The Versioning Tool modules, macros and sample jobs are supplied with Adabas System Coordinator. All files have the name prefix “VER”.
The following table provides an overview of the steps required to install the Versioning Tool:
Step | Description |
1 | Create versioning load libraries. |
2 | Assemble the database versioning table.
Note: |
3 | Assemble the Coordinator daemon versioning table.
Note: |
4 | Create client versioning tables(s) and link
module(s) for batch clients.
Note: |
5 | Create client versioning tables(s) and link
module(s) for CICS clients.
Note: |
6 | Apply co-requisite product maintenance. |
7 | Copy and rename required product modules into the versioning library. |
8 | Add the versioning libraries to required job control. |
to install the Versioning Tool, perform the following steps:
Software AG recommends that versioning is implemented by creating a new library to hold copies of product modules that have been renamed in support of versioning. This will protect the original modules. It will also enable new maintenance to be applied to the original modules, which can then be refreshed in the versioning libraries by re-running the appropriate installation jobs.
In the sample job control supplied with the product this library is called SAG.CORVER.ALLVERS.LOAD.
The library is added to the Joblib or Steplib concatenation of all servers, CICS tasks, batch Adabas server start-up jobs and Coordinator daemon tasks that require versioning support.
If you are implementing client versioning, you need to create a second library that will be used for the special link modules (VERLNK01, VERCIC01, ADALNKnn, ADABASnn), and the client versioning tables.
In the sample job control supplied with the product this library is called SAG.CORVER.CLIENT.LOAD.
It is imperative that these link modules are only used in the
client environment. Therefore, they must not be placed in the ALLVERS load
library that is used by the Adabas servers and Coordinator daemon.
This step is required for database versioning only.
Use sample job VERI055.
The versioning table source consists of a number of VERDB macro statements. Here is an example:
The database versioning table will have an entry for each version to be run. There are 2 parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Identifies the suffix for all the required modules of all the products at that version. |
VRL= |
Denotes the version, release and maintenance level of the suffixed collection of modules. VRL needs to be set accurately because it is used internally by the software to ensure correct operation. |
The following rules apply:
The values for SUFFIX=
are unique across all
VERDB entries in the table.
The values for VRL=
are unique across all
VERDB entries in the table.
The table must end with VERDB TYPE=END
This step is required for deamon versioning only.
Use sample job VERI060.
The daemon versioning table enables you to use the re-named Coordinator and product modules in the System Coordinator daemon. This ensures that the same modules at the same maintenance levels are available in both the Adabas and the System Coordinator daemon.
Multiple version support in the daemon is achieved by running a
separate daemon for each required version. The Coordinator daemon does not
support multiple versions in a single daemon instance.
This is an optional activity. You may still run the Coordinator
daemon from the original product libraries, if desired.
The versioning table source consists of a number of VERDM macro statements. Here is an example:
The daemon versioning table will have an entry for each daemon to be run. There are 3 parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Identifies the jobname of a System Coordinator daemon. |
Identifies the suffix for all the required modules of all the products at that version. |
VRL= |
Denotes the version, release and maintenance level of the suffixed collection of modules. VRL needs to be set accurately because it is used internally by the software to ensure correct operation. |
This step is required for client versioning only.
Use sample job VERI065.
The batch versioning table is named VERC01 and consists of a number of VERCL macro statements.
Here is an example:
specifies whether or not the SVC number supplied
by ADARUN is to be propagated to the link modules (the default is NO). If
is specified, all link modules will be
modified to use the SVC number supplied by ADARUN.
may only be specified for table type BATCH.
If you specify WTO=YES,SVCPROP=YES
, an additional
message is displayed after the contents of the table: MC0102I ADARUN SVC number
will be propagated
entries. The VRL
is used
by VERLNK01 to route internal commands from the online services to the correct
link module.
and the suffix to be used which must be the same as
that used when copying product modules (see copy required link modules
The resulting load module must be named VERC01 and the versioning table load modules must be linked REUS, – not RENT.
Copy VERLNK01 to your client versioning library as ADALNK, using sample job VERI085.
This library must not be made available to any target in the
Software AG network which acts as a DBID – such as Adabas, Broker, Com-Plete,
Entire System Server, Net-Work, System Coordinator daemon etc.
