Version 8.1.1
 —  Examples Documentation  —

ASF Groups and Fields

This document covers the following topics:

Units of Measurement

The Adabas statistical data can be displayed in various units of measurement. The units available are listed in the following table. In the section ASF Fields it is listed which unit can be used for which field. The "API" column indicates the abbreviation to be used by the Application Programming Interface (API).

Unit API Meaning Description
Bl BL Blocks The size value is displayed in units of blocks.
Cy CY Cylinders The size value is displayed in units of cylinders.
MB MB Megabytes The size value is displayed in units of megabytes (millions of bytes).
By BY Bytes The size value is displayed in units of bytes.
Se SE Seconds The time value is displayed in total number of seconds.
Hr HR Hours The time value is displayed as "hours:minutes:seconds".
Da DA Days The time value is displayed as "days:hours:minutes".
% PC Percent The value is displayed as percentage.
Nom blank Nominal value The actual value of the field. This is also the default if no column is selected.
1/min PM Per Minute The average number of occurrences per minute.
1/call PM Per Call The average time spent per call. This unit is only available for the Call Duration fields.
MS MS msec The time value is displayed in total number of milliseconds. This unit is only available for the Call Duration fields. It is used when the "Nom" or no unit has been selected.

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ASF Groups

The statistical data which the ASF Store Program stores, are the values of the ASF data fields. The ASF data fields are subdivided into several groups: most of them are related to some aspect of the database, one group contains technical ASF fields (such as the store date), and one group is reserved for the user fields. The ASF groups are displayed when you use the active help function at the evaluation profile administration. In the evaluation itself only the field names are displayed.

Group Group Name Description
1 ADARUN-Parameter Parameters specified with ADARUN.
2 Session Information Nucleus session information (DBID, etc.)
3 Physical DB-Layout Physical layout of the database (Associator, Data Storage).
4 IO-Data I/O information.
5 Cmd distr. source From where the calls are coming.
6 Cmd distr. thread Number of calls per thread.
7 Cmd distr. type Number of calls per type (like 'L9').
8 User calls User related information.
9 Run time info Run time information (like number of buffer flushes).
10 Call duration (milliseconds) Duration of the different call types.
11 High water marks Highest usage of various pools.
12 File description File related information.
13 Tech. ASF fields Technical ASF data (like store date/time).
14 User defined fields Fields defined by the user in the ASF User-exit.

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ASF Fields

If not mentioned otherwise, all cumulative values (like the number of commands) are accumulated since nucleus start.

Group 1: ADARUN-Parameter

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
LBP LBP Length of Buffer Pool.
LFP LFP Length of Internal Format Pool.
LU LU Length of Intermediate User Buffer.
LWP LWP Length of Adabas Work Pool.
LP LP Length of Data Protection Area.
LS LS Length of Sort Area.
NAB NAB Number of Attached Buffers.
NC NC Number of Command Queue Elements.
NH NH Number of Hold Queue Elements.
NISNHQ NISNHQ Number of ISNs in Hold Queue per user.
NSISN   Number of ISNs per TBI Element.
NT NT Number of Threads.
NU   Number of User Queue Elements.
TT TT Transaction Time Limit.
TNAA TNAA Non-Activity Time Limit (Access Only Users).
TNAE TNAE Non-Activity Time Limit (ET Logic Users).
TNAX TNAX Non-Activity Time Limit (Exclusive Update Users).
DUALPLS DUALPLS Dual Protection Log Size (blocks).
DUALPLD DUALPLD Dual Protection Log Device.
DUALCLS DUALCLS Dual Command Log Size (blocks).
DUALCLD DUALCLD Dual Command Log Device.
OPENRQ OPENRQ Open Command Required.
PLOGRQ PLOGRQ Protection Log Required.
NQCID NQCID Number of Active CIDs per User.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
LBP Bytes       By        
LFP Bytes       By        
LU Bytes       By        
LWP Bytes       By        
LP Blocks Bl              
LS Bytes       By        
NAB Nominal           Nom    
NC Nominal           Nom    
NH Nominal           Nom    
NISNHQ Nominal           Nom    
NSISN Nominal           Nom    
NT Nominal           Nom    
NU Nominal           Nom    
TT Seconds   Da Hr Se        
TNAA Seconds   Da Hr Se        
TNAE Seconds   Da Hr Se        
TNAX Seconds   Da Hr Se        
DUALPLS Blocks Bl Cy MB          
DUALPLD Nominal           Nom    
DUALCLS Blocks Bl Cy MB          
DUALCLD Nominal           Nom    
OPENRQ Nominal           Nom    
PLOGRQ Nominal           Nom    
NQCID Nominal           Nom    
IGNDIB Nominal           Nom    

