Version 4.5.2
 —  Installation and Operations for BS2000  —

Installation: Phase 1

This section of the documentation provides installation procedures for Adabas Review in a BS2000 operating system environment. These procedures must be completed by all BS2000 sites installing Adabas Review.

Note that Adabas Review version 4.1 or above is required to monitor Adabas version 8.0 and above databases.

This document covers the following topics:

Instructions for copying the tape contents to disk are provided in About the Adabas Review Installation Tape.

Install Adabas Review under Natural

To install Adabas Review under Natural, complete the following steps:

Step 1. INPL Adabas Review

(JOB 1061, step 2600)

INPL the Adabas Review programs and DDMs from the REVvrs.INPL file to your Natural system files.

You can use any of your site-dependent Natural INPL JCL.

The Natural programs are copied into the SYSREVDB library in your FNAT file.

Step 2. Modify the Natural Parameter File

(Job I060 batch; Job I080 online)

Start of instruction setTo modify the Natural parameter file, complete the following steps:

  1. Include the minimum following parameter settings in the Natural parameter module that will be used when accessing Adabas Review:


    NTWORK is a Natural macro used to define the work file(s) to be used; AM is the access method. For more information, see the Natural documentation.

  2. Include the following parameter in all your installation Natural parameter modules: (If this is not done, no data relating to Natural will be reported on.)

  3. Add a Natural NTFILE definition for the physical database ID and file number of the Adabas Review repository file as follows:

    NTFILE 241,dbid,fnr

    Replace dbid and fnr with the database ID and file number, respectively, of the Adabas Review repository.

    The Adabas Review repository may not reside on a database with a database ID (DBID) of 255. If the database ID is 255, Adabas Review cannot be accessed in local or hub mode. However, a database with a DBID of 255 can send data to a hub.

  4. Reassemble and link the NATPARM module to your Natural nucleus.

Step 3. Define Adabas Review to Natural Security, if applicable

If the Adabas Review application SYSREVDB is made private (i.e. the parameter PEOPLE=Y is specified), each user of Adabas Review must be linked to the SYSREVDB application.

Start of instruction setIf Natural Security is installed, complete the following steps:

  1. Define the SYSREVDB library for the Adabas Review system.

  2. Define the following Adabas Review DDMs to Natural Security as public DDMs:


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Install the Adabas Review Repository

(JOB I050, step 2600)

This procedure applies to both local and hub mode installations.

The Adabas Review repository is a system file used for storing user profiles and descriptions of interactive reports, target definitions, and for saving historical data accumulated by Adabas Review reports. Any file may be used to contain the Adabas Review repository. The corresponding file number should also be reflected in the NATPARMs used to invoke Adabas Review.

Hub mode only: The Adabas Review repository can be created on any database accessible to Natural. It does not need to be on a database that is monitored by the Adabas Review hub.


  1. The Adabas Review repository may not reside on a database with a database ID (DBID) of 255. If the database ID is 255, Adabas Review cannot be accessed in local or hub mode. However, a database with a DBID of 255 can send data to a hub.
  2. To convert an Adabas Review version 4.3 or 4.4 to a version 4.5 repository, run the EXPAND3 job from the source library.

This section covers the following topics:

Step 1. Modify the Sample JCL for Loading the Adabas Review Repository

You can use any of your site-dependent ADALOD JCL to load the FDT from the file REVvrs.SYSF using the following ADALOD parameters:


Before submitting the job, change:

Step 2. Run the Modified Job

Use the job you modified in the previous step to load the Adabas Review repository file, JOB I050, step 2600.

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Install Adabas Review under Adabas

To install Adabas Review under Adabas, complete the following steps:

Step 1. Modify the Adabas Initialization Parameters

Modify your existing Adabas ADARUN parameters to include the following (these ADARUN cards are generated by SMA):

For local mode only:


For hub mode only:

The Adabas Review hub ID value is set using the ADARUN parameter REVIEW.

ADARUN UEX5=user-exit

where hubid is the Adabas Review hub ID (version 4.2 and above support two-byte DBIDs) and UEX5 is optional as described in REVUEX5: Adabas Review Hub Event Handler (Adabas Exit 5).


