Version 8.2.1
 —  Parameters  —

Adabas Vista Client Runtime Controls

This section describes the Adabas Vista runtime controls.

Runtime Controls
Command Time
Convergence Processing Control for CL commands
Database Number for ET Data
Distributed Lock Mode
Enable Multiple Database Updates
Error Reporting
Error Response Code
Extended Hold
Global Format IDs
Mask RSP148 on OP commands
Origin CID Transport
Vista ON/OFF for Job

Command Time

Description Possible Values Default

An optional hexadecimal value that Adabas Vista will set in the Command Time field of the Adabas Control Block for any command not passed to Adabas. The default is 00000000.

Eight hexadecimal characters. See text

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Convergence Processing Control for CL Commands

Description Possible Values Default

Adabas Vista Translation and Partitioning rules used at runtime can result in some or all of the activity for multiple source databases to converge into a single target database. A CL command for one of these source databases raises some issues. For example, if the CL command is issued to the target database it would remove all cursors (CID) relating to the source database, as intended, but it would also remove all cursors associated with all other source database activity in the same target. This can result in error when those other source databases continue to be used.

By default and if necessary, Vista automatically dilutes the CL into one or more RC commands to rid the target of all cursors related to the source database for the CL – leaving all others in place.

You can instruct Vista to perform alternate processing in this situation:

  • Only honor when ETID is used will cause Vista to issue the CL when ETID is in use on this database. Without this setting the ETID would be left active on the database which may result in RSP048 sub-code 8 at a later date when the same ETID is used again. The down-side of this setting will be that cursors for other source databases on the same target will be lost.

  • Always honor does what is says, the CL is always issued meaning cursors for other source databases on the same target are lost.

  • Only reject when ETID is used allows you to permit normal automatic dilution to RC commands unless an ETID is in use.

  • Always reject does what it says, but only when true convergence occurs.

Dilute to RC on demand | Only honor when ETID is used | Always honor | Only reject when ETID is used | Always reject (RSP249/22) Dilute to RC on demand

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Database Number for ET Data

Description Minimum Maximum Default

When this control is set to non-null it is used as the database number for all commands using ET data. This allows you to strictly control the place where ET data operations take place.

There are other Software AG products (such as Transaction Manager and Natural) that also provide controls for processing ET data commands. If these products are used (together) the precedence over which products control wins is 1) Adabas Transaction Manager 2) Adabas Vista 3) Natural.

When this control is set to null the database number in the command is trusted by Vista as the place for ET data (Adabas Transaction Manager may still take precedence if it is present); where the trusted database number is used it must either be a) active to be able to process the ET data or b) explicitly translated by an all-files Vista translation rule to a database that is active.

0 65535 0

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Distributed Lock Mode

Description Possible Values Default

Controls the type of record hold processing to be used in a partitioned environment.

This parameter is applied when a distributed READ(L6) or FIND(S4) command is issued against a partitioned file.

Possible values are:

  • 0: Normal processing.

  • 1: The hold option is removed from the command and a L3 or S1 command is issued instead. If a record is to be modified, the corresponding ISN for the record is placed in hold status before it is modified.

  • 2: The hold option is removed from the command and a L3 or S1 is issued instead. Record collating-sequence processing occurs immediately before returning a record to the user. After this processing, the record is placed in hold status.

  • 3: The same as value '2' with an added integrity check during collating-sequence processing.

  • 4: READ (L6) and FIND (S4) commands result in response code 249.

0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 0

See also section Distributed Lock Mode.

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Enable Multiple Database Updates

Description Possible Values Default

Controls whether or not a client can update more than one database in a single transaction.

Using Adabas Vista for file partitioning and translating increases the probability of a single transaction spanning multiple databases. In such circumstances, the Adabas Transaction Manager (ATM) should be used to ensure the integrity of the transaction.

If this parameter is set to YES, Adabas Vista processes ET commands serially. Any failure during this serial process jeopardizes the integrity of the transaction. It is therefore recommended that this parameter be set to YES only when the Adabas Transaction Manager is installed.

If Adabas Transaction Manager is not used, this parameter can be used to allow or disallow multiple database updates within the same transaction:

  • If allowed, ET (or BT) commands are issued serially to the relevant databases. Under such conditions, the programmer should not assume any particular sequence of ETs.

  • If disallowed, an Adabas Vista response code is generated whenever an attempt is made to modify a second database within one transaction.


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Error Reporting

Description Option Possible Values Default

Controls whether or not the WTO option is to be used during Adabas Vista error message processing.

The WTO option identifies the subcode of an Adabas Vista error for those programs that do not have ON ERROR processing to display the subcode. The subcode is needed to uniquely identify the reason for the error. See also section Error Handling.