Group 2: Session Information

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
DBID DATA BASE NUMBER Database ID (physical).
NUCID NUCID The Adabas nucleus Id used in a cluster environment. It is "0" for a non-cluster environment.
VERSION   Adabas Version / Release / SM level.
DATE LOADED DATE LOADED Date of First Database Load.
TIME LOADED TIME LOADED Time of First Database Load.
NR FILES LOADED NUMBER OF FILES LOADED Nr of Files currently loaded.
DURATION DURATION Elapsed time since nucleus start in seconds (value returned by the nucleus). The field is available for all evaluation types. It is used for the per-minute calculation.
WAIT-TIME WAIT-TIME Non-activity time of the nucleus in seconds.
CPU-TIME CPU-TIME CPU-TIME used by the nucleus in seconds.
DATE NUC-START START-DATE Date the Nucleus was started.
TIME NUC-START START-TIME Time the Nucleus was started.
NUC-RUN-TIME   Elapsed time since nucleus start until 'STORE-TIME' time stamp.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
DBID Nominal           Nom    
DB-NAME Nominal           Nom    
SVC Nominal           Nom    
NUCID Nominal           Nom    
VERSION Nominal Bl         Nom  


Bl: vvrrss

DATE LOADED Nominal           Nom    
TIME LOADED Nominal           Nom    
MAXNR OF FILES Nominal           Nom    
NR FILES LOADED Nominal           Nom    
CURR. LOG TAPE Nominal           Nom    
DURATION Seconds   Da Hr Se        
WAIT-TIME Seconds   Da Hr Se %     1000 * Percentage of DURATION.
CPU-TIME Seconds   Da Hr Se %     1000 * Percentage of DURATION.
DATE NUC-START Nominal           Nom    
TIME NUC-START Nominal           Nom    
NUC-RUN-TIME Seconds   Da Hr Se        

The unit "Bl" for the VERSION field can be used in Critical Reports to perform queries depending on the Adabas version.

Group 3: Physical DB-Layout

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
ASSO USED   Number of Units used for Associator.
ASSO DEFINED PHYSICAL LAYOUT ASSO Number of Units allocated for Associator.
ASSO EXTENTS   Number of Extents of Associator.
DATA USED   Number of Units used for Data Storage.
DATA DEFINED PHYSICAL LAYOUT DATA Number of Units allocated for Data Storage.
DATA EXTENTS   Number of Extents of Data Storage.
WORK DEFINED   Number of Units allocated for Work.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
ASSO USED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of ASSO DEFINED.
ASSO DEFINED Blocks Bl Cy MB          
ASSO UNUSED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of ASSO DEFINED.
ASSO EXTENTS Nominal         % Nom   Percentage: 100 * EXTENTS * USED / DEFINED.
DATA USED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of DATA DEFINED.
DATA DEFINED Blocks Bl Cy MB          
DATA UNUSED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of DATA DEFINED.
DATA EXTENTS Nominal         % Nom   Percentage: 100 * EXTENTS * USED / DEFINED.
WORK DEFINED Blocks Bl Cy MB          

See Note 1 in the File Description group for more information on the percentage value of Extent fields.

