Version 8.2.3

User Abend Codes

The decimal abend (abnormal end) codes described in this document occur in ADAInn, ADARUN, and in some utility messages or during replication or transaction manager processing. The message ADAM99 presents both system and nucleus STAE abend codes in hexadecimal; in this case, a nucleus abend code must first be changed to decimal before the description can be located here.

Most abend codes (except 20) result from errors that normally require assistance from your Adabas support technical representative. If abend codes 23 or 24 occur, save the Work data set. For all abend codes, save any dumps and note any messages or other indications that the system issues. Advise your Adabas technical support representative of the error.

Entire Net-Work issues only the abend code 253 to indicate an abnormal termination occurred. The abend (abnormal end) codes described in this document are issued primarily by Adabas modules operating with Entire Net-Work. Specific information related to an error is given in the messages written to the print data set.

Code Module Explanation
15 (nucleus) Workpool too small to execute session autorestart.
16 (nucleus) DTP=RM: Two-phase commit logic error.
17 (nucleus) DTP=RM: Work-part-4 overflow.
19 (nucleus) DTP=RM: Two-phase commit logic error.
20 (nucleus) Error during system startup (refer to descriptions of nucleus startup errors in Adabas Messages and Codes).
21 (nucleus) I/O error during asynchronous buffer flush (Asso/Data/Work/PLOG).
22 (nucleus) I/O error on sequential PLOG and PLOGRQ=YES/FORCE in effect.
23 (nucleus) WORK overflow.
24 (nucleus) Autostart cancelled - protection area inconsistent.
25 (nucleus) Logical I/O error: Adabas was unable to track one or more I/O operations).
26 (nucleus) Adabas session cancelled by operator command.
27 (nucleus) Session ended due to work pool space problems.
28 (nucleus) Nucleus problem during an asynchronous buffer flush.
29 (nucleus) Adabas Transaction Manager (ATM) initialization failed. Review the console messages for further information about the error.
30 (nucleus) Adabas Transaction Manager (ATM) interface error.
31 (nucleus) Insufficient workpool space for only active command.
33 (nucleus) Logic error during file number validation.
33 ADARAC Recovery Aid logic error.
34 utilities Abnormal termination with dump.
35 utilities Abnormal termination without dump.
36 utilities I/O error occurred while writing to DDDRUCK or DDPRINT. Check JCL.
37 (nucleus) ET post logic error.
38 (nucleus) Unexpected response code for internal command.
39 (nucleus) Fatal internal response code occurred during asynchronous buffer flush.
40 (nucleus) Getmain failure early during session start.
40 ADACOM Fatal error during ADACOM processing (cluster environments).
41 ADADSFN Fatal error during Delta Save Facility processing.
42 (nucleus) A security violation occurred at startup.
43 (nucleus) Logic error in command selection (freeze table).
44 (nucleus) Logic error in an FST write or an online process.
45 (nucleus) Logic error in asynchronous buffer flush by volume (with ASYTVS=YES)
46 (nucleus) Logic error in the buffer pool manager.
47 (nucleus) Logic error in thread management
48 (nucleus) Logic error in an ADANCX (cluster environments).
49 (nucleus) General internal error (various reasons)
50 (nucleus) Logic error in SRB code (Adabas Cluster Services)
51 (nucleus) Logic error in dynamic Work access
52 (nucleus) STCK clock not running
53 (nucleus) Logic error in global hold queue element lock handling
54 (nucleus) Logic error in global file lock handling
55 ADACLU Fatal error during ADACLU processing (cluster environments).
56 (nucleus) Logic error in ET synchronization process
57 (nucleus) Unexpected error during online recovery
58 (nucleus) Error in protection record bookkeeping
59 (nucleus) Logic error during large object (LB) processing
60 (nucleus) Unique descriptor update logic error
65 (replication) Fatal error related to replication processing.
66 (replication) Logic error in initial-state processing
67 (replication) Logic error in SLOG handling
70 (nucleus) Parallel Services nucleus canceled by peer nucleus
79 (nucleus) An uncorrectable intracluster communication failure occurred.
82 (nucleus) Logic error in file activity bookkeeping
83 (nucleus) Logic error in extended MU/PE handling
84 (nucleus) Logic error in spanned record handling
85 (nucleus) Logic error in spanned record read-lock handling
86 (nucleus) Logic error in Adabas Fastpath multifetch processing
87 (nucleus) Logic error in multiple buffers
89 (nucleus) Logic error during global update command synchronization
91 (nucleus) Internal error
92 (nucleus) Logic error during increase of an address converter extent
95 (nucleus) Logic error during AAD,AA handling
108 ADATRA Failure to load and install the trace module
214 MPMGCS Unsuccessful state
215 MPMGCS Invalid operating system
216 MPMGCS Invalid function
221 MPMVSE Invalid operating system
222 MPMVSE Invalid function
223 MPMCMS Unsuccessful STAE
225 MPMCMS Invalid function
226 MPMCMS Invalid FORCE of active target
227 MPMBS2 Wrong ADARER module found
228 MPMBS2 STXIT not successfully installed
229 MPMBS2 Invalid function
230 MPMBS2 Invalid router-40 caller The router-40 call is used to change entries in the ID table in the common memory. The authority of the caller is checked before the change is made. If another Entire Net-work task was started with the FORCE=YES option specified, this task may now be prevented from issuing router-40 calls, and could have been abended.