If YES is specified for the WTO option, an error message written to the job log identifies the subcode associated with each Adabas Vista error. This error message has the prefix AVI-0018-10.


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Error Response Code

Description Possible Values Default

The Adabas response code to be used for identifying Adabas Vista processing errors.

A subcode in the Additions 2 field of the Adabas Control Block uniquely identifies the actual error. Possible values for this subcode are detailed in the section Messages. See also section Error Handling.

If you need to use a response code other than the default 249, refer to the Adabas Messages and Codes documentation for unused response codes.

see text 249

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Extended Hold

Description Possible Values Default

Indicates whether the P and M options on all transaction directives will be honored.

Possible values are:

  • MINIMUM: P and M options on the first transaction directive will be honored – all other held records will be released.

  • MAXIMUM: All records will be preserved on hold until subjected to any P and M options provided during the transaction directive sequence.

For more information on extended hold processing, see Extended Hold in section Transaction Directives.


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Global Format IDs

Description Language Possible Values Default

Indicates whether or not global format IDs are to be used.

This parameter enables a user-supplied global format ID to be propagated appropriately when issued against a partitioned file.

Adabas Vista supports Natural global format IDs.

If this parameter is set to YES for a 3GL language, the programmer must ensure that the uniqueness of the supplied global format ID is maintained in the last 5 bytes of the 8-byte Additions 5 field of the Adabas Control Block. This allows Adabas Vista to use the first 3 bytes internally.

Natural YES | NO

Natural: YES

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Mask RSP148 on OP commands

Description Possible Values Default

When Vista processes an OP command from the application layer it may be that the database number in the OP command does not exist (and never will). However, Vista has no way of knowing this, so may get a RSP148 (response code 148) to the command. Vista can allow that response to be fed back to the application layer but it may trigger unwanted error processing for some applications. This parameter controls whether Vista exposes the RSP148 to the application layer or resets it to RSP000. If reset, the following OP control block fields can be set for return (default values are shown here):

  • ISN Quantity………… 07040400 (Version/Release/SM)

  • Additions-4………….. 740000 (Version /Release/dbid)

This runtime control may also be referenced when processing commands which are candidates for suppression such as RC and RI commands.


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Description Possible Values Default

The mode is used to differentiate between translation rule destinations (target database and file numbers for commands) for user groups. A default mode must be identified if the job uses Vista translation.

The default value for a given configuration file is the first category defined in the Site Policies for Target Categories screen. See Adabas Vista Online Services, Maintain Site Policies for Target Categories, for more information.

The specified name must be defined in the configuration file before it can be used against a translation rule. see text

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Origin CID Transport

Description Possible Values Default

Adabas Vista (necessarily) alters CID values to make sure they retain uniqueness within session for each database. This setting can be used to cause Vista to copy the original CID setting to be transported along with each Adabas command. Some sites may find this useful for their own debugging/reporting purpose.

If a UB-offset is selected then the original CID is set within the UB's extension only if the extension is large enough to accommodate it, otherwise it is not set. It is the administrators responsibility to make sure the bytes are not used by another program, exit or 3rd party product.


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Description Possible Values Default

Pages contain translation rules and influence the translation capabilities of Adabas Vista enabled jobs.

Pages can be differentiated between those that are implicitly referenced by Adabas Vista and those that are explicitly referenced by Adabas Vista.

The only implicitly referenced page is the *site page. You do not need to define this page to any job. Once this page is established, Adabas Vista will always reference it first.

Explicitly referenced pages are those that you define to the job and are referenced in the order they are defined. If a *site page exists then this page will be referenced before any of the defined pages.

The runtime translation rules for a session are merged from the *site page (if used by the site) and the other pages defined for the job. Where a duplicate rule is found conflict resolution is based upon the individual rule's settings for mandatory and priority in conjunction with the policy set for the site's conflict resolution.

See Adabas Vista Online Services, File Translation, for more information.


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Description Option Possible Values Default

Indicates whether or not user command tracing is to be used.

Active YES | NO NO

The number of commands for which trace entries are to be used.

Information from these trace entries can be displayed by using the CLOG function of the Adabas Vista API. A sample use of this API can be found in the program AVICLOG in the INPL dataset.

Do not modify this program as it may be required for support purposes.

Commands 0 - 1000 128

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Vista ON/OFF for Job

Description Possible Values Default

Indicates whether or not Adabas Vista is to be enabled for a job.

Adabas Vista checks each command which may include checking against the configuration file to determine if the command should be translated, or whether it accesses a partitioned file. If it is known that a particular job makes no access to files that need to be under Adabas Vista control, this parameter can be used to disable Adabas Vista processing in order to enhance throughput.

If Adabas Vista processing is disabled, there will be no recognition of commands that need to be targeted elsewhere. Therefore, care should be taken when using this parameter.


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