Group 4: IO-Data

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
READ ASSO READS ASSO Number of Reads on Associator.
READ DATA READS DATA Number of Reads on Data Storage.
READ WORK READS WORK Number of Reads on Work.
WRITE ASSO WRITES ASSO Number of Writes on Associator.
WRITE DATA WRITES DATA Number of Writes on Data Storage.
WRITE WORK WRITES WORK Number of Writes on Work.
WRITE PLOG WRITES PLOG Number of Writes on Protection Log.
LOG. READS LOG. READS Number of Calls to Adabas Buffer

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
READ ASSO Nominal           Nom 1/min  
READ DATA Nominal           Nom 1/min  
READ WORK Nominal           Nom 1/min  
WRITE ASSO Nominal           Nom 1/min  
WRITE DATA Nominal           Nom 1/min  
WRITE WORK Nominal           Nom 1/min  
WRITE PLOG Nominal           Nom 1/min  
LOG. READS Nominal           Nom 1/min  
BUFF. EFFICIENCY Nominal           Nom    

Group 5: Cmd distr. source

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
REMOTE LOGICAL REMOTE LOGICAL Number of Calls via Network.
REMOTE PHYSICAL REMOTE PHYSICAL Number of Calls via Network by a utility (historical field).
LOCAL PHYSICAL LOCAL PHYSICAL Number of Calls by a utility (historical field).

Physical calls (REMOTE PHYSICAL and LOCAL PHYSICAL) are no longer counted by Adabas. ASF offers these fields only for historical reasons.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
REMOTE LOGICAL Nominal           Nom 1/min  
REMOTE PHYSICAL Nominal           Nom 1/min  
LOCAL LOGICAL Nominal           Nom 1/min  
LOCAL PHYSICAL Nominal           Nom 1/min  

Group 6: Cmd distr. thread

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
NR THREADS USED   Number of threads used.
THREAD-001-CMDS Command distribution by Thread Number of Commands in Thread 1.
THREAD-002-CMDS Command distribution by Thread Number of Commands in Thread 2.
... ... ...
THREAD-250-CMDS Command distribution by Thread Number of Commands in Thread 250.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
NR THREADS USED Nominal           Nom    
THREAD-nnn-CMDS Nominal           Nom 1/min  

Group 7: Cmd distr. type

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
CMD A1/4 A1/4 Number of Record Updates Commands.
CMD BT BT Number of Backout Transaction Commands.
CMD CL CL Number of Close User Session Commands.
CMD ET ET Number of End Transaction Commands.
CMD E1/4 E1/4 Number of Delete Records Commands.
CMD L1/4 L1/4 Number of Read Record Commands.
CMD L2/5 L2/5 Number of Read Physical Sequential Commands.
CMD L3/6 L3/6 Number of Read Logical Sequential Commands.
CMD L9 L9 Number of Read Descriptor Values Commands.
CMD LF LF Number of Read Field Definitions Commands.
CMD N1/2 N1/2 Number of Add Record Commands.
CMD OP OP Number of Open User Session Commands.
CMD UC   Number of Utility commands.
CMD RC RC Number of Release Command ID Commands.
CMD RE   Number of Read ET User Data Commands.
CMD S1/4 S1/4 Number of Find Records Commands.
CMD S2 S2 Number of Find Records with Sort Commands.
CMD S5 S5 Number of Find Coupled ISNs Commands.
CMD S8 S8 Number of Process ISN Lists Commands.
CMD S9 S9 Number of Sort ISN List Commands.
CMD REST REST Number of all commands not listed above.
NONE FILE CMDS   Number of commands not related to a file.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
CMD x Nominal           Nom 1/min  

Group 8: User calls

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
MOST CALLS MOST CALLS Number of Calls the Most Calls User issued.
MOST CALLS USER   User who issued the most Calls.
MOST IOS MOST IOs Number of I/Os the Most I/Os User issued.
MOST IOS USER   User who issued the most I/Os.
MOST CPU MOST CPU CPU needed by the Most CPU user in seconds.
MOST CPU USER   User who needed the most CPU.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
MOST CALLS Nominal           Nom    
MOST CALLS USER Nominal           Nom    
MOST IOS Nominal           Nom    
MOST IOS USER Nominal           Nom    
MOST CPU Seconds   Da Hr Se %     Percentage of CPU-TIME.
MOST CPU USER Nominal           Nom    