231 MPMBS2 Caller not correct target
232 MPMBS2 Invalid IDT
233 MPMBS2 Adabas cancelled in BOURSE WAIT (see the ADAM82 message description in Adabas Messages and Codes).
234 MPMBS2 Enqueue to IDT failed (BS2000)
235 ADAMP2 Unable to acquire memory for MPM client table UTAB (BS2000)
247 MPMMVS Unsuccessful STAE
248 MPMMVS or MPMF4 Invalid operating system or RMODE; for MPMF4, invalid operating system or RMODE; or CID GETMAIN failed The operating system check did not recognize a "known" operating system. The known system is z/OS. For z/OS: if the nucleus is running AMODE 31, then RMODE 24 was not set for at least one Adabas module other than ADALNK.
249 MPMMVS Invalid function
251 ADARST Unrecoverable abend of the Adabas Review subtask ADARST. See the ADAM90 message description.
252 IORSUB Adabas subtask abend. See the ADAM90 message description in Adabas Messages and Codes.
253 MPMIND Nonrecoverable abend (caused by STAE/STXIT processing program check or nucleus abend) See the ADAM99 message description in Adabas Messages and Codes.
254 MPMIND Invalid function in abnormal termination
Recovery exit
255 MPMIND Invalid function
257 MPMVSE Return code on 24-call from FREEVIS
435 ADASIP The subsystem name specified is already being used by another ADABAS SVC. Select another subsystem name and rerun the job.
436 ADASIP Invalid IDT for option table replace
437 ADASIP No SSCT for option table replace
438 ADASIP Incorrect security option table
439 ADASIP Security option table load error
440 IORCMS Program loaded above 16-megabyte (RMODE=ANY)
441 IORCMS Incorrect operating system version.
443 RTRGCS Invalid 40-caller
444 RTRGCS Caller not correct target
446 RTRGCS Caller not authorized
447 RTRGCS Invalid 48-call parameters
448 RTRGCS Invalid 00-call parameters
449 RTRGCS Invalid operating system
450 RTRGCS Invalid function
451 LNKGCS Unsupported function
452 LNKGCS Invalid UB
453 LNKGCS Length of user info LT (less than) 0
454 LNKGCS Error in link initialization routine
455 LNKGCS Incorrect router version
456 LNKGCS User exit before call increased length of user info
457 LDICMS Internal control blocks not found
458 LNKCMS Unsupported function
459 LNKCMS Invalid UB
460 LNKCMS Invalid length of USER INFO, less than zero or modified by zap
461 LNKCMS User exit before-call increased length of USER INFO
462 LDICMS Line driver error encountered
463 LDICMS IDT manager machine logged off
464 LDICMS Invalid 40-caller
465 LDICMS Invalid 00-call parameters
466 LDICMS Invalid function
468 IORCMS Output tape file protected
469 SIPMVS ADASIP CDE cannot be found
470 SIPMVS SVCMVS load error
471 SIPMVS Incorrect SVCMVS
472 SIPMVS SSCT disappeared
473 SIPMVS ADASIR non-zero return code
474 SIPMVS SVC table entry changed
475 SIPMVS SSCT already exists
477 SIPMVS Incorrect ADASIR
478 SIPMVS ADASIR load error
479 SIPMVS ADASIR or ADASVC were not found in the load libraries provided to the ADASIP job
480 SIPMVS Open error
482 SIPMVS SIPMVS not authorized
483 SIPMVS RMODE or AMODE not 24
484 SIPMVS Invalid operating system
485 LNKBTO Unsupported function
486 SVCMVS Invalid PCR04 call
487 SVCMVS Caller specified an unknown or invalid target. This is possibly caused by restarting an already active target using FORCE=YES.
488 SVCMVS Invalid PCR16 call
489 SVCMVS Invalid 48-call parameters
490 SVCMVS Invalid 40-caller
491 SVCMVS SVC 12-call without 16-call required
492 SVCMVS Active dormant LX
493 SVCMVS Invalid 00-call parameters
494 SVCMVS Caller not authorized
495 SVCMVS Invalid operating system
497 SVCMVS Invalid function
498 LNKBTO Invalid UB
499 LNKBTO Length of user info less than zero
500 LNKBTO Error in link initialization routine
501 LNKBTO Incorrect router version
502 LNKBTO User exit before-call increased length of user info
509 IOROS DEB error
510 SSFENV SSF initialization error
516 IORIND RWINT error
517 IORIND RWINT Cache Fast Write request error
539 IORSUB FVSE error
540 IORSUB FVST error
545 IOROS BCP storage error
546 IORCMS ADECB error
547 IOROS Not z/OS system; z/OS RMODE is not 24; or z/OS AMODE 31 is not allowed
548 IOROS BCP error
DLECB error
550 IOROS QEDIT (block) error
551 IOROS CHKIO error
553 IORCMS Requested file not on tape
554 IORCMS Block count in EOF/EOV label not equal to I/O count
555 IORCMS Tape I/O error during mount or label processing
556 IORCMS No virtual console
557 IORCMS DLECB error
558 IORCMS CHKIO error
559 IOROS Incorrect SVC version
560 IOROS Maximum blocks/track > minimum, I/O error, global sequential BLKSIZE too big, or invalid number (ECBS)
EVENTS error
562 IOROS Program loaded above 16M
563 IORBS2 Invalid TDCE found during ADAIOR INIT
564 IORBS2 Failure to load ADAIOI or AT when trying to enable EVENT NAME
565 IORBS2 ECB list overflow
566 IORBS2 Invalid SOLSIG return code
567 IORBS2 DDSCAN error
568 IORBS2 BCP error
569 IORBS2 WTOR error
570 IORBS2 CHKIO error
571 IORBS2 Invalid ECB type
573 ADAIOS Fatal error attempting to establish operator command interface (BS2000)
575 USRCMS ADARUN nucleus extension not found
576 USRCMS Insufficient storage for data area
577 LNKCX User exit before-call increased length of USER INFO
578 IORVSE CHKIO error
579 LNKCX Error in link initialization routine
580 LNKCX Length of USER INFO LT 0
581 LNKCX Incorrect router version
582 LNKCX Invalid UB
584 LNKCX Unsupported function
