Version 8.2.3

PLI* - ADACOM Initialization Messages

ADACOM messages apply only to Adabas nucleus cluster environments.

All PLInnn messages are printed on the console. Messages in the range 0-49 are issued by the ADACOT module attached to a particular SVC/DBID set and are sent to the SYSOUT data set that is dynamically allocated for that particular module. Messages in the range 50 and above are issued by ADACOM and are written to the COMPRINT data set. Each message begins with a timestamp in the format "hh:mm:ss".

The following message groups are described:

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Messages Issued by ADACOTs and Written to Own Data Sets (PLI002 - PLI049)

Overview of Messages

PLI002 | PLI003 | PLI004 | PLI005 | PLI009 | PLI010 | PLI012 | PLI013 | PLI014 | PLI015 | PLI016 | PLI017 | PLI018 | PLI019 | PLI020 | PLI021 | PLI022 | PLI023 | PLI024 | PLI027 | PLI028 | PLI030 | PLI031 | PLI032 | PLI034 | PLI035 | PLI036 | PLI038 | PLI039 | PLI040 | PLI041 | PLI042 | PLI048 | PLI049
PLI002 Initializing DBID=dbid SVC=svc message(s)

This message identifies the ADACOM that is initializing by its database ID and SVC settings. It is followed by one or more relevant initialization message(s) (check the following possible PLI002 messages):

Message Text Explanation
Acquiring new PLXCB

Having determined that no Adabas cluster control block (PLXCB) currently exists, ADACOM is attempting to acquire a new one.

Cannot change number of users now. There are NUCS/ADACOMS active

Once the cluster is active; that is, once a nucleus or ADACOM starts, the PLXCB NU parameter is set and cannot be changed without bringing down the entire cluster, changing the parameter value, and restarting.

If you need to change the PLXCB NU parameter value, terminate all cluster nuclei, ADACOMs, and users and restart.

Cannot free PLXCB at this time. There are NUCS/ADACOMS active

Once the cluster is active; that is, once a nucleus or ADACOM starts, the PLXCB NU parameter is set and cannot be changed without bringing down the entire cluster, changing the parameter value, and restarting.

Freeing old PLXCB

The NU parameter value is being changed or the FORCE option was specified for this DBID/SVC. The old environment is being freed.

GETMAIN failed for PLXCB

An attempt to acquire GETMAIN space for a new Adabas cluster control block (PLXCB) failed. The ADACOM subtask terminates abnormally (abends).

Ensure that sufficient space is available to allocate the PLXCB and resubmit the job.

Max users for image number-of-users

Displays the maximum number of users (NU) allowed for the operating system image.

PLXCB is located at address

The location of the PLXCB, either new or existing, is provided.

Processed NU=O request

The system has processed the NU=0 parameter. The old environment has been freed and no new one was created.

PLXCB version is vrs
Program level is vrs

An existing PLXCB is of a version incompatible with this ADACOM.

FORCE=YES detected -- initialization continues

The incompatible PLXCB version described in earlier lines will be released and initialization will continue.

PSW key pswkey not compatible with PLXCB key plxcbkey

A previously allocated PLXCB cannot be used because of a difference between the PSW and storage keys. Run ADACOM in the PLXCB key or delete the existing PLXCB and reallocate it in the desired key.

This SVC/DBID combination will terminate

Previously described errors prevent initialization. ADACOM terminates abnormally (abends) the subtask for this DBID/SVC combination.

IDTHPRFX not found

This is an internal error. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. ADACOM terminates abnormally (abends) the subtask for this DBID/SVC combination.

DBID is zero

This is an internal error. The ADACOM terminates abnormally (abends) the subtask for this DBID/SVC combination. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

Obtain of IDTHPRFX failed

The IDTH prefix created when the IDT was created accommodates 15 cluster DBIDs. It was necessary to acquire storage to extend the IDTH prefix for additional DBIDs. Insufficient storage was available (in z/OS this is ECSA).

Increase the region size to resolve this problem. For additional assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI003 SVC=svc DBID=dbid OPERATOR COMMAND: command

Confirms the operator command just issued and the SVC/DBID combination for which it is issued.

PLI004 imagename NUCID=nucid UP=x LO=y RO=z #USERS=n #CMNDS=n LURA=n RULA=n
jobname nucid x y z n....... n........