Group 9: Run time info

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
THROWBACK COMMANDS HAD TO BE THROWN BACK Number of Command Throwbacks (ISN-Throwbacks + Space-Throwbacks).
PLOG SWITCHES   Number of Protection Log Switches.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
FORMAT TRANSL. Nominal           Nom 1/min  
FORMAT OVERWR. Nominal           Nom 1/min  
AUTORESTARTS Nominal           Nom 1/min  
THROWBACK Nominal           Nom 1/min  
THREAD SWITCHES Nominal           Nom 1/min  
PLOG SWITCHES Nominal           Nom 1/min  
BUFFER FLUSHES Nominal           Nom 1/min  

Group 10: Call duration

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
DUR-A1/4   Total duration of A1/A4 calls.
DUR-BT   Total duration of BT calls.
DUR-CL   Total duration of CL calls.
DUR-ET   Total duration of ET calls.
DUR-E1/4   Total duration of E1/E4 calls.
DUR-L1/4   Total duration of L1/L4 calls.
DUR-L2/5   Total duration of L2/L5 calls.
DUR-L3/6   Total duration of L3/L6 calls.
DUR-L9   Total duration of L9 calls.
DUR-LF   Total duration of LF calls.
DUR-N1/2   Total duration of N1/N2 calls.
DUR-OP   Total duration of OP calls.
DUR-UC   Total duration of UC calls.
DUR-RC   Total duration of RC calls.
DUR-RE   Total duration of RE calls.
DUR-S1/4   Total duration of S1/S4 calls.
DUR-S2   Total duration of S2 calls.
DUR-S5   Total duration of S5 calls.
DUR-S8   Total duration of S8 calls.
DUR-S9   Total duration of S9 calls.
DUR-REST   Total duration of rest of calls.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
DUR-x msec   Da Hr Se   Nom 1/call  

The default duration values (nothing or Nom selected) reflect the total CPU time in milliseconds spent by the Adabas nucleus for the specified command type since nucleus start. When the "1/call" unit is selected, the average time spent by the nucleus for a single command is outlined:

1/call (DUR-x) = DUR-x / CMD-x

Group 11: High water marks

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
AB-POOL AB-POOL Highest Usage of Attached Buffers during this session.
CQ-POOL CQ-POOL Highest Usage, Command Queue.
FO-POOL FO-POOL Highest Usage of Format Buffer during this session.
HQ-POOL HQ-POOL Highest Usage of Hold Queue during this Session.
TBI-POOL TBI-POOL Highest Usage of TBI-Pool (Administration of ISN on Work).
TBS-POOL TBS-POOL Highest Usage of TBS-Pool (Administration of seq. Read Sequences).
UQ-POOL UQ-POOL Highest Usage of User Queue during this Session.
WORK-POOL WORK-POOL Highest usage of Work-Pool during this Session.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
AB-POOL Percent         %     Percentage of usage.
CQ-POOL Percent         %     Percentage of usage.
FO-POOL Percent         %     Percentage of usage.
HQ-POOL Percent         %     Percentage of usage.
TBI-POOL Percent         %     Percentage of usage.
TBS-POOL Percent         %     Percentage of usage.
UQ-POOL Percent         %     Percentage of usage.
WORK-POOL Percent         %     Percentage of usage.

