This section contains general information that applies to all Entire Net-Work installations. It covers the following topics:
The following checklist outlines the steps for installing Entire Net-Work:
Prepare the environment as described in the section specific to the operating system and the Simple Connection Line Driver.
Unload the installation libraries from the installation tape. Refer to the Report of Tape Creation for specific data set sequence numbers.
Prepare and install the product license file.
Prepare Entire Net-Work JCL and parameter statements.
Install the Adabas router, if necessary.
Complete any access method-related work.
Start Entire Net-Work and establish connectivity with the partner nodes.
If you use Software AG's System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the System Maintenance Aid manual for information about the installation process.
The installation procedures described in this section correspond to the jobs that SMA creates to install the product.
If you do not use SMA, you can modify and use the sample JCL to unload the Entire Net-Work libraries from the installation tape. Sample JCL is provided in each of the platform-specific installation procedure sections.
The Entire Net-Work installation tape is a standard label tape. Refer to the Report of Tape Creation that accompanies the tape for the volume serial number, density, media type, data set names, and data set sequence numbers.
The tape contains the installation data sets, a data set required by SMA, and one or more data sets containing maintenance fixes. Only the load modules required to run the Entire Net-Work line drivers purchased for your environment are included on the tape.
The following table describes most of the libraries included on the release tape. Once you have unloaded the libraries from the tape, you can change these names as required by your site, but the following lists the names that are delivered when you purchase Entire Net-Work.
Some of the libraries listed below may not appear on your release
tape. If this is the case, it is likely that an update to that library was not
necessary for the release.
Library Name | Description |
APSvrs.LDnn | One or more Software AG internal libraries. The vrs in the library name represents the version of the internal library code, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Entire Net-Work |
BTEvrs.LDnn | A Software AG internal library. The vrs in the library name represents the version of the internal library code, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Entire Net-Work |
MLCvrs.JOBS | The sample job library for Software AG's common mainframe license check software. The vrs in the library name represents the version of the license check software, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Entire Net-Work. |
MLCvrs.LOAD | The load library for Software AG's common mainframe license check software. The vrs in the library name represents the version of the license check software, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Entire Net-Work. |
WAFvrs.JOBS | The sample z/OS job library for Network SAF Security. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Network SAF Security. |
WAFvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Network SAF Security. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Network SAF Security. |
WAFvrs.SRCE | The z/OS source library for Network SAF Security. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Network SAF Security. |
WALvrs.JOBS | The sample z/OS job library for Adabas Limited Load Library, containing code for Adabas components shared by Adabas and other Software AG products. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas Limited Load Library. |
WALvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Adabas Limited Load Library, containing code for Adabas components shared by Adabas and other Software AG products. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas Limited Load Library. |
WALvrs.SRCE | The z/OS source library for Adabas Limited Load Library, containing code for Adabas components shared by Adabas and other Software AG products. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas Limited Load Library. |
WATvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Entire Net-Work Adabas TCP/IP Option. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work Adabas TCP/IP Option. |
WCAvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Entire Net-Work Administration, used by some of the Adabas add-on products. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work Administration. |
WCAvrs.SRCE | The z/OS source library for Entire Net-Work Administration, used by some of the Adabas add-on products. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work Administration. |
WCCvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Entire Net-Work CTC Option. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work CTC Option. |
WCPvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Entire Net-Work. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work. |
WCPvrs.SRCE | The z/OS source library for Entire Net-Work. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work. |
WDXvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Entire Net-Work Limited Load. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work Limited Load. |
WSLvrs.LIBR | The z/VSE library for Encryption for Entire Net-Work. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Encryption for Entire Net-Work, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Entire Net-Work. |
WSLvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Encryption for Entire Net-Work. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Encryption for Entire Net-Work, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Entire Net-Work. |
WTCvrs.LIBR | The z/VSE load library for Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option. |
WTCvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option. |
WTCvrs.MOD | The BS2000 load library for Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option. |
WXFvrs.LOAD | The z/OS load library for Entire Net-Work XCF Option. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work XCF Option. |
This release of Entire Net-Work requires the Adabas 8 components supplied in Adabas Limited Load Library (WAL) and the SVC from Adabas 8.2.2 or later. These are distributed on the installation tape.
You should always use the most current Adabas load library or
the Adabas limited library (WAL) as provided on the Entire Net-Work
installation tape, unless you have been specifically instructed otherwise by
Software AG. Entire Net-Work Version 6.2.2 requires Adabas mainframe version
8.2.3 or later or WAL 8.2.3 or later. In situations where Adabas 8.2.2 or the
WAL 8.2.2 library must be used, you must apply zap AU822061; if you do not,
errors will result.
Software AG recommends that you concatenate the Entire Net-Work and Adabas 8 WAL with the Entire Net-Work library first in the sequence. The Adabas 8 router (that is, ADASVC in z/OS or z/VSE) must be installed on any node where Entire Net-Work is to be run, even if no servers are running on that node. Refer to the section Installation Tape Information provided with the Entire Net-Work installation tape for information about the WAL library modules and the version of Adabas required. Refer to the Adabas Installation documentation for information about installing the Adabas router in your environment.
Adabas client application programs need an Adabas link routine module suitable for the environment in which they run. For example, batch programs should be linked with ADAUSER, which loads current versions of ADALNK and supporting modules from the Adabas load library. TP environments usually require specialized link routine modules, such as ADALNC for CICS, which may require an additional license. For complete information about the Adabas link routine modules, refer to the Adabas Installation documentation.
The Adabas SVC is required in z/OS to provide communications between user programs, Entire Net-Work, and Adabas or other servers. If already installed for Adabas or any other Software AG server, it can and should also be used for Entire Net-Work. The Adabas SVC number is specified in the ADARUN SVC=nnn parameter.
Entire Net-Work Administration requires UES-enabled databases, which enable it to perform data conversion instead of Entire Net-Work.
When execution JCL, including the ADARUN and Entire Net-Work parameter statements, is created for each node, and all access method-specific definitions and installation steps are completed, Entire Net-Work can be started.
The execution job or procedure for Entire Net-Work must be started on each of the participating nodes. Once started, Entire Net-Work determines the interregion communications environment on its node, connects to neighboring nodes through the defined links, and exchanges all relevant information with the other nodes during the "handshaking" process following link connection.
While the Entire Net-Work tasks are active and connected, user programs on any node can access all active targets on any other node, regardless of the targets' locations.
If a link fails or cannot be connected properly, Entire Net-Work searches for possible alternate routes to complete the call. Once a disconnected link becomes available again, it is automatically considered for traffic.
There are five types of Entire Net-Work control statements:
ADARUN control statements define the interregion communications environment. Some ADARUN parameters are the same as for Adabas; others are similar, but are designed specifically for Entire Net-Work. For more information, see the section ADARUN Control Statements
NODE statements define the node's name and operating characteristics. For more information, see the section Entire Net-Work NODE Statements.
DRIVER statements define the line driver type to be loaded. For more information, see the section Entire Net-Work DRIVER Statements.
LINK statements define the links to other nodes. For more information, see the section Entire Net-Work LINK Statements