Copy your existing ADALNK modules to the client versioning library, renaming them appropriately (VERI086 is a sample job). Using the above example, you would need:
ADALNK74 742 ADALNK, containing Adabas Fastpath and Adabas Vista versions 742.
ADALNK81 811 ADALNK, containing Adabas Fastpath, Adabas Vista and System Coordinator 811.
The renamed copies of your ADALNK modules must contain the
correct SVC number, default dbid and buffer lengths. Default dbid and buffer
lengths should already be set, however SVC number may not be. Sample job
VERI087 shows how to change the SVC number.
The procedure for using versioning with a reentrant ADALNK (ADALNKR) is identical to standard batch, with these exceptions:
VERLNR01 must be renamed to ADALNK (or whatever you usually call ADALNKR).
The batch versioning table must be named VERC09.
The renamed ADALNKR modules must be called ADALNRxx where xx is a suffix defined in VERC09. You must have an ADALNRxx module for each defined suffix.
The caller must provide a MODIFIED area as the seventh parameter, with the top bit of the address set.
Neither VERLNR01 nor VERC09 should be linked reentrant. Also, if
, the ADALNRxx modules must
not be linked reentrant.
This step is required for client versioning only.
There are several prerequisites which must be fulfilled before you can use the CICS client versioning facility:
All transactions which will use it must be defined with a minimum
TWA size equal to the value specified as the VERCL COFF
parameter plus 32 bytes. So, if you specify COFF=96
size must be at least 128.
Adabas 7.4 link modules must be assembled with the ADAGSET
parameter PARMTYP=ALL
For Adabas 8.1, ensure that PARMTYP=ALL
set in LGBLSET (this is the default).
You must not mix TRUE-enabled link modules with non-TRUE-enabled link modules. Either all link modules must use the TRUE or none.
PPT entries must be defined and installed for the Adabas client versioning link module (ADABAS, or other name you may choose, or if using Adabas Version 8, ADACICS); for VERC03, and for all renamed Adabas CICS link modules, Adabas TRUEs and Adabas PLT programs (LNKENAB and ADACIC0). You may require additional PPT entries for add-on product modules (specifically – Version 742 and later modules can be loaded from DFHRPL if PPT entries are defined for the product modules).
Additionally, the PPT entries for ADABAS (or ADACICS) and VERC03 must specify Resident.
Use sample job VERI065.
The CICS versioning table is named VERC03 and consists of a number of VERCL macro statements.
VERCL JOBTYPE=CICS,COFF=96,TSPR=VERC (see Note a) VERCL VRL=742,SUFFIX=74 (see Note b) VERCL VRL=811,SUFFIX=81 (see Note c) VERCL TRAN=AA73 (see Note d) VERCL TRAN=BB73 (see Note d) VERCL TYPE=END (see Note e)
entry defines the default
link module. You must define one and one only default link module – that is,
one with no following TRAN
identifies the version of the products contained in
that link module and must be unique.
entries define alternate
link modules, specifying their VRL
and the suffix to be
used which must be the same as that used when copying product modules (see copy
required link modules below).
The resulting load module must be named VERC03 and the versioning table load modules must be linked REUS, not RENT.
You must also link VERCIC01 with your CICS stubs, naming the output load module appropriately (by default: ADABAS). Installation job VERI085 includes sample JCL.
If you do not use the enhanced Adabas installation (TRUE), you can simply copy your existing CICS link modules to the client versioning library, renaming them appropriately (VERI086 contains sample JCL). Starting with Adabas Version 8, use of the TRUE is required, so if you wish to include an Adabas Version 8 link module in client versioning, you must use the enhanced installation for earlier Adabas versions.
If you use the Adabas TRUE, you must create an ADAENAB and an ADATRUE for each link module, as well as the link module itself. For each suffix defined in VERC03, you will need modules called:
Module | Description |
ADAENAxx | PLT TRUE enabler |
ADATRUxx | Adabas Version 7.4 TRUE |
ADACICT | Adabas Version 8.1 TRUE |
ADABASxx | Link module |
where xx is the suffix and the first 6 characters of the module name must be as shown. ADAENAxx must refer to the versioning tool, rather than its associated link module.
