For example, if the name is "SMLOG" and there are two data sets to be defined, two statements are required with names as follows: SMLOG01 and SMLOG02. The five-character name is referenced by the report in the Summary File summary logging report option. The total number of data sets is referenced by the report in the Num of Logs summary logging report option. For more information about these logging options, read Logging Options.

    Refer to the section RVSUM01 and RVSUM02 Summary Logging Files for more information.

Using the Summary Logging User Exit

Adabas Review writes to summary log files in sequential order. When a summary log file is filled, Adabas Review closes the file, switches to the next sequential file, and continues logging. When all files have been filled, Adabas Review switches back to the oldest file to log data. If a summary logging user exit is not specified, Adabas Review will write over the log data in the file containing the oldest data.

A summary logging user exit can be specified so that the data contained in the summary log file can be copied to a new file before the summary log file is overwritten with new summary log data. This user exit will be called each time a summary log file is closed or opened, but it is only called if you reference it in the Log Full Exit report logging option. For more information about this logging option, read Logging Options.

For complete information about the summary logging user exit, read REVUXLOG: Command or Summary Logging User Exit

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Modifying Configuration Parameters

The Adabas Review administrator can modify configuration parameter values in the Natural text member CONFIGDB.

Start of instruction setTo access and modify these parameters

  1. At the Natural NEXT prompt, type LOGON SYSREVDB and press ENTER.

  2. Type the command EDIT CONFIGDB and press ENTER. Modify the parameters as required.

  3. Type SAVE and press ENTER to save the changes.

  4. Type MENU at the prompt to return to Adabas Review.

CONFIGDB File Parameter Description

CONFIGDB, which contains Adabas Review parameters, is saved in the Natural library SYSREVDB.

Parameter Possible Values Default

Specifies whether the cursor is placed on the command line (BOT) in list displays, or on the SEL field (TOP).

Parameter Possible Values Default

Specifies the decimal character to use when generating Adabas Review reports. The value specified should match the value specified for the NATPARM DC parameter. To determine the current setting of the NATPARM DC parameter, issue GLOBALS at the NEXT prompt. The Adabas Review default value for DECIMAL-CHAR is a period ('.').

Parameter Possible Values Default

Specifies the value to be used in the DOWNLOAD statement in the Adabas Review-generated programs. The value specified must be delimited with single apostrophes. The field is alphanumeric, maximum 20 characters.

Parameter Possible Values Default

Specifies whether to display error messages about the incorrect installation of the Adabas Review link routine exits during installation verification.

Parameter Possible Values Default
UBAR any valid character |

Specifies the character to be used in maps as the vertical border. Any character recognized by your system is valid; the default value is "|".

Parameter Possible Values Default

Specifies whether to issue a close (CL) command to the old Adabas Review database when a new database is accessed with the HUB= (DBID=) command.

Parameter Possible Values Default
REVIEWDB-UEX name exit not enabled

Specifies the name of the site-dependent Natural routine to be called for validation of a user's access to an Adabas Review function.

Refer to Natural source member N-USEXIT for more information on the calling and processing conventions for this exit.

Parameter Possible Values Default
MAXIMUM-MAXK 0 | nnnn 0

Specifies the maximum value that can be specified for the report option, Max K. The Max K value determines the maximum amount of storage available for a specific report.

A value of 0 (the default) indicates that the Max K option is not restricted.

When specifying a value, MAXIMUM-MAXK must be 4 or greater for z/VSE.

Parameter Possible Values Default

Specifies whether an open (OP) command is issued to the new Adabas Review database when a new database is accessed with the HUB= (DBID=) command.

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Adabas Review Natural User Exits

Adabas Review has two Natural user exits. These exits are found in the Adabas Review system library in Natural, and may be modified by using the Natural editor.

For more information about these exits, read P-UEXIT1 and P-UEXIT2: Review Natural User Exits.

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