Version 8.2.1
 —  Adabas System Coordinator Operations and Programming Guide  —

User Queue Elements (UQEs) for Configuration File Access

The vast majority of parameter settings for all Adabas client-based add-ons are defined in the configuration file. Therefore it is extremely easy to modify runtime settings without having to locate the JCL for all client jobs, databases, etc. that run in your system. This is a major advantage over embedding runtime settings inside JCL because client job JCL is mostly unavailable to the administrators to freely make changes. The configuration file must be accessed at runtime by Adabas System Coordinator client jobs during start up to pick up runtime settings. Adabas System Coordinator generates commands to the configuration file using special Adabas sessions (UQEs). This is now an advantage because in previous releases there was at least one UQE for each batch job step that ran in your systems (this is a very, very large number in most systems). Each of these UQEs would be created and deleted with very few commands issued for them. Now the identity of the UQE is set so that it equates to a job's process identity (for example: address-space identity in z/OS) and consequently these sessions are reused by all batch job steps that use the same process identity (regardless of job name). The result is that the total number of these UQEs is now (approximately) equal to the number of process identities in your system that are used for Adabas work (which is a much smaller number than before) - therefore the constant create UQE, delete UQE activity that went unnoticed inside Adabas in previous releases now doesn't happen at all.

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