585 SVCMVS PRB cannot be found
586 MGACX ADAMAI error
587 MGABTO LOAD error
589 MGACX LOAD error
590 IORCMS Maximum blocks/track > minimum, I/O error
593 IORVSE IVST error
594 USRBTO Invalid RMODE
ADECB error
599 IORVSE ADECB error
600 IORVSE DLECB error
601 IORVSE SUBSID error, invalid version, or ADAIOI could not be loaded
602 IORVSE CKTDC error
603 IORVSE Global sequential block size too big or invalid number (ECBS)
605 IORVSE Invalid printer device
606 LNKBS2 Unsupported function
607 LNKBS2 Invalid UB
608 LNKBS2 Length of USER INFO (less than) 0
609 LNKBS2 Incorrect router version
610 LNKBS2 User exit before-call increased length of USER INFO
611 LNKBS2 WAIT error
612 RERBS2 No IDT (identification table)
613 RERBS2 Invalid function
614 SVCVSE Invalid function via caller
615 SVCVSE No IDT (identification table)
616 SVCVSE Invalid 00-call parameters
617 SVCVSE Invalid 40-caller
618 SVCVSE Caller specified an unknown or invalid target. This is possibly caused by restarting an already active target using FORCE=YES.
Error attempting to open a VSAM file. See the ADAI68 message description in Adabas Messages and Codes
620 IORIND IOR fatal error
621 IORIND PLOG size alteration error. The PLOG size (DUALPLS or PLOGSIZE) was changed with the last startup, and PLOG data is still in the PLOG. Run ADARES PLCOPY to save the data, then restart the nucleus.
622 LNKxx Invalid SAVE area in UB (LUEXIT1) SAVE area (USERSAV) in the Adabas link routine was less than 72 bytes and user exit 1/2 (B/A in Adabas 7) was invoked.
627 IORGCS No virtual console
629 IORVSE ADAOPTD could not be found, or could not be loaded into storage.
630 IORVSE Unable to load ADAOPTD.
631 IORVSE GETVIS failed for sequential file table.
632 IORVSE No more slots in sequential file table.
633 IORVSE Internal error file name not found.
636 LNCSTUB No TWA is available for the task, or the length of the TWA is less than 24 bytes. Check the execution of the task with CEDF to determine if the ADDRESS TWA or ASSIGN TWALENG commands are providing a valid TWA address and length.
637 LNCSTUB A CICS request failed. Use CEDF to determine the failing request and the nature of the failure. Contact Software AG technical support if necessary.
639 LNKOLSC A CICS request failed. Use CEDF to determine the failing request and the nature of the failure. Contact Software AG technical support if necessary.
640 LNKBS2 The router (ADARER) detected an Adalink at Adabas 5.2.6 level or higher that issued a call to an Adabas nucleus at Adabas 5.2.5 level or lower while the address of the UB was XS. The Adalink module should be bound below the 16-megabyte limit.
640 ADALNK No memory available for LNK anchor block (BS2000)
641 LNKBS2 The SM6 Adalink detected a router at 5.2.5 level or lower. The ID Table must be initialized with an Adabas nucleus at level 5.2.6 or higher.
642 LNKBS2 The Adalink cannot read the parameter file; the file may be empty, or it may be an ISAM file. Use a SAM/V data set that was created by EDT.
643 LNKBS2 The Adalink detected a syntax error in its parameters. Correct the syntax and rerun.
645 ADALNC The CICS macro level interface is not supported for CICS/ESA 3.2 and above.
646 ADAIOR (BS2000) Cannot read the SYSDTA data set; see the message ADAI56 description.
650 SVCMVS SVC does not match the IDT (identification table).
654 ADALNK ADALNK: unsupported operating system version, unsupported HSI. Adabas version 6.1 and above requires BS2000 version 10 and above and XS31 hardware.
655 ADALNK Incompatible versions of ADALNK and ADAL2P. Check library assignments; check TSOSLNK/BINDER protocols. See message ADAK09.
656 ADALNI An internal error occurred when the IMS link routine could find the proper IMS structures to properly set the value for the userid (the last eight bytes of the 28-byte Adabas communication ID). When this user abend occurs, contact your Software AG support representative and provide a dump including the registers at time of the abend so the reason code stored in R15 can be seen and evaluated.
657 ADALNK The DBID/SVC routing table could not be loaded. This table is required to support Adabas SVC routing by database ID. Ensure that the DBSVCTN keyword in the LGBLSET macro (used to prepare the link globals table for the link routine) provides the correct DBID/SVC routing table load module name. Also verify that the DBID/SVC routing table load module is in a library concatenated in the library search chain so it can be located when the link routine runs.
658 ADALNK LNKUES module not available to ADALNK.
659 SVCMVS PC routine invoked by invalid caller.
660 ATMCXRMI CICS instructed ATM to perform a single-phase commit, but the outcome of the attempted commit could not be determined. Check the status of the transaction using Adabas Transaction Manager's Online Services.
661 SVCMVS Name/Token service error.
664 SVCMVS SVC incompatible with install program.
665 SVCMVS Invalid SVC caller.
666 SVCMVS Invalid AllocAB deallocation length.
667 SVCMVS Required CPU instruction set features are not available. IBM ArchLvl 1 instruction set is required.
668 ATMCXRMI A syncpoint operation was triggered by an Adabas command, but the user's communication ID was not known.
669 SVCMVS S64 recovery routine manager error.
670 link routines The CICS EXTRACT command used to obtain the Adabas Task Related User Exit (TRUE) global work area failed. The Adabas 8 or enhanced Adabas 7 CICS environment is not correctly established.