Group 12: File description

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
FILE-ID   File name (physical).
FILE-NAME   File name.
NI USED   Number of Units used for Normal Index.
NI DEFINED NI ALLOCATED Number of Units allocated for Normal Index.
NI UNUSED NI UNUSED Number of free Units (NI allocated - NI used).
NI EXTENTS   Number of Extents of Normal Index.
UI USED   Number of Units used for Upper Index.
UI DEFINED UI ALLOCATED Number of Units allocated for Upper Index.
UI UNUSED UI UNUSED Number of free units (UI allocated - UI used).
UI EXTENTS   Number of Extents of Upper Index.
DS USED   Number of Units used for File Data Storage.
DS DEFINED DATA ALLOCATED Number of Units allocated for File Data Storage.
DS UNUSED DATA UNUSED Number of free Units (DS defined - DS used).
DS EXTENTS   Number of Extents of File Data Storage.
AC DEFINED AC ALLOCATED Number of Units allocated for Address Converter.
AC EXTENTS   Number of extents allocated for Address Converter.
MIN ISN   Lowest ISN for the file.
TOP ISN TOP-ISN Highest ISN in this File.
AC2 DEFINED   Number of Units defined for secondary address converter.
AC2 EXTENTS   Number of extents allocated for secondary address converter.
AC2 MAX ISN   Maximum ISN expected for secondary address converter.
AC2 TOP ISN   Highest ISN used in the secondary address converter.
EXTENTS   Number of used file extents (AC, AC2, DS, NI and UI).
TOTAL EXTENTS   Total number of file extents which are at least available.
FREE EXTENTS   Number of free file extents which are at least available.
ISNSIZE   Indicates whether ISNs are 3 or 4 bytes long.
TOP ISN (3 BYTE)   The TOP ISN for files with ISNSIZE=3, "0" otherwise. See Note 3.
PADDING ASSO PADDING FACTOR ASSO Padding-Factor for Associator.
PADDING DATA PADDING FACTOR DATA Padding Factor for File Data Storage.
NR OF COMMANDS   Number of Commands issued to this file since nucleus start.
NR OF UPDATES NUMBER OF UPDATES Total number of updates issued to this file since file loaded or refreshed.
HIGH INDEX   Highest Index Level.
MAX RECL MAX COMP REC LEN Maximum Record Length if defined.
NUM. RECS LOADED RECORDS LOADED Number of Records loaded in this File.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
FILE-ID Nominal           Nom    
FILE-NAME Nominal           Nom    
NI USED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of NI DEFINED.
NI DEFINED Blocks Bl Cy MB          
NI UNUSED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of NI DEFINED.
NI EXTENTS Nominal         % Nom   Percentage: 100 * EXTENTS * USED / DEFINED.
UI USED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of UI DEFINED.
UI DEFINED Blocks Bl Cy MB          
UI UNUSED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of UI DEFINED.
UI EXTENTS Nominal         % Nom   Percentage: 100 * EXTENTS * USED / DEFINED.
DS USED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of DS DEFINED.
DS DEFINED Blocks Bl Cy MB          
DS UNUSED Blocks Bl Cy MB   %     Percentage of DS DEFINED.
DS EXTENTS Nominal         % Nom   Percentage: 100 * EXTENTS * USED / DEFINED.
AC DEFINED Blocks Bl Cy MB          
AC EXTENTS Nominal         % Nom   Percentage: 100 * EXTENTS * (TOP – MIN + 1) / (MAX – MIN + 1).
MIN ISN Nominal           Nom    
MAX ISN Nominal           Nom    
TOP ISN Nominal         % Nom   Percentage of ISN range (MAXISN – MINISN + 1).
AC2 DEFINED Blocks Bl Cy MB          
AC2 EXTENTS Nominal         % Nom   Percentage: 100 * EXTENTS * TOP / MAX.
AC2 MAX ISN Nominal           Nom    
AC2 TOP ISN Nominal         % Nom   Percentage of used AC2 ISN range (AC2 MAXISN).
EXTENTS Nominal         % Nom   Percentage of TOTAL EXTENTS.
TOTAL EXTENTS Nominal           Nom    
FREE EXTENTS Nominal         % Nom   Percentage of TOTAL EXTENTS.
ISNSIZE Nominal           Nom    
TOP ISN (3 BYTE) Nominal           Nom   See Note 3.
PADDING ASSO Percent         %     Percentage of Associator block.
PADDING DATA Percent         %     Percentage of Data Storage block.
NR OF COMMANDS Nominal           Nom 1/min  
NR OF UPDATES Nominal         % Nom 1/min Percentage of NR OF COMMANDS. See Note 2.
HIGH INDEX Nominal           Nom    
MAX RECL Bytes       By        
NUM. RECS LOADED Nominal         % Nom   Percentage of ISN range (MAXISN – MINISN + 1).