This message is issued in response to an ADACOM DN or DIM operator command. It displays the status of the cluster nuclei located on the named image, which may be local or remote images. There is one header line for each image which may be followed by detail lines for each active nucleus. The following table describes the components of this message:

Message Component Description
imagename The name of the local image.
NUCID=nucid The unique cluster nucleus identifier.
UP=x Specifies whether (Y or N) the specified nucleus is available for normal processing.
LO=y Specifies whether the specified nucleus is on the local image and open (Y); or on the local image and closed (N).
RO=z Indicates that the specified nucleus is not on a remote image (N).
#USERS=n The number of users that have been assigned to and are currently active for the specified nucleus.
#CMNDS=n The number of commands currently incomplete.
LURA=n The number of users remotely assigned to the local image.
RULA=n The number of users locally assigned to the remote image.
jobname The name of the ADACOM job or started task.

There may be conditions that prevent displaying active nuclei. These lines may appear instead of active nucleus detail lines.

Message Text Explanation
** Image has no active NUCs ** There are no active cluster nuclei to display on the local image.
* Local network down - no remote information * No information is available about remote images because the local Entire Net-Work is not active.
*No NUCs up or remote network down* No information is available from a remote image. Either there are no active nuclei on the remote image or the remote Entire Net-Work is not active.
* Remote images not detected * The specified image is not local and that ADACOM does not detect the presence of a remote image with the specified name.

PLI005 ** Image has no active NUCs **

This message follows PLI004 for either a DIM or DN command when there are no active cluster nuclei to display on the local image.

PLI009 Invalid command: *

The command entered is not a valid ADACOM command. This message follows PLI060, which displays the invalid command entered.


Check the command used; reenter a valid ADACOM command.

PLI010 Command executed

This message follows PLI060 for the SN command and indicates that the SN command with the parameters specified in PLI060 has been successfully executed.

PLI012 module load failed - exiting

The module listed in the message (module) could not be loaded. The affected task abends.


Ensure the named module is available in the load library concatenation. If you are unable to resolve the error, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI013 Unable to set timer - exiting

An internal error occurred while executing STIMERM. The affected ADACOT module abends.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI014 PSW key pswkey not compatible with PLXCB key plxcbkey

A previously allocated PLXCB cannot be used because of a difference between the PSW and storage keys.


Run the ADACOM in the PLXCB key, or delete the existing PLXCB and reallocate it in the desired key.

PLI015 Work area GETMAIN failed

The attempt to allocate space for an ADACOT work area failed. The affected SVC/DBID combination abends.


Increase the region size.

PLI016 IDTH prefix is not valid

An internal error occurred: IDTHPRFX is invalid. The affected ADACOT module abends.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI017 Number of IDTE entries is zero

An internal error occurred: the IDTH is invalid. The affected ADACOT module abends.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI018 ADACOT initialization failed

The PLXINIT module failed during initialization. The affected ADACOT module abends.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI019 Get IDTH failed

ADACOT was unable to obtain the address of the IDTH. The affected ADACOT module abends.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI020 SVC=svc DBID=dbid function exiting

This message occurs whenever an SVC/DBID combination terminates for any reason.

PLI021 Network detected down

ADACOM detected that the local Entire Net-Work is not active.

PLI022 Network detected up and available

ADACOM detected that the local Entire Net-Work is active and processing commands.

PLI023 No PARMs allowed for "DN"

A parameter was supplied when issuing the ADACOM command DN. No parameters are allowed for the DN command. This message follows PLI060 which indicates the command and parameters issued.


Remove the parameter(s) and issue DN again.

PLI024 Invalid system name

The DIM command allows you to optionally supply an image name as a parameter. The DIM command was issued with a parameter value, but the value supplied is not a valid image name. This message follows PLI060 which indicates the command and parameters issued.


Supply a valid image name and issue DIM again.

PLI027 CMDMGR=NO specified

CMDMGR=NO was specified in the ADACOM; ADACOM quiesces after setting the environment.

PLI028 Net-Work not available RSP rc/sc

ADACOM detected an active Entire Net-Work address space and issued a periodic internal command to verify that Entire Net-Work is accepting and processing commands. The internal command received an unexpected response code and subcode, which are given in the message (rc/sc). This usually indicates a problem with Entire Net-Work.


