The Adabas System Coordinator provides a central file facility for use by optional Adabas features such as Adabas Transaction Manager. The documentation for the optional features will state clearly if you need to define an Adabas System Coordinator file (SYSCO file). A SYSCO file is associated with a System Coordinator Group.
A SYSCO file is a logical collection of related records. A single container file can contain more than one logical SYSCO files.
To define a SYSCO file:
Define a standard file in an Adabas database. This will be the container for your logical SYSCO file. Define the file in a database which will always be accessible to every COR daemon in the group which requires the file facility. You can use the sample job CORI050F, suitably modified, to create the file. For information about setting appropriate ADALOD parameters for the file, refer to the documentation for the Adabas option that will use it.
Log on to the online system, SYSCOR. Ensure that you have defined the System Coordinator Group which will own the SYSCO file. Having made your group definition, navigate to the list of System Coordinator Groups, mark the appropriate group name with F, as shown below, and press Enter:
07:53:01 ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 ***** 2006-07-18 - System Coordinator Groups - C11200M1 Runmode: Local Session: Local Cluster Facility C Group Name Type SVC ID Name Members F CORATMGP Sysplex 254 SYSCOR_CACHE1 1 CORGROUP Multi 244 1 Mark with D(isplay),M(odify),P(urge),R(ename),E(xpand),F(iles) Command ==>Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12 Help Exit Refr Add Menu |
At the next screen, press PF10 to add a new definition. The following screen will appear:
12:47:34 Add File Definition 2006-07-18 C11270M2 Group Name: CORATMGP File Name: ________ DB ID: _____ File Number: _____ SVC: ___ Description: __________________________________________________ Press PF5 to confirm Command ==> PF1 Help PF3 Exit PF5 Add |
Refer to the documentation of the Adabas option that will use the facility; this will tell you the File Name that must be entered on this screen, and suggest a suitable description. The File Name is a logical name, and has specific meaning to the Adabas option that will use it; it is not related to the Adabas file name that is supplied to ADALOD.
Enter the DB ID and File Number of the container file that you loaded, and the SVC by which the database can be accessed. Press PF5 to confirm the definition.
The SYSCO file is now available for use.