Version 8.2.1
 —  Adabas System Coordinator 8.2 Release Notes  —

New Features

The following features are new for Version 8.2:


A new tool for exporting and importing XML is introduced. Configuration objects can be exported from one configuration file and imported to another. This tool covers configuration for all products that use System Coordinator such as Adabas Fastpath, Adabas Vista and Adabas Transaction Manager. See the section Tools for more information.

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Alternate Console

Console messages may be issued by System Coordinator in client jobs, in databases and in daemons. Until now the console has been the only place where you can see them but now you can direct them to an alternate destination. You can accumulate messages as they have been in the past or you can now accumulate them in a file associated with individual client jobs or collect messages for all client jobs into a file in the Coordinator daemon.

System Coordinator Client Message Alternates

The new Adabas System Coordinator Runtime messages client runtime control allows client messages to be routed to:

System Coordinator Database Message Alternates

The new Adabas System Coordinator daemon group setting Runtime messages – databases allows messages to be routed to:

System Coordinator Daemon Message Alternates

The new Adabas System Coordinator daemon group setting Runtime messages – daemon allows messages to be routed to:

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Security protection for online administration

Adabas SAF Security sites can now secure the use of System Coordinator online administration. For more information, refer to the Adabas SAF Security documentation.

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