Note 1:

The percentage value of the extents gives a more sophisticated approach to monitor the space usage because it combines the number of allocated extents with the filling level. Each full extent (of average size) counts as 100%. A value of 250% means: three extents allocated, two of them full and one half-full. In a Critical Report such a percentage value can be used to submit a query like "4th extent nearly full".


4 EXTENTS, 800 blocks defined, 760 blocks used.

Percent  (USED)    = 100 * 760 / 800     =  95%
Percent  (EXTENTS) = 100 * 4 * 760 / 800 = 380%

The value of 380% can be interpreted as 3 (average) extents full and the forth extent filled up to 80%.

Note 2:

The number of file updates is counted since the file has been loaded or refreshed. The percentage calculation uses the number of commands, and the per-minute uses the nucleus duration time. Both values are counted since the nucleus has been started and reflect another time interval than the number of updates. Therefore for the number of updates, the units "%" and "1/min" are in general meaningless. Nevertheless, these units can be used when Delta Values (User Function 1) are used. In this case all values reflect the time interval of the delta value, e.g. one day for a daily store.

Note 3:

The field "TOP ISN (3 BYTE)" can be used to search all files which use an ISNSIZE 3 and the Top ISN is closed to the highest 3-byte value.


A Critical Report lists all files which you should be upgraded to ISNSIZE 4:

TOP ISN (3 BYTE)  GE  16000000

Group 13: Tech. ASF fields

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
STORE DATE   Date when the ASF Information was stored.
STORE TIME   Time when the ASF Information was stored.
SYNC-DATE   Synchronized date filled by ASF utility.
SYNC-TIME   Synchronized time filled by ASF utility.
REAL-STORE-DATE   Original store date filled by ASF utility.
REAL-STORE-TIME   Original store time filled by ASF utility .
TREND-GEN-DATE   Date when the trend data was generated.
TREND-GEN-TIME   Time when the trend data was generated.
#COUNTER   Number of Records accumulated
#LINE   Shows a line
STORE TYPE   Store type specified with the store program, e.g. “"DA"” for a daily store.
RECORD TYPE   “NU” for nucleus records or “TR” for generated trend data.
STORE USER   ID of the user who stored the data.
CONDENSED FROM D   From-date of condensed data filled by ASF utility.
CONDENSED FROM T   From time of condensed data filled by ASF utility.
CONDENSED TO DAT   To-date of condensed data filled by ASF utility.
CONDENSED TO TIM   To-time of condensed data filled by ASF utility.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
STORE-DATE Nominal           Nom    
STORE-TIME Nominal           Nom    
SYNC-DATE Nominal           Nom    
SYNC-TIME Nominal           Nom    
REAL-STORE-DATE Nominal           Nom    
REAL-STORE-TIME Nominal           Nom    
GENERATING DATE Nominal           Nom    
GENERATING TIME Nominal           Nom    
#COUNTER Nominal           Nom    
#LINE Nominal           Nom    
STORE TYPE Nominal           Nom    
RECORD TYPE Nominal           Nom    
STORE USER Nominal           Nom    
CONDENSED FROM D Nominal           Nom    
CONDENSED FROM T Nominal           Nom    
CONDENSED TO DAT Nominal           Nom    
CONDENSED TO TIM Nominal           Nom    

Group 14: User defined fields

The names of the user fields are defined in the Natural subprogram ASFUEXNA, which can be modified by the user. For more information, see the section User Fields in the ASF User’s Guide. By default, the user fields are named as follows.

ASF Field Name ADAREP/Session-Protocol Description
USER-FIELD-A (01)   Alphanumeric user-field.
...   Alphanumeric user-fields.
USER-FIELD-A (10)   Alphanumeric user-field.
USER-FIELD-P (01)   Packed user-field.
...   Packed user-fields.
USER-FIELD-P (10)   Packed user-field.

Available units

ASF Field Name Default Bl Da Cy Hr MB Se By % Nom 1/call 1/min Remark
USER-FIELD-A (nn) Nominal           Nom    
USER-FIELD-P(nn) Nominal           Nom    

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