Review the response code and subcode to determine the cause of the problem. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

PLI030 Invalid NUC specification

This message follows PLI060 for the SN command and indicates that the specified nucleus ID is not valid.


Specify a valid nucleus ID and issue the command again.

PLI031 Command must specify "OP/CL"

This message follows PLI060 for the SN command and indicates that the required parameters OP/CL were not specified.


Specify the required parameters and issue the command again.

PLI032 Too many parameters

This message follows PLI060 for the SN command and indicates that too many parameters have been specified when opening or closing one or more remote nuclei. Remote nuclei are always opened to local users only.


Remove the erroneous parameter(s) and issue the command again.

PLI034 Local NUC(s) not found

This message follows PLI060 for the SN command and indicates that the local nucleus specified was not found on the local image. If LCLALL was used in the command, no cluster nuclei were found on the local image.

PLI035 "ALL" not valid for "OP/CL"

This message follows PLI060 for the SN command. "ALL" is not a valid parameter. You must indicate whether you want to open or close all local nuclei (LCLALL) or all remote nuclei (RMTALL). You cannot open or close all cluster nuclei on all images at once. You can, of course, open a specified nucleus or all nuclei on a specified remote image, if you choose.


Specify the required parameters and issue the command again.

PLI036 Too few parameters - need "LCL/GBL"

This message follows PLI060 for the SN command. When opening or closing nuclei on local images, you must indicate whether you are opening them to local users only (LCL) or to all cluster users (GBL).


Specify the required information and issue the command again.

PLI038 Only "LCL" or "GBL" after "OP/CL"

This message follows PLI060 for the SN command. When opening or closing nuclei on the local image, your only choices are to open the nuclei to local users only (LCL) or to all cluster users (GBL). No other options are allowed.


Specify LCL or GBL and issue the command again.

PLI039 Remote NUC(s) not found

This message follows PLI060 for the SN command and indicates that the remote nucleus specified was not found on any remote image. If a remote image was specified, no cluster nuclei were found on that image. If RMTALL was used in the command, no cluster nuclei were found on any remote image.

PLI040 Cannot exit now - dataspaces are allocated

There are active Adabas Parallel Services nuclei that have active dataspaces.


Terminate any Adabas Parallel Services nuclei and try again.


A DUMP operator command was entered with an operand other than one of the valid ones listed in the message.


Reissue the command with a correct operand.

PLI042 message-text

Various message texts are associated with this message number. Each is described in the following table:

Message Text Explanation
Only N=X, where X is prefix, is valid A DUMP PLXUSER command was entered with an invalid operand.

Action: Reissue the command with a correct operand.

The prefix is missing or now "=" specified A DUMP PLXUSER command was entered with invalid syntax or an invalid operand.

Action: Reissue the command with a correct operand.

There are no active users at this time A DUMP PLXUSER command was entered. There is nothing to list.

Action: No action is necessary for this informational message.

There are no active IDTEs at this time A DUMP IDTE command was entered. There is nothing to list.

Action: No action is necessary for this informational message.

Extended storage IIBs are not in use A DUMP FIIBS command was entered. There is nothing to list.

Action: No action is necessary for this informational message.

Extended storage but fat IIBS not in use A DUMP FIIBS command was entered. There is nothing to list.

Action: No action is necessary for this informational message.

No FIIBS in use at this time A DUMP FIIBS command was entered. There is nothing to list.

Action: No action is necessary for this informational message.

There are no valid maps at this time A DUMP PLXMAP command was entered. There is nothing to list.

Action: No action is necessary for this informational message.

There are no active entries A DUMP IDTHPRFX command was entered. There is nothing to list.

Action: No action is necessary for this informational message.

There are no active NUCs at this time A DUMP PLXNUC command was entered. There is nothing to list.

Action: No action is necessary for this informational message.

dbid Unable to allocate PLXMAP for system-target on system-name A PLXMAP update was received from a remote system for which there was no existing PLXMAP. A free PLXMAP slot could not be located. The update is discarded.