  1. Adabas Review does not require you to log any of the Adabas buffers. You can select options when writing data in parallel to the CLOG.
  2. In local mode, physical command logging can be suppressed by specifying the LOGGING=NO option on the Adabas Review INPUT statement or target definition for the file. The default value for the LOGGING parameter is LOGGING=NO.

Step 2. Modify the Adabas Review AUTO-START Generator Job

This step is not supported by the automated SMA installation.

The AUTO-START generator job is started automatically by Adabas Review when:

The AUTO-START generate process is a BS2000 subtask. This is a spawned task on BS2000. The output for this task is found in the files L.O.tttt.RAOSAUTO.hex_timestamp where:

tttt is the task number of the Adabas Review nucleus or hub;
hex_timestamp is the STCK value of the clock in hex when the subtask was spawned.

This section covers the following topics:

Modify the P.GENERATE job

The base P.GENERATE job is located in the REVvrs.SRC data set (file) and should be modified appropriately for your site.

Each database running with Adabas Review and the hub needs a set of files and jobs for itself. P.GENERATE generates the files described in the rest of this section to satisfy this need.

Data files:


Editor copy files:


Call/enter procedures:



Item P.GENERATE Parameter Description
  &ADAL the name of the Adabas module library
db &DB Adabas Review database number (local or hub: 5 digits with leading zeros)
  &FUNC <blank> - help information:
CRE create files
DEL delete files
  &IDTNAME 8-character IDT name where the Adabas Review database or hub is to run (must begin with "ADA").
  &LOGPFX RVLOG. This is the prefix of the logging file.
  &LOGSIZE If "0", it operates as in Adabas Review 4.4 and the log file will be continuously written to. If a value greater than zero (>0), a file with no secondary extent will be created. When this is full, the next RVLOG (nn+1) will be opened and written to.
prefix &PREFIX a prefix to the files for easy maintenance (in this documentation, the example prefix is DB099)
  &REPDB database number (5 digits with leading zeros) of the Adabas Review repository file where the REVvrs.SYSF file was loaded.
REVvrs &REV the current Adabas Review version, revision, and system maintenance level
  &REVL the name of the Adabas Review module library
  &SUMFX RVSUM. This is the prefix of the summary file.
  &SUMSIZE If "0", it operates as in Adabas Review 4.4 and the summary file will be continuously written to. If a value greater than zero (>0), a file with no secondary extent will be created. When this is full, the next RVSUM (nn+1) will be opened and written to.

Only two RVLOG and RVSUM files are included in this example procedure. More can be added (RVLOG03 or RVSUM03, for example) by copying and pasting the creation commands.

About the Adabas Review History File Population Job

Adabas Review report definitions specify whether the data accumulated by the report is also written to the Adabas Review repository. The reports can then be viewed again or combined with previous occurrences of the same report to produce a combined summary report.

Because Adabas Review cannot write to the Adabas Review repository directly when running in local mode, it writes an intermediate history file either at intervals or at Adabas termination. At the next Adabas startup, Adabas Review reads the file with the link name RVUALT and populates its system file with history data.

The Adabas Review history file population process is a BS2000 subtask. This is a spawned task on BS2000. The output for this task is found in the files L.O.tttt.RAOSHIST.hex_timestamp where

tttt is the task number of the Adabas Review nucleus or hub;
hex_timestamp is the STCK value of the clock in hex when the subtask was spawned.

Step 3. Modify the Adabas Startup JCL

This section describes how to modify the Adabas local mode startup JCL and the hub mode client interface JCL.

Modifying the local mode JCL

An example Adabas Review local mode startup job is provided in REVvrs.SRC(LOCAL).

The example job LOCAL in the REVvrs.SRC library on BS2000 does not set the DBID parameter because we believe that setting a default DBID in this job might lead to problems in the setup of the environment. Instead, the DBID should be specified in the Natural area of Adabas Review for the default DBID in the user profile, or the Natural LFILE=(241,...) parameter. And for the Adabas Review hub database, the REVIEW parameter should set the hub DBID (or if is LOCAL, then it is its own DBID).

Start of instruction setModify the Adabas startup JCL as follows (these modifications are generated by SMA):

  1. Add the following step after the nucleus has been terminated to copy the RVUALT file to a backup file that is read by RAOSHIST:


    where REVIEW.P.COPYALT.db was generated by P.GENERATE above.