To determine the cause, consult the messages associated with starting the Adabas TRUE issued from ADAENAB (if you are running Adabas 7) or from ADACIC0 (if you are running Adabas 8).

672 SVCMVS IDT extension not provided. Possible incorrect version of ADASIR is indicated.
673 SVCMVS Invalid PCRCLU caller.
674 link routines A version 8 call using the ACBX has been made, but the link routine did not detect a valid reentrancy token in direct call (field APLXRTOK) of the Adabas 8 parameter list.
676 link routines The work area passed to an Adabas 8 link routine in the direct call (field APLXRTOK of the APLX) was invalid, or the attempt to obtain storage for the work area failed.
678 link routines The Adabas 8 link routine could not find the address of a link global table, either because it was not linked with the Adabas 8 link routine, or because an attempt to load the link globals table failed.

In BS2000 environments, the memory pool accessed does not contain an Adabas ID table.

679 LNKBS2 Unable to set up the DBID/IDT Table (Get Memory error)
680 LNKBS2 Could not get router ID table memory pool. Check the ID table name in the parameter file/module.
800 NETSIP/OS Invalid operating system detected - not MVS
801 NETSIP/OS Parameter error detected
802 NETSIP/OS Addressing or residency mode, authorization error or operating system is not a virtual machine guest
803 NETSIP/OS Error detected during program loading or validation
804 NETSIP/OS Space allocation failure
806 NETSIP/OS NETSIR initialization failed

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