Action: This may occur if systems containing cluster nuclei were removed from the sysplex and other systems containing nuclei were added. If ADACOM is running, issue the DUMP PLXMAP command to examine the assignment of each PLXMAP. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

PLI048 Unable to DEQ resource

An internal error occurred: ADACOT was unable to release serialization for the named resource. The affected ADACOT module abends.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI049 RSP rsp/node-subcode from target system

An attempt was made to update PLXCB structures on another operating system image participating in Adabas Cluster Services (ALS). The response code (rsp) and subcode (subcode) given in the message indicate an unexpected condition. The Entire Net-Work node ID may also be given in the message (node) if Entire Net-Work does not have connectivity to the remote system or if there are problems in the PLXCB structures on the remote system.


If the reason for the response code is not clear and you cannot resolve the error by analyzing it, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

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Messages Issued by ADACOM and Written to COMPRINT Data Set (PLI050 - PLI079)

Overview of Messages

PLI050 | PLI052 | PLI053 | PLI054 | PLI055 | PLI056 | PLI057 | PLI058 | PLI059 | PLI060 | PLI062 | PLI063 | PLI064 | PLI065 | PLI068 | PLI069 | PLI070 | PLI071 | PLI072 | PLI073 | PLI074 | PLI076 | PLI077 | PLI078 | PLI079 | PLI080 | PLI090 | PLI093 | PLI910 | PLI920 | PLI930
PLI050 Initializing ADACOM

This is the first message produced when ADACOM is starting.

PLI052 Commands will go to SVC=svc,DBID=dbid

A MODIFY command was issued to change the SVC/DBID combination that is to receive all following MODIFY commands.

PLI053 Remainder of input line ignored

Characters were found at the end of a SVC=svc,DBID=dbid when no comma follows the SVC/DBID combination. Note that the SVC=svc and DBID=dbid can be in any order.

PLI054 Duplicate SVC= or DBID=

A MODIFY command to change the SVC/DBID combination for commands was issued with more than one SVC= or DBID=.


Reissue the command with only one SVC/DBID parameter set.

PLI055 Invalid SVC or DBID number

A MODIFY command to change the SVC/DBID combination for commands was issued with a nonnumeric, invalid, or out of range SVC or DBID number.


Reissue the command with a valid SVC/DBID parameter set.

PLI056 Invalid character in command

A MODIFY command to change the SVC/DBID combination for commands was issued and no comma between SVC=svc and DBID=dbid.


Correct the format and reissue the command.

PLI057 DBID= or SVC= missing

A MODIFY command to change the SVC/DBID combination for commands was issued and either SVC= or DBID= missing.


Add the required parameter and reissue the command.

PLI058 SVC/DBID pair not active in this ADACOM

A MODIFY command to change the SVC/DBID combination for commands was issued and the SVC/DBID pair was not specified in the input stream.


Specify the required parameters and reissue the command.

PLI059 SVC/DBID pair processing has ended

A MODIFY command to change the SVC/DBID combination for commands was issued and the SVC/DBID pair processing has ended either from NU=0 or an abend.


If you are unable to determine and correct the problem, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI060 SVC=svc DBID=dbid operator command : command

This message indicates that the specified command has been issued from the ADACOM identified by the SVC and DBID listed.

PLI062 Command queued

A command is queued for execution. The results of the command will appear in the output data set for the SVC/DBID combination to which the command was issued.

PLI063 Processing: ADACOM SVC=svc,DBID=dbid,NU=users text

Issued during initialization for each input line from DDKARTE. The text of the line appears to the right of the colon.

text Explanation
Initialization complete Issued as text for PLI063 if NU does not equal 0 and the startup for the SVC/DBID pair was successful.
Processing ended normally Issued as text for PLI063 if NU=0 was specified and the PLXCB was processed normally.
Processing ended with errors Issued as text for PLI063 when the initialization process encounters an error for a SVC/DBID pair. The error may indicate a problem allocating a corresponding SYSOUT data set. Initialization for the other pairs continues.

If you are unable to determine and correct the problem with the SVC/DBID parameter set, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI064 ADACOM exiting

This is the last message produced when the ADACOM job is terminating as a result of an ADAEND command or an error situation.

PLI065 Initialization complete for all DBID/SVC pairs

ADACOM has initialized all specified DBID/SVC pairs. See the preceding PLI063 messages for the status of each pair's initialization.