  2. Add the FILE/LINK statements required for Adabas Review. Use the file REVIEW.COPY.db that was generated by P.GENERATE above.

    If for some reason you do not want to use the generated file, you can add the following cards to the deck instead:



    1. Use the supplied procedure REVvrs.SRC(P.GENERATE) to generate the required files for each database where Adabas Review (local or hub) is to be installed. Otherwise, I/O errors will be returned during Adabas Review initialization.
    2. All databases that have Adabas Review (local or hub) installed must be assigned their own set of Adabas Review files.
    3. DB099 is the &PREFIX parameter of the P.GENERATE procedure above.
  3. Set up a sequential file with the following contents:

    ADALNK IDTNAME=idtname

    where idtname is an 8-character IDT name where the Adabas Review is running, the same as in the ADARUN cards. The file must be a permanent file because it supplies routing and buffer information to the subtask.

    Then set the following link card in the nucleus startup job:

    /SET-FILE-LINK DDLNKPAR,ddlnkpar_file_name

    where ddlnkpar_file_name is the file name of the permanent sequential file above.

  4. Ensure that the REVvrs.MOD library is accessible from the executed ADARUN job by declaring the following BLSLIB card:


    Ensure that Adabas can access the Adabas Review default link name and alternative libraries as declared by BLSLIB above by including the following statement:


Modifying the hub mode client interface JCL

Repeat the following four substeps for each database to be monitored.

Start of instruction setTo modify the Adabas startup JCL for the hub mode client interface:

  1. Use the following BLSLIB structure:

  2. Add a DDLOG or DDCLOGR1/DDCLOGR2 file.

    This DDLOG FILE card must point to a physical output file and must not be coded as DUMMY and not be allocated as a temporary file.

    If Adabas command logging (single or dual) is already being used, this portion of this step can be omitted.

  3. Use the following to ensure that Adabas can access alternative libraries as declared by BLSLIB above:

  4. Restart Adabas.

Step 4. Apply Adabas ZAPs

Upgrade the Adabas Review module libraries with Adabas fixes.

Adapt the procedures BS2ZAP and ADAvrs.Z0000 in REVvrs.ZAPS, then run ADAvrs.ZAPS where vrs is the version, revision, and system maintenance level of the Adabas Review being installed.

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Install the Adabas Review Hub

Complete the steps in this section to install the Adabas Review hub.

Step 1. Modify the Adabas Startup JCL (Hub Mode Server Database)

An example Adabas Review hub mode startup job is provided in REVvrs.SRC(HUBJCL).

The example job HUBJCL in the REVvrs.SRC library on BS2000 does not set the DBID parameter because we believe that setting a default DBID in this job might lead to problems in the setup of the environment. Instead, the REVIEW parameter should set the hub DBID for the hub database (or if is LOCAL, then it is its own DBID).

Start of instruction setModify the Adabas startup JCL as follows (these modifications are generated by SMA):

  1. Correct any library names or file names.

  2. Modify the ADARUN parameter REVIEW to reflect the target DBID you will use for the Adabas Review hub.

  3. Specify the ADARUN parameter IDTNAME, if necessary. This value must be the same as that used by the sending Adabas nuclei.

    The ADARUN parameters supplied in the sample JCL member HUBJCL are the only ones recognized for setting up the hub nucleus. See the section ADARUN Parameters for information about these ADARUN parameters.

    Software AG recommends that you set the dispatching priority of the Adabas Review hub higher than that used by the sending Adabas nuclei.

  4. Set up a sequential file with the following contents:

    ADALNK IDTNAME=idtname

    where idtname is an 8-character IDT name where the Adabas Review is running, the same as in the ADARUN cards. The file must be a permanent file because it supplies routing and buffer information to the subtask.

    Then set the following link card in the nucleus startup job

    /SET-FILE-LINK DDLNKPAR,ddlnkpar_file_name

    where ddlnkpar_file_name is the file name of the permanent sequential file above

Step 2. Start the Adabas Review Hub for the First Time

See the section Starting Adabas Review.

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Optional Installation Procedures

This section describes optional installation procedures

Implement support for Adabas Native SQL

From within Adabas Native SQL, use the global ADACALL statement with the LAST parameter to specify that the Adabas call will use the seventh parameter.

Refer to the Adabas Native SQL documentation.

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