For Adabas 7.4 link modules, the easiest way to do this is to take copies of your existing installation jobs (CICCASM, CICEASM and CICTASM). Here is an example of how to create a set of modules for a link module with suffix 74. The example assumes that VERCIC01 has been linked as ADACICS.
Change ADAGSET to specify
ENTPT=ADACICS,ENABNM=ADAENA74,TRUENM=ADATRU74, PARMTYP=ALL,SVCNO=nnn and any other required parameters
Assemble LNKENAB and link it as ADAENA74
Assemble LNKTRUE and link it as ADATRU74
Assemble LNKOLSC and LNKOLM and link them (together with any other modules, such as CORS03) as ADABAS74
Define PPT entries for ADAENA74, ADATRU74, ADABAS74 (not forgetting ADACICS and VERC03)
Add ADAENA74 to the CICS PLT
For an Adabas 8.1 link module, the procedure is simpler. Here is an example of how to create a set of modules for a link module with suffix 81. VERCIC01 must be linked as ADACICS:
Copy the supplied ADACIC0 to ADAENA81
Copy the supplied ADACICS to ADABAS81
The Adabas 8.1 TRUE has a fixed name (ADACICT), so you may only
have one Adabas 8.1 link module in the versioning table.
Define PPT entries for ADAENA81, ADABAS81, ADACICS and VERC03
Add ADAENA81 to the CICS PLT
Now, during CICS initialisation you will see 2 sets of ADAK messages. Note that the ADAK045 messages for both ADATRU74 and ADACICT will say “in use by ADABAS link routine ADACICS”. This is because the versioning module is invoked by both ADAENA74 and ADAENA81. The versioning module ensures that the correct TRUE and link module are initialised.
Finally, you must ensure that your renamed Adabas link modules and add-on product modules are available in the CICS DFHRPL and Steplib concatenations.
The CICS versioning tool supports callers using both the Direct Call Interface and the EXEC CICS LINK interface. It always uses the DCI to call the various Adabas link modules. Only command-level link modules from Version 7.4 and above are supported.
When invoked via EXEC CICS LINK, it first looks for the Adabas parameter list in COMMAREA and then in TWA.
Do not use CICS NEWCOPY to reload the versioning tool, versioning table or any Adabas link modules defined in the versioning table.
If you use the COR Node Error Program, you must be sure to change the sample source so that it starts the CORNEP transaction for each link module.
Certain fixed offsets in the Adabas link module(s) contain
information which is required by the caller of ADALNK or ADABAS. For example,
length of userinfo. If you use other than default values, you must zap the
correct values into VERLNK and VERCIC. Sample job VERI088 may be used. Also,
the renamed copies of your ADALNK modules must contain the correct SVC number,
default dbid and buffer lengths. Default dbid and buffer lengths should already
be set, however SVC number may not be. Sample job VERI087 shows how to change
the SVC number.
The following maintenance fixes must be applied before using versioning with these products:
Product | Maintenance Fix |
Adabas Version 742 | AI742030 |
Adabas System Coordinator Version 742 | Install the COR L005 load library update |
Online Services INPL updates | IS06 |
Adabas Fastpath Version 742 | AW742081 |
Adabas Vista Version 742 | AV742017 |
Adabas SAF Security Version 742 | AX742002 |
Customize and use the following sample jobs:
Version 742: VERI080D
Version 811: VERI080E
The sample jobs indicate all of the modules that require copying and renaming. No other product modules should be renamed.
The System Coordinator module ADAPOB must not be renamed. If you
have multiple versions of this module, ensure that the one in use is at the
highest level.
The versioning llibrary (the ALLVERS Library) must be added to the Joblib or Steplib concatenation of all Adabas server start-up jobs that require versioning support. The library should be added at the top of the concatenation, so that the special version of ADAPOP will be invoked at nucleus start-up.
If you want to run the System Coordinator daemon from the same versioning load library, you should also add the ALLVERS library first in the daemon Joblib or Steplib concatenation.
The ALLVERS load library and the client versioning load library must be added to the top of the Steplib concatenation for any batch jobs that require versioning support.
For CICS, the client versioning load library and the ALLVERS load library must be added to the DFHRPL and Steplib concatentations.