No action is necessary for this informational message.

PLI068 Unrecognized parameter

During initialization when processing input from DDKARTE, an unrecognized parameter was encountered on the card. ADACOM abends.


Check the DDKARTE parameters. If you are unable to determine and correct the problem, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI069 Duplicate parameter

Issued on initialization when processing input from DDKARTE and a duplicate parameter entry is seen. ADACOM abends.


Correct the parameter entries and rerun the job.

PLI070 Invalid numeric

Issued on initialization when an SVC or DBID number is recognized as invalid. ADACOM abends.


Correct the parameter entries and rerun the job.

PLI071 SVC or DBID not specified

Issued on initialization when an SVC or DBID number is recognized as invalid. ADACOM abends.


Correct the parameter entries and rerun the job.

PLI072 IDTH not found

Issued during initialization when the required IDTH control block cannot be found. ADACOM abends.


If you are unable to determine and correct the problem, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI073 Number of IDTEs is zero

Issued during initialization when the number of IDTEs specified in the IDTH is zero. ADACOM abends.


If you are unable to determine and correct the problem, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI074 Duplicate SVC/DBID combo

Issued during initialization if two input cards from DDKARTE specify the same SVC/DBID combination. ADACOM abends.


Correct the parameter entries and rerun the job.

PLI076 Input must begin with "ADACOM"

Issued during initialization when an input card from DDKARTE does not begin with "ADACOM" followed by at least one space. ADACOM abends.


Correct the format of the parameter entries and rerun the job.


Issued as the result of an ADAEND command or internal error causing an orderly shutdown. The part of the message enclosed in brackets is issued when an SVC/DBID combination has ended processing.


If you are unable to determine and correct the problem, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI078 Previous task has not ended

Duplicate SVC/DBID combination in startup JCL. ADACOM abends.


Correct the JCL and rerun.

PLI079 Error obtaining {CLUCONB | CLUDSPB }

This message indicates a GETMAIN failure at startup (ADACOM abends) or while dynamically adding an SVC/DBID combination (the system continues running).


At startup, increase the region size and rerun. When dynamically adding an SVC/DBID combination, either terminate ADACOM, increase the region size, and rerun; or start a second ADACOM.

PLI080 UID mismatch freeing PLXUSER/UTE address UID uid1 UTE uid2

ADACOM did not find the expected user ID string when attempting to release a PLXUSER (UTE).


If the UTE value is all zeros, the UTE was already free. This can come about if an error recovery routine such as a z/OS ESTAE attempts to clean up by issuing CL commands. Natural has error recovery that may do this, particularly if a Natural program is canceled. If this is not the case, or the UTE is non-zero, this is an internal logic error. Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLI090 Not APF authorized - exiting

ADACOM must run with z/OS APF authorization.


Ensure that all load libraries are APF-authorized and rerun.

PLI093 PLXUSER X2/code RSP rsp/node-subcode target

An Adabas ADACOM job servicing Adabas Cluster Services or Adabas Parallel Services nuclei issued an internal X2 command to release a PLXUSER representing a user either originating from or routed to another system. Such users have PLXUSERs on both systems. The command failed with the displayed response code and subcode.

The code listed in the message identifies the reason for the X2 command:

Code X2 Command Reason
8014 Delete PLXUSER on remote system.
8020 Query PLXUSER status for a user originating from a remote system.
8024 Query PLXUSER status for a local user assigned to a remote system.

If the PLXUSER cannot be released at this time, attempts will be made at intervals to release it. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance if the reason for the response code cannot be identified.

PLI910 Unable to determine Net-Work DBID target holder

No image in the network holds the DBID as a network target and this nucleus failed in its attempt to establish it. This is an error condition. Commands from users in an image with no active nucleus and no active ADACOM l get response code 148 (ADARSP148).


Either start up a different node in the network or shut down and restart an existing node to see if the problem resolves itself. If the problem persists, the user should contact Software AG Customer Support.

PLI920 NET-WORK DBID target held by image-system-name

The remote image, identified in the message by its system name, holds the DBID as a network target.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLI930 NET-WORK DBID target owned on this image

The image in which this nucleus is active holds the DBID as a network target.


No action is required